Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake3•6 Cooling, heating and ventilation systems7.4 Automatic transmission fluid coolingpipe connections (arrowed) at the radiatorwrench setting, and reconnect the multi-plug.25 Refit any components disconnected foraccess then refill the cooling system (seeChapter 1).Radiator electric cooling fanthermostatic switchTesting26 Refer to the procedures contained inSection 5.Removal27 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).28 Drain the cooling system (see Chapter 1).29 Disconnect the wiring multi-plug from thethermostatic switch, and then unscrew theswitch from the thermostat housing orradiator side tank, as applicable. Remove thesealing washer.Refitting30 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but fit anew sealing washer and tighten the switchsecurely. Refill the cooling system asdescribed in Chapter 1, then reconnect thebattery.7 Radiator and expansion tank- removal, inspection and 2refittingNote: Refer to the warnings given in Section 1of this Chapter before starting work.RadiatorIf leakage is the reason forremoving the radiator, bearin mind that minor leaks canoften be cured using aradiator sealant with the radiator insitu.Removal (all models except Turbo)1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Drain the cooling system (see Chapter 1).3 Remove the radiator cooling fan assemblyas described in Section 5.4 Release the hose clips and disconnect thehoses from the radiator. Additionally, on7.6a Radiator securing bolt, insulator andwasherautomatic transmission models, disconnectthe transmission fluid cooling pipeconnections fitting blanking plugs to preventexcessive fluid loss (see illustration).5 On Zetec engine models, disconnect thewiring multi-plug from the cooling fanthermostatic switch6 Remove the radiator securing bolts and liftthe radiator out of its locating slots in the bodycrossmember. Note rubber insulators fitted tothe locating lugs on the base of the radiator(see illustrations).7 With the radiator removed, it can beinspected for leaks and damage. If it needsrepair, have a radiator specialist or dealerservice department perform the work, asspecial techniques are required.8 Insects and dirt can be removed from theradiator with a garden hose or a soft brush.Don’t bend the cooling fins as this is done.Removal (Turbo models)9 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).10 Drain the cooling system (see Chapter 1).11 Remove the radiator cooling fan assemblyas described in Section 5.12 Release the hose clips and disconnect thehoses from the radiator.13 Disconnect the turbocharger coolant feedby slackening its clamp and pulling the hose(at the radiator rear right-hand side) off theturbocharger’s metal pipe.14 Remove the intercooler, as described inChapter 4C.15 Remove its three retaining screws, andwithdraw the exhaust manifold heat shield.7.22a Remove the single bolt retaining theexpansion tank . . .7.6b Rubber insulator on radiator locatinglug16 Lift the radiator out of its locating slots inthe body crossmember. Note rubberinsulators fitted to the locating lugs on thebase of the radiator.17 Clean and inspect the radiator withreference to paragraphs 7 and 8 above.Refitting (all models)18 Refitting is a reversal of removal, butcheck the rubber insulators, and if necessaryrenew them. Refill the cooling system withreference to Chapter 1. On automatictransmission models check, and if necessarytop-up, the automatic transmission fluid level(Chapter 1).Expansion tankRemoval19 Partially drain the cooling system, so thatthe coolant level drops below the expansiontank. Refer to Chapter 1 for details.20 Before disconnecting the coolant hosesfrom the expansion tank, it is advisable toclamp them just short of their connections tothe expansion tank, to prevent spillage ofcoolant and the ingress of air when they aredetached.21 Loosen off the coolant hose clips at theexpansion tank, and detach the hoses from it.If they are not clamped, secure them so thattheir ends are raised, to minimise coolantspillage.22 Remove the single bolt retaining theexpansion tank, and slide the other side of thetank free from its retaining bracket (seeillustrations).7.22b . . . and release the expansion tankfrom its retaining bracket

