Draft Tourism Strategy 2013-2018 (PDF - 2.9MB) - City of Whittlesea

Draft Tourism Strategy 2013-2018 (PDF - 2.9MB) - City of Whittlesea Draft Tourism Strategy 2013-2018 (PDF - 2.9MB) - City of Whittlesea

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Industry developmentTo create a knowledgeable and well-informed tourism industry characterisedby consistent, strong customer service, high standards of business best practiceand open communication between industry stakeholders.High (1-2 years), Medium (2-4 years) or Low (4-5 years)Growling Frog Golf Course, Yan YeanStrategy 1.1Facilitate development and growth opportunities for businesses and individualsservicing visitors to increase industry capabilityRef Action Priority Responsibility Resources Measure1.1.1 Undertake a comprehensive surveyof tourism and tourism-relatedbusinesses within the City ofWhittlesea, to establish needs andopportunities for growth.1.1.2 Run a series of networking events,allowing stakeholders to connectwith Council and one anotherin a productive and informalenvironment.1.1.3 Increase attendance of tourismoperators at existing City ofWhittlesea business events andseminars.1.1.4 Based on industry demand, expandthe business events schedule toinclude events specifically targetingthe tourism industry. The programwill be based on tourism trends andskills training.High Council Within existingresourcesMedium Council Within existingresourcesHigh Council Within existingresourcesMedium Council Within existingresourcesAt least 30% of operators participate insurvey, with representation from differentbusiness types.Twice yearly networking events are held,with representation from at least 15businesses at each event.At least two tourism representativesattending events each quarter.Two tourism-specific events run each year,with at least 60% of places filled.28

Strategy 1.2Provide relevant local, national and international information about networking,promotion and business opportunitiesRef Action Priority Responsibility Resources Measure1.2.1 Distribute a bi-monthly tourisme-newsletter to maintain contactwith stakeholders, provide updateson industry and identify externalopportunities for funding andprofessional development.1.2.2 Promptly distribute relevant researchdata to increase knowledge ofmarket information and trends.1.2.3 Collate and distribute annual visitorstatistics from industry to ensure aclear picture of the local market.High Council Within existingresourcesLow Council Within existingresourcesMediumCouncil,operators andWhittleseaCourthouseAssociation’Within existingresourcesBi-monthly newsletter distributed to alltourism and tourism related operators inthe City of Whittlesea. Increase tourismmailing list by 10% annually.Tourism stakeholders are informed ofstate and national tourism trends andopportunities via the bi-monthly newsletter.Annual report distributed to key industrystakeholders.Strategy 1.3Facilitate the opportunity for businesses to strengthen ties across the industryRef Action Priority Responsibility Resources Measure1.3.1 Develop a familiarisation programfor business operators within theCity of Whittlesea.1.3.2 Identify opportunities to work withneighbouring municipalities toencourage visitation to Melbourne’snorth.1.3.3 Promote opportunities for tourismoperators to undertake collaborativemarketing with businesses inneighbouring municipalities.1.3.4 Identify opportunities to work withParks Victoria and Melbourne Waterto encourage sustainable use of themunicipalities’ natural attractions.MediumCouncil andTourismAssociationWithin existingresourcesLow Council Within existingresourcesLowCouncil andTourismAssociationWithin existingresourcesLow Council Within existingresourcesAt least five tourism operators scheduledto host the first familiarisation program.Organise biannual meeting with TourismOfficers from neighbouring Councils.Identify two potential tourismcollaborations per annum via site visits.City of Whittlesea meets with keyrepresentatives from MelbourneWater and Parks Victoria annuallyto discuss opportunities.Strategy 1.4Support ways to acknowledge and recognise achievements within the local tourismindustry, particularly in relation to high standards of service and innovationRef Action Priority Responsibility Resources Measure1.4.1 Establish and implementbenchmarking guidelines and criteriafor business within the tourismindustry and distribute to tourismoperators throughout City ofWhittlesea.1.4.2 Introduce a process of recognisingindustry leaders and achievements.MediumMediumCouncil andindustry leadersCouncil andindustry leadersSomeadditionalresourcesrequired(industryassistance)Someadditionalresourcesrequired(funding)100% of local Tourism operators, asrecorded on the electronic database,are informed of the guidelines and madeaware of Council assistance to implement.Yearly assessment and recognitionof tourism achievements.City of Whittlesea | Tourism Strategy 2014-2019 29

<strong>Strategy</strong> 1.2Provide relevant local, national and international information about networking,promotion and business opportunitiesRef Action Priority Responsibility Resources Measure1.2.1 Distribute a bi-monthly tourisme-newsletter to maintain contactwith stakeholders, provide updateson industry and identify externalopportunities for funding andpr<strong>of</strong>essional development.1.2.2 Promptly distribute relevant researchdata to increase knowledge <strong>of</strong>market information and trends.1.2.3 Collate and distribute annual visitorstatistics from industry to ensure aclear picture <strong>of</strong> the local market.High Council Within existingresourcesLow Council Within existingresourcesMediumCouncil,operators and<strong>Whittlesea</strong>CourthouseAssociation’Within existingresourcesBi-monthly newsletter distributed to alltourism and tourism related operators inthe <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Whittlesea</strong>. Increase tourismmailing list by 10% annually.<strong>Tourism</strong> stakeholders are informed <strong>of</strong>state and national tourism trends andopportunities via the bi-monthly newsletter.Annual report distributed to key industrystakeholders.<strong>Strategy</strong> 1.3Facilitate the opportunity for businesses to strengthen ties across the industryRef Action Priority Responsibility Resources Measure1.3.1 Develop a familiarisation programfor business operators within the<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Whittlesea</strong>.1.3.2 Identify opportunities to work withneighbouring municipalities toencourage visitation to Melbourne’snorth.1.3.3 Promote opportunities for tourismoperators to undertake collaborativemarketing with businesses inneighbouring municipalities.1.3.4 Identify opportunities to work withParks Victoria and Melbourne Waterto encourage sustainable use <strong>of</strong> themunicipalities’ natural attractions.MediumCouncil and<strong>Tourism</strong>AssociationWithin existingresourcesLow Council Within existingresourcesLowCouncil and<strong>Tourism</strong>AssociationWithin existingresourcesLow Council Within existingresourcesAt least five tourism operators scheduledto host the first familiarisation program.Organise biannual meeting with <strong>Tourism</strong>Officers from neighbouring Councils.Identify two potential tourismcollaborations per annum via site visits.<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Whittlesea</strong> meets with keyrepresentatives from MelbourneWater and Parks Victoria annuallyto discuss opportunities.<strong>Strategy</strong> 1.4Support ways to acknowledge and recognise achievements within the local tourismindustry, particularly in relation to high standards <strong>of</strong> service and innovationRef Action Priority Responsibility Resources Measure1.4.1 Establish and implementbenchmarking guidelines and criteriafor business within the tourismindustry and distribute to tourismoperators throughout <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Whittlesea</strong>.1.4.2 Introduce a process <strong>of</strong> recognisingindustry leaders and achievements.MediumMediumCouncil andindustry leadersCouncil andindustry leadersSomeadditionalresourcesrequired(industryassistance)Someadditionalresourcesrequired(funding)100% <strong>of</strong> local <strong>Tourism</strong> operators, asrecorded on the electronic database,are informed <strong>of</strong> the guidelines and madeaware <strong>of</strong> Council assistance to implement.Yearly assessment and recognition<strong>of</strong> tourism achievements.<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Whittlesea</strong> | <strong>Tourism</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong> 2014-2019 29

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