Women & Investing: Take Control of Your Wealth - Oppenheimer ...

Women & Investing: Take Control of Your Wealth - Oppenheimer ...

Women & Investing: Take Control of Your Wealth - Oppenheimer ...


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<strong>Women</strong> & <strong>Investing</strong>: <strong>Take</strong> <strong>Control</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong>Kathleen M. PalumboSenior Director – InvestmentsPeter C. PalumboFinancial Advisor

<strong>Women</strong> & <strong>Investing</strong>:<strong>Take</strong> <strong>Control</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong>Financial understanding can help womeninvest and preserve their money wisely.<strong>Oppenheimer</strong> & Co. Inc. (“<strong>Oppenheimer</strong>”) is a leading national investment boutique with over3,000 experienced pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in major financial centers and local communities across the UnitedStates. Over 1,300 <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> Financial Advisors, with extensive experience in the industry, helpsuccessful individuals, families, corporate executives, businesses and institutions grow, manage andpreserve their financial assets.With <strong>of</strong>fices located throughout the United States and South America and investment bankingoperations in the U.K., Asia and Israel, <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> has a unique combination <strong>of</strong> local presenceand national resources that enables its Financial Advisors to provide attentive, personalized serviceand services tailored for each client.<strong>Oppenheimer</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionals have earned it an excellent reputation among investors by beingresponsive to client needs, operating with the highest standards <strong>of</strong> objectivity and integrity andputting clients’ interests first.2

<strong>Women</strong> & <strong>Investing</strong>:<strong>Take</strong> <strong>Control</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong>As a woman, you have probably spent a great deal <strong>of</strong> time on the job or at homemeeting other people’s needs. At <strong>Oppenheimer</strong>, your financial needs come first. Ourgoal is to help insure your financial goals are understood and, to the best <strong>of</strong> ourabilities, met by:Listening. <strong>Your</strong> Financial Advisor listens as you explain your short- and long-term goals and drawsyou out to get a full picture <strong>of</strong> your responsibilities.Responding. First, your Financial Advisor analyzes what you’ve said, then responds with aninvestment strategy designed with your objectives, your risk tolerance and your goals in mind.Implementation. <strong>Your</strong> Financial Advisor shows you a variety <strong>of</strong> investments selected from ouropen-architecture platform with your needs in mind.Offering Informed Choices. <strong>Your</strong> Financial Advisor shows you a variety <strong>of</strong> investments, productsand services selected as the likeliest to help you achieve your goals.“My mother told me to be alady. And for her, thatmeant be your own person,be independent.”Ruth Bader GinsburgFollowing Up. <strong>Your</strong> investments are monitored and, as needed, rebalanced. You receive regularreports and are encouraged to speak with your Financial Advisor whenever you have questions.<strong>Oppenheimer</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers access to a full range <strong>of</strong> traditional and nontraditional products andservices. Our goal is to help you with investment strategies for your needs, both immediate andlong term.3

Putting <strong>Your</strong> SavingsWhere <strong>Your</strong> Goals Are<strong>Women</strong> become Supreme Court Justices, ambassadors and members <strong>of</strong> Congress or the Cabinet,college presidents and CEOs. They raise their families and rebuild their community. None <strong>of</strong>these women achieves her goals without intense thought, planning and effort.Something curious may happen, though. <strong>Women</strong> who have already demonstrated the ability tomake good decision sometimes lack confidence that they know enough to manage their owninvestments.We at <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> are convinced that your basic sense and life experience can help you educateyourself about investments – what types you feel comfortable with; what level <strong>of</strong> risk you feelcomfortable with and how to select an experienced Financial Advisor with whom you candevelop a working relationship based on mutual respect and trust.“We ask justice, we askequality, we ask that all thecivil and political rights thatbelong to citizens <strong>of</strong> theUnited States, be guaranteedto us and our daughtersforever.”At <strong>Oppenheimer</strong>, our Financial Advisors are dedicated to working withyou over the long run to develop strategies that will help you maintainyour life – and your money – your way.Declaration for <strong>Women</strong>,July 18764

