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Continuing Education Winter 2013WINTER 2013 SEMESTERTABLE OF CONTENTS*FULL-TIME DAY CREDIT PROGRAMSSPECIALIST IN TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS (AEC) LCA.CB ...................................................................... 1FULL-TIME EVENING CREDIT PROGRAMSCISCO CERTIFIED NETWORK ASSOCIATE (CCNA) (AEC) LEA.21 ............................................................................ 2RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE (AEC) EEC.1Y ........................................................................................ 3PART-TIME EVENING CREDIT COURSESEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION .................................................................................................................................. 4RECOGNITION OF ACQUIRED COMPETENCIESRECOGNITION OF ACQUIRED COMPETENCIES ........................................................................................................... 5NON-CREDIT COURSESPERSONAL INTERESTINTRODUCTION TO BIRDWATCHING ............................................................................................................................ 8INTROVERSION 101 ............................................................................................................................................................ 8STANDARD FIRST AID AND CPR COURSE (CANADIAN RED CROSS) ..................................................................... 9LANGUAGES (FULL-TIME DAY PROGRAM)IMMERSION EN ANGLAIS LANGUE SECONDE .......................................................................................................... 10ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE IMMERSION PROGRAM ......................................................................................... 11LANGUAGES (PART-TIME EVENING COURSES)ANGLAIS LANGUE SECONDE ........................................................................................................................................ 12ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE ..................................................................................................................................... 13ITALIAN I ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14ITALIAN II ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14SPANISH I ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14SPANISH II .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY AND FITNESSFUN & FUNCTIONAL FITNESS ....................................................................................................................................... 15WEIGHT TRAINING FITNESS .......................................................................................................................................... 15YOGA ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16ZUMBA ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16CUSTOMIZED TRAININGBUSINESS & INDUSTRY SERVICES ............................................................................................................................... 17REGISTRATION, ADMISSION CRITERIA AND FEESREGISTRATION BY TELEPHONE ................................................................................................................................... 18ADMISSION CRITERIA: CREDIT COURSES .................................................................................................................. 19ADMISSION CRITERIA: NON-CREDIT COURSES ........................................................................................................ 19CREDIT COURSE FEES ..................................................................................................................................................... 20NON-CREDIT COURSE FEES ........................................................................................................................................... 20FEES FOR THE RECOGNITION OF ACQUIRED COMPETENCIES (RAC) ................................................................. 20DOCUMENTS YOU MUST PROVIDE .............................................................................................................................. 21ACADEMIC AND GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 22*Information subject to change

Continuing Education Winter 2013FULL-TIME EVENING PROGRAMResidential Real Estate Brokerage(AEC) EEC.1YPROGRAM OBJECTIVEThe Real Estate industry in the province of Quebec wentthrough a major change in terms of the laws that regulatethe activities surrounding a real estate transaction. Underthe new Real Estate Brokerage Act, Real Estate Agentswill become Residential Real Estate Brokers and RealEstate Brokers will become Agencies.The purpose of the Residential Real Estate BrokerageProgram is to train both Real Estate Agents and RealEstate Brokers. The regulatory body that oversees theReal Estate industry, the OACIQ, has established seven(7) competencies which new Residential Real EstateBrokers should have developed and mastered in order toact ethically and responsibly in their real estate brokeragepractice. This two-semester program is designed toprovide students with the necessary skills and knowledgeto demonstrate that they have attained these seven (7)competencies. In order to obtain a license to practice inQuebec, candidates must write an exam* with the OACIQ.The examination has been designed based on thiscompetency framework.*The OACIQ exam may be written in English or French. Those whochoose to write the exam in English will be required to prove, beforethey are issued their license, French language competency, as per theregulations. OACIQ exam fees are not included.PROGRAM CONTENTADMISSION REQUIREMENTSStudents must have a Quebec Diploma of SecondaryStudies or a High School Leaving Certificate or havereceived instruction deemed sufficient by the <strong>College</strong>.Although French is not a component in this program,any student who wishes to be successful in Quebecmust assure that he/she has sufficient mastery of thelanguage. Prospective candidates will be asked tosubmit their curriculum vitae (CV) and may beinterviewed prior to admission to the program to verifytheir qualifications. Potential candidates may berequired to take an appropriate remedial course(s).Interested candidates must attend a mandatoryinformation session. Please visit our website toregister for it.