Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake9•12 Braking system15.6 Nuts securing servo unit to itsmounting bracket assembly (arrowed)location. Slacken the other two nuts orremove them, as necessary.6 Remove the four nuts securing the servounit to its mounting bracket assembly, thenpull the servo forward to remove the innerservo support bracket (see illustration).7 Remove the spring clip and clevis pinsecuring the servo pushrod to the cross link,then lift out the servo unit (see illustration).8 Note that the servo unit cannot bedismantled for repair or overhaul and, if faulty,must be renewed.Refitting9 Refitting is a reversal of removal. Refer toSection 9 for details of refitting the mastercylinder.16 Vacuum servo unit vacuumhose and non-return valve -removal, testing and refitting1Removal1 Depress the brake pedal three or four timesto exhaust any remaining vacuum from theservo unit.2 Carefully pull free and detach the servovacuum hose from the servo unit. If the hoseis reluctant to move, prise it free with the aidof a screwdriver, inserting its blade under theflange of the elbow.3 Detach the vacuum hose from its inletmanifold connection. Depending on the fixing,undo the union nut and withdraw the hose, orpress the hose and its retaining collarinwards, then holding the collar in, withdrawthe hose.4 If the hose or the fixings are damaged or inpoor condition, they must be renewed.Non-return valve testing5 Examine the non-return valve for damageand signs of deterioration, and renew it ifnecessary. The valve may be tested byblowing through its connecting hoses inboth directions. It should only be possibleto blow from the servo end to the manifoldend.15.7 Spring clip (A) and clevis pin (B)securing servo pushrod to the cross linkRefitting6 Refitting is a reversal of removal. If fitting anew non-return valve, ensure that it is fittedthe correct way round.17 Handbrake lever -removal and refitting 1Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1), then chockthe wheels to secure the vehicle.2 Undo the bolts securing the front seats tothe floorpan, and remove both seats from thevehicle (see Chapter 11). Move the seats ontheir slide mechanisms to expose themounting bolts, as necessary.3 Remove the screws securing the rear seatcushion, then raise the cushion to obtainaccess to the carpet retaining screws.Remove the carpet retaining screws.4 Undo the bolt securing the seat belt clips tothe centre of the floorpan, then remove theclip assembly.5 Remove the seat belt lower anchor bracketbolt from its location at the base of the B-pillarbehind the driver’s seat.6 Remove the screws securing the sill scuffplate to the driver’s side of the vehicle, thencarefully pull the sill scuff plate away from itslocation so that the carpet is released.17.9 Removing the handbrake primarycable clevis pin securing clip7 Fold the carpet forwards, at the same timecarefully easing it out from under the sill scuffplate. Lift the carpet over the handbrake lever.8 Lift out the noise insulation for access tothe lever mounting bolts and the primarycable fixing.9 Fully release the handbrake lever, thenremove the handbrake primary cable clevispin securing clip (see illustration).Remove the clevis pin and withdraw theprimary cable from the handbrake leverassembly.10 Remove the cover (see illustration), thendisconnect the handbrake warning lightswitch wiring connection, and undo the twoscrews securing the switch to the handbrakelever assembly.11 Undo the handbrake lever mounting bolts,then withdraw the handbrake lever assemblyfrom the vehicle.Refitting12 Refitting is the reverse procedure toremoval, ensuring that the handbrake warninglight wiring is routed away from the leverratchet. The loom should be secured to thefloorpan with tape.13 Check the handbrake adjustment asdescribed in Chapter 1 to complete.18 Handbrake primary cable -removal and refitting 1Removal1 Release the primary cable from thehandbrake lever, as described in the previousSection.2 Chock the front wheels then jack up therear of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”).3 Where applicable, detach the exhaustsystem and remove the heat shields from theunderside floorpan to allow access to theprimary cable connections underneath thevehicle (see Chapter 4E).4 Release the spring clip securing the pin,and extract the equaliser/cable pin. Detach17.10 Removing the cover from thehandbrake warning light switch