Planning ConsiderationsBecause your skillsets have alreadybrought you thisfar, you canlogically assumeyou can learn howto make prudentfinancial decisions.“When women thrive, all <strong>of</strong>society benefits, andsucceeding generations aregiven a better start in life.”K<strong>of</strong>i Annan<strong>Women</strong> may have a different relationship to money than most men.• You’re likely to live an average <strong>of</strong> five years longer.• When a loved one needs care, chances are that you’ll be the one to provide or arrange for it.• You’re likelier to take time <strong>of</strong>f work to raise children and care for elderly parents, meaning thatyou may have less time to contribute to your retirement plans.• You may have already used your savings in a family crisis.Do any <strong>of</strong> the following statements sound familiar?• You want to learn more about how your financial and life goals mesh.• You have decided that you need a financial-planning strategy that uses long- and short-terminvestments and insurance to help you reach your financial goals.• You used to permit another family member to handle your financial concerns, but now find thisunacceptable.• You’ve put <strong>of</strong>f learning about investments and fear risk as an investment tool.• You’ve let emotions, hindsight or hearsay drive previous investment decisions and are determinednot to do that again.• <strong>Your</strong> investments have been either too scattered or too concentrated.• You’re concerned about reclaiming your savings.5

From Day-to-Day Investmentsto Investment StrategyManaging your wealth is a lifelong process <strong>of</strong> educated decisionmakingthat should evolve in parallel with your life’s progress.Starting Out.Develop habitsfor good fiscalhealth.Establish<strong>Your</strong>self.Craft strategies tocreate and managefuture wealth.Building<strong>Wealth</strong>.Broaden yourstrategies to helpincrease andpreserve wealth.Vintage Years.Enjoy what youhave created, livecomfortably inretirement andcreate a lastingfamily, philanthropicor cultural legacy.Financial literacy is based on common sense, good fiscal habits and expandingknowledge base. Once you decide to participate in, rather than delegate investmentdecisions, consider taking the following steps outlined in the next few pages to helpwork towards building, or enhancing your financial foundation.6

Developing <strong>Your</strong> OwnFinancial InfrastructureBuild a team.If your parents encouraged you to save, theywere your first financial advisors. Now you needmore than that. For example, you may want a taxpr<strong>of</strong>essional, a lawyer, an insurance agent and amortgage broker as well as a Financial Advisor.<strong>Oppenheimer</strong> has the capability to combineinvestment, insurance and other services so youcan streamline your personal financial operations.A vital tenet <strong>of</strong> our Financial Advisors is that theysit on the same side <strong>of</strong> the table as our clients.We welcome your CPA, attorney and otherfinancial pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to become part <strong>of</strong> ourstrategy sessions.7

Developing <strong>Your</strong> OwnFinancial InfrastructureAdapt yourinvestmentstrategies toyour life.As you evolve from “just” saving to investing, yourportfolio could take many forms. Some <strong>of</strong> the mostcommon are:• 401(k) or 403(b)•IRA• Roth IRA• Trust Accounts• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional managed accountsYou may also have other assets: a business, a home,a second home, an inheritance, perhaps collections<strong>of</strong> art objects or other valuables. You and yourfinancial “team” should integrate these assets intoyour overall wealth management strategy.8

Developing <strong>Your</strong> OwnFinancial InfrastructureLearn thedifferent types<strong>of</strong> availableinvestments.The market consists <strong>of</strong> a complex array <strong>of</strong>investment products and strategies, not all <strong>of</strong> whichwill be right for you. You need to understand howthey work, how they work together, and what makesthe most sense for your goals and your life.“<strong>Women</strong>’s empowermentis intertwined withrespect for humanrights.”Mahnaz Afkhami• Stocks• Bonds• Mutual funds• College funds• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional managed accounts• Retirement accounts• And many more…9

Developing <strong>Your</strong> OwnFinancial InfrastructureA Financial Advisorcan help you chooseaccounts andproduct types thatare appropriate forthe various stages <strong>of</strong>your life.TaxImplication.Seek to understand the tax consequences <strong>of</strong> yourinvestments and how best to try to keep what you haveworked so hard to save.<strong>Oppenheimer</strong> & Co. Inc. does not give legal or tax advice. However, your FinancialAdvisor will work with clients, their attorneys and tax pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to ensure all <strong>of</strong>their needs are met and properly executed.10