• Please see admission criteria to an Attestation ofCollegial Studies (AEC), page 19.FEESApplication FeeAll new students must pay a $30.00 application fee thefirst time they register for a credit course. This fee isnon-refundable.Tuition/Registration FeesStudents must pay approximately $3,500.00 for thisAEC Program, which includes all tuition and registrationfees. The cost of books and materials are not included.The Residential Real Estate Brokerage program consists of eleven (11) credit courses, for a total of 570 hours.221-001-LA221-002-LA221-003-LA221-004-LA221-005-LAIntroduction to Residential Real EstateBrokerageReal Estate Property LawReal Estate Business LawReal Estate Brokerage ActCommunication Skills in Real Estate221-006-LA221-007-LA221-008-LA221-009-LA221-010-LA221-011-LAResidential ConstructionReal Estate MathematicsResidential Real Estate AppraisalResidential Real Estate BrokerageContractsThe Promise to PurchasePresentation of the Offer to PurchaseGENERAL INFORMATIONThis full-time evening program is scheduled 3 evenings per week, between Monday and Thursday, from 6:30 p.m. to10:30 p.m., as well as alternating weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Anticipated Start Date: September 2013For more information, please call (450) 672-7364.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 3www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013PART-TIME EVENING CREDIT COURSESEarly Childhood EducationINDEPENDENT STUDIES – HORS PROGRAMMECOURSES FROM (AEC) JEE.0KCOURSE OBJECTIVEADMISSION REQUIREMENTSThe objectives of the credit courses offered from the EarlyChildhood Education program are to enable students todevelop the required skills to work as an Early ChildhoodEducator with children of 0 to 12 years of age, and to fosterthe general development of children under their care. The3 credit courses offered as Independent Studies (080.02)during the Winter 2013 semester are intended for studentswho wish to gain particular competencies, targeted byspecific courses within the program, in order to integratethe labour market or improve their professional status.Students who wish to register for the complete AECProgram should contact our office to have their nameput on the waiting list for the next group.However, successful completion of all the coursescontained in the competency-based Attestation JEE.0K,may allow students who meet the eligibility requirements,to obtain the Early Childhood Education AEC. This AEC,combined with 3 years of full-time work experience in alicensed child care setting, will give the student theminimum requirements to work in the field, as per theregulations governing Child Care Centres in Québec.Graduates may also work in other types of child carecentres such as school daycares, home daycare services,nursery schools and stop-over centres.COURSE OFFERINGS – WINTER 2013 SEMESTERAdmitted students will have received prior instructiondeemed sufficient by the <strong>College</strong>.Students who wish to eventually obtain an Attestationof Collegial Studies must also meet the admissioncriteria to an Attestation of Collegial Studies (AEC) atthe time of their graduation.• Please see admission criteria to an Attestation ofCollegial Studies (AEC), page 19.FEESApplication FeeAll new students must pay a $30.00 application feethe first time they register for a credit course. This feeis non-refundable.Tuition/Registration FeesStudents must pay a $2.00 per course hour tuitionfee and must pay a $5.00 per course registrationfee. Students who do not meet the criteria for theindependent course of studies and who wish toregister as a part-time student within this AEC programmust pay an additional $20.00 per course AuxiliaryServices fee.Three (3) credit courses from the Early Childhood Education program are offered during the Winter 2013 semester.322-783-RL322-795-RL322-805-RLCreativity in the Workplace (45 hours)Educational Activities for Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years) (75 hours)Educational Activities for Young Children (3-5 years) (75 hours)GENERAL INFORMATIONThese part-time, evening courses are scheduled between Monday and Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m., as well as some Saturdays and/or Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Schedule subject to change).Anticipated Start Date: Mid-January 2013Anticipated End Date: June 2013For more information, please consult the information booklet or call (450) 672-7360, extension 424.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 4www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013(RAC)Recognition of Acquired CompetenciesWhat is RAC?RAC provides admissible candidates with the opportunity to receive academic credits for skills and knowledge gainedthrough training, life or workplace experience.Who is RAC for?RAC is for adults who have significant experience in a specific field and wish to see their competencies recognized inrelation to an official program of study.Programs of study for which RAC services are currently available:‣ Specialist in Transportation and Logistics AEC – LCA.CB‣ Information Technology Support Specialist AEC – LEA.1Q‣ Early Childhood Education AEC – JEE.OK‣ Special Care Counselling AEC – JNC.1G‣ Applied Business Development AEC – LCA.E7‣ Transportation and Logistics Dispatch Specialist AEC – LCA.DZAdvantages of the RAC processIf you are an adult with significant experience, the RAC process could allow you to:• Avoid the repetition of training for competencies you already have.• Be formally evaluated for the competencies included in a chosen program of study.• Shorten the time it would take you to earn an official diploma, such as an AEC or a DEC.• Obtain a formal record of your competencies for a given program of study (transcript).