Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake4A•16 Fuel system – carburettor engines31.3 Fast-idle speed adjustment(Weber TLD carburettor) (Housing cutaway for illustration clarity)A Fast-idle camB Fast-idle speed adjusting screw on thirdstep of camtachometer and an exhaust gas analyser (COmeter) will be required.1 Check that the idle speed and mixturesettings are as specified (as described inChapter 1). These must be correct beforechecking/adjusting the fast-idle speed.2 Switch the engine off, then remove the aircleaner as described in Section 2.3 With the engine at its normal operatingtemperature and a tachometer connected inaccordance with its manufacturer’sinstructions, hold the throttle linkage partlyopen, then close the choke plate until the fastidleadjusting screw aligns with the third(middle) step on the fast-idle cam (seeillustration). Release the throttle linkage sothat the fast-idle speed adjusting screw restson the cam. Release the choke plate. Thelinkage will hold it in the fast-idle speedsetting position, as long as the acceleratorpedal is not depressed.4 Without touching the accelerator pedal,start the engine and record the fast-idle speedachieved. If adjustment is required, turn thefast-idle speed adjusting screw until thespecified fast-idle speed is obtained.5 When the throttle linkage is opened, thechoke plate should return to its fully-openposition. If this does not happen, either theengine is not at its normal operatingtemperature, or the automatic chokemechanism is faulty.6 Switch off the engine and disconnect thetachometer. Refit the air cleaner.32 Needle valve and float (WeberTLD carburettor) - removal, 4refitting and adjustment1 Refer to Section 20 and proceed asdescribed, noting the following difference.2 In paragraph 4, ignore the instruction todetach the choke cable (an automatic chokeis fitted to the TLD type carburettor). Instead,clamp the coolant supply and return hoseswhich lead to the automatic choke unit tominimise coolant loss, then ensure that thecooling system is not pressurised (seeChapter 1). Identify then detach both of thecoolant hoses at the automatic chokehousing. Catch any coolant spillage in asuitable container.Warning: DO NOT attempt toremove the expansion tank fillercap, or to disturb any part of thecooling system, while it or theengine is hot, as there is a very great riskof scalding. If the expansion tank filler capmust be removed before the engine andradiator have fully cooled down (eventhough this is not recommended) thepressure in the cooling system must firstbe released. Cover the cap with a thicklayer of cloth, to avoid scalding, and slowlyunscrew the filler cap until a hissing soundcan be heard. When the hissing hasstopped, showing that pressure isreleased, slowly unscrew the filler capfurther until it can be removed; if morehissing sounds are heard, wait until theyhave stopped before unscrewing the capcompletely. At all times, keep well awayfrom the filler opening.3 On completion, reconnect the hoses to theautomatic choke unit, and remove the clampsfrom the hoses. Check and top-up the coolantlevel on completion (see “Weekly Checks” andChapter 1).33 Automatic choke (WeberTLD carburettor) - adjustment31 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Remove the air cleaner as described inSection 2.3 Disconnect the coolant hoses to the chokeunit as described in paragraph 2 of theprevious Section.4 Note the position of the choke coil housingalignment marks, then undo the threeretaining screws and withdraw the automaticchoke bi-metal coil housing (see illustration).5 Remove the inner heat shield (seeillustration). To check and adjust the chokevacuum pull-down, secure the choke platelever in the closed position by fitting a rubberband, open the throttle to allow the chokeplate to fully close, then release the throttle.6 Using a screwdriver, push the operatingarm to the right against its spring, andmeasure the clearance between the loweredge of the choke plate and the venturi usinga twist drill or other suitable gauge rod (seeillustration). Where the clearance is outsidethat specified, remove the plug from thediaphragm housing, and turn the adjustingscrew (now exposed) in the required direction.7 Fit a new diaphragm housing plug andremove the rubber band.8 Refit the heat shield so that its slotted holeengages over the choke housing peg.9 Refit the bi-metal coil housing by firstconnecting the bi-metal spring to the chokelever (ensuring correct engagement), locatethe housing and hand-tighten the threeretaining screws. Rotate the housing to alignthe index line on the housing with the dotmark on the choke main body, then retightenthe retaining screws.10 Reconnect the coolant hoses withreference to paragraph 3 in the previousSection.11 Refit the air cleaner as described inSection 2.33.4 Automatic choke housing alignment(Weber TLD carburettor)A Dot punch markB Choke housing alignment mark33.5 Automatic choke internal heatshield(Weber TLD carburettor)33.6 Choke plate pull-down adjustment(Weber TLD carburettor)A Twist drill C Adjusting screwB Diaphragm held fully open

