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T0 1507.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

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CERTIFICATETMbto~thm S.Vycrnicdarcthewrknftktheusm'~rWe#wlulrirwWLmL.~"for~k&gm d Doda d PMorghy or tk Padiehemy l~ntvecuty for therqdaparodwdrIhr~mnsin~Mdthetkoir11r~fituwrdofthrwukdoncbykrundamyrrpmlionudp~I~~t Them k b oqpd d the thmr hr not formed the bslr Tot the awud torhc Mdduc of ry dq(nr. hplcmu A&&p.kd~ titkFclbwhp or ottur1 funha rtmc hat the atim t h r reparaub the ~Mkpcndmtwork d S Vmy md JI thc nauch d r wnr Kturlh. undcnakm hythr cuddue hmclf under my wduwr

It I8 with mnnmc pk.*rm md dap mr nf yrrttruk. I IM~~Mrmdtarhamlrrp~xwoI'thutkarsCk SCi MAI I u . R I). for hs ~tduuc, awou- and tnrpnne d~wussronrhrr* rhs dI t M Tml Dm Muhs. Mu- Dtrnrnr, WomenDcnkm Corpwrtlm. Pondstmy. Ta Tunrluau. I n v w ofPdra. C m Womn CJI, Star of thr Fmlv CnunscIltn# Centre,Paduhy. mru S Kuppwy. Impalor of Poise. Podlchmy.Tlu~ D Sank, Tluru L SdamuI Ryrc TIM V~jryJakbhm. TmlAmhh Kumvl ud Tm Vurk~. Imuren. DI Amhsdkar GoW IrwCollege. Pdrhmy ud Stril' of vrnnua w ~n\ ~IPII~M, whoma& me m the dknm ddrca fw the studyMv Ippnlacwn uc due 11) 1 hlru C Adtthm who helped me inthe cdmprrrr WNIYWS of the bta ud rutaed tn the final preprrallon ofthe m m p tM s ue due to nur lthtvun fh~m K V V S.rya~rayuu udhs uaK Thnu Radar, thrm Ja~kumu md Thtru Alhen who weremlwaw nryrnnlny and arusttnv m In the uw of lthrarv nulntalr

CONTENTSST A M 02 WWWSruw of W m21 S u r u , . C ~ w l ~ ~22 Wmmmltcarauc23 C'ommonuymgll#ulwm24 B~dlffoIalKx25 Bdqy-Genla26 C~fuGcabrurqulih(y261 Humsdcuwc262 CubdrnrquJPy263 RJpousdrwnmruhonM~264 Mulhaon261 Ecarmwd266 ltbravy27 ~*~lpaca~a-~qucsqu~ayv~-0-

3 1 ThcnclphoC~~~donvcd~lkc*csmydlhcBmi)y31 -.la13 I Hd~k(rrriy312 M & u111 ChnLnMvnrpc14 AWLfrmthcbmity1 5 Wlution of ~mrn m their chiklhaad16 Girl Jald ne@m~ ud di#CrifItI~limqpJnu mmm hqpn at brIh4 I Conccpkhnfd42 Spscl6cf~ofndcncelpurb11~vrdcna421 E.mMlMIJ&buu422 Idnm4 2 3 h t r ud 1nI1~1m42 4 Cwv~far425 Smrrunl~nplry426 kdh4 2 7 aha ugdl prrf~lny rtd vrnkna43 CM431 Fmtynmrr4 12 Tndnmc433 CIJturc434 Wanntccpmlmr415 Strus4 3 6 Rok of wlrn44 w4 5 EITear46 PmdKhayapnona4 6 I SmJ life a Padrhnry462 MmmarrlaudryundaPadrharyIm461 Domcclrndarc.nslcrkudndymPonddarl- Auvey464 kpdfb~aquJnyd#adWUi#mrmrsrAObbdRrm

$ 1 ~~Igi*lrocsnhvidaiond~mn'shumn*5 1 I Womn's lo hnn d i m512 HumadiptymRmitynh~5 I3 Vidanay.hwrom4&lthbhomAn&onkumad&y.lnmtDnleorwrrus5 2 Domas Wbps prevention law in ~ ba aa~m*,5 I roitionmlndia5 f I Coa~nutimJ ne)n lo liw w11hacl feu5 3 2 Pwml Lm ud the eonstnuria,5 3 3 lud~bcItwm5 14 Matnmnulnurhv5 I 5 Leprl pnnw~on unda cnmrul hw54 Fmlyauns5 5 Narlonri mmmulon,


Perhaps wcthrn love and lnttmne relatlonrh~ps. we m y uy momoften. that life's drums are filled with epiwda of potentid vialemLmc and hate are intertwined, ra that one u n both low a d kill lhrher'"Be thus when thou art dead. and I wtll kill theeAnd love thee rRn I must weep.Rut they arc cruel tears Thn wrrow's IS henvenly.It strtkm where it doth love "-..- Shakespeare Act V. Sac iIt I Olhcllo's love for Orrdemona that resulted in hi# killin8Dorncrt~c vtolence also called IShmlly v~olence, especiallyspousal v~olencc aRrlnst women has bcen one of the world'r best keptsecrets for ccnturles Now that women habe hepn to talk and tell theirstorla. wch lncldenccs are findmu the~r way Inlo the medtr Domeaticblolcnce was once conr~dcrcd to he rnthrr an exception and wanbclteved to be confined lo relat~vely a few homes rather than as routineand ettenstve It was hcl~cvcd tha~ such ahurcs are rectrlcted to the'Wolfpn~ E Manla -Fnmllr Vdclcnse a d Crtnlnal Behartoaf". Roben LS.bn d 'linlrur and Rr,prwt,htkft- Ncr York HaIsICd Pms M 87I11711

UHes in the lorn unta of loeietv especially amnR pear,uneducated a d alwhol~ca Scholrrly and popular Ittcrrtum on domticvbhnm WNwnurlly nowiamt in the tixties The ram raponr onwik rbuw ponrryed both the brttrinp hurbrnd and hi* wife arufferiy from personality disorders II has onlv been in the past 20yurs tha~ svstcmrtic data on the prcvalmcc md outcome of domcslicviolsntc r~rinn women hrr hem ~rthcred from wcry corner of theworld M e m meareh rcponc on the family violmee by Richrrd JOclka. Sncll and others and Schultr In 1960s and Del Mnnin. O'Brim.Lcvtnpn. Strrur. Ste~nmetz tn l97Or Systcmrtic ~tudica wereconduocd in 1-0sby Dobrsh and Dobrsh. Papelow and wardell' Dueto the rwarcnc%s ~reatcd hv reminist movcmcntc, rner centurtecofsilence, victims tn cvny wcictv have hc~un tn #perk about every kindof &use or tonurc tnfllcted upon them by men in thetr homes Mdirrrpons on the scale and severity of donsttc violence rgainst mmniedwoman, har led to further study and revtcw of thew sltuationaDomcrtic vmlcnce has b m reported to bc the leadtng caux of Injury towoman rnulrlng in more tnjurtcr than ruto rcctdcnts, mugging and