Braking system 9•1318.4 Handbrake equaliser yokearrangementA Clevis pin securing clipB Clevis pinC Equaliser yokeD Primary cable guidethe equaliser from the primary cable (seeillustration).5 Remove the primary cable guide by driftingit out rearwards, through the floorpan, fromthe inside of the vehicle.Refitting6 Refit in the reverse order of removal. Ensurethat the cable guide is secured in the floorpan,and lubricate the pivot pin with a liberalamount of high-melting-point grease.7 Refit the exhaust system and heat shieldswith reference to Chapter 4E (where applicable).8 Refer to Chapter 1 for details, and adjustthe handbrake as required before lowering thevehicle to the ground.19 Handbrake rear cable -removal and refitting 2Removal1 Chock the front wheels then jack up therear of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”). Fullyrelease the handbrake lever and remove therear roadwheels.2 Refer to the previous Section for details,and disconnect the handbrake primary cablefrom the equaliser.3 Disconnect the handbrake cable from itsadjuster body location and its fixed body19.3 Handbrake rear cable fixed bodylocationlocation (see illustration), then remove it fromits retaining clips.4 Remove the rear brake drum(s) and brakeshoes as described in Sections 5 and 6respectively.5 Compress the handbrake cable retainerlugs and release the cable from the backplate,then pull the cable through. Release the cablefrom the underbody fixings, and removeit from the vehicle.Refitting6 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure. Refer to Sections 6 and 5respectively for details on the refitting of thebrake shoes and drums.7 When the cable is fully refitted (but beforelowering the vehicle rear wheels to theground) check and adjust the handbrake asdescribed in Chapter 1.20 Brake pressure controlvalves - removal and refitting 3Note: Before starting work, refer to thewarning at the beginning of Section 13concerning the dangers of hydraulic fluid.Removal1 The pressure control valves are located inthe engine compartment, fixed to the lefthandinner wing panel or screwed directly intothe master cylinder fluid outlet ports (seeillustrations).2 Minimise hydraulic fluid loss bydisconnecting the wiring multi-plug from thefluid level warning indicator in the mastercylinder reservoir filler cap, then remove thefiller cap. Note that the filler cap must not beinverted. Place a piece of plastic film over thereservoir and seal it with an elastic band.Detach the rigid brake pipes from the valves.As the pipes are disconnected, tape over theexposed ends, or fit plugs, to prevent theingress of dirt and excessive fluid loss.3 To remove the inner wing panel mountedassembly, remove the two screws securingthe valve assembly mounting bracket to theinner wing panel, and withdraw the valveassembly from the vehicle. To remove thevalves from the bracket, slide free theretaining clips and detach the valve(s).4 To remove the master cylinder mountedvalves, unscrew them from the mastercylinder body.Refitting5 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.6 On completion, bleed the completehydraulic system as described in Section 13.21 Light-laden valve (Couriermodels) - removal and3refittingNote: Before starting work, refer to thewarning at the beginning of Section 13concerning the dangers of hydraulic fluid.Removal1 For this operation, the vehicle must beraised for access underneath at the rear, butmust still be resting on its wheels. Suitableramps (or an inspection pit) will therefore berequired. If positioning the vehicle on a pair oframps, chock the front roadwheels.2 Minimise hydraulic fluid loss bydisconnecting the wiring multi-plug from thefluid level warning indicator in the mastercylinder reservoir filler cap, then remove thefiller cap. Note that the filler cap must not beinverted. Place a piece of plastic film over thereservoir and seal it with an elastic band.3 Disconnect the four brake pipes from thevalve, and drain any escaping fluid into asuitable container for disposal (seeillustration). Due to its location, care will be920.1a Pressure control valves located onleft-hand inner wing panel20.1b Pressure control valves and pipeconnections at the master cylinder - latermodels21.3 Hydraulic pipe and linkageattachments at the light-laden valve1595Ford Fiesta Remake