Fuel system – carburettor engines 4A•1734 Automatic choke (WeberTLD carburettor) - removal,inspection and refitting4Note: Refer to the warning note in Section 1before proceeding. A new carburettor upperbody gasket will be required whenreassembling. On completion, a tachometerwill be required to check the fast-idle speedadjustment.Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Remove the air cleaner as described inSection 2.3 To prevent excess coolant loss, clamp thecoolant supply and return hoses to theautomatic choke unit, and ensure that thecooling system is not pressurised (seeChapter 1). Identify then detach both of thecoolant hoses at the automatic chokehousing. Catch any coolant spillage in asuitable container.Warning: DO NOT attempt toremove the expansion tank fillercap, or to disturb any part of thecooling system, while it or theengine is hot, as there is a very great riskof scalding. If the expansion tank filler capmust be removed before the engine andradiator have fully cooled down (eventhough this is not recommended) thepressure in the cooling system must firstbe released. Cover the cap with a thicklayer of cloth, to avoid scalding, and slowlyunscrew the filler cap until a hissing soundcan be heard. When the hissing hasstopped, showing that pressure isreleased, slowly unscrew the filler capfurther until it can be removed; if morehissing sounds are heard, wait until theyhave stopped before unscrewing the capcompletely. At all times, keep well awayfrom the filler opening.4 Detach the fuel pipe and the anti-dieselingsolenoid wiring connector. Any crimped typehose clips must be replaced with a screwclamp type clips during reassembly.5 Unscrew and remove the retaining screws(two conventional, and four Torx type), then liftthe carburettor upper body clear and remove it.6 Note the position of the choke housingalignment marks, then undo the three retainingscrews and remove the choke bi-metal coilunit. Remove the internal heat shield.7 To remove the automatic choke unit, undothe three retaining screws and detach thechoke link from the operating lever (seeillustration).8 Undo the three retaining screws to removethe vacuum diaphragm unit.9 If dismantling the choke mechanism anyfurther, note the component fitment as an aidto reassembly, but do not detach the chokespindle.Inspection10 Clean and inspect all components forwear, damage and/or distortion. Payparticular attention to the condition of thevacuum (pull-down) diaphragm and the chokehousing O-ring. Renew any items that aredefective (or suspect).Refitting11 Reassemble the automatic chokemechanism, making references to the notestaken during dismantling. Note that nolubricants must be used (see illustration).12 Refit the vacuum unit, making reference tothe notes taken during dismantling. Ensurethat the diaphragm is lying flat beforetightening the housing retaining screws.13 Locate the O-ring (ensuring that it iscorrectly seated), then reconnect the chokelink. Refit the automatic choke unit, and securewith the retaining screws. Check and adjustthe choke vacuum pull-down as describedin the previous Section (paragraphs 5 and 6).14 Refit the inner heat shield, ensuring thatthe location peg is securely engaged in itsnotch.15 Refit the automatic choke housing and thebi-metal spring unit as described in theprevious Section (paragraph 9).16 Refit the carburettor upper body, ensuringthat a new gasket is used and that the matingsurfaces are clean. Fit the retaining screws tosecure.17 Reconnect the fuel hose to the carburettor,using new screw type hose clips to secure it.18 Reconnect the anti-dieseling solenoidwiring connector.19 Reconnect the coolant hoses to theautomatic choke unit, then check and ifnecessary top-up the cooling system asdescribed in “Weekly Checks” and Chapter 1.20 Reconnect the battery negative lead, thencheck and adjust the fast-idle speed asdescribed in Section 31.21 Refit the air cleaner (Section 2).35 Carburettor (Weber TLD) -removal and refitting 4Note: Refer to the warning note in Section 1before proceeding. New gaskets will be requiredon refitting and a tachometer and an exhaust gasanalyser will be required on completion.Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Remove the air cleaner as described inSection 2.3 Release any pressure remaining in thecooling system (see Chapter 1), and thendetach the two coolant hoses from theautomatic choke unit. Catch any coolantspillage in a suitable container. Identify eachhose for subsequent refitting, then plug theirends or position them as high as possible toprevent coolant leakage.Warning: DO NOT attempt toremove the expansion tank fillercap, or to disturb any part of thecooling system, while it or theengine is hot, as there is a very great risk ofscalding. If the expansion tank filler capmust be removed before the engine andradiator have fully cooled down (eventhough this is not recommended) thepressure in the cooling system must first bereleased. Cover the cap with a thick layer ofcloth, to avoid scalding, and slowly unscrewthe filler cap until a hissing sound can beheard. When the hissing has stopped,showing that pressure is released, slowlyunscrew the filler cap further until it can beremoved; if more hissing sounds are heard,wait until they have stopped beforeunscrewing the cap completely. At all times,keep well away from the filler opening.4 Disconnect the accelerator cable from thelinkage at the carburettor, as described inSection 3.5 Detach the anti-dieseling solenoid wiringconnector.6 Detach the fuel feed hose at the carburettor.4A34.7 Automatic choke assembly(Weber TLD carburettor)A Pull-down diaphragm housingB Securing screwsA Operating link/fast-idlecamB Fast-idle cam return springC Spindle sleeveD Connecting rod and leverassemblyE Pull-down kinkF Actuating leverG Automatic choke housing34.11 Exploded view of the automatic choke linkage (Weber TLD carburettor)1595Ford Fiesta Remake