npes wmbincd At leru 4 million incidents of domestic violence arereported mnudly' It is now utinutd that about ? to 4 million wo-are battered in a vear' An act of nduk domestic vlolencc aecun cvnyI5 seconds, more frqumtly than my other crime In New York. it isentinuled that one person 18 vlct~mited hy phvaical violence in the homeevery thrw minutes . or 157.6110 people per year I4rlf of all v~olmtcnms eommated by relattvrr tnvolvd spoultr or en-spouua One inthree reported domest~c vtolence asuults lnvolws the uu of a weaponand/or results In unaus bndtlv Inpry A study of 1.000 balled womanfound that the male who battered his wtfe also abused his childrm in 10percent of t k famil~es in which childrm were present' It is estinutdthat 25 pcrcmt of workplace problems such as abuntce~sm, lowerprodu*ivity, turnover a d excessive u u of medlcal benefits are due tofamily violmce' Although ~ne~dences of domestic violence are on theIncteau, a number of instances of vlolence are not reponad The aredw mcn who are bit ud injured by thtir wtves, wb~ch means that theretlurka E Emarm. Akudrtr VI&IJ LCpl atd ID~ .blM wornen . Her~Jorc WWIm . Blurr~n 7< 700 6 $ 4 ai nmpunr 1 w IJA Y lwo nr 11rrlrhrnrBlw Vtok.sc 11 !k Hou \totl~c#cs un dnmr#t~r vt,,lrmrr utnm rhr 4rrrod h i # Once jii lh# Prrwat~om ~~f/htmr*ltc I ~ftlrnrrl nr ltrr latrmr~' Ibrl'AU krc. 'Yru tru uk 11 k drod Rartrnr~ md hnr tn stop 11' Mom.hoc MA 02 IOI.2172.

Lieraton mn the ~(*r slorily heros, who wlve problems a d apmthenuetm throubh acts of vlolmceA %mywh~ch crutcr and supports norms and valwr. thatOlq~tt~nute and ~lort* vioknca wtll be I, mclrcy that has h18h lwrl ofhmlly w o b . understood as nolence agalnd Ih. old. pun8 a dwomen otkmse called as chlld ahuse, elder abuw and wife abuwFamlly wdance ts an luue of hmtly nlaltons r1lh.r than jun a problemof confllct hetween spouscrIn~ttrlly the dennlt~on of wtR rhuwlncluded only phvttcal abuse hut later as the w~fe abuse becamerccopn~ud 1% r rocla1 problem, the dennlt~on was broadened to includercxual abuse, mrrltal rape and even pornoprrphy Ahuse refer# not onlyto phvrlcal rsuult, hut also other forms of depr~vat~ons of brnrcnccesslttes such as neglect. and mental abuseIn a soc~ely where marrlal(e I- cnnvdered as moa~ sacred rnd themost Imponant event In a perwn's I~fe, one docs not ordlnarlly think ofall mrn~festrt~uns or the matr~rnontal hond In the lives of the spoune~ Auanlrn~ dluovrry In the repons dcmvst~ncs the myths bout mrrrlrgeas r passtonate bond rnd the hmlly cleated through mrnirge as thecutk of dl comrons and pleasure

The rnd of nun tn thta eontnct m18ht k only theprt~f~c~t~on of a trmwat paanon, and thrl prauonaattafwd. be would haw had dl tha advantage of theunton wcthoclt my of 11s lnconventenccs It IS not the samewtth the woman, the engagement has for her very durahleand very burdenwme conwquenco Alkr the trouble ofpregnancy md the prtna of chtld btrth. she 18 charged wtththe chlld carethus the unton whtch would 81vc mannothlnu but pleasure would be lor tho woman thebeglnntng of aulTertngs Tlme, pregnancy, nuralng,cohabttrt~on ~taclf, all conrptrc to dlm~nlah the effect ofher charm. and the muat expect that her beauty willdccl~nc at an rue when the eneryy of the mm IS 11111tncrerunyShe knows that, havlng worn out her youth tnom huabmd. she wtll hardly find another, whtlc the manwll espcrtcnse no such d~ficulty Accordtngly, loreatghtw~ll dlctrte lo her a neu clruac In the agreement. "If I~tve myself unto yw. yw shall not be free to leave mewltkovt my wnmt" The mm tn turn demands the ume

proalr and thus on both udes 1s eomplaed a lawfulwedlock founded upon tbc hrpplmu of the pm~a'The crccutlon pan of thra contract lnvolves powr-struule,domlnr~~on ad sahrt~~atlon Patrlrrchy mlthtn the family. reaultins inunqual ptrwrr ~rlnl~on l~cluccn marl and unman, rclnfnrse thad~ur~ml~l~on and w there IS rbuuViolence thus tri~~rred nfT IShard lo atnp and the wctrm tncwrw of Itme. accepts thlr 11 pm of her Irfe' lncldence~ 80unreported and even when such v~olence IS rsponrd, there IS onen afailure lo prolcct vlcllmr or pun~ah the parpetrrlors Vlolcnce r$r~n$lworn IS onc or the cruccal mechmlsm~ by whlch women art forcedInto a wbordlnate pontlon In the ramlly and In the wclely Domeat~cvloleme I* a man~festr~~on of the hlctnrlcallv unequal power relationktmn men and women dcrlved from trad~t~onrl and customarypranleo vhlch have led to domtnatlon over and d~rcrlmlnallon rgacnstwomen bv men Ird to the prevention of women's full advancement InI41a Ik III~~.IIIII \INIIISn wllntan Ir 1rrr8rfvctI firm thc vcrrec nf

nawaic Shrtna wnttm cmturln backAetordtn@lv for a *rib, thehqhnt dkumr 1s to obey hcc husband even IT be IS plltltv of all morrnlinsOM who 1s drstreUPd when her husband IS dlltresrcd, who 18bcl1M.d when hn huhnd IS In del~sht, who IS muclatd and wandtrty cloth8 what bcc husband has Bone on I journey and who dies onthe dalh or the huahand Ir the patl\lrata according lo one of thecommentators on Smr~t~" The remale uctlon or human populatton rrunreeognlred, devalued and abudNelther tndcpendence, nor thewrltten laws or the land dcclartn8 and connrmtn~ rnr the oquallty ofwomen LII~IIJprevent the II~OCIIICS c~~mrn~ttcd nn womanhnod Thepurr structure I- 1 % ~ L I.-I~(I~v lnd more ~n the famllv IS pendnb1.4 lndtan culture had ~cceptcd v~olence as a means of u~lvln~ anddeallnp u~th problems andwomen have I,rr- the vlctlms tlnequalpower relat~ona, ~tercotyptcal Render arrrnycmentn and lnjuncttonsagatnst women make them mere puppets and objects of beauty CorenjoymentOur roclety abounds w~th myth1 md mtwnecptlonc Inrdat~on to battcr~ns or women Thew myths lmpede the ~dent~fiat~onof women who arc cxpcctmclng vtolence and abuu and thus rnhtblt