Cooling, heating and ventilation systems 3•78.3 HCS engine water pump pulleyretaining bolts (arrowed)8.6 HCS engine water pump removal9.5 CVH engine timing belt tensionerretaining bolts (A) and water pumpsecuring bolts (B)Refitting23 Refit in the reverse order of removal. Topupthe cooling system as described in“Weekly Checks”.8 Water pump (HCS engines) -removal and refitting2Note: Refer to the warnings given in Section 1of this Chapter before starting work.Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Drain the cooling system (see Chapter 1).3 Slacken the water pump pulley retainingbolts, then remove the auxiliary drivebelt asdescribed in Chapter 1 (see illustration).4 Remove the retaining bolts, and remove thedrivebelt pulley from the water pump.5 Loosen off the coolant hose securing clips,and disconnect the hoses from the waterpump.6 Unscrew the retaining bolts, and withdrawthe water pump from the engine (seeillustration).7 No provision is made for the repair of thewater pump; if it is noisy or defective in anyway, it must be renewed.Refitting8 Clean all traces of gasket from the engineand the water pump mating faces. Ensure thatthe mating faces are clean and dry. Notethat the water pump gasket fitted duringproduction is integral with the timing covergasket, and this will need to be cut awayusing a sharp knife, keeping as close to thetiming cover as possible.9 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure. Use a new gasket, lightly smearedwith jointing compound, and tighten theretaining bolts to the specified torque.10 Refit and adjust the auxiliary drivebelt asdescribed in Chapter 1.11 Refill the cooling system as described inChapter 1, and reconnect the battery.9 Water pump (CVH and PTEengines) -removal and refitting4Note: Refer to the warnings given in Section 1of this Chapter before starting work.Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Drain the cooling system (see Chapter 1).3 Remove the timing belt and tensioner (seeChapter 2B). If the belt is fouled with coolant,it must be renewed as a matter of course.4 Loosen off the coolant hose retaining clip,and detach the coolant hose from the waterpump.5 Unscrew and remove the four boltssecuring the water pump to the front end faceof the cylinder block, and then withdraw thepump from the vehicle (see illustration).Refitting6 Clean the engine water pump mating faces.Ensure that the mating faces are clean anddry.7 No provision is made for the repair of thewater pump; if it is noisy or defective in anyway, it must be renewed.8 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure. Tighten the retaining bolts to thespecified torque, and ensure that the coolanthose connection to the water pump issecurely made.10.5a Unscrew the bolts (arrowed) . . .9 Refit the timing belt and tensioner asdescribed in Chapter 2B.10 Refill the cooling system as described inChapter 1, and reconnect the battery.10 Water pump (Zetec engines)- removal and refitting 4Note: Refer to the warnings given in Section 1of this Chapter before starting work.Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Drain the cooling system (see Chapter 1).3 Remove the timing belt and tensioner (seeChapter 2C). If the belt is fouled with coolant,it must be renewed as a matter of course.4 Disconnect the radiator bottom hose fromthe pump union.5 Unbolt and remove the water pump (seeillustrations). If the pump is to be renewed,unbolt the timing belt guide pulleys, andtransfer them to the new pump.Refitting6 Clean the mating surfaces carefully; thegasket must be renewed whenever it isdisturbed.7 On refitting, use grease to stick the newgasket in place, refit the pump, and tightenthe pump bolts to the specified torque.8 The remainder of refitting is a reversal of the10.5b . . . and remove the Zetec enginewater pump31595Ford Fiesta Remake

