Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake4C•8 Fuel system - electronic fuel injection engines15.1 Exploded view of the inlet manifold arrangement15 Inlet manifold -removal and refitting 4Note: Refer to the warning note in Section 1before proceeding.Removal1 The inlet manifold is a two-piece assemblycomprising an upper and lower section boltedtogether (see illustration).2 Drain the cooling system with reference toChapter 1.3 Depressurise the fuel system as describedin Section 2.4 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).5 Remove the air inlet components (Section4) and disconnect the accelerator cable fromthe throttle linkage (Section 5).6 Remove the fuel injectors and fuel rail asdescribed in Section 14.7 Noting their locations, disconnect thecoolant, vacuum and breather hoses from themanifold.8 Disconnect the wiring multi-plugs from theengine sensors at the inlet manifold.9 Undo the retaining bolts, and withdraw themanifold from the cylinder head. Note thelocation of the engine lifting bracket and earthlead, where fitted. Remove the gasket.10 With the manifold removed, clean alltraces of the old gasket from the matingsurfaces of the manifold and the cylinderhead.Refitting11 Refitting is the reversal of removal. Use anew gasket, and tighten the retaining bolts tothe specified torque (see illustration).Refit the remainder of the components withreference to the appropriate Chapters of thismanual. Refill the cooling system asdescribed in Chapter 1 on completion.16 Turbocharger - generalinformation and precautionsGeneral information1 A water-cooled turbocharger is used on allTurbo models covered by this manual. Theturbocharger increases the efficiency of theengine by raising the pressure in the inletmanifold above atmospheric pressure.Instead of the air/fuel mixture being simplysucked into the cylinders it is actively forcedin.2 Energy for the operation of theturbocharger comes from the exhaust gas.The gas flows through a specially-shapedhousing (the turbine housing) and in so doingspins the turbine wheel. The turbine wheel isattached to a shaft, at the other end of whichis another vaned wheel known as thecompressor wheel. The compressor wheelspins in its own housing and compresses theinducted air on the way to the inlet manifold.3 After leaving the turbocharger, thecompressed air passes through anintercooler, which is an air-to-air heatexchanger mounted with the radiator. Herethe air gives up heat which it acquired whenbeing compressed. This temperaturereduction improves engine efficiency andreduces the risk of detonation.4 Boost pressure (the pressure in the inletmanifold) is limited by the turbochargerwastegate control, which diverts the exhaustgas away from the turbine wheel in responseto the boost control valve. The valve iscontrolled by the EEC IV engine managementmodule.5 The turbo shaft is pressure-lubricated bymeans of a feed pipe from the engine’s main oilgallery. The shaft “floats” on a cushion of oil. Adrain pipe returns the oil to the sump.6 Water cooling reduces the operatingtemperature of the turbocharger, and inparticular, the shaft bearings. Water continuesto circulate by convection after the engine hasstopped, so cooling the unit if it is hot after along run.Precautions7 The turbocharger operates at extremelyhigh speeds and temperatures. Certainprecautions must be observed to avoidpremature failure of the turbo or injury to theoperator.a) Do not operate the turbo with any partsexposed. Foreign objects falling onto therotating vanes could cause extensivedamage and (if ejected) personal injury.b) Do not race the engine immediately afterstart-up, especially if it is cold. Give the oila few seconds to circulate.c) Always allow the engine to return to idlespeed before switching it off - do not blipthe throttle and switch off, as this willleave the turbo spinning withoutlubrication.d) Allow the engine to idle for severalminutes before switching off after a highspeedrun.e) Observe the recommended intervals foroil and filter changing, and use areputable oil of the specified quality.Neglect of oil changing, or use of inferioroil, can cause carbon formation on theturbo shaft and subsequent failure.17 Intercooler -removal and refitting2Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Remove the flexible hose connecting theintercooler to the air inlet duct, then the pipe