I. Dmrcrtk vkk.ct: Its writ and wtrityThe ~lobrl network to r~udv domest~c wolcnco afialnst womenhas docurnen~ed cnouph report# and mnllnucr lo repon ahoul Ikcctplottat~on, abuse and ~onurc lnfllc~ed a$aIns! womanhood wc~hln the~rhomo bv lhc~r own ramtlv mcmhcrrThe committee on tore~gn relations In LISA tn 818 policyontiunun r~yhtr has for the firrl llme In 19119 ~ncluded thc v~olrnce a#rinUunrnrn In ~hc I'amllb altd ullc abuse, and hold,. the govcrnmenlresponc~hlc lot lklr fa~lure Icl act and protect the11 clttrens agatnnl suchahuse* I he cnmmltlec Rrpor~ ot~nfirm'l, lhal v~olencc agalnat women1% a global problemWomcn Intcrnallonal Network Ncws from LISA" reportsregularly on thc lnc~dcnccrlulcnce allrlnmt wumcn occurrtnp worldw~dc and In 11s rpeclal report on domert~c blolence, ptctures tho globalmlstmce of ahurr agalnst women In the fam~llesRepons from Maur~tan~a. Senegal. Kenya. Uganda. 10.0,"TU Tnbw, A W w r ad Wcloprwnl ck.rlerlv. Inlerulloul Woun'aTrrbrac C@U.(R \rr.lrrtrr 44. lru 11 Wl 1

Oumu bbenr. Clcnetoda. Sudan. Emt. Alps, Uaitd AnbEmtram. Kuwalt. Thuhnd. Cambodla and Federated Staler ofMlcromua. FIJI. Bangladnh. Portu~unc. Russia. Ucbek18tm, Omcc.Peru. Vmczuela. t.1 Salvador. Argentina. Costa Rtca. Merleo a dMalayma alone wtth lndla confirm about the existence of domcrl~cv~olrnce tn the11 countrro The Ctcch Republlc ISthe onlv country.which In 11s report uvs thattnc~dcnco of domcstlc v~olence rre notpubl~clv debtled In their country because they are non existent Thdrjusttcc olliclals cla~m that laws against vrolence are eITcet~vely onforcedand human rrphts proups do not contradict them"In henva, l yanda,Sudan. 1.1~1, and Ilrheklstan, domest~cblolcncc trreported to hc bcrv common and IS connldcred as a serlousand wldr3prcad prtvhlem In 1111 I)omcrt~c vlolcncc ISa second majorfocus, of the women's movements Llrkkrstrn reports that some 50%of the sell tmmolal~on surc~des lor whlch there are several hundredseach rear) are relaled to ~ ek~ng an errpe from chronlc beatings"In countrtcs like Pak~rtrn. 1;ganda. and Russia. the matnmon~rllawn do not prov~dc provlstons to check wtk aburEven In sountrles

whcrr rpcsrrl lrws u c prcnt rhy m many ttmcs idwtiw Areport from Tnntdrd rnd Tnbr~o (W lndter - Caribbean Associationfa fanntn rnarch and m~m) states that Domestic violm Adpovdm r man to eommtt v~alrncc IlusktnJ~ kill Ihr prflncrn w Mtky ue wparrtcd by M order under Damtrttc nolcnec IrwSpectfic tnctdencm horn dtffwent cauntrter prove one hct. thrtISwhatevn clvtltutton r eornrnunttv has rchtcvcd. In whatever waythere ISdcvclopmer~t rr hr 11 the ~nterpcrsonrl rtlat~onsh~p bclmma o d wonun 11 concerned, more specincrlly bclwscn hunband andwfe, there I rlwrvs ello md conlltct, result~n~ In rbune of the weakerhv the stronlcrFcotlrnd, r $2 vcrr old mcithcr In nrltrln wat char~cd w~thrnurdcrln~ het husband June Scn~lrnd suffered 22 ytrrs of vlolcnt abuwand humtltrt~on at the hrndr of her hrutrl hubhand who had alw, ber~cnthclr sons and uturlly rhurcd thclr druyhter Ihe rick and bewilderedMrs Scotland struck brck at (he rnrn whou rnonstrouI behrv~our hadr u ~ the d brn~ly She was proucutcd for mrnslrughter It wrl r caw ofdomcrttc rtolenec where consistent v~alcncc tsolrred and closed on rwoman, un~ll finally cornplctclv cornered. rnd forced to k1II htrn

35 vear old H~roc Takada In Japan (no1 her real name) married Iur mcchanlc He d ~d not klim In btnh control and she endod up wilhSIXahanions tier husbmd turned m violent that rht had lo move l o thcshelter wrh her daughter rill she got a divorce and found a job"The0 huthand \hot 111s reparated wife Suwn at clore ranlle onceIn the abdomen md once In the hack,klllin~ hcc There had ~QQIIah1~1nrv of v~nIence over a mtmhcr of vcarn. tnvolvinn the police andrcrultinp In court proceed~nps, one of which followed an Incident whwohe went hcrurk, hashed her ahout terribly and sk was taken to hospitalIn an ambulance The hushand hattner arid in his atatcmml ID theprosecutor ahout how hc h~t htn w~fe "I pulled into 8 tide road anddragled her from the car and took nearly all the l~fc from hcr wilh myhands around her throat She was I~feless m d had also wet herself 11was very lucky that I molorttt had passed earl~er on and had reponcd 11to the poltce As the pollee car came up I had p~eked Suaan ttp and triedto brtng k around I told the pol~ce II was just marr~montal trouble ad111 Bolqrt. -0rttI1n~ Helcnr. brrlurr for the under boc Rtodrra Ik##ll. 1811111.124 (19941'\b~.Lo Y-au Iapn'l vlolcnc Lwtmeck. lndran trptrtr k 4 I' 119'41l

uond them Mtyttuna WU OK They Ien un I knew that he wan wMU lo drat h""In Indtr. ~k numkc or caw 8rr hetnu now reg~rteced onrtroctl8a ylunrl w.lc.xnAuordlnfi to the O$urtr avnilablc wi~h IIHPondtchcrry Pol~ce Dcprrlmcnt, dnwr) rrlatrd omnre~ art reg~r~eredundcr Hcrtonr 4tQA and 104H of the lndrrn Pent' .'odeIn Psndtchew fiv a pertod of 4 vtars from 1989 up to Aup.1~11-7. 45 cants arc rtfilrlcrrd for dowrv relBld offencer under section14014 and lo4n of {he lndtan Penal Code Yerrw~se rcgtnlralton orcases arc ar noted &low 1989 (10). 1000 (4). 1991 (lo), 1992 (8).lW1 11). 1004 (4). IWq (1). lW6 (I) and 1997 (2) Numhtr ofcrwrrepcstcrtd under 4VRA (2t1 case*) la mote than number of camreprttcrod undcr IO4R I I0 carr.r)"1.tm1tcd number of crrrs are heln~ rep~e~cred far crueltycomrnttted rpajnsr women In thetr homcc There can he noycncral~rrl~on of crccs for, onc haltered utrmrn In as d~fTcrcnt from !henext 1s n~ght horn the dayTaken all, the stud~ec on battered women,

