Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake9•6 Braking system6.11 Brake shoe contact points on brakebackplate (arrowed)9 Detach the automatic brake adjustercam in a similar manner to that describedin the previous paragraph, noting itsorientation.10 Clean the adjuster strut and its associatedcomponents.11 Clean the backplate, then apply a littlehigh-melting-point grease to the shoe contactpoints on the backplate and the lower anchorplate (see illustration). On models soequipped, refit the anti-rattle shims to thebrake shoe lower pivot on the backplateensuring that they are securely located.12 Fit the handbrake operating lever to thetrailing shoe, using a new spring clip.13 Fit the automatic brake adjuster cam tothe leading shoe, using a new spring clip.14 Apply a small amount of high-meltingpointgrease to the automatic brake adjustercam and pawl contact faces, and wherethe cam and handbrake operating leversweep across their respective brake shoes.Do not over-apply, as this may result in liningcontamination in use - a thin smear willsuffice. Take care not to allow any grease tocontact the brake linings.15 Fit the adjuster strut to the trailing shoe,securing with its spring, then connect the freeend of the strut to the automatic brakeadjuster cam. Fit the upper pull-off springbetween the tops of the two brake shoes.16 Reconnect the handbrake cable to itsoperating lever.17 Position the brake shoes onto thebackplate so that their upper leading edgesrest against the wheel cylinder pistons, andtheir lower leading edges engage either sideof the lower pivot. Fit the lower pull-off springinto its locating slots at the bottom end ofeach brake shoe.18 Insert the brake shoe locking pins throughthe rear of the backplate, then relocate thesprings and cups. Depress and turn the cupsthrough 90° to secure.19 Check that the brake shoes and theirassociated components are correctly refitted,then refit the brake drum with reference toSection 5.20 Repeat the procedure on the remainingrear brake.7 Rear wheel cylinder -removal, overhaul and refitting 3Note: Before starting work, refer to thewarning at the beginning of Section 13concerning the dangers of hydraulic fluid.Removal1 Remove the brake drum as described inSection 5.2 Using a suitable hose clamp, isolate therelevant rear brake unit by clamping itsflexible brake hose.3 Disconnect the brake pipe at the wheelcylinder union, and fit a blanking plug to thebrake pipe to prevent dirt ingress.4 On all models except Courier, drill out thepop-rivets securing the brake backplate to theaxle flange, and withdraw the backplateassembly with the brake shoes in situ. Notethat it is not possible to remove the backplatecompletely as the handbrake cable will still beattached to the brake shoes.5 Expand the brake shoes by pulling theirtops away from the wheel cylinder. Theautomatic brake adjuster will hold the shoesclear of the wheel cylinder for ease ofremoval.6 Remove the single bolt securing the wheelcylinder to the brake backplate, and withdrawthe wheel cylinder (see illustration).Overhaul7 Clean any heavy dirt or grease depositsfrom the external surfaces of the wheelcylinder, then pull off the dust-excludingcovers (see illustration).8 The pistons and seals will probably shakeout. If they do not, apply air pressure from afoot-operated tyre pump to the brake pipeconnection to eject them.9 Examine the surfaces of the pistons and thecylinder bores for scoring or signs of metal-tometalrubbing. If evident, renew the completecylinder assembly.10 If the cylinder is to be renewed, note that7.6 Rear view of brake backplateA Wheel cylinder-to-brake backplateretaining boltB Wheel cylinder brake pipe connectionC Bleed screwthree sizes are used across the Fiesta range,dependent on specification. Ensure that thenew cylinder obtained is of the correct size tomaintain the rear braking balance.11 Where the pistons and cylinder bores arein good condition, discard the rubberseals and dust excluders and obtain a repairkit.12 Any cleaning of the components shouldbe done using clean hydraulic fluid ormethylated spirit - nothing else.13 Reassemble by dipping the first piston inclean hydraulic fluid, then manipulate its sealinto position using fingers only. Ensure thatthe seal is fitted correctly with its raised lipfacing away from the brake shoe bearing faceof the piston.14 Insert the first piston into the wheelcylinder from the opposite end of the cylinderbody. With it located in position, fit a dustexcludingcover to it.15 Fit the seal to the second piston, asdescribed in paragraph 13, then insert thespring to the wheel