Draft Tourism Strategy 2013-2018 (PDF - 2.9MB) - City of Whittlesea

Draft Tourism Strategy 2013-2018 (PDF - 2.9MB) - City of Whittlesea Draft Tourism Strategy 2013-2018 (PDF - 2.9MB) - City of Whittlesea

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Quarry Hills Bushland Park, Gravlier Way, South MorangIntroduction6

ForewordTourism is an important contributor to the City ofWhittlesea’s social, cultural and economic vibrancy.The City of Whittlesea is placed in Melbourne’s northerngrowth corridor, offering a combination of both rural andmetropolitan locations, high levels of population growth,quality of life, a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)labour force, quality amenities and access to Melbourne’sroad transport network. The Hume Freeway, MetropolitanRing Road, CityLink and other major road networks provideaccess to the CBD, Melbourne Airport, the docks and railfreight terminals. The extension of the rail line to SouthMorang, which opened in April 2012, has helped to improveaccess to the area, although transport and accessibilityremains a challenge for the municipality.The City of Whittlesea incorporates the suburbs of Epping,Lalor, Mill Park, South Morang, Thomastown, WhittleseaTownship and part of Bundoora within the urban south.The rural north of the municipality includes the areas ofWollert, Woodstock, Donnybrook, Eden Park, Yan Yean,Humevale, Kinglake West and part of Beveridge.The City has an excellent supplyof high quality commercial andindustrial land and the extensionof Melbourne’s Urban GrowthBoundary to include thenorth-west of the municipalityhas the potential to attract futurebusiness investment to the area.Accommodating a population of approximately 163,000people, the City of Whittlesea is characterised by itsculturally diverse community, natural environment andpositive visitor experience. The population is expected togrow 73 per cent by 2031 1 , making the City of Whittleseathe second fastest growth municipality in Australia. Theoriginal inhabitants of the area and the Traditional Ownersof the land are the Wurundjeri Willum people. Whittleseahas the third largest population of people from culturallyand linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds in Victoria,with 43 per cent of residents speaking a language otherthan English at home. More than one third of residentswere born overseas, representing 140 different countries.The region is further characterised by being one of the largestmunicipalities in metropolitan Melbourne, covering an areaof approximately 489 square kilometres. Approximately70 per cent of the City is rural, and the other 30 per centis urban. This peri-urban location, together with the strongmulticultural populous within the municipality, providesa plethora of opportunities for tourism business growth.In addition, the City of Whittlesea is home to a numberof primary industry businesses and a significant numberof café, restaurant, cultural and recreation businesses 2 .1Forecast.id, 2010, City of Whittlesea Population Forecasts,accessed 18 September 2012 2City of Whittlesea, 2012, Annual Household Survey, p.p 24-35City of Whittlesea | Tourism Strategy 2014-2019 7

Quarry Hills Bushland Park, Gravlier Way, South MorangIntroduction6

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