Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake4B•8 Fuel system - central fuel injection engines14.37 Withdrawing the EEC IV enginemanagement module into the passengerfootwellmodule from inside the passengercompartment as its mounting bracketretaining tags are compressed and releasedfrom the engine compartment. Do not allowthe module to drop into the passengercompartment as irreparable damage is likelyto result (see illustration). The module maybe separated from its mounting bracket byundoing the securing bolts.38 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure, ensuring that the modulemounting bracket retaining tags are felt tosnap into positionCrankshaft position sensor39 Refer to Chapter 5B.Coolant temperature sensor40 Refer to Chapter 3.Inlet air temperature sensor41 Remove the air cleaner assembly asdescribed in Section 4.42 Releasing its clip, unplug the sensor’selectrical connector, then unscrew the sensorfrom the CFi unit (see illustration).43 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure. Tighten the sensor to the specifiedtorque wrench setting; if it is overtightened, itstapered thread may crack the resonator.14.42 Disconnecting the intake airtemperature sensor multi-plugThrottle position sensor44 Remove the air cleaner assembly asdescribed in Section 4.45 Releasing its wire clip, unplug thesensor’s wiring connector. Remove theretaining screws, and withdraw the unit fromthe throttle plate control motor bracket (seeillustration). Do not force the sensor’s centreto rotate past its normal operating sweep; theunit will be seriously damaged.46 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure, ensuring that the sensor actuatingarm is correctly located.Vehicle speed sensor47 The sensor is mounted at the base of thespeedometer drive cable, and is removed withthe speedometer drive pinion. Refer to therelevant Section of Chapter 7A or B, asapplicable.Manifold absolute pressuresensor48 The sensor is located near the centre ofthe engine compartment bulkhead.49 Disconnect the wiring multi-plug, anddetach the vacuum hose from the base of thesensor (see illustration).50 Undo the two retaining screws, andwithdraw the sensor from its location.14.45 Throttle position sensor retainingscrews (arrowed) (shown with throttleplate control motor removed)51 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure.Power steering pressure switch52 Releasing its clip, unplug the switch’selectrical connector, then unscrew the switchfrom the power steering high pressure pipe.Place a wad of rag underneath, to catch anyspilt fluid. If a sealing washer is fitted, renew itif it is worn or damaged.53 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure; tighten the switch securely, thentop-up the fluid reservoir (see “WeeklyChecks”) to replace any fluid lost from thesystem, and bleed out any trapped air (seeChapter 10).Oxygen sensorNote: The sensor is delicate, and will not workif it is dropped or knocked, if its power supplyis disrupted, or if any cleaning materials areused on it.54 Release the sensor’s electrical connectorfrom its bracket and unplug it to disconnectthe sensor (see illustration).55 Raise and support the front of the vehicleif required to remove the sensor fromunderneath (“see Jacking and vehiclesupport”). Remove the sensor heat shield thenunscrew the sensor from the exhaust systemfront downpipe; collect the sealing washer(where fitted).56 On refitting, clean the sealing washer(where fitted) and renew it if it is damaged or14.49 Manifold absolute pressure sensor locationA Securing screws B Multi-plug C Vacuum hoseArrows indicate ignition module retaining screws14.54 Oxygen sensor (A) (shown with itsheatshield removed), and its multi-plug (B)