cylinder, followed by thesecond piston. Take care not to damage thelip of the seal when fitting to the wheelcylinder - additional lubrication with cleanhydraulic fluid and a slight twisting actionmay help. Once again, only fingers should beused.16 Fit the dust excluding cover to the secondpiston.Refitting17 Refitting is the reverse sequence toremoval. When refitting the backplate, locateit in position and temporarily insert thehub/drum retaining bolts to ensure correctalignment. Now secure the brake backplateusing new pop rivets. Release the automaticbrake adjuster so that the brake shoes arebrought into contact with the wheel cylinder,before refitting the hub/drum assembly asdescribed in Section 5.18 On completion, bleed the brake hydraulicsystem as described in Section 13 or 14 (asapplicable).7 .7 Exploded view of rear wheel cylindercomponentsA Dust cap E PistonB Bleed screw F SealC Wheel cylinder G SpringD Dust-excluding cover

Braking system 9•78.3 Compress the retaining lugs (arrowed),and release the handbrake cable from thebackplate8 Rear brake backplate -removal and refitting3Removal1 Remove the brake drum/hub assembly asdescribed in Section 5.2 Remove the rear brake shoes as describedin Section 6.3 Compress the three retaining lugs, andrelease the handbrake cable from thebackplate by pushing it back through theplate (see illustration).4 Using a suitable hose clamp, isolate therelevant rear brake unit by clamping itsflexible brake hose.5 Disconnect the brake pipe at the wheelcylinder union, and fit blanking plugs toprevent dirt ingress.6 Drill out the pop-rivets securing thebackplate to the rear axle, and remove thebackplate (see illustration).7 Remove the single bolt securing the wheelcylinder to the brake carrier plate, andwithdraw the wheel cylinder.8 If required, remove the handbrakeadjustment plunger from the backplate bygently prising the spring off, over the plungerabutment, then withdraw the plunger from thebrake shoe side (see illustration). Remove theplunger collar from the rear of the backplate.Refitting9 Locate the wheel cylinder in positionandsecurely tighten the retaining bolt.8.6 Drilling out a pop-rivet securing thebrake backplate to the axle flange10 If removed, refit the handbrakeadjustment plunger to the backplate.11 Place the backplate in position andtemporarily insert the hub/drum retainingbolts to ensure correct alignment. Now securethe brake backplate using new pop rivets12 Refit the handbrake cable, and ensurethat the retaining lugs are secure.13 Connect the brake pipe to the wheelcylinder and remove the brake hose clamp.14 Refit the rear brake shoes as described inSection 6.15 Refit the brake drum/hub as described inSection 5.16 On completion, bleed the brake hydraulicsystem as described in Section 13 or 14 (asapplicable).9 Master cylinder - removal,overhaul and refitting3Note: Before starting work, refer to thewarning at the beginning of Section 13concerning the dangers of hydraulic fluid.Removal1 Disconnect the wiring multi-plug from thefluid level warning indicator in the reservoirfiller cap, then remove the filler cap from thereservoir. Note that the filler cap must not beinverted. The brake fluid should now beremoved from the reservoir.2 Identify each brake pipe and its connectionto the master cylinder. Unscrew the fluid pipe8.8 Handbrake adjustment plungerA Plunger B Spring C CollarAn ideal way to remove fluidfrom the master cylinderreservoir is to use a cleansyringe or an old master cylinder union nuts and disconnectthe pipes. On models equipped with anti-lockbrakes, disconnect the modulator returnhoses from the brake fluid reservoir, collectingfluid spillage from the hoses in a suitable tray(see illustration). The modulator return hoseunions should be disconnected by firstpushing the hose into the reservoir, thenretaining the collar against the reservoir bodywhilst withdrawing the hose. Note that themodulator return hoses are colour coded - theleft-hand modulator has a black return hoseand connector, and should be fitted to theforward section of the reservoir, whilst theright-hand modulator has a grey return hoseand connector, and should be fitted to therear section of the reservoir.3 Unscrew the mounting nuts and withdrawthe master cylinder from the servo unit.Overhaul4 With the master cylinder removed, emptyany remaining fluid from it, and clean itexternally.5 Withdraw the brake fluid reservoir from thetop of the master cylinder by pulling androcking it free from its retaining seals (seeillustration).6 Extract the reservoir seals from the top faceof the master cylinder (see illustration).99.2 Modulator return hose connections atthe brake fluid reservoirA Return hoses B Collars9.5 Removing the brake fluid reservoirfrom its seals in the master cylinder9.6 Brake fluid reservoir seal1595Ford Fiesta Remake

