Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake9•14 Braking systemneeded not to spill the fluid onto the hands -wear suitable protective gloves. Plug or capthe disconnected pipes and valve openings,to prevent dirt ingress and further fluid loss.4 Unbolt the valve from its mounting bracket,unhook the linkage from the rear axle, thenwithdraw the valve (see illustration). Theintermediate bracket may be unbolted ifrequired.Refitting5 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure; adjust the valve as described inSection 22, then bleed the complete hydraulicsystem as described in Section 13. Check theoperation of the brakes before taking thevehicle out on the road.22 Light-laden valve (Couriermodels) - adjustment2Note: To adjust the valve accurately, thevehicle must be at a known rear axle loading -owners who cannot determine the loadingwith sufficient accuracy must have this checkmade by a Ford dealer or similar expert.1 For this operation, the vehicle must beraised for access underneath at the rear, butmust be standing on its wheels. Suitableramps (or an inspection pit) will therefore berequired. If positioning the vehicle on a pair oframps, chock the front roadwheels.2 Measure the distance between the innerradius of the linkage’s hooked end and thefirst shoulder (see illustration). If thedimension is not as specified for the axleloading, adjustment is required.3 To adjust the setting, slacken the locknuton the valve linkage, move the rod until thesetting is correct, then tighten the locknutsecurely (see illustration). Check theoperation of the brakes before taking thevehicle out on the road.23 Anti-lock braking system(ABS) - general informationA mechanically-driven, two-channel antilockbraking system is available as a factoryfittedoption on certain model variants withinthe Fiesta range.The system comprises four maincomponents; two modulators, one for eachbrake circuit, and two rear axle loadapportioningvalves, again, one for each brakecircuit. Apart from the additional hydraulicpiping, the remainder of the braking system isthe same as for conventional models.The modulators are located in the enginecompartment with one mounted on each sideof the transmission, directly above thedriveshaft inner constant velocity joints. Eachmodulator contains a shaft which actuates aflywheel by means of a ball and ramp clutch.21.4 Light-laden valve mounting bolts(arrowed)A rubber toothed belt is used to drive themodulator shaft from the driveshaft innerconstant velocity joint.During driving and under normal brakingthe modulator shaft and the flywheel rotatetogether and at the same speed through theengagement of a ball and ramp clutch. In thiscondition hydraulic pressure from the mastercylinder passes to the modulators and then toeach brake in the conventional way. In theevent of a front wheel locking the modulatorshaft rotation will be less than that of theflywheel and the flywheel will overrun the balland ramp clutch. This causes the flywheel toslide on the modulator shaft, move inward andoperate a lever which in turn opens a dumpvalve. Hydraulic pressure to the locked brakeis released via a de-boost piston allowing thewheel to once again revolve. Fluid passedthrough the dump valve is returned to themaster cylinder reservoir via the modulatorreturn hoses. At the same time hydraulicpressure from the master cylinder causes apump piston to contact an eccentric cam onthe modulator shaft. The flywheel is thendecelerated at a controlled rate by theflywheel friction clutch. When the speed of themodulator shaft and flywheel are once againequal the dump valve closes and the cyclerepeats. This complete operation takes placemany times a second until the vehicle stops orthe brakes are released.22.2 Light-laden valve adjustment detailsWith rear axle load at 400 kg,“X” should be 147 mmWith rear axle load at 850 kg,“X” should be 166 mmThe load-apportioning valves are mountedon a common bracket attached to the rearbody, just above the rear axle twist beamlocation, and are actuated by linkagesattached to the axle beam. The valvesregulate hydraulic pressure to the rear brakes,in accordance with vehicle load and attitude,so that the braking force available at the rearbrakes will always be lower than that availableat the front.A belt-break warning switch is fitted to thecover which surrounds each modulatordrivebelt. The switch contains an arm which isin contact with the drivebelt at all times. If thebelt should break, or if the adjustment ofthe belt is too slack, the arm will move outclosing the switch contacts and informing thedriver via an instrument panel warning