• Have access to partial training targeted to your specific needs (seminars and class activities, online resources,tutoring by phone or in small groups).• Have access to services offered at variable times (days, evenings, weekends).How RAC worksIf you believe you have the skills and knowledge comparable to those listed for one of Continuing Education’s AECprograms (please consult information booklets), please contact Continuing Education to find out if RAC services are a goodoption for you.If RAC services are offered for your program of choice, you will complete a self-assessment and the <strong>College</strong> will review yourfile and analyze all your documents. If your knowledge is considered sufficient, your application for RAC will be acceptedand you will be contacted by a RAC Advisor.RAC requires you to provide proof of your skills and knowledge (certificates, job description, employer letter, video, etc.) foreach program competency. You will also be provided with an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and competenciesthrough varied evaluation activities, such as interviews, portfolios, evaluations, projects, workplace demonstrations, etc.Following these evaluation activities, validated competencies will be officially recognized and you will receive a planoutlining any partial training required in order to complete the entire program.For more information, please call (450) 672-6046 or visit our website at www.champlainrac.com.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 5www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013SERVICES CURRENTLY OFFEREDRecognition of Acquired Competencies(RAC)• Specialist in Transportation and Logistics AEC – LCA.CBExamples of typical profiles for some of our RAC for T&L candidates:- People who have significant experience and competencies in transportation and logistics and who wish toimprove their chances of obtaining better employment, a salary increase, or a promotion.- People who have been working in the industry for several years, but never had an official diploma and nowwish to see their competencies recognized and/or to upgrade their skills and knowledge.- Immigrants who need to convert their transportation and logistics experience to a North American context.Candidates are provided with additional partial training to familiarize them with North American procedures,laws, regulations, etc.Note: <strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> has formed partnerships with some businesses to make the RAC process easily available totheir employees. Our content specialists travel to businesses to evaluate candidates and to provide partial training onsite.For more information, please call (450) 672-6046 or visit our website at www.champlainrac.com/tl/.• Information Technology Support Specialist (ITSS) AEC – LEA.1QExamples of typical profiles for some of our RAC for ITSS candidates:- People who have been working in the industry and need their certification to keep their current job or to obtaina promotion.- People who have a lot of Service Desk competencies, but who lack some of the elements of the ITcompetencies.- People who have a lot of IT competencies, but who lack Service Desk competencies.For more information, please call (450) 672-6046 or visit our website at www.champlainrac.com/it/.• Early Childhood Education (ECE) AEC – JEE.OKExamples of typical profiles for some of our RAC for ECE candidates:- People working in a licensed daycare or for daycare services in a school and who want to obtain theircertification to be more employable or to keep their current employment.- People who have been working in a daycare or for daycare services for a school and who wish to obtain anofficial certificate and/or to upgrade their skills.To facilitate daycare workers’ access to RAC services, evaluations, seminars and partial training sessions are offeredat varying times (days, evenings, weekends). Candidates also have access to online resources and to contentspecialists by phone, by email, or by appointment and a RAC Advisor is available to discuss their progress with them.For more information, please call Jessica Boyd at (450) 672-7360 ext. 419 or see: www.champlainrac.com/ec/.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 6www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013SERVICES CURRENTLY OFFEREDRecognition of Acquired Competencies(RAC)• Special Care Counselling (SCC) AEC – JNC.1GExamples of typical profiles for some of RAC for SCC candidates:- People working in school settings, group homes, youth centers and/or senior centers and who want to obtain theircertification;- People who work with clients with special needs or who want to upgrade their skills to become more employable;- Immigrants having worked as special care counsellors in another country and wishing to transition to the Quebecworkforce.To facilitate Special Care Counselling workers’ access to RAC services, evaluations, seminars and partial training sessionsare offered at varying times (days, evenings, weekends). Candidates also have access to online resources and to contentspecialists by phone, by email, or by appointment and a RAC Advisor is available to discuss their progress with them.For more information, please call (450) 672-6046 or visit our website at www.champlainrac.com/it/.• Applied Business Development (BUS) AEC – LCA.E7Examples of typical profiles for some of RAC for BUS candidates:- Business owners or managers with significant experience running a business that wish to have their competenciesevaluated and upgraded if necessary;- Immigrants that were business owners or managers in their country of origin and who wish to have theircompetencies recognized and adjusted to Quebec standards and practices, if required.To facilitate busy business workers’ access to RAC services, evaluations, seminars and partial training sessions are offeredat varying times (days, evenings, weekends). Candidates also have access to online resources and to content specialists byphone, by email, or by appointment and a RAC Advisor is available to discuss their progress with themFor more information, please call (450) 672-6046 or see: www.champlainrac.com/.