thq ban only ow iptficml charocteriltic In commonthey all arefcmrkRctnp baltercd IS a female exptrtence. whtch can involve not onlyassaul~, actual md ~rtrvous bdllv harm and attempted murder. but rlwpc\cholo$~~llv dchtl~tattng pncttco, In a mtlteu of toctal and lqrlunrryronslvmeol'Non (iovernmmtal Or~anllrtlonr and Actton Aid(irnups for the \lctlrn- of domccl~c vtoltnce report thr~ I woman hemdomcs~~c v~olence all throuah her Ille. md nnly lhe persecutor chm(.r.In her childhood II 1% her parcncs, or step parent%. tn her youlh 11 18 herhurhand-~n.laur and In hct old a#e 11 IS her chtldreni dau~hterr In law1'Ynunp hrldrr have heen killed for no1 hrlnp~np cnmtph dowry Murder$have also occurred due to rnartlal mrladjurtment, intidell~y, hfgamy.proprlt dtrpuler, and o~hrr domestic problems Women have hecomepasswe, reslgntd. md have numbtd ~hcmlelves Tho beatlng~ andnegatlve responK of boc~cty lo ~hetc ntcdc ha1 succeeded tn maktn~ thewornen klplesa, psuve and non-ex~sten~A husband k r ~ h~s s wile lor reasons and for no reawn. ~nc~dentaare too many where a husband beat, hlr wtfe when he is dcprnted and+ I).Wlt. 'hund Wtm and Rorocltm'. HR I. J . Fob 14, U Ill ltW1l.Vs& 1.1. 'CI tblr ror I).IU~ womem-. fn~lam r rpme Am* In M 9 clW41

iw when he I ercc~d, whcn kc IS angry and rho when ha ia vayhappyWhether, for fun or facl, bcattn#~ roull In pain rnd nod~flcrence 19 felt 1 11 Is onlv for funlnc~dcnce of wtfe hatrering and rnalnmn~rl cruelly in andout~de lndla rre traced from d l a reports. jnurnrl~ md pcrumrlInlcfactlon w~th the vlctlmt h ~ d r d caw8 on mrtrtmon~rl cruelty.dowrv relaled harrssmen~ and dowrv dealhs arc taken from law nponaAhclul a caw of hurhnnd heatlnp hln wife lo dealh. OandhimWIAICIn Younp Ind~n In lQ:O 1% follows"the 8111 he~n~I1 years and the hushand 20 Iiardly had thepa~r llvcd topether for I l davr, when the prl d~ed of hurnlng The juryhare found tha~ she cnrnm~t~cd sulc~dc owlnp lo the unberrrble andInhuman rol~c~tr!lons of the no called hushand The dyln~ dcpo~lt~on ofthe y~rl uot~ld yo to thnw I~II the hurhrnd had net fire lo her clothclPa~r~on knows no prudence, no p~lv "The I ducal~c~n 0arc11c (II May In71 had reporled a 11m11rr-Tk collsred WO&J d H.Llmr C,aadh~' lhr Pmhl~#oBas Ihvlrrn~ Mimrtm,,I Idanr,+~r n d Ilmnl* nsrlm# I,cnrnnr81 nflrrl

ties with thrir nnal ham m cut especially when their muriw ru.ntW t k sanwnt of pmtsMtnoo Slurma aped 25. a rtence poduatt and the drughtaof m executtve cn(tnkrof t k Punlab Oamnmcn~, rnrrriodChrndreiwrr Sharmr rprd 21, a dealn tn bulldtng matsrtal, on April24. IW? Fn~r d~vq lrtrr. Mlnna drvrlnprd rrvcr #nd Ihe rnsdlcalcxrmtnrtton reportrd hat she had a L~dnev malrunct~on and the onlyavatlahle tmedv wan a k~dncv transplant Whtlc her Husbanddeserted her, htc mother demanded dtvarce papers to be ~~gned bvW~noo" The woman war also ~ll.treatcd and emottonally betrayedkruu she wfferd 111-health aner marrlagr and hame unwitablefor marned ltfeYounp prellnan! Mephalr. wan forced to dr~nk 200 ml ofwlphurtc actd by her husband, mother-tn-law. and father-tn-law byhold~ng hcr tlphtly hv the arms and !he ham, saytng I! was wms tonte forher heahh The I~qutd burnt hm oral crv~ty and damrped her pharynx.Iarvnx, lullct and part of the stomach The doctor attendtna h n utdthat kc hrs never recn such r were Injury from drlnkln~ actd as the:hhacda BLyn . -Br& drAb..boecd ror Ktdm fa~lm.- lnLaa !rpr*o*4(IW9IMa.

dkr utm wll juet mrke a penon to throw tt awayMVia. who ts rorlrinll m tha kb hculty or Bnllcant's computercentre on Woods re4 hd gone lor lunch w~th two collergues to tharestaurant oppoute to her ofice Her hushrnd. L.ouis Anthony w~lhthrre othnr. barged Into the restaurant just when she wrs ertlngBefore rho rultd what wre tuppen~ng. Anthony slashed her on theface wth a knife A terr~fied V~dyr ran out to the road Krcrming forhelp, but Anthony followed her and attacked her repeatedly One day hehrou#ht h~s 8111 frtend and k~rsed her In front of evervone In the oficejust to tmhrrrrsl \.'~d~a"''On rn crrlrcr occaclon when V~dya war rttacked by him acomplrtnt wu lodged with polrce md the cacc 18 pendrng In the counlhey have a two ycrr old dauyhter who I@ tlavlny wrth the motherRuh~ Nrsrecn Krd~from Bomhry. Dllshad from Sourrah, Nwjrrnd SMin are r few of a Muslim women who were tortured to deathb u u thew women cwld not brtn6 cuficlent dowry'In a diITnent caw, on thc wedding niaht. husband of Mi~s' Rrthed~ Bbpl -)an8 pregnant annun faced lo dnnk ulphufrc ur6Imlr !ryru Mm lh f 19911" Indl~tzpwvv AP ZY DI V I lYY4I' NI~I SlrN -TI. Tonwfc kn Dmn- lhr Il#mdw (W Ill l lWtl

Zahider h i all&that #he wn not a vlrgtn and mid that k wouldconrtdn kaptn$ her if hcr pmtc ~ave htm IOO.OW NWS She dtdMI Ern htm t b moncy and a d ~ m m followed"Th~c lnc~dcnts show that w a n arc humt to death hv cruelmems for not bnn~ln(( mtw(lh down or for bnnplnp had lurk lo thefamllv Wife ahuu 13 prevalent In the rlch at well 19 the ponr Nc~thrceducatlon nor a h ter tnclal status can save a woman from hararsmcnlfrom her hushand II he 1s drlrrmlnrd to treat her this wavlncldcntr of w~le hlttlnp or klllln~ hushandn, have hctnrn wch an'ballrrrd i!ndrr~mc" U't~mcn uho arc ncrn.v~t>lcnl hv the11 natute aremc~am~rrphorlrcd as vl~~lcnc hrutcs caprhle of Lflllny thr~r hushand&.uhen huihand kcrp on harars~np the wife for a lony Ilme I)etpe~ale andhope Ircs ~hcv become murdcrcrs when thrv have ahus~re male partnersThreali to kill made hv the ahuser, prychc~ln~tcal ahuse whlch creattnhum~l~at~on and the fear of more vlctlmlsatron drtve women to takedcfenclve mcasuro of k~lllnp their hushandn The atudv reports onwmnm crtmlnrlc confirm that theyhave ellher hecn battered hy ahusband or a hovhlmd or raprd Th~s proves the srylnu that vlolencc' kur t.Owardr. -Vlbduat~a Vs f'om~nul~oa' \re I J M8, It 1 141 I IWn)