Fuel system - central fuel injection engines 4B•9worn. Apply a smear of anti-seize compoundto the sensor’s threads, to prevent them fromwelding themselves to the downpipe inservice. Refit the sensor, tightening it to itsspecified torque wrench setting; a slottedsocket will be required to do this. Reconnectthe wiring, and heat shield then refit theconnector plug.Inlet manifold heater57 The heater is located in a recess in theinlet manifold, directly underneath the CFiunit. While access is possible fromunderneath, it is preferable, depending on thetools available, to remove the completemanifold (Section 15) to reach the heater.58 Assuming the work is being carried outwithout removing the manifold, disconnectthe battery negative (earth) lead (refer toChapter 5A, Section 1).59 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and vehicle support”).60 Disconnect the heater wiring, and extractthe circlip retaining the heater (seeillustration). Withdraw the heater.61 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure. Ensure that both the heater and itscirclip are correctly located in the manifold.Injector ballast resistor62 When fitted, this component is located onthe engine compartment bulkhead, next to themanifold absolute pressure sensor.63 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).64 Disconnect the resistor wiring at its multiplug,remove the retaining screw andwithdraw the resistor.65 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure.15 Inlet manifold -removal and refitting3Note: Refer to the warning note in Section 1before proceeding.Removal1 Drain the cooling system as described inChapter 1.2 Remove the CFi unit as described inSection 14.3 Noting their locations, disconnect thecoolant, vacuum and breather hoses from themanifold.4 Disconnect the wiring multi-plugs from the14.60 Inlet manifold heater componentsengine sensors at the inlet manifold.Disconnect the radio earth lead at the inletmanifold connector.5 Undo the retaining bolts, and withdraw themanifold from the cylinder head. Remove thegasket.6 With the manifold removed, clean all tracesof the old gasket from the mating surfaces ofthe manifold and the cylinder head.Refitting7 Refitting is the reversal of removal. Use anew gasket, and tighten the retaining bolts tothe specified torque. Refit the remainder ofthe components with reference to theappropriate Chapters of this manual.4B1595Ford Fiesta Remake

Fuel system - central fuel injection engines 4B•9worn. Apply a smear of anti-seize compoundto the sensor’s threads, to prevent them fromwelding themselves to the downpipe inservice. Refit the sensor, tightening it to itsspecified torque wrench setting; a slottedsocket will be required to do this. Reconnectthe wiring, <strong>and</strong> heat shield then refit theconnector plug.Inlet manifold heater57 The heater is located in a recess in theinlet manifold, directly underneath the CFiunit. While access is possible fromunderneath, it is preferable, depending on thetools available, to remove the completemanifold (Section 15) to reach the heater.58 Assuming the work is being carried outwithout removing the manifold, disconnectthe battery negative (earth) lead (refer to<strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).59 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car <strong>and</strong> support it on axle st<strong>and</strong>s(see “Jacking <strong>and</strong> vehicle support”).60 Disconnect the heater wiring, <strong>and</strong> extractthe circlip retaining the heater (seeillustration). Withdraw the heater.61 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure. Ensure that both the heater <strong>and</strong> itscirclip are correctly located in the manifold.Injector ballast resistor62 When fitted, this component is located onthe engine compartment bulkhead, next to themanifold absolute pressure sensor.63 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).64 Disconnect the resistor wiring at its multiplug,remove the retaining screw <strong>and</strong>withdraw the resistor.65 Refitting is the reverse of the removalprocedure.15 Inlet manifold -removal <strong>and</strong> refitting3Note: Refer to the warning note in Section 1before proceeding.Removal1 Drain the cooling system as described in<strong>Chapter</strong> 1.2 Remove the CFi unit as described inSection 14.3 Noting their locations, disconnect thecoolant, vacuum <strong>and</strong> breather hoses from themanifold.4 Disconnect the wiring multi-plugs from the14.60 Inlet manifold heater componentsengine sensors at the inlet manifold.Disconnect the radio earth lead at the inletmanifold connector.5 Undo the retaining bolts, <strong>and</strong> withdraw themanifold from the cylinder head. Remove thegasket.6 With the manifold removed, clean all tracesof the old gasket from the mating surfaces ofthe manifold <strong>and</strong> the cylinder head.Refitting7 Refitting is the reversal of removal. Use anew gasket, <strong>and</strong> tighten the retaining bolts tothe specified torque. Refit the remainder ofthe components with reference to theappropriate <strong>Chapter</strong>s of this manual.4B1595Ford Fiesta Remake

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