• Transportation and Logistics Dispatch Specialist (DIS) AEC – LCA.DZExamples of typical profiles for some of RAC for DIS candidates:- People who have been working in a transportation and logistics environment, who have significant work experienceand who wish to become dispatchers;- Experienced dispatchers who wish to see their competencies recognized and who wish to upgrade their skills andknowledge.Candidates have access to online resources and to content specialists by phone, by email, or by appointment, and a RACAdvisor is available to discuss their progress with them.For more information, please call (450) 672-6046 or see: www.champlainrac.com/.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 7www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013NON-CREDIT COURSESIntroduction to BirdwatchingAttention all prospective birders! Birdwatching or“birding” is probably one of the most cosmopolitanoutdoor activities in existence. By all accounts, the ranksof birders are growing. This course will focus on thebasics of birdwatching including:• the origin of birds and birdwatching• identifying birds by sight and sound• using field guides and checklists of localspecies• choosing and using optics such as binocularsand spotting scopes• identifying birding habitats and regions in theMontreal area• attracting and feeding birds at your home• understanding bird migration, mating andbreeding• getting involved in bird related protection andconservation issuesTo complete the course, students will be invited toparticipate in a novice birdwatching field trip at a primelocal birdwatching location.(File #6013)Animator: Sheldon HarveyDay: WednesdayDates: March 27 to May 1Time: 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.Fee: $72.00Sessions: 6 (12 hours)Sheldon Harvey is a member of the Board ofDirectors of Bird Protection Quebec.Introversion 101What do you say after “Hello” if you are an introvert whojust wants to say “Goodbye”?Worried that your introversion is getting in the way ofyour happiness? Your career? This workshop is a primeron understanding introversion for anyone who issuffering and wants to master socializing in groups, feelmore at peace and discover the strengths of an introvert.You will learn strategies to manage your energy so youdon’t feel overwhelmed or exhausted by groups (parties& networking events). You will also learn to recognizethe difference between introversion and shyness,between an introvert's and an extrovert’s brain & howthat impacts your communication and lifestyle, as well ashow to choose which events to attend and how todecline gracefully!(File #6015)Day: SaturdayDates: February 23Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Fee: $30.00Sessions: 1 (3 hours)<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 8www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013NON-CREDIT COURSESStandard First Aid and CPR CourseCanadian Red CrossRED CROSS FIRST AID. PREPARE FOR LIFE.This Canadian Red Cross Standard First Aid courseprovides comprehensive First Aid and CPR techniquesand hands-on practice for those who need training forwork requirements or who want more knowledge torespond to emergencies. It includes the latest First Aidand CPR guidelines and meets federal, as well as avariety of provincial/territorial regulations. Topics coveredinclude: The Emergency Medical Services (EMS)system; airway, breathing and circulation emergencies;first aid for respiratory and cardiac arrest; head andspine injuries; bone, muscle and joint injuries; woundcare and environmental emergencies. Participants with100% attendance who complete the written exam with aminimum grade of 75% and succeed the skillsdemonstration will be awarded the 3-year Canadian RedCross Certification in Standard First Aid, CPR Level Cand Automated External Defibrillator (AED).(File #6014)Day: SaturdayDates: April 13 and April 20Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Fee: $120.00*Sessions: 2 (16 hours)*An additional fee of $50.00 (cash only) must be paid to theinstructor on the first day of the course. This fee includesthe complete Red Cross First Aid & CPR manual (186pages, with colour inserts) and certification card.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 9www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013PROGRAMME DE JOUR À TEMPS COMPLET SANS FRAIS DE SCOLARITÉFormationImmersion en Anglais Langue SecondeOBJECTIFL’objectif premier du programme est de développer et demaintenir un niveau de compétence en anglais qui faciliteral’intégration de l’individu au monde du travail. L’acquisitionsoutenue d’une compétence provient de l’incorporation desnotions apprises en classes aux activités quotidiennes desindividus.Le Collège <strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> est un CEGEP dontle mandat premier est d’offrir une formation de niveaucollégiale en anglais. C’est donc dans un universmajoritairement anglophone qu’évolueront les participants.CRITÈRES D’ADMISSIONLes individus qui participeront à ce programme devrontposséder certaines compétences en anglais. Sur cette base, lepréalable minimum d’accessibilité au programme est le niveaude compétence débutant. Le niveau de compétence en anglaissera évalué lors d’un test de classification avant le début duprogramme.Ce programme de formation s’adresse prioritairement auxrésidents de la Montérégie qui sont sans emploi et/ou sansrevenu et qui sont admissibles aux mesures d’Emploi-Québec.Nombre limité de participants.CONTENU DU PROGRAMMEMise-à-Niveau : 150 heuresDébutant niveau I et IISession 1 : 225 heures Débutant niveau III et IV, et Intermédiaire niveau ISession 2 : 225 heures Intermédiaire niveau II et III, et AvancéTOTAL : 600 HEURESRENSEIGNEMENTS GÉNÉRAUXNombre d’heures/semaine : 25Horaire :lundi au vendrediDébut des cours : 14 janvier 2013*Fin des cours : 28 juin 2013*Dates de début des cours variées selon le résultat obtenu au test de classification.Pour plus de renseignements, composez le (450) 672-7364.Cette formation est rendue possible grâce à la participation financière d’Emploi-Québec.