light.24 Anti-lock braking system(ABS) components - removal3and refittingModulatorNote: Before starting work, refer to thewarning at the beginning of Section 13concerning the dangers of hydraulic fluid.1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Minimise hydraulic fluid loss bydisconnecting the wiring multi-plug from thefluid level warning indicator in the mastercylinder reservoir filler cap, then remove thefiller cap. Note that the filler cap must not beinverted. Place a piece of plastic film over thereservoir and seal it with an elastic band.3 Disconnect the modulator return hosesfrom the master cylinder reservoir, collectingany fluid spillage from the hoses in a suitabletray. The modulator return hose unions shouldbe disconnected by first pushing the hoseinto the reservoir, then retaining the collaragainst the reservoir body whilst withdrawingthe hose. Note that the hoses are colourcoded - the left-hand modulator has a blackreturn hose and connector, and should befitted to the forward section of the reservoir,whilst the right-hand modulator has a greyreturn hose and connector, and should befitted to the rear section of the reservoir.22.3 Light-laden valve linkage adjustmentlocknut (arrowed)

Braking system 9•1524.6 Belt-break switch in drivebelt coverA Main switch body B Release lever24.7 Modulator drivebelt cover tomounting bracket securing bolts (arrowed)24.9 Modulator pivot bolt (A) and adjusterbolt (B)Right-hand side4 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”).5 Remove the one-piece undertray wherefitted, by turning the bayonet type fasteners,and on XR2i models, remove the frontsuspension crossmember (see Chapter 10).6 From underneath, remove the belt-breakswitch from the right-hand drivebelt cover bysqueezing its release lever towards the mainbody of the switch (see illustration), thencarefully withdraw, ensuring that the beltcontact arm does not catch on the drivebeltcover.7 Remove the two bolts securing themodulator drivebelt cover to the modulatormounting bracket, and withdraw the cover(see illustration).8 Disconnect the rigid brake pipes from themodulator, fitting blanking plugs to preventexcessive fluid loss and dirt ingress.9 Remove the modulator pivot bolt andadjuster bolt (see illustration), then slip thedrivebelt from its pulley, and withdraw themodulator unit from the vehicle. Ensure thatthe modulator return hose does not becomekinked as the modulator unit is withdrawn.10 Disconnect the modulator return hosefrom the modulator unit, and fit a blankingplug to prevent dirt ingress. Allow for residualfluid spillage as the hose is disconnected.11 If a new modulator is to be fitted, note thatthese units are not interchangeable from sideto side, and the correct replacement must beobtained. The modulator units are colourcoded,and must be fitted with the arrows ontop of the casings pointing towards the frontof the vehicle.12 To refit, first connect the modulator returnhose to the return outlet on the modulatorunit.13 Locate the modulator unit to its bracketand fit the pivot bolt, having applied a thinsmear of anti-seize compound to the bolt, butdo not fully tighten at this stage. Take care notto damage the modulator return hose as it ismanoeuvred into position.14 Fit the drivebelt to its modulator pulleylocation, ensuring that it sits correctly over thedriveshaft pulley, then refit the adjuster boltbut do not fully tighten at this stage.15 Adjust the tension of the drivebelt bymoving the modulator unit, until a beltdeflection of 5.0 mm is obtained under firmfinger pressure. Check this using a ruler at apoint midway between the two pulleys.16 With the drivebelt tensioned correctly,tighten the pivot and adjuster bolts to thespecified torque. Re-check the tension of thedrivebelt after tightening the bolts.17 Reconnect the rigid brake pipes to themodulator, tightening the unions securely.18 Refit the modulator drivebelt cover to themodulator mounting bracket, and secure withits two retaining bolts.19 Refit the belt-break switch to themodulator drivebelt cover, taking care not todamage the belt contact arm as it passesthrough the cover.20 Reconnect the modulator return hose bypushing the hose firmly into its brake fluidreservoir location, then lever out the collar toretain it.21 Refit the front suspension crossmemberand the one-piece undertray, as applicable.22 Lower the vehicle to the ground.23 Top-up the brake fluid reservoir usingfresh fluid of the specified type (see “Weeklychecks”), then bleed the brake hydraulicsystem in accordance with Section 14. Refitthe reservoir filler cap and warning indicatorwiring multi-plug on