For ~k hm a n in htnow. lhc attitudt ofjudtciary tumcd lov~cr thc rnnc of wife ahuw from ~hc slandpoin! of the vu~trntdwomm The hi~oncrl urz or Klnnjct Ahluwalla recognlml ltul abuuaaatcul worn IS MI a stnale inctdect. 11 is tbc w~y of life for thewomsn to wlYa, su(Ter and conllnue lo nufirIbc ballercd womnsvndrame wra reco$n~rd in lhis caw in reducing !he Lcnlcnee awardedlo the vlctim woman turned nffeder The facts of the care IS fvllovsFor 10 wan. horn he vny first drv or thc~r marrtaae tn IQlQ,M a k had btalen Kiranjit Ahluwalto wllh ahoo and p~ecea nCfurn~lure, threatened kr wiih ho~ iron8 and kntvrs and rapd herrepes~edlv tlc had heaped humilial~ons on her, lmporln~ all rcstrtcttoncShe could not mect frtendr, or dye her hr~r, or even erl Ereen chilliesTktr two chtldrcn were alrn not #pared When she compla~ned 10 hrrfamtly, lhcv put preslure nn her lo kar everrhlng in sllence for theukc of their 'ir?a~'(honour) ('ourt Injunctions restratninu I)ecpsk fromcruult~ng her had no effect On the nigh! May 7, 1989 she d~tdcd notlo lakc 11 ly~ng down any lonuef Dceprk hrd raked her lo yive him 200pounds. and whm she refused, charged 11 her WII~ I rcd ho~ ironIhtralening to burn her frce She rubmilted then, but later whilc he tlrpc

11 them kmr m Sum she doud btr mr11m wt~h peud and MI 4mrrd to h Tm dry her, ~ccp~t d d of men humsa"Arcblu's frlhcr hrndr. I kslnormrn rerpondrd to rnutr~ocrnlrl dumc~l~nt a dtwk hor to TIN~~I~I on Apfll 1?.1*4 .uhcre b Jryrkrtdnr Ambrtt. the world's voungcst doclor was~el~ct~~ted by Srt Vmkrlcswrr~ untversltyThe groom found herrcccprlblc rad the wcddln~ took plra on July 2 Thc mmc dry, hlsCtamth~ Amball. ma~hcr uf Jryrhrtdnr, ptcked up r qur11cI wlrhArctunr'c parents over dowry and uddlng TtmJOn Junc 9, Aichrnrlen utth Amhall for Hrw York with r v lu vrltd Tc~r three months kionr~hc moment she landed In hew York. ,ha war bertrn by her mothcr.~n.Irw and her hubband md hcr hrother.~n.lrw, I)rIirlamuna~li~rhnr4mhat1 The lady nrrrrtcd. "lor one mrrl I was rrkrd to wllleImposttlonr such 11 mv mo~hcf ISr prostltutc and my Irthrr 1s rscoundrel r thouund tlmcs I vrn the trlcphonc wan taped I hc An~hrtlnrhicrtcmd lhrt my frmtly In Drrgrrpt uould be on thc strrets I Irplilcd Ihc hcrns " Thn was thc Irst straw and Archrnr decldcd to endhcr Itfc Rut she was caught by hcr brothcr-tn-law, Ilrlrmun~tki~shnr

Cca she ww mdsq OR h m home and beaim up hlwk ad blurFtnJty sk wu asked to affix hcc u#nrtun on blank prpcrr and pt onr pllm to lndu on Julv 111"A. Iicmtu cdurrtcd rnd rmploycd IS r teacher ~n pn\rrnmentuhool aped 40 vrars. 1s rcr~dinp in I worklnp women r hostel InPond\chrrry She \I a phvncrllv hrndteappd women, hrvinp no r%!+uc*Her huhnd wanted to hrvc r second mrrrlapcWhcn A c~hjrctcd. shewr~ 111-treated. krtcn and thrcrlmed wtth murdtr Om n~~hl A len herrnrtr~mun~al home whlch shc had built throuyh prov~drn~ fund lorn fromthe govcrnmcnt for fcrr of death or bodlly harm tier l~t~~rl~on for thepropcrtc could not ruccccdI). ISanother well cducrtcd and employed Ihndu hved lor Ismthan one ycrr w~th hrr husbandllcr prtcnta had to pledpr and ull1hc11 property for celchrr~ing the mrti14#c of thclr druyhtcrIlrrwntlmenlrl rcfubrl to share he hed with her husband on the nupt~rln~yht I111 her Irlher'a debt* were dlschar~cd and her stynrnu nf saledocuments of her putntd properly w~lhwl :be consent of her husband? Raul 'Gad Ur~lu Cmed wpram' IrBne trpw*~ Nm Ih at VIIW*)

prdrad t k Lvrbud to dtvwta tbo mvnrga In ~ba munmontdprdlagr before t k fuatiy can. burb.nd .I- adultcry w inUthe mfc Ana a few rcrucrac of caunwll~a(r tbo rmrrlrpe wn d~uolvodon mutual conwntC, another educated and employed Musltm woman manlad to IIrrs rducated man luITerr mental trauma kcause of the tnfer~orilvcomplc~ of hC1 husbandDomesttc vtolcnce tr a pervas~vc and frqurnllv untrcopnt~cdtruu of Injurv amon8 women and ISal~o renpon~lhle for a slynlf~cantproponton of sulc~do commlltcd by women Ttllr leawr ~hc womenwtlh a vnrt of hclplcsrnerr and powerlerrnessI'Bha Ja~rwal had ci)rnm~~ted ru~ctdc hv han~ln~ on April 19,l9U0 In Ihc house of her husband SIOrllal (Accurcd No I1 and. ~hc In.law* w~thln a year from the date of mrtr~a#e whlch uas wlemn~med onMay 31. I985Accotd~ng lo the prowcullon, the dcccrred, llrllaJr~swrl who war only 20 yearn old had been lrcrlcd crucliy and hrdb lonured bolh mentally and phy~tcrlly by the rccuud11 warrllcficd that wlthln A few dryr anrc the mrrrtaBc lhc fa~hcr.~n.law ofthedcearcd hd dted and Smt Gujratt MI I~trwal (Accused NII 2) had