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 10www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013FULL-TIME DAY TUITION-FREE PROGRAMEnglish Second Language Immersion ProgramPROGRAM OBJECTIVEThe main purpose of this program is to help studentsdevelop and maintain a level of competency in English thatwill ease their integration into the workforce. A sustainedlevel of competency is acquired when notions learned inclass are incorporated into the students’ daily activities.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> is a CEGEP whosemandate is to offer college level courses and programsprimarily in English to its clientele. Students registered inthis program will, therefore, spend each day in apredominantly English-speaking environment.PROGRAM CONTENTADMISSION REQUIREMENTSParticipants in this program must already have a basicknowledge of English. Eligibility for this program is restricted tostudents who succeed a placement test at the beginners levelof competency or higher.The level of competency will be confirmed by a placement testgiven to each candidate before the program begins.Priority will be given to candidates who live on the South Shore(Montérégie), who are unemployed and/or without income andwho are admissible to the programs and services offered toindividuals by Emploi-Québec. The number of participants islimited.Refresher: 150 hours Beginners Level l and IISession 1: 225 hours Beginners Level III and IV, and Intermediate Level ISession 2: 225 hours Intermediate Level II and III, and AdvancedTOTAL: 600 HOURSGENERAL INFORMATIONNumber of hours/week: 25Schedule:Monday to FridayStart Date: January 14, 2013*End Date: June 28, 2013*Various start dates according to placement test results.For more information, please call (450) 672-7364.Cette formation est rendue possible grâce à la participation financière d’Emploi-Québec.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 11www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013COURS NON CRÉDITÉSCours de LanguesAnglais Langue SecondeLes élèves seront convoqués à un test de classement et par la suite seront avisés par téléphone ou par courrielde leur niveau ainsi que l’horaire correspondant. Les frais de 20 $ (non-remboursables) pour le test de classementsont inclus dans le coût. Certificat de participation inclus.DébutantCe cours s’adresse aux élèves qui possèdent uneconnaissance de base en anglais et qui désirentaméliorer leur capacité de communication orale.L’objectif de ce cours est d’amener les participantsà tenir une conversation simple dans une situationde vécu quotidien.Intermédiaire IICe cours est une continuité du niveauIntermédiaire I. Les participants y approfondirontleurs connaissances des structures grammaticaleset des expressions idiomatiques introduites auniveau précédent.Nombre limité de participant(e)s.Intermédiaire ICe cours s’adresse aux élèves qui ont déjà uneconnaissance fonctionnelle de l’anglais et quirequièrent plus de pratique afin d’améliorer leurcommunication orale. L’accent sera mis sur lesstructures grammaticales et le vocabulaire afin defaciliter une conversation plus fluide.AvancéCe cours vise une maîtrise des éléments suivants:compréhension de l’anglais conversationnel; bonneprononciation et structures grammaticales avancées.Les participants auront l’opportunité de faire uneprésentation orale.Horaire déterminé selon les résultats des tests de classements.HORAIRE DES COURS - 1 SOIR PAR SEMAINELes cours débuteront la semaine du 11 février 2013.Niveaux : Débutant, Intermédiaire I,Intermédiaire II & AvancéHoraire : lundi, mardi, mercredi OU jeudi18h30 à 21h30Heures : 36 (12 semaines)Coût : 185,00 $Pour plus d’informations ou pour vous inscrire, signalez le (450) 672-7364.du 10 décembre au 20 décembre, 2012 inclusivementlundi au vendredi de 9h00 à 19h00ETdu 7 janvier au 25 janvier, 2013 inclusivementdu lundi au jeudi de 9h00 à 19h00et le vendredi de 9h00 à 16h00<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 12www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013NON-CREDIT COURSESLanguage CoursesEnglish Second LanguageStudents will be given a placement test and will be advised by telephone or by email as to what level and whatevening they will be attending. A non-refundable fee of $20 for the placement test is included in the cost.Participation certificate included.BeginnersThis course is designed for students who have abasic knowledge of English and who wish to improveconversational skills. The objective of this course isto enable the students to communicate in day-to-daysituations and carry on a simple conversation inEnglish.Intermediate IIThis course is a continuation of Intermediate I. Thestudents will acquire an in-depth knowledge ofgrammatical structures and idiomatic expressionsintroduced in the previous course.Intermediate IThis course is designed for students who alreadyhave a functional knowledge of English and whorequire more practice to improve conversationalskills. Emphasis will be on grammatical structuresand vocabulary, which will enable students to carryon a more fluent conversation in English.AdvancedThis course will allow the student to master thefollowing: comprehension of conversational English;pronunciation; and in-depth grammatical structures.Students will be expected to give an oralpresentation.Limited number of participants per class.Schedule to be confirmed according to results of placement tests.COURSE SCHEDULE – 1 EVENING PER WEEKCourses will begin the week of February 11, 2013.Levels: Beginners, Intermediate I,Intermediate II & AdvancedSchedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday OR Thursday6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.Hours: 36 (12 weeks)Fee: $185.00For more information or to register by telephone, please call (450) 672-7364.From December 10 to December 20, 2012 inclusivelyMonday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.ANDFrom January 7 to January 25, 2013 inclusivelyMonday to Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 13www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013NON-CREDIT COURSESLanguagesPLEASE NOTE: All language courses are taught from the English language.ITALIAN IThis course is designed for students who have little or noknowledge of the Italian language. Students will acquireknowledge of basic structures and vocabulary, with theemphasis on listening, comprehension, oral expression,and reading.