1595Ford Fiesta Remake4A•16 Fuel system – carburettor engines31.3 Fast-idle speed adjustment(Weber TLD carburettor) (Housing cutaway for illustration clarity)A Fast-idle camB Fast-idle speed adjusting screw on thirdstep of camtachometer <strong>and</strong> an exhaust gas analyser (COmeter) will be required.1 Check that the idle speed <strong>and</strong> mixturesettings are as specified (as described in<strong>Chapter</strong> 1). These must be correct beforechecking/adjusting the fast-idle speed.2 Switch the engine off, then remove the aircleaner as described in Section 2.3 With the engine at its normal operatingtemperature <strong>and</strong> a tachometer connected inaccordance with its manufacturer’sinstructions, hold the throttle linkage partlyopen, then close the choke plate until the fastidleadjusting screw aligns with the third(middle) step on the fast-idle cam (seeillustration). Release the throttle linkage sothat the fast-idle speed adjusting screw restson the cam. Release the choke plate. Thelinkage will hold it in the fast-idle speedsetting position, as long as the acceleratorpedal is not depressed.4 Without touching the accelerator pedal,start the engine <strong>and</strong> record the fast-idle speedachieved. If adjustment is required, turn thefast-idle speed adjusting screw until thespecified fast-idle speed is obtained.5 When the throttle linkage is opened, thechoke plate should return to its fully-openposition. If this does not happen, either theengine is not at its normal operatingtemperature, or the automatic chokemechanism is faulty.6 Switch off the engine <strong>and</strong> disconnect thetachometer. Refit the air cleaner.32 Needle valve <strong>and</strong> float (WeberTLD carburettor) - removal, 4refitting <strong>and</strong> adjustment1 Refer to Section 20 <strong>and</strong> proceed asdescribed, noting the following difference.2 In paragraph 4, ignore the instruction todetach the choke cable (an automatic chokeis fitted to the TLD type carburettor). Instead,clamp the coolant supply <strong>and</strong> return hoseswhich lead to the automatic choke unit tominimise coolant loss, then ensure that thecooling system is not pressurised (see<strong>Chapter</strong> 1). Identify then detach both of thecoolant hoses at the automatic chokehousing. Catch any coolant spillage in asuitable container.Warning: DO NOT attempt toremove the expansion tank fillercap, or to disturb any part of thecooling system, while it or theengine is hot, as there is a very great riskof scalding. If the expansion tank filler capmust be removed before the engine <strong>and</strong>radiator have fully cooled down (eventhough this is not recommended) thepressure in the cooling system must firstbe released. Cover the cap with a thicklayer of cloth, to avoid scalding, <strong>and</strong> slowlyunscrew the filler cap until a hissing soundcan be heard. When the hissing hasstopped, showing that pressure isreleased, slowly unscrew the filler capfurther until it can be removed; if morehissing sounds are heard, wait until theyhave stopped before unscrewing the capcompletely. At all times, keep well awayfrom the filler opening.3 On completion, reconnect the hoses to theautomatic choke unit, <strong>and</strong> remove the clampsfrom the hoses. Check <strong>and</strong> top-up the coolantlevel on completion (see “Weekly Checks” <strong>and</strong><strong>Chapter</strong> 1).33 Automatic choke (WeberTLD carburettor) - adjustment31 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).2 Remove the air cleaner as described inSection 2.3 Disconnect the coolant hoses to the chokeunit as described in paragraph 2 of theprevious Section.4 Note the position of the choke coil housingalignment marks, then undo the threeretaining screws <strong>and</strong> withdraw the automaticchoke bi-metal coil housing (see illustration).5 Remove the inner heat shield (seeillustration). To check <strong>and</strong> adjust the chokevacuum pull-down, secure the choke platelever in the closed position by fitting a rubberb<strong>and</strong>, open the throttle to allow the chokeplate to fully close, then release the throttle.6 Using a screwdriver, push the operatingarm to the right against its spring, <strong>and</strong>measure the clearance between the loweredge of the choke plate <strong>and</strong> the venturi usinga twist drill or other suitable gauge rod (seeillustration). Where the clearance is outsidethat specified, remove the plug from thediaphragm housing, <strong>and</strong> turn the adjustingscrew (now exposed) in the required direction.7 Fit a new diaphragm housing plug <strong>and</strong>remove the rubber b<strong>and</strong>.8 Refit the heat shield so that its slotted holeengages over the choke housing peg.9 Refit the bi-metal coil housing by firstconnecting the bi-metal spring to the chokelever (ensuring correct engagement), locatethe housing <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>-tighten the threeretaining screws. Rotate the housing to alignthe index line on the housing with the dotmark on the choke main body, then retightenthe retaining screws.10 Reconnect the coolant hoses withreference to paragraph 3 in the previousSection.11 Refit the air cleaner as described inSection 2.33.4 Automatic choke housing alignment(Weber TLD carburettor)A Dot punch markB Choke housing alignment mark33.5 Automatic choke internal heatshield(Weber TLD carburettor)33.6 Choke plate pull-down adjustment(Weber TLD carburettor)A Twist drill C Adjusting screwB Diaphragm held fully open

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