ward t k drcrurd cruelty by tellin# lkrt she wrru r woman of evil luck(rlrkshm~) kuuv of wh~ch her hther-~n-lrw bad died hnly anor Ihamrntr#e 11 was also rllqed ~krt arm the mmtrle. the drccagad. llshaJalswrl, had concnvcd but there had bcon an rhnrllon ancr kin#rdrn~tted In the honpctrl Thc rcwd No 2, the mo~her.ln.lrw of llrhaJr~,wrl, crud scvcre mental prtn hy lell~ng her In horp~tal ttrelf ~halshe had bccn r woman of ml luck and lhrl #he had swallowed her babyand %he should comrnll ru~ctJr I! was also rllcaed thal ~hc rccurcdSo I, the hurbrnd of Ihc dcccrml, oncn used lo cclmr home drunk andphbr~crllv rrsrulc !he dccerrtdThe Supreme ('ourt found that the rv~dmce tn Ihc case rrrcals anrc~ or extreme form of cruelly hy ~elllny !he unfonunale mother thal thewar ev~l cnou~h lo rualltru her own hrhy and she rhottld cclmmltlutc~dt The Court also ohserved rhal such &CISwere qulle l~kely todettrov Ihc nurmrl frame of rn~nd of thr dccearcd and to dr~ve her 11)frustrrllon and mental rsony and to end her ltfe by commllllny sutc~deSunrnda (Ihc deceased) war mrrrled lo !he rcrused OoverdhanRaojt Ghvrrc on I I" June. 1981The rccutcd ctrrlcd hcr~ln~her onthe 8round lhat she could no1 cook properly and lhrt rhc war tllttcratcand the ucud could krvc mrrrrsd I worklny ~trl 1.alci Sunanda wrb

Acts of cruelly In nlation lo dowry demand were decided by IhcSupreme Cwn In thc follow~ng usesWife was cnns~dered 8s Inausplciouc slncc she could no! plvchtrlh to a child tlr wanted lo remrrrv rnrr kllllnp lhe w ~lr Wile wanhrulall+ beaten up and hunp on I rope crusinu her derth Ilodv wac kcpllnr~de the room 1111 nec@hbours hccame susp~c~ous and opened the caseIka~h was crud as a recull of the lnjurles ~nnlcled onward hv theaccuwd followed bv asphvx~a~~on rcrulllng from the d~uane having henhunp bt her neck hv the rccuwd*In the mrjorltt of duwry related crvtc the haranvmrnl and killlnyof the br~dc is ~raceablc lo the ahomlnahle and pcrnlclous pt~c~lce ofdemrndlns and ertrrcllny dowry and Ihr failure on the pa11 of !hehrldr's parents to adequrtely rall~lv Ihe yrrcdv demands OI thehurhrnd'c peopleThe hov who was cducalcd. ~nlrll~yml and latented plrl mrrr~cdwithout g1v1n8 dowry hccruw, prrenls 01 the hrtde and the httdc#rcrornwere coIIer#~e~ Ifom the very bqlnnlnfi the falher of the hi~de w8c

&a-in-tru d m ba out SIMW.~~-~~W hddrng hot, molkr-rn-lawpoured kerosene ud 8n on tin The daocrwd sdcamad and publlccurse ud pul off !be tin and look bet lo boapctal Molher-rn-law rrunhppr about the quantum of do-"Husband and pieno-rn-la* compalld the vrcttm lo brrnp l0,M)Qfrom hn blkr and turaucd hw Vmrm wn wnt back 10 her frlhrr'ahnuw hv thc huhrnd kr~hcr kept hrr for I monlh, rrrrnpcd forRI 6000 sent her back I(> he1 husband'^ bunt She yo1 h~rlh to r mrlcch~ld Whm the husband crmc lo lake back tht w~fc. In the ctrtmnnvthat followed. frthcr ~rvc Rs 4000 and bufTaloes, hut hushrnddemanded I motorcyclr V~cttm was ~hrcattncd w~th mu~der"Husband wanted lo go abroad and 10 demanded UIln.ooO Ilchrrrrwd the WIG for not ut~rlylng the dowry On thc dav of twrurrcnctshe was burnt"Vma Ran1 mother of a NIC ch~ld was ~ll.trerted md beaten upby hn husband Tot MMY. she took leave on loss of pay md went to hcrparents hnuv Ano r compromlw ~ hcam t 10 l~ve w~th her husband" WNlrh b f V* W d h-. AIR IW7.6 C 1 I@* B-.h arch vs SW. d ~mpb. All I~I, s r. 101 I" sw d hmmb VI A-I st*. AIR Inr, s c ,111 I

A#m ill-mn-I canttnucd for Ra 1000 as lhc hubd is 8n urscnlneed of tk mow Husband sud to ha wtfe thl k tr not blhedwem I( she d d Money 18 very much Mcdcd Very shan fir tbvVrmr R.nr commtttcd I. subode by burnlnr kwlfFathet.tn.lrwad mo~her.\n~lrwere no! u!~sllnl w~ih dnurveven at the ~lnv of marrlape She war hatrucd and humrl~ated skcomm~tlrd rurcdc hy burnlng herwlt*She was (Ilvrn ururl prcunlatlon at the llme of mrrrrrye, rhepave brnh lo a mde ch~ld, hut whm husband demanded Rr I O . ~ only ,R* 5.MW war 8lvcn Drrlh of t k w~fe occurred due lo slranyulallonand Q%prt+mortem Injurtes Ilurband and relallres were puteltndlRcrenl md death took place In the bed-roam In the bnlrd dav llnlctiurbmd nude cnlra judlclrl ronfesston about the murder"Motkr.~n-law wrnle Iutrrc before manlaye lo fatherthebrrdc demanding rooter and l ap recorder whtch could not be Ntven 81!he itme of manla#c Vicltm rnn 2 or 1 hours of dtnncr In !he n~~hlwas murdncd and lhcrerncr burned naked The body waa hurnlny evenRn~IrlV~Psvm~lurdrmda.aln AlRlVlP S( lU,l" ww~b rt.d vs me d tianmu AIR IW* 8 c 178' Maldb Irj VI 5Wnb Kumr ad akn AIR IW2 S C 117%

J\a death*MI& RMI@ Sun~ta Rrnr war burnt u~thln a pcrtd or 217vears of numyc for not hnnglnp R, 10.000 dowr) amountShe wnrubjcctrd to cruelty tn connectton with dowrv hy the husband andmother In Irwt rr~dr ne#um rnrd 10 vcrrs was phvslcrll) ~r~rtufed hv hcrhushrnd and h~r frmtly mcmhcrs for not rskln& for dowry rram hcfprienr\ w~lhln b month* ol the mrirlrye hio~her.~n.lrw u t fire clnIrrldr~ werrlnl clolh with the help of kerosene w~th r vlew to LlllI rtlJr whcn she wrs prrpwlnp tea In her m~trrmontrl homemVrolence unlcarhed hv husband'# parent8 and rclrt~ves rpalnrtvoung brrder arc cruel and unconu~onrble npeoally whcn such acts I)Ttorture are commttlsd In the presence of their hunhrnd~ ~ nd husband*rfe uncanctrned about themIn r Ralasthrn cau" when molhcr.~n.lrwpoured kctome over the hodv of her dru~hter.~n.lrw and hurnt herr11ve. Ihc husband stwd by the rtde rtlentlytlushrnds are unk~nd and vrolcnl towards lhctf wlver wtrcn lhcy