(File #6001)Day: WednesdayDates: February 13 to May 1Time: 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Fee: $150.00Sessions: 12 (30 hours)ITALIAN IIPre-requisite: Italian ICiao! This course is a continuation of the Italian I course.It is designed for students who have acquired a basicknowledge of the Italian language. Weekly topics willallow students to enhance their communication andwriting skills while providing an enriched introduction toItalian culture and life.(File #6002)Day: TuesdayDates: February 12 to April 30Time: 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Fee: $150.00Sessions: 12 (30 hours)SPANISH IThis course is designed for students who plan to traveland would like to acquire a working knowledge of thelanguage for travelling around in a Spanish-speakingenvironment. The course aims to develop students’language skills, chiefly at the level of speaking and theirsocio-cultural competence in Spanish. It covers the basicgrammar and structures that are absolutely necessaryfor oral interactions. Topics will include greetings, askingfor directions, ordering food, shopping, etc.(File #6003)Day: MondayDates: February 11 to May 6*Time: 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Fee: $150.00Sessions: 12 (30 hours)*(No class Monday April 1)SPANISH IIPre-requisite: Spanish IThis course is for students who have successfullycompleted a beginner’s Spanish course. The mainobjectives of this second level are to review the basicand important elements of the Spanish languagepresented in the beginner’s course and to develop thestudents' conversational skills in Spanish through oralinteraction amongst students aided by the teacher'sdemonstrations. In addition to new vocabulary, otheruseful grammatical points will be covered.(File #6004)Day: WednesdayDates: February 13 to May 1Time: 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Fee: $150.00Sessions: 12 (30 hours)<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 14www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013NON-CREDIT COURSESRecreational Activity and FitnessFUN & FUNCTIONAL FITNESSResults! Beginner/Intermediate exercisers enjoy a strong, toned body.Enjoy an open exercise format – suggested exercise programs change weekly.• Personal attention = Guaranteed improvedfitness.• Cardio state-of-the-art equipment.• Strength machines / free weights / optionalagility tools.• Functional training – agility, balance, posture.• Core/flexibility training (25 minutes).• Gymstick TM / Stability Ball / BOSU ® Trainer.• Fun!(File #6005)Days: Monday & WednesdayDates: January 7 to April 29*Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.Fee: $160.00Sessions: 32 (48 hours)*(No class Monday, April 1)WEIGHT TRAINING FITNESSThis course focuses on the muscular and aerobictraining and development of all of the majormuscle groups. We use a variety of aerobicwarm-up methods, and then move into a seriesof exercises to strengthen and tone musclesusing a form of resistance, including hand-heldweights, weighted bars, and exercise machines.This class will push your body a little harder andfeature more advanced strength and conditioningexercises for a great overall workout. All fitnesslevels are welcome.(File #6006)Days: Monday & ThursdayDates: January 14 to May 6*Time: Mon 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.Thur 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.Fee: $160.00Sessions: 32 (48 hours)*(No class Monday, April 1)<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 15www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013NON-CREDIT COURSESRecreational Activity and FitnessYOGAA dynamic yoga practice for all! There is a placefor you in this class, whether you are young oryoung at heart, male or female, new orexperienced, or flexibility-challenged! Every yogapractice will focus on safe alignment and flowingpostures. Come experience yoga in an invitingenvironment!(File #6007)Day: MondayDates: January 28 to April 22*Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.Fee: $95.00Sessions: 12 (18 hours)*(No class Monday, April 1)ZUMBADitch the workout — join the party!!!!Come join us for this AMAZING, INTENSE, FUNand pretty much OFF THE HOOK, Zumba Party!Zumba is a high-energy dance class that getsyou movin’ and groovin’. We salsa, rumba, hiphop and shake, shake, shake it to some great,loud and motivating music. So you don't think youcan dance? Come prove yourself wrong!!(File #6008)Days: Tuesday & ThursdayDates: January 29 to April 18Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.Fee: $110.00Sessions: 24 (24 hours)<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 16www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013CUSTOMIZED TRAININGBusiness & Industry ServicesBusiness & Industry Services, <strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong>’s customized training division, offers a variety of trainingoptions to best suit your needs.What ultimately makes your business different from your competitors’ is the competency of your employees. Aknowledgeable and efficient staff will initiate effective and innovative work ethics that will help you gain and maintain acompetitive advantage in your market. <strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong>’s Business & Industry Services can be your strategic partner inattaining your goals and objectives.