completion.24 Reconnect the battery negative lead.Left-hand side25 Repeat the procedures given inparagraphs 1 to 3.26 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”). Removethe front roadwheels.27 Remove the one-piece undertray wherefitted, by turning the bayonet type fasteners,and on XR2i models, remove the frontsuspension crossmember (see Chapter 10).28 Remove the belt-break switch from theleft-hand drivebelt cover in a similar manner tothat described in paragraph 6, this time fromthe engine compartment.29 Remove the two bolts securing themodulator drivebelt cover to the modulatormounting bracket, then ease the lower portionof the cover over the driveshaft taking carenot to damage the driveshaft CV joint gaiter.Withdraw the cover through the enginecompartment, manoeuvring it to clearobstructions.30 Disconnect the rigid brake pipes from themodulator, fitting blanking plugs to preventexcessive fluid loss and dirt ingress.31 Slacken the modulator pivot and adjusterbolts, then swing the modulator downwardsto release the drivebelt tension before slippingthe drivebelt from its modulator pulleylocation.32 Remove the modulator pivot and adjusterbolts, withdraw the modulator upwardsthrough the engine compartment. Ensure thatthe modulator return hose does not becomekinked as the modulator unit is withdrawn.33 Disconnect the modulator return hosefrom the modulator unit, and fit a blankingplug to prevent dirt ingress. Allow for residualfluid spillage as the hose is disconnected.34 If a new modulator is to be fitted, note thatthese units are not interchangeable from sideto side, and the correct replacement must beobtained. The modulator units are colourcoded,and must be fitted with the arrows ontop of the casings pointing towards the frontof the vehicle.35 To refit, first connect the modulator returnhose to the return outlet on the modulatorunit.36 Locate the modulator unit to its mountingbracket and fit the pivot bolt, having applied athin smear of anti-seize compound to the bolt,but do not fully tighten at this stage. Take carenot to damage the modulator return hose as itis manoeuvred into position.37 Fit the drivebelt to its modulator pulleylocation, ensuring that it sits correctly over thedriveshaft pulley, then refit the adjuster boltbut do not fully tighten at this stage.38 Adjust the tension of the drivebelt bymoving the modulator unit, until a beltdeflection of 5.0 mm is obtained under firmfinger pressure. Check this using a ruler at apoint midway between the two pulleys.91595Ford Fiesta Remake

Braking system 9•1524.6 Belt-break switch in drivebelt coverA Main switch body B Release lever24.7 Modulator drivebelt cover tomounting bracket securing bolts (arrowed)24.9 Modulator pivot bolt (A) <strong>and</strong> adjusterbolt (B)Right-h<strong>and</strong> side4 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car <strong>and</strong> support it on axle st<strong>and</strong>s(see “Jacking <strong>and</strong> Vehicle Support”).5 Remove the one-piece undertray wherefitted, by turning the bayonet type fasteners,<strong>and</strong> on XR2i models, remove the frontsuspension crossmember (see <strong>Chapter</strong> 10).6 From underneath, remove the belt-breakswitch from the right-h<strong>and</strong> drivebelt cover bysqueezing its release lever towards the mainbody of the switch (see illustration), thencarefully withdraw, ensuring that the beltcontact arm does not catch on the drivebeltcover.7 Remove the two bolts securing themodulator drivebelt cover to the modulatormounting bracket, <strong>and</strong> withdraw the cover(see illustration).8 Disconnect the rigid brake pipes from themodulator, fitting blanking plugs to preventexcessive fluid loss <strong>and</strong> dirt ingress.9 Remove the modulator pivot bolt <strong>and</strong>adjuster bolt (see illustration), then slip thedrivebelt from its pulley, <strong>and</strong> withdraw themodulator unit from the vehicle. Ensure thatthe modulator return hose does not becomekinked as the modulator unit is withdrawn.10 Disconnect the modulator return hosefrom the modulator unit, <strong>and</strong> fit a blankingplug to prevent dirt ingress. Allow for residualfluid spillage as the hose is disconnected.11 If a new modulator is to be fitted, note thatthese units are not interchangeable from sideto side, <strong>and</strong> the correct replacement must beobtained. The modulator units are colourcoded,<strong>and</strong> must be fitted with the arrows ontop of the casings pointing towards the frontof the vehicle.12 To refit, first connect the modulator returnhose to the return outlet on the