1595Ford Fiesta Remake9•12 Braking system15.6 Nuts securing servo unit to itsmounting bracket assembly (arrowed)location. Slacken the other two nuts orremove them, as necessary.6 Remove the four nuts securing the servounit to its mounting bracket assembly, thenpull the servo forward to remove the innerservo support bracket (see illustration).7 Remove the spring clip <strong>and</strong> clevis pinsecuring the servo pushrod to the cross link,then lift out the servo unit (see illustration).8 Note that the servo unit cannot bedismantled for repair or overhaul <strong>and</strong>, if faulty,must be renewed.Refitting9 Refitting is a reversal of removal. Refer toSection 9 for details of refitting the mastercylinder.16 Vacuum servo unit vacuumhose <strong>and</strong> non-return valve -removal, testing <strong>and</strong> refitting1Removal1 Depress the brake pedal three or four timesto exhaust any remaining vacuum from theservo unit.2 Carefully pull free <strong>and</strong> detach the servovacuum hose from the servo unit. If the hoseis reluctant to move, prise it free with the aidof a screwdriver, inserting its blade under theflange of the elbow.3 Detach the vacuum hose from its inletmanifold connection. Depending on the fixing,undo the union nut <strong>and</strong> withdraw the hose, orpress the hose <strong>and</strong> its retaining collarinwards, then holding the collar in, withdrawthe hose.4 If the hose or the fixings are damaged or inpoor condition, they must be renewed.Non-return valve testing5 Examine the non-return valve for damage<strong>and</strong> signs of deterioration, <strong>and</strong> renew it ifnecessary. The valve may be tested byblowing through its connecting hoses inboth directions. It should only be possibleto blow from the servo end to the manifoldend.15.7 Spring clip (A) <strong>and</strong> clevis pin (B)securing servo pushrod to the cross linkRefitting6 Refitting is a reversal of removal. If fitting anew non-return valve, ensure that it is fittedthe correct way round.17 H<strong>and</strong>brake lever -removal <strong>and</strong> refitting 1Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1), then chockthe wheels to secure the vehicle.2 Undo the bolts securing the front seats tothe floorpan, <strong>and</strong> remove both seats from thevehicle (see <strong>Chapter</strong> 11). Move the seats ontheir slide mechanisms to expose themounting bolts, as necessary.3 Remove the screws securing the rear seatcushion, then raise the cushion to obtainaccess to the carpet retaining screws.Remove the carpet retaining screws.4 Undo the bolt securing the seat belt clips tothe centre of the floorpan, then remove theclip assembly.5 Remove the seat belt lower anchor bracketbolt from its location at the base of the B-pillarbehind the driver’s seat.6 Remove the screws securing the sill scuffplate to the driver’s side of the vehicle, thencarefully pull the sill scuff plate away from itslocation so that the carpet is released.17.9 Removing the h<strong>and</strong>brake primarycable clevis pin securing clip7 Fold the carpet forwards, at the same timecarefully easing it out from under the sill scuffplate. Lift the carpet over the h<strong>and</strong>brake lever.8 Lift out the noise insulation for access tothe lever mounting bolts <strong>and</strong> the primarycable fixing.9 Fully release the h<strong>and</strong>brake lever, thenremove the h<strong>and</strong>brake primary cable clevispin securing clip (see illustration).Remove the clevis pin <strong>and</strong> withdraw theprimary cable from the h<strong>and</strong>brake leverassembly.10 Remove the cover (see illustration), thendisconnect the h<strong>and</strong>brake warning lightswitch wiring connection, <strong>and</strong> undo the twoscrews securing the switch to the h<strong>and</strong>brakelever assembly.11 Undo the h<strong>and</strong>brake lever mounting bolts,then withdraw the h<strong>and</strong>brake lever assemblyfrom the vehicle.Refitting12 Refitting is the reverse procedure toremoval, ensuring that the h<strong>and</strong>brake warninglight wiring is routed away from the leverratchet. The loom should be secured to thefloorpan with tape.13 Check the h<strong>and</strong>brake adjustment asdescribed in <strong>Chapter</strong> 1 to complete.18 H<strong>and</strong>brake primary cable -removal <strong>and</strong> refitting 1Removal1 Release the primary cable from theh<strong>and</strong>brake lever, as described in the previousSection.2 Chock the front wheels then jack up therear of the car <strong>and</strong> support it on axle st<strong>and</strong>s(see “Jacking <strong>and</strong> Vehicle Support”).3 Where applicable, detach the exhaustsystem <strong>and</strong> remove the heat shields from theunderside floorpan to allow access to theprimary cable connections underneath thevehicle (see <strong>Chapter</strong> 4E).4 Release the spring clip securing the pin,<strong>and</strong> extract the equaliser/cable pin. Detach17.10 Removing the cover from theh<strong>and</strong>brake warning light switch

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