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> offers a suite of training services for business owners to choose from, such as language training(English and French Second Language), information technology (particularly technical support of MS Office applications),and transportation and logistics.Working together, the members of our team will analyze your company's training requirements; customize the trainingmaterial to your company or industry's specific needs, if necessary; and provide the appropriate training. <strong>Champlain</strong><strong>College</strong> can deliver courses either at your workplace or at the <strong>College</strong>.Customer-centric, we are committed to providing organizations with concrete business solutions with an overarchingobjective of maximizing efficiencies.For more information, please contact Ms. Sherry Romanado at sromanado@champlaincollege.qc.ca<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 17www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013HOW TO REGISTERRegistration by TelephoneYou may register by telephone if:• You are a <strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> returningstudentOR• You are registering for a non-credit course (courseslisted on pages 8-16)Before calling you SHOULD have the followinginformation available:• <strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> Student ID number(returning student)• The listed file number(s) for course(s) you wish toregister forAND• Your credit card number and expiry datePlease note: If you do not wish to use a credit card you can still register by telephone; however, you will then have 3 workingdays to come to the Continuing Education office (F-107) to make your payment.For more information or to register by telephone, please call (450) 672-7364.From December 10 to December 20, 2012 inclusivelyMonday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.ANDFrom January 7 to January 25, 2013 inclusivelyMonday to Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 18www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013ADMISSION CRITERIACredit CoursesAttestation of Collegial Studies (AEC)You are eligible to register for an Attestation of CollegialStudies (AEC) program if you are a Canadian Citizen orPermanent Resident or the holder of a valid Student Visa,and if:You have received instruction deemed acceptable by the<strong>College</strong>, for example:• A Diploma of High School StudiesOR• A <strong>College</strong> Diploma or a University DegreeOR• A partial high school program, coupled with arecommendation from a current or former employer thatyou would benefit from pursuing your education at thepost-secondary level.ANDYou meet one of the following three conditions:• You have not been a full-time student for at least twoconsecutive terms or one school year within the last 12months.• You are part of an agreement between the <strong>College</strong> andan employer, or you are sponsored within the terms of agovernment program (For example: CSST, Emploi-Québec).• You have completed at least one year of postsecondarystudies spread over a period of one year ormore.Non-Credit CoursesParticipants must be 18 years of age or older to be admissible to take non-credit courses.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 19www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013FEESCredit Course FeesApplication FeeAll new students must pay a $30.00 application fee the firsttime they register for a credit course. This fee is nonrefundable.Québec ResidentsStudents taking a minimum of 180 course hours persemester are considered full-time students.Tuition/Registration Fees(For courses taken within a program of studies)• Part-time StudentsStudents taking less than 180 course hours persemester must pay $2.00 per course hour (Tuition)and must pay $25.00 per course (Registration$5.00 + Auxiliary Services $20.00).• Full-time StudentsStudents taking 180 course hours or more persemester must pay $105.00 per semester(Registration $20.00 +Auxiliary Services $85.00).NOTE: If, in a given semester, your student statuschanges from full-time to part-time, or from part-time tofull-time, all fees will be recalculated. You will either becharged the difference or refunded.Example:If, as a result of you withdrawing from a course orfailing a course, your status changes to part-time, you willhave to pay tuition and registration fees for your remainingcourses ($2.00 per course hour tuition fee and a $25.00 percourse registration fee).Tuition Fees(For courses taken outside a program of studies)$6.00 per course hourForeign Students FeePart-time StudentsForeign students must pay $24.06 per course hour.Full-time StudentsForeign students must pay $4,949.00 persemester.Non-Resident of Québec FeePlease see the regulations on Page 21.FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGENon-Credit Course FeesThe fees for non-credit courses are listed with each course description. There is a 10% discount on non-credit courses forparticipants who are 60 years of age and over.N.B. The GST and PST are included in the non-credit course fees listed.English Second Language courses are exempted from GST and PST.Fees for the Recognition of Acquired Competencies (RAC)Application Review and Analysis fee for Recognition ofAcquired Competencies (RAC) students: $45.00 perstudent, per program.Fee for the evaluation of a competency: $40.00 percompetency up to a maximum of $500.00 per student,per program.If a student’s RAC file remains inactive for a period exceedingone year, the student may be required to restart the processfor any competencies not already recognized.A student may be charged $30.00 if they do not appearfor a scheduled validation interview or evaluationappointment.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 20www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS FOR CREDIT COURSESDocuments You Must ProvideNew students must provide:If you are a new student, you must bring to registration yourQuebec Diploma of Secondary Studies or a High SchoolLeaving Certificate or equivalent and/or<strong>College</strong>/University transcripts that you may have, as wellas one of the following documents:• Official Quebec Birth Certificate• Canadian Citizenship Card and valid Quebec MedicareCard• Permanent Resident Card and valid Certificate ofSelection of Quebec (CSQ) if you have one, or validQuebec Medicare card• Valid Student VisaAND• Curriculum VitaeFormer students must provide:If you have not registered for a credit course within the lasttwo years (i.e., since the Winter 2011 semester), you mustbring to registration one of the following documents:• Official Quebec Birth Certificate• Canadian Citizenship Card and valid Quebec MedicareCard• Permanent Resident Card and valid Certificate ofSelection of Quebec (CSQ) if you have one, or validQuebec Medicare CardAND• Quebec Diploma of Secondary Studies or a High SchoolLeaving Certificate or equivalent and/or<strong>College</strong>/University transcripts• Curriculum VitaeFees for Non-Residents of Québec:Full-time students $1198.00* per semesterPart-time students $5.85* per course hour* fees are subject to change• Students who can provide the official Birth Certificatefrom the Province of Québec are deemed to beresidents of Québec for purposes of the regulations. Nofurther documentation is required.