Developing <strong>Your</strong> OwnFinancial InfrastructureRetirement andPassing on<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong>.You have worked hard to amass your wealth, fromdefining your goals to meeting them, choosing advisors,coordinating investments and always maintaining clarityon what you want. As you look toward the future,consider the following questions:• How should I fund my retirement?• What can I expect from Social Security?• How do I factor inflation into my retirement strategies?You should maintain orupdate documents such astrusts, your will, a living will,powers <strong>of</strong> attorney andmedical powers <strong>of</strong> attorney.These documents shouldbe readily available to lovedones as well as yourpr<strong>of</strong>essional team becausethey will speak for you andhow you wish to be treatedwhen or if you cannot.The retirement solutions you arrive at will help you makethe next series <strong>of</strong> decisions.• What long-term-care policy is best designed to care for me?• How can I best structure my estate to provide for loved onesand manage tax consequences wisely?• How can I continue to support my philanthropic goals?11

Financial Preparation“What other questions do I need answered?” is one <strong>of</strong> the mostvaluable questions you can ask about anything. When it comes t<strong>of</strong>inancial preparation, we suggest asking:What should be considered for beneficiaries?• If you are married or in a domestic partnership, learn what legal arrangements are in place in case you oryour partner passes on. This means making sure all beneficiary designations are correct and current. Even ifyou are single, you should update the names <strong>of</strong> beneficiaries for any major life events such as marriage,divorce, widowed or family expansions.“What exactly is success? Forme it is to be found not inapplause, but in the satisfaction<strong>of</strong> feeling that one is realizingone’s ideal.”Anna Pavlova(1881-1931)How should I allocate my assets?• Being too conservative or hoping things will all work out somehow will probably do more harm than good. Todetermine which assets will work well for you and with one another, you need the assistance <strong>of</strong> anexperienced Financial Advisor who will help you work towards your financial goals as well as how muchinvestment risk you are comfortable taking. The right Financial Advisor will help you grow your knowledge aswell as your wealth.How do I learn what can I expect from Social Security?• Benefit statements are sent out on your birthday. However, you can contact the Social Security Administrationto get an estimate or calculate them by going to http://www.ssa.gov/planners/calculators.htm.How do I factor inflation into my retirement strategies?• In 25 years, everything you buy will cost about twice as much as it does now. So, if you’ve estimated you need$75,000 to live on, 25 years from now, you may need $150,000 just to retain your current standard <strong>of</strong> living.12

Financial PreparationFinancial literacy– although it maynever be too lateto learn, the besttime to start isnow.“What other questions do I need answered?” is one <strong>of</strong> the mostvaluable questions you can ask about anything. When it comes t<strong>of</strong>inancial preparation, we suggest asking:How can I develop “tax smarts”?• <strong>Your</strong> tax pr<strong>of</strong>essional, like your Financial Advisor, is a resource and, we hope, a trusted source <strong>of</strong> knowledge.Make certain that you learn what you need to know – at least, enough to think about the tax consequencesbefore you make a major financial decision. <strong>Your</strong> Financial Advisor will be happy to consult with your taxadvisor.How do I manage my finances in my later years?• As increasing numbers <strong>of</strong> people attain greater ages, you will need to prepare so you can live well without therisk your money will run out. Many consider a long term care policy to ensure that they will have the health carethey need in later life. Discuss with your Financial Advisor investment strategies that can help you keepgrowing your assets even after you are retired or, alternatively, to withdraw them in such a way that you do notrun through them all.How do I control how my wealth is distributed after death?• There are many ways <strong>of</strong> declaring your intentions in addition to a Will. Estate-planning solutions can helpprotect your heirs from problems such as asset transfers, intellectual property and care <strong>of</strong> minors.“If you have knowledge, letothers light their candles in it.”Margaret FullerAdding an <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> Financial Advisor to your team means a knowledgeable, experiencedpr<strong>of</strong>essional will help you consolidate your retirement accounts, savings and other assets into onelong-term investment strategy designed to accommodate each phase <strong>of</strong> your life, your ability totolerate risk, your financial goals and a reality check about whether you’re making and/or savingenough to achieve them.13