modulatorunit.13 Locate the modulator unit to its bracket<strong>and</strong> fit the pivot bolt, having applied a thinsmear of anti-seize compound to the bolt, butdo not fully tighten at this stage. Take care notto damage the modulator return hose as it ismanoeuvred into position.14 Fit the drivebelt to its modulator pulleylocation, ensuring that it sits correctly over thedriveshaft pulley, then refit the adjuster boltbut do not fully tighten at this stage.15 Adjust the tension of the drivebelt bymoving the modulator unit, until a beltdeflection of 5.0 mm is obtained under firmfinger pressure. Check this using a ruler at apoint midway between the two pulleys.16 With the drivebelt tensioned correctly,tighten the pivot <strong>and</strong> adjuster bolts to thespecified torque. Re-check the tension of thedrivebelt after tightening the bolts.17 Reconnect the rigid brake pipes to themodulator, tightening the unions securely.18 Refit the modulator drivebelt cover to themodulator mounting bracket, <strong>and</strong> secure withits two retaining bolts.19 Refit the belt-break switch to themodulator drivebelt cover, taking care not todamage the belt contact arm as it passesthrough the cover.20 Reconnect the modulator return hose bypushing the hose firmly into its brake fluidreservoir location, then lever out the collar toretain it.21 Refit the front suspension crossmember<strong>and</strong> the one-piece undertray, as applicable.22 Lower the vehicle to the ground.23 Top-up the brake fluid reservoir usingfresh fluid of the specified type (see “Weeklychecks”), then bleed the brake hydraulicsystem in accordance with Section 14. Refitthe reservoir filler cap <strong>and</strong> warning indicatorwiring multi-plug on completion.24 Reconnect the battery negative lead.Left-h<strong>and</strong> side25 Repeat the procedures given inparagraphs 1 to 3.26 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car <strong>and</strong> support it on axle st<strong>and</strong>s(see “Jacking <strong>and</strong> Vehicle Support”). Removethe front roadwheels.27 Remove the one-piece undertray wherefitted, by turning the bayonet type fasteners,<strong>and</strong> on XR2i models, remove the frontsuspension crossmember (see <strong>Chapter</strong> 10).28 Remove the belt-break switch from theleft-h<strong>and</strong> drivebelt cover in a similar manner tothat described in paragraph 6, this time fromthe engine compartment.29 Remove the two bolts securing themodulator drivebelt cover to the modulatormounting bracket, then ease the lower portionof the cover over the driveshaft taking carenot to damage the driveshaft CV joint gaiter.Withdraw the cover through the enginecompartment, manoeuvring it to clearobstructions.30 Disconnect the rigid brake pipes from themodulator, fitting blanking plugs to preventexcessive fluid loss <strong>and</strong> dirt ingress.31 Slacken the modulator pivot <strong>and</strong> adjusterbolts, then swing the modulator downwardsto release the drivebelt tension before slippingthe drivebelt from its modulator pulleylocation.32 Remove the modulator pivot <strong>and</strong> adjusterbolts, withdraw the modulator upwardsthrough the engine compartment. Ensure thatthe modulator return hose does not becomekinked as the modulator unit is withdrawn.33 Disconnect the modulator return hosefrom the modulator unit, <strong>and</strong> fit a blankingplug to prevent dirt ingress. Allow for residualfluid spillage as the hose is disconnected.34 If a new modulator is to be fitted, note thatthese units are not interchangeable from sideto side, <strong>and</strong> the correct replacement must beobtained. The modulator units are colourcoded,<strong>and</strong> must be fitted with the arrows ontop of the casings pointing towards the frontof the vehicle.35 To refit, first connect the modulator returnhose to the return outlet on the modulatorunit.36 Locate the modulator unit to its mountingbracket <strong>and</strong> fit the pivot bolt, having applied athin smear of anti-seize compound to the bolt,but do not fully tighten at this stage. Take carenot to damage the modulator return hose as itis manoeuvred into position.37 Fit the drivebelt to its modulator pulleylocation, ensuring that it sits correctly over thedriveshaft pulley, then refit the adjuster boltbut do not fully tighten at this stage.38 Adjust the tension of the drivebelt bymoving the modulator unit, until a beltdeflection of 5.0 mm is obtained under firmfinger pressure. Check this using a ruler at apoint midway between the two pulleys.91595Ford Fiesta Remake

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