Fuel system - electronic fuel injection engines 4C•9tabs and unscrew the three retaining bolts.Disconnect the turbocharger oil and coolantpipes if required. This is as far as the unit canbe dismantled; do not disturb the wastegateor its actuator and linkage.Examination11 With the turbocharger in the vehicle,check that there are no air leaks around anypart of the air inlet components, and that theboost control valve hoses are intact andsecurely fastened.12 With the turbocharger removed, check theturbine wheels and blades (as far as possible)for signs of wear or damage. Spin the turbineand check that it rotates smoothly and easily,with no sign of roughness, free play orabnormal noise. If possible, check for axialplay (endfloat) of the shaft. Check that thewastegate, its actuator and linkage show novisible signs of wear, damage or stiffness dueto dirt and corrosion.13 If any sign of wear or damage is found,the turbocharger must be renewed.18.2 Location of turbo boost control valve(arrowed)and flexible hose connecting the turbochargerto the intercooler (see illustration 4.12). Useadhesive tape to seal the turbocharger portsagainst the entry of dirt.3 Unbolt the horn nearest the intercooler.4 Unbolt the radiator/intercooler assemblyfrom the bonnet closure panel and the bodycrossmember.5 Move the assembly as far as possibletowards the engine, and unbolt the intercoolerfrom the radiator; withdraw the intercooler.Refitting6 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure, tightening all nuts and bolts to thespecified torque settings, and not forgettingto unseal the turbocharger openings beforereconnecting the intercooler pipe and hose.18 Turbocharger boost controlvalve - removal and refitting 2Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Disconnect the control valve wiring at itsmulti-plug (see illustration).3 Marking or labelling the valve hoses so thateach can be reconnected to its original union,disconnect the hoses from the valve.4 Remove the securing screws and withdrawthe valve.Refitting5 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure; tighten the screws to the specifiedtorque setting.19 Turbocharger boostpressure - checking and 5adjustmentAccurate checking and adjustment of theturbocharger boost pressure requires20.4 Turbocharger/exhaust manifoldassembly detailsA Exhaust manifold-to-turbocharger boltsB Oil pipesC Coolant pipes (metal)considerable skill and experience and the useof Ford special tools and diagnostic testequipment. This work should therefore beentrusted to a Ford dealer or performanceengine specialist.20 Turbocharger - removal,examination and refitting 3Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Drain the cooling system as described inChapter 1.3 Remove the air inlet components asdescribed in Section 4.4 Disconnect the turbocharger coolant feedand return hoses by slackening the clampsand pulling the hoses off the turbocharger’smetal pipes (see illustration).5 Remove the pipe and flexible hosesconnecting the turbocharger to the air cleanerand intercooler. Use adhesive tape to seal theturbocharger ports against the entry of dirt.6 Disconnect the turbocharger oil feed andreturn pipes by unscrewing the couplings.7 Remove its three retaining screws andwithdraw the exhaust manifold heat shield.8 Disconnect the exhaust system downpipefrom the turbocharger, then disconnect thehose from the boost control valve to theturbocharger wastegate control actuator.9 Unscrew the exhaust manifold nuts, andwithdraw the manifold and turbocharger as anassembly, protecting the radiator withcardboard or similar.10 To separate the turbocharger from themanifold, flatten back the raised lockwasherRefitting14 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure, noting the following points:a) Refit the oil and coolant pipes, tighteningthe unions to the specified torquesettings.b) Always use new lockwashers whenrefitting the turbocharger to the manifold;again, tighten the bolts to their specifiedtorque setting.c) Protect the radiator when refitting theassembly, and always fit a new exhaustmanifold gasket.d) Ensure that the oil feed and return pipesare absolutely clean before reconnectingthem and tightening them to the specifiedtorque setting.e) Owners are well advised to change theengine oil and filter whenever theturbocharger is disturbed (see Chapter1).f) When reassembly is complete and thecooling system refilled (see Chapter 1),disable the ignition system bydisconnecting the E-DIS ignition coilwiring multi-plug, then turn the engineover on the starter motor until the oilpressure light goes out. This is essentialto ensure that the turbocharger oil supplyis established BEFORE the engine isstarted; do not forget to reconnectthe coil before attempting to start theengine4C1595Ford Fiesta Remake