The jud~c~al a~t~tudc In 18nortn8 crucl~y comm~t~rd ~(yaincttnmrtec of a hmlly was ctpord In Rukmm VI Faktr hand" ~ n dKaushrlva Vs Ratsrkh~ Ram"Shs~ Rala. a hcaul~rul voun8 i~dy of 20 ycars war marrld loS I~Kumrr, on March I. IQ79, and she MI w~th homlc~drl dealh rpnAu(tust 10, lOlU In her mar~lrl homeShe Icn I son nl 1 monlhs oldA1 t klime of marrla$r lhc Irdv was glvcn the usull pte~nlallotl of thcgold ornamcnls, ulcns~ls. Iclcrlr~nn wt etcSllll the t~nrat~nlicd hushandslran$ulated kr and hurnt her lo dccllroy the ev~dcnce A6 pct doctor'sev~drncr rhc dlcd of asphvxtr, ISI result of strrnp~~lat~on. and ~hrl 05percent hurn por~.morlcm lnjurlcs were found over the dead hodvcrccpt !he feelTh~r wrn done In !he rcs~dml~al home of 111trespondent. In the upstairs room wkrc ~h couple alonc llvcdoccurrcncc look plrce In !he broad dry ttmc In thc~r had roomThethehurbud war conv~cld for murder and was wnlcnccd to underanrlporws lmprlmnment Tor llfc

a&m wu umd lo ~W.l ra I975Sba wu burnt todutb tr tbe y w 1961 Tbr frctr of tk urc h w r that &ftu mrmy;o,husband's fun* bm mb wb~k the wtfc'r fmly romrlnd poorTk w ~ k I onen hum~lutcd and wkn hcr urta umc tu lnvtle hcr andher mulbcr.~n-law to atlend hcr mrttyc. rhc was ~nwllcd md unl oullrtcr an. the nmc dry. the wlfc war men butnt lo dcrlh In ~hc upblrlrrroom of the mtrtmon~rl home The hulbrnd. muthcr.~n.law, h~hci.tnIrw and ustn-~n-law, vcrc prcunl and lhcy rcmrlnnl pule! rrtd d ~d no1rttcmpt lo uvc t k burnlnu womanThe husband r t d near Ihc onlyprtc prwcntlng wlr~drrs Irt~m cnlarny tho houw IIc WI shoutlnythat there I a short CIICUI~lnstdc whtch fact wan pri~~ed 10 be faI~ bythe clcc~r~crl en$lnecr rl the lr~rl The husband I convlrtcd undrrSoc 101 for uunn8 murder end mtcnccd to undcrpo r~yutuustmprlsonmcnl for l~fc"Krmlrth war mrntcd co Df Rrvlndra Prakr*h M~ltrl rycd rhout20 rear8 Krmlaah IS the rcond wife to Mlltrl I he first mrrrlayc ofMlttrl war d~rwlvd by m ex-prrte dccicc In r su~t fur d~rwlut~on filledby the w~fe On the fateful n~ghthe couple had ~bclr dlnncr md rlcpt Inthe room wkh wu In the&! c~cluuvc polmuonIn lhc murnlng the

dad body of tk dtcoowd Smt Kar:dah unclltn~ of kcmlom W18 foundby the Innutn of tk houw tnrde t k bcdmnm lvine within a cot Rameor t k Roof Tkr married l~fe history shorn that M~ttaI wa, I chmnlcalcohol~c addlct and u d to ww bomo In odd houn tn drunkon Statetle had a l arw cstnle of frtends wth whom he spent most of hsts IIW1 h~s was rewnted by thr w~fe I3ul tho hushrnd d~d nc~l l~ke therntninem from hrs wife rn hrs prrvato acttons and a(T81rs and went tothe exlent of even susptcttnl the fidel~ty of the w~lc Thls Icd toquattclc on many occasstonIt 1s rrtd that he has on more than oneocrarlon unleashed threat& lo shoot and kill the wstfc1 he w~fe hrnwrltttn Ielters to her famstlv members about the harassment In hermatnmontal home m d also that she would not resort to do anythstnp toher ltfe whatever the harassment mst~ht be at the hands or her huqhmdand that II at all anythlng would happen to her llfc I! would be only 81the hands of hcr husbmd"Cruel death of deceased w~re on account of admstn~s~ratstonUhatura seeds was the rnc~dence In another careAccused hushand W14alleged to have ~ll.trcrted the deceased and demanded noncy from InImwsCknund of money was not estrhl~shed due lo non.cnamrnatlon of

moth of d m rho would hw been bed witma on poinlCruelty to daerrcd u dd~ncd la explmrt~on to S 408A nol made outconvtctlon of accuwd uadr S 498A held nol properThc WIR commlttrd succlde and It was allcped that the hurhandad parents In law 111-treated deceased on account of dowry There warebldcnce to show that the deccmed was underpo~nl mental suffertngrand unbpplnesr larpelv due to ~ncnmpa~cb~l~tv of temperament andatt~tude Ilowevcr. !he prnrcutlon could not prove crlm~nal crclellv andthe hurhand and htr parentr escaped conv~ct~on*lluthrnd had strhhetl h~s wll'e on her Iel\ hand rnd chest hccausrshe had r wordly rl!crat~on requcrtlng her hushand to allow her newlymarried dauphlcr and son In law to res~de In the house To1 sornc days 1111they pet rn rccommod~~~on"The co~cplc l~ved happily for two vcrrc. a ~ l rwar l horn lo thcntThen husband became addlcced to drlnks and developed lllcc~t tnllm8cyulth another woman and spent the cabh and the pold ylven tn hlrn 1%dowry rt the tlmc of marrlase and thcreafier ctmed anhlnp the wirc to' 91ar d Karunka Vs Dr H A Ranur8nmf and others. ( r I J July In Crp I2621 (1W1f)rl'(trnu.dlV~ JIaUdLWrn l'r I J 4&9(IWfi)

eults in lotd dastru*ion of thc vomrn phrnlly, nsntrlly admotnmally It bccomen wnly lo the mmunity In Irma or thodluwpron II uuw to thr frmllv andIta rllkts on childrenare too u v m "It I6 nJ that t b beu thtnss one a n plve to chlidrmnm 10 ~ld hab~ls am pod m~mof~en*, but ch~ldren of htokenlrmtllts carry my ud memorlea Chlldren rm very worned about theptmr~al hararda and rclurl healthbecome cmo~~onrllv d~stulbed Theyhuards of their mothers andrrcelvr more neyrllvc chlldrrrrlna responm lrom the parents ('h~ldren hom v~olent hmlllccl have~nlernal~c~ng behrnour problems, more d~llicull temperaments rnd rrr8~(lrerslve Such chlldtcn demonstralc uif.~nterferrncr, ~rifdcrtrucllon and arousal and less crltlclsm.Ierdlng lo Iraumattcd~rordersWomen who have ilved throush the v~oienec, ctperlcncc ntressthfoughout thctr lire th*~ncluden fear, deptesston, mxccry md lowsclf.otetmFurther women art awry from Important communityprcgrarnmes md th18 would lead to hall of the human rcwurcc to $0waste"If prlvy has any phyr14 locale In modern mlcty, II ISIn