• Students born outside the Province of Québec orCanada and who have been living in Québec for thepast twelve months or longer can provide their validQuébec Medicare Card and, if deemed necessary byContinuing Education, a copy of their 2012“Property Tax Bill” or 2011-2012 and 2012-2013“Rental Leases”.Also considered as Québec residents are individualswho meet other criteria that allow them to be consideredas Québec residents for purposes of exemptions fromthe non-resident fees. The types of acceptabledocuments vary, and details should be requested ineach case by calling the Continuing Education office at(450) 672-7364.Applicants Who Were Not Born in QuébecAs of the Fall 2000 semester, the Ministry of Educationrequires that new students, as well as students who arereturning to study after an interruption or who have changedtheir program of study, will have to demonstrate that they aredeemed residents of Québec in order to be exempt from newfees that apply only to non-residents of Québec. These newfees are required of non-residents who take any course orcourses that are fully or partially subsidized by thegovernment of Québec. The fees for non-residents will beapplied according to the following schedule:<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 21www.champlainonline.com

Continuing Education Winter 2013Academic and General InformationBookstoreThere is a bookstore at the <strong>College</strong>. The telephone number is(450) 923-1056 (Website: www.champlaincollege.bkstr.com).The bookstore is open Monday to Thursday from 8:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.<strong>College</strong> ClosuresIf the <strong>College</strong> must cancel classes due to inclement weather,etc., an attempt will be made to contact each instructor.Emergency closures of the college (snow storms, hydro cut,etc.) are announced on the following radio stations: 940 AM,CJAD, VIRGIN RADIO 96, CHOM 97.7, CBC Radio 95.1,THE BEAT 92.5, CKOI 96.9, 98.5 FM, CKAC Sports, Info690, and 940 AM. The following television stations arecontacted as well: CBC Radio Canada – TV and CTV NewsMontreal (Canada AM). A special message is also recordedon the <strong>College</strong> phone system (450-672-7360).Course CancellationsThe <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to cancel courses foradministrative reasons such as insufficient enrolment.Students who have registered for a course which has beencancelled will be informed by telephone. They may selectanother course or have their fees refunded.Credit Course WithdrawalStudents can officially withdraw from credit courses within thefirst 20% of the course. For example: Within the first 9hours of a 45-hour course, 12 hours of a 60-hour course,etc. Students will be advised of the official course withdrawaldate for each of their credit courses that they are registeredfor. If, after the official withdrawal date, students stopattending courses in which they are registered, they willreceive a failing grade. Courses which have been droppedofficially will not appear on the student’s transcript. Should astudent choose to withdraw from a credit course(s) or fail acourse(s) and as a result of this their student status changes,all fees will be recalculated. Students will either be chargedthe difference or refunded.Also, withdrawing from a course(s) or failing a course(s)within your Attestation program may make it difficult orimpossible for you to continue with your program at that time,it may delay you in the completion of your program, or it mayhinder your opportunity to complete the program as the<strong>College</strong> cannot guarantee that the program will be offered inthe future.Fee PaymentFees must be paid at the time of registration. This can bedone by certified cheque, INTERAC, VISA orMASTERCARD.Grading SystemStudents receive the marking system from each instructor atthe beginning of the course in the course outline. The outlineis a guide to the objective of the course, the content, and themethodology and evaluation system. Students must receive60% (passing mark) which is the minimum mark for theawarding of credits.ParkingThere is a fee of $5.00 per day or you can purchase a specialparking pass at a reduced rate for the semester. You mustprovide your “license plate number” to purchase aparking pass. Parking passes will be sold at the beginningof classes in the Continuing Education office F-107.Refund PolicyNon-Credit Course Refund• 100% for courses cancelled by the <strong>College</strong>.• 100% for withdrawals before the first scheduledclass.• 50% for withdrawals before the second class.All requests for refunds must be made in writing and will beconsidered effective the date they are received by ContinuingEducation.Note: Please allow at least three (3) weeks for theprocessing of your refund request.TranscriptsIn order to satisfy admission requirements to mostuniversities, students require an official transcript which issent directly from the <strong>College</strong> to the University. Requestforms are available in the Continuing Education office F-107and should be completed well in advance of the date bywhich the transcript is required. Requests for officialtranscripts may also be made online from the <strong>Champlain</strong><strong>College</strong> website ( www.champlainonline.com). There is acharge of $5.00 for each transcript requested.<strong>Champlain</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Saint</strong>-<strong>Lambert</strong> 22www.champlainonline.com

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