Fuel system - electronic fuel injection engines 4C•9tabs <strong>and</strong> unscrew the three retaining bolts.Disconnect the turbocharger oil <strong>and</strong> coolantpipes if required. This is as far as the unit canbe dismantled; do not disturb the wastegateor its actuator <strong>and</strong> linkage.Examination11 With the turbocharger in the vehicle,check that there are no air leaks around anypart of the air inlet components, <strong>and</strong> that theboost control valve hoses are intact <strong>and</strong>securely fastened.12 With the turbocharger removed, check theturbine wheels <strong>and</strong> blades (as far as possible)for signs of wear or damage. Spin the turbine<strong>and</strong> check that it rotates smoothly <strong>and</strong> easily,with no sign of roughness, free play orabnormal noise. If possible, check for axialplay (endfloat) of the shaft. Check that thewastegate, its actuator <strong>and</strong> linkage show novisible signs of wear, damage or stiffness dueto dirt <strong>and</strong> corrosion.13 If any sign of wear or damage is found,the turbocharger must be renewed.18.2 Location of turbo boost control valve(arrowed)<strong>and</strong> flexible hose connecting the turbochargerto the intercooler (see illustration 4.12). Useadhesive tape to seal the turbocharger portsagainst the entry of dirt.3 Unbolt the horn nearest the intercooler.4 Unbolt the radiator/intercooler assemblyfrom the bonnet closure panel <strong>and</strong> the bodycrossmember.5 Move the assembly as far as possibletowards the engine, <strong>and</strong> unbolt the intercoolerfrom the radiator; withdraw the intercooler.Refitting6 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure, tightening all nuts <strong>and</strong> bolts to thespecified torque settings, <strong>and</strong> not forgettingto unseal the turbocharger openings beforereconnecting the intercooler pipe <strong>and</strong> hose.18 Turbocharger boost controlvalve - removal <strong>and</strong> refitting 2Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).2 Disconnect the control valve wiring at itsmulti-plug (see illustration).3 Marking or labelling the valve hoses so thateach can be reconnected to its original union,disconnect the hoses from the valve.4 Remove the securing screws <strong>and</strong> withdrawthe valve.Refitting5 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure; tighten the screws to the specifiedtorque setting.19 Turbocharger boostpressure - checking <strong>and</strong> 5adjustmentAccurate checking <strong>and</strong> adjustment of theturbocharger boost pressure requires20.4 Turbocharger/exhaust manifoldassembly detailsA Exhaust manifold-to-turbocharger boltsB Oil pipesC Coolant pipes (metal)considerable skill <strong>and</strong> experience <strong>and</strong> the useof Ford special tools <strong>and</strong> diagnostic testequipment. This work should therefore beentrusted to a Ford dealer or performanceengine specialist.20 Turbocharger - removal,examination <strong>and</strong> refitting 3Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).2 Drain the cooling system as described in<strong>Chapter</strong> 1.3 Remove the air inlet components asdescribed in Section 4.4 Disconnect the turbocharger coolant feed<strong>and</strong> return hoses by slackening the clamps<strong>and</strong> pulling the hoses off the turbocharger’smetal pipes (see illustration).5 Remove the pipe <strong>and</strong> flexible hosesconnecting the turbocharger to the air cleaner<strong>and</strong> intercooler. Use adhesive tape to seal theturbocharger ports against the entry of dirt.6 Disconnect the turbocharger oil feed <strong>and</strong>return pipes by unscrewing the couplings.7 Remove its three retaining screws <strong>and</strong>withdraw the exhaust manifold heat shield.8 Disconnect the exhaust system downpipefrom the turbocharger, then disconnect thehose from the boost control valve to theturbocharger wastegate control actuator.9 Unscrew the exhaust manifold nuts, <strong>and</strong>withdraw the manifold <strong>and</strong> turbocharger as anassembly, protecting the radiator withcardboard or similar.10 To separate the turbocharger from themanifold, flatten back the raised lockwasherRefitting14 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure, noting the following points:a) Refit the oil <strong>and</strong> coolant pipes, tighteningthe unions to the specified torquesettings.b) Always use new lockwashers whenrefitting the turbocharger to the manifold;again, tighten the bolts to their specifiedtorque setting.c) Protect the radiator when refitting theassembly, <strong>and</strong> always fit a new exhaustmanifold gasket.d) Ensure that the oil feed <strong>and</strong> return pipesare absolutely clean before reconnectingthem <strong>and</strong> tightening them to the specifiedtorque setting.e) Owners are well advised to change theengine oil <strong>and</strong> filter whenever theturbocharger is disturbed (see <strong>Chapter</strong>1).f) When reassembly is complete <strong>and</strong> thecooling system refilled (see <strong>Chapter</strong> 1),disable the ignition system bydisconnecting the E-DIS ignition coilwiring multi-plug, then turn the engineover on the starter motor until the oilpressure light goes out. This is essentialto ensure that the turbocharger oil supplyis established BEFORE the engine isstarted; do not forget to reconnectthe coil before attempting to start theengine4C1595Ford Fiesta Remake

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