tbc ku. poporly maownad rr r kvar In tbs boutlam wdd IIptvry &I ray rocul fau~. II rr In tht fun~ly. r uc of ~ntlmttrclrtmarhtps tht un fl~nrb wksn wflk~ently protactd from public~rutruy But prrvrcy un mctrstrum Into r llobbcs~an r m where ~the strong prey on the wuk and the wwk on Ik weaker stlllL~fo'sgreatest mommo occur behlnd closed doors So too do aomc ofmodern I~fe's most au~rn~mus e%plo~ta~~~ns"CRatna Krpur, noted fcm~nltt advocate uys"VroIewe exrats on I urle thal far cads the ltst o l Amnestyln~crnatronrl VlctlmsGrven the wale ofv~olcncc In the home womenare ufer In he urccls"Fvm thnu~h vrolencc hetwcen spouses and rntrmaten rxlrtcdbefore hrstoy was wrrtten. 11 hccrme the focus of publrc pollcy deb~~tcnnlv rn the 1960s L.egrslat~vc changes In deal wrth thew matters werecountered on the brsrr of famrly rnteyrtty and famlly prrvacy There ISno remedy under rnlclc 32 of the constltutton for the vtolacton of then*tto Ilk of a woman at home rod there Is M public Inlarest Irtt#at~onfor v1olrlloa8 of tqurlrty md human d~gntty ofa woman wlthln the fourwalls of her home becruse of the legal drrtrnct~on between the publrc

d p mtr spharoa of Ilk and t k htulon of the nato to tntorfm InUIC private rpbac. tbc whnc of tho frmly Thorefon tho h~ddofiatrmtm kbtnd tbe vcnccr of this Funlly Castle continue unabated Afew rttnnpt:,of lqidatin mtivtm under Cnrnlnrl iun~prud~ce topnlsh t k MonB dom alro prod to be unsuccosful h u w lawmlornng authartt~es. conntder thrt farnllv disputer rrc nut to bedlwuswd In PUNICTh~s #pint of the Irrn~lv prtvacv doctrtne resulted In pollclo ofnon Intruston by law cnr~*rcerncnt mach~ncrles when deallny w~th fnrntlydlrputer The trrnnilon froni the nutr~mon~rl ollbnccs to new yroundnw has lncompt~b~ltty and rnuiurl consent whlch arc no-fault orlcnicdyrounds was just~ficd rr round^ of dtvorce such ISrdulicrv, cruelty.and derm~on, whlch are fault ortentcd by the dcurc ttr wold !heertenslve lntruuon an pr~vacy caused durlng dtvorcc proccedtngn tn thcopen courtIn m English caw'plrlntiff wife could not win s cate rgalnsther husband for not provtdlng with necessary domentic equiprnmts onthe halls of fsmily prlvrcyThe coun of Ncbrrnkr held tl,rt 'The llvlng%cGutn VI McGa~n 157 Wcb llh 9'4I&d #I I2 1.521N W 14 116 (1'431) Prrnkl~n C lrnrung

standards of a family a n a lrurter of mncm lo the houahold 8ml no1for rhc couns to determine" Pania annor haw lqal &in ihmv$hrmns of law u, lonp a8 the bmilv is intacl This simply shows therelunance o i the g,onrnmcnt to intrude on((oin8 hmily afiirs, beoaunwtny atlachu h t ~ values k to the hmlly intqrity and hmilyrelattonshtpr which tmplles the approval of the wctclv of inqrtal powerrelat~onshtp wtthtn the familyAn~cle I I of the conrrttutton of lndta defintnplaw and law tnforce IS lnterprclcd IS not ~nclud~nl( hmtly laws applicable to then~crnhcr of the farntlv and lha~ the rtght to cqual~tv and ltfe are notappltcahle to the matr~montal relattnnsh~p Thew laws ate hased onrel~ptous coder whlch arc d~fTerercnt lor dtfTercnt cornmuntltcs The ctalc~nvolves ~twlf tn family ntattcr but wlrcttvely 11 re8ulatra marrlrye .Its entry. 11s valtd~ty, malnlenance and cnforcen matr~mon~al rlyhtr or thenpouws and prov~dru grounds for dlvurcc, regulates tnlerpcrsonalrclai~ons tn the form of adoptton cuslody md guard~anshtp, but IIrefuus to involve ttwlf to redress the vlolrnce cauwd a8atnst themaker wctton of the mcmhcrs of rhc hmtly""Hantder Kamr VI Il~mnb Stab Choudhn. AIR. 1914 Oclht (16

Bhm. Irw rddraus the lam11y hehr~cour. 118 responwr @rebrlrnccd rMtnst the privacy of thc home When there are rcrtour throat8and Injurlo such rs murdrtr, w~thln ~hc frm~ly, or lnccat. Ihe Irwpcnctrrtc the prlvrcy of the frmlly or llfc bccruu In Iherc sctuatlonrfrm~ly prlvrcv cons~dcrrt~ons rrc out wel~hcd hv other Important puhllc~orls Herc the prlvrry doctrlnc IS tolrllv Ignored WIlen thr prohlcmcto be wlved are In the wcond crtcgorv such rc rrprrrlc malntenrnccfor the wife, rnd for cnforc~np her r~yhr to phytlcrl BCCU~I~V asrlnnt theusual rslrult by the huthmd, rctton IS dclaycd ttll the d~c~olutlon ofthe frmlly mnd the d1tapprr8nce of the frm~ly for $ranllns rcmcdlrs Inthe thud crtqory of cases, family prlvrcy doctr~nc IRrhaolutclyrrcoyntwd, that IS, In certrln Dllurllont when lhcrr 8rr lust vrrh8lctchrn#cs or mild tnsulls or ohwen~ty, ley81 rcsponlc 18 not w8rrIntcd8s thew hchrv~our~ fall helow I cerlaln threshold of harm whlch 1sprlvllegcd and excluded by r dcm~nlm~s prlnc~plcI.egrl rolut~ons are unrv~~lrbie for conflicts cnyendered byprlvlleged frmlly behrv~our bccruw pal~cy makers bcl~wc lhrl confl~c~Is beiter resolved eltho u~thln thc fnrnlly 1tw1f or In the rllernrt~ve,community brrd dispute rcsolv~ng ntructurci rrthec thrn by le~rl

1.1 Right I* lire with brmra digmityAll pcople have thc r~phl to live fm fmm violence and threatofvrolrnce and vinlmcc can haw na place in a family Thy have ther18ht to reject tWr violunc and abusive living siturtion~ The communityI* bin8 a right md r rupnsrh~l~ly lo he lnvnlvcd in the prevention ofwnlcnce all.innwomen In the family A! Iha Glohrl level, women r~gh~care rrcapnrmd as human rtgh~s lntanat~onal convcnllon For thetl~m~nalton of Dturrm~nrt~on agunsl Womvn (CEDAW) rims loci~nrrnr!c all