Braking system 9•78.3 Compress the retaining lugs (arrowed),<strong>and</strong> release the h<strong>and</strong>brake cable from thebackplate8 Rear brake backplate -removal <strong>and</strong> refitting3Removal1 Remove the brake drum/hub assembly asdescribed in Section 5.2 Remove the rear brake shoes as describedin Section 6.3 Compress the three retaining lugs, <strong>and</strong>release the h<strong>and</strong>brake cable from thebackplate by pushing it back through theplate (see illustration).4 Using a suitable hose clamp, isolate therelevant rear brake unit by clamping itsflexible brake hose.5 Disconnect the brake pipe at the wheelcylinder union, <strong>and</strong> fit blanking plugs toprevent dirt ingress.6 Drill out the pop-rivets securing thebackplate to the rear axle, <strong>and</strong> remove thebackplate (see illustration).7 Remove the single bolt securing the wheelcylinder to the brake carrier plate, <strong>and</strong>withdraw the wheel cylinder.8 If required, remove the h<strong>and</strong>brakeadjustment plunger from the backplate bygently prising the spring off, over the plungerabutment, then withdraw the plunger from thebrake shoe side (see illustration). Remove theplunger collar from the rear of the backplate.Refitting9 Locate the wheel cylinder in position<strong>and</strong>securely tighten the retaining bolt.8.6 Drilling out a pop-rivet securing thebrake backplate to the axle flange10 If removed, refit the h<strong>and</strong>brakeadjustment plunger to the backplate.11 Place the backplate in position <strong>and</strong>temporarily insert the hub/drum retainingbolts to ensure correct alignment. Now securethe brake backplate using new pop rivets12 Refit the h<strong>and</strong>brake cable, <strong>and</strong> ensurethat the retaining lugs are secure.13 Connect the brake pipe to the wheelcylinder <strong>and</strong> remove the brake hose clamp.14 Refit the rear brake shoes as described inSection 6.15 Refit the brake drum/hub as described inSection 5.16 On completion, bleed the brake hydraulicsystem as described in Section 13 or 14 (asapplicable).9 Master cylinder - removal,overhaul <strong>and</strong> refitting3Note: Before starting work, refer to thewarning at the beginning of Section 13concerning the dangers of hydraulic fluid.Removal1 Disconnect the wiring multi-plug from thefluid level warning indicator in the reservoirfiller cap, then remove the filler cap from thereservoir. Note that the filler cap must not beinverted. The brake fluid should now beremoved from the reservoir.2 Identify each brake pipe <strong>and</strong> its connectionto the master cylinder. Unscrew the fluid pipe8.8 H<strong>and</strong>brake adjustment plungerA Plunger B Spring C CollarAn ideal way to remove fluidfrom the master cylinderreservoir is to use a cleansyringe or an old master cylinder union nuts <strong>and</strong> disconnectthe pipes. On models equipped with anti-lockbrakes, disconnect the modulator returnhoses from the brake fluid reservoir, collectingfluid spillage from the hoses in a suitable tray(see illustration). The modulator return hoseunions should be disconnected by firstpushing the hose into the reservoir, thenretaining the collar against the reservoir bodywhilst withdrawing the hose. Note that themodulator return hoses are colour coded - theleft-h<strong>and</strong> modulator has a black return hose<strong>and</strong> connector, <strong>and</strong> should be fitted to theforward section of the reservoir, whilst theright-h<strong>and</strong> modulator has a grey return hose<strong>and</strong> connector, <strong>and</strong> should be fitted to therear section of the reservoir.3 Unscrew the mounting nuts <strong>and</strong> withdrawthe master cylinder from the servo unit.Overhaul4 With the master cylinder removed, emptyany remaining fluid from it, <strong>and</strong> clean itexternally.5 Withdraw the brake fluid reservoir from thetop of the master cylinder by pulling <strong>and</strong>rocking it free from its retaining seals (seeillustration).6 Extract the reservoir seals from the top faceof the master cylinder (see illustration).99.2 Modulator return hose connections atthe brake fluid reservoirA Return hoses B Collars9.5 Removing the brake fluid reservoirfrom its seals in the master cylinder9.6 Brake fluid reservoir seal1595Ford Fiesta Remake

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