Retirement: Hatching <strong>Your</strong> Nest EggMost Americans spend more time planning for vacations and holidaysthan planning for their retirement.<strong>Women</strong> &<strong>Investing</strong>• Over 75% <strong>of</strong> women are widowed at an average age <strong>of</strong> 56, 1 in 4 <strong>of</strong>these women are broke within two months <strong>of</strong> being widowed.*• This month we’re focused on Retirement: Hatching <strong>Your</strong> Nest Egg.• <strong>Women</strong> have truly become a force to be reckoned with – in the workplaceand society at large• 51% <strong>of</strong> management and pr<strong>of</strong>essional jobs are held by women in 2010.**• <strong>Women</strong> have more economic clout.• As many as 9 out <strong>of</strong> 10 women will be solely responsible for their financesat some point in their lives.• The consequences <strong>of</strong> such circumstances can financially cripple manywomen.* National Center for <strong>Women</strong> and Retirement Research, August 2009** The Economist: “We Did It! What happens when women are over half <strong>of</strong> the workforce” (01/02/10)14

Kathleen M. PalumboKathleen M. PalumboSenior Director - InvestmentsPhone: (314) 854-3715kathy.palumbo@opco.comPeter Charles PalumboFinancial AdvisorPhone: (314) 854-3722peter.palumbo@opco.comBiographyKathy Palumbo joined <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> & Co. Inc. in 1995. Today, she is the thought leader <strong>of</strong> an established, wellrespectedpractice. She is not a traditional stock picker, but rather a seasoned investment advisor who seeks todifferentiate herself from other advisors by providing customized financial solutions to clients striving to optimizepr<strong>of</strong>essional money management and estate planning strategies.Before coming to <strong>Oppenheimer</strong>, Kathy spent 5 years at Stifel Nicholas. Prior to that, she made a career change thatturned the skills she had learned as a Registered Nurse from the healthcare industry into the financial services industry.A graduate <strong>of</strong> St. Louis University, Kathy holds the General Securities Representatives License (Series 7) andUniform Investment Adviser Law Examination (Series 65). She is also licensed as an agent in Insurance/Annuities ina number <strong>of</strong> states.<strong>Oppenheimer</strong> & Co. Inc.One North Brentwood Blvd., Suite 600St. Louis, MO 63105Peter Charles PalumboBiographyPeter Palumbo joined <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> & Co. Inc. after more than ten years <strong>of</strong> experience in advertising and marketing.As part <strong>of</strong> The Palumbo Group, he is dedicated to providing the group’s clients with smoothly functioning and caringservice. He provides customized financial solutions to clients and strives to optimize pr<strong>of</strong>essional money managementand estate planning strategies for wealth transfer between generations.Peter graduated from Marquette University with a double major in marketing and organizational management. Heholds the General Securities Representatives License (Series 7) and Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination(Series 65).Fax: (314) 863-1809Toll Free: (800) 782-6217http://fa.opco.com/thepalumbogroup 15

Important InformationThis presentation is intended for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice.<strong>Oppenheimer</strong> Asset Management is the name under which <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> Asset Management Inc. (OAM) does business. OAM and the<strong>Oppenheimer</strong> Trust Company are wholly owned subsidiaries <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> Holdings Inc., which also wholly owns <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> & Co. Inc.(<strong>Oppenheimer</strong>), a registered broker/dealer and investment adviser. Securities are <strong>of</strong>fered through <strong>Oppenheimer</strong>.For further information about the products/programs available and their suitability for your portfolio, please contact your <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> FinancialAdvisor. Any discussion <strong>of</strong> securities, including any hedge funds or other alternative investments, should not be construed as a recommendation oran <strong>of</strong>fer or solicitation to buy or sell interest in any such securities. Securities products <strong>of</strong>fered or sold by <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> will not be endorsed orguaranteed by <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> and will be subject to investment risks, including the possible loss <strong>of</strong> principal invested. Alternative investments aremade available only to qualified investors and involve varying degrees <strong>of</strong> risk.Neither <strong>Oppenheimer</strong>, OAM, nor the <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> Trust Company provide legal or tax advice. However, your <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> Financial Advisor willwork with clients, their attorneys and their tax pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to help ensure all <strong>of</strong> their needs are met and properly executed.© 2009 <strong>Oppenheimer</strong> & Co. Inc. Member <strong>of</strong> All Principal Exchanges and Member SIPC. All rights reserved. No part <strong>of</strong> this presentation maybe reproduced in any manner without the written permission <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oppenheimer</strong>.G69050610RM116

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