Cooling, heating <strong>and</strong> ventilation systems 3•78.3 HCS engine water pump pulleyretaining bolts (arrowed)8.6 HCS engine water pump removal9.5 CVH engine timing belt tensionerretaining bolts (A) <strong>and</strong> water pumpsecuring bolts (B)Refitting23 Refit in the reverse order of removal. Topupthe cooling system as described in“Weekly Checks”.8 Water pump (HCS engines) -removal <strong>and</strong> refitting2Note: Refer to the warnings given in Section 1of this <strong>Chapter</strong> before starting work.Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).2 Drain the cooling system (see <strong>Chapter</strong> 1).3 Slacken the water pump pulley retainingbolts, then remove the auxiliary drivebelt asdescribed in <strong>Chapter</strong> 1 (see illustration).4 Remove the retaining bolts, <strong>and</strong> remove thedrivebelt pulley from the water pump.5 Loosen off the coolant hose securing clips,<strong>and</strong> disconnect the hoses from the waterpump.6 Unscrew the retaining bolts, <strong>and</strong> withdrawthe water pump from the engine (seeillustration).7 No provision is made for the repair of thewater pump; if it is noisy or defective in anyway, it must be renewed.Refitting8 Clean all traces of gasket from the engine<strong>and</strong> the water pump mating faces. Ensure thatthe mating faces are clean <strong>and</strong> dry. Notethat the water pump gasket fitted duringproduction is integral with the timing covergasket, <strong>and</strong> this will need to be cut awayusing a sharp knife, keeping as close to thetiming cover as possible.9 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure. Use a new gasket, lightly smearedwith jointing compound, <strong>and</strong> tighten theretaining bolts to the specified torque.10 Refit <strong>and</strong> adjust the auxiliary drivebelt asdescribed in <strong>Chapter</strong> 1.11 Refill the cooling system as described in<strong>Chapter</strong> 1, <strong>and</strong> reconnect the battery.9 Water pump (CVH <strong>and</strong> PTEengines) -removal <strong>and</strong> refitting4Note: Refer to the warnings given in Section 1of this <strong>Chapter</strong> before starting work.Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).2 Drain the cooling system (see <strong>Chapter</strong> 1).3 Remove the timing belt <strong>and</strong> tensioner (see<strong>Chapter</strong> 2B). If the belt is fouled with coolant,it must be renewed as a matter of course.4 Loosen off the coolant hose retaining clip,<strong>and</strong> detach the coolant hose from the waterpump.5 Unscrew <strong>and</strong> remove the four boltssecuring the water pump to the front end faceof the cylinder block, <strong>and</strong> then withdraw thepump from the vehicle (see illustration).Refitting6 Clean the engine water pump mating faces.Ensure that the mating faces are clean <strong>and</strong>dry.7 No provision is made for the repair of thewater pump; if it is noisy or defective in anyway, it must be renewed.8 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure. Tighten the retaining bolts to thespecified torque, <strong>and</strong> ensure that the coolanthose connection to the water pump issecurely made.10.5a Unscrew the bolts (arrowed) . . .9 Refit the timing belt <strong>and</strong> tensioner asdescribed in <strong>Chapter</strong> 2B.10 Refill the cooling system as described in<strong>Chapter</strong> 1, <strong>and</strong> reconnect the battery.10 Water pump (Zetec engines)- removal <strong>and</strong> refitting 4Note: Refer to the warnings given in Section 1of this <strong>Chapter</strong> before starting work.Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).2 Drain the cooling system (see <strong>Chapter</strong> 1).3 Remove the timing belt <strong>and</strong> tensioner (see<strong>Chapter</strong> 2C). If the belt is fouled with coolant,it must be renewed as a matter of course.4 Disconnect the radiator bottom hose fromthe pump union.5 Unbolt <strong>and</strong> remove the water pump (seeillustrations). If the pump is to be renewed,unbolt the timing belt guide pulleys, <strong>and</strong>transfer them to the new pump.Refitting6 Clean the mating surfaces carefully; thegasket must be renewed whenever it isdisturbed.7 On refitting, use grease to stick the newgasket in place, refit the pump, <strong>and</strong> tightenthe pump bolts to the specified torque.8 The remainder of refitting is a reversal of the10.5b . . . <strong>and</strong> remove the Zetec enginewater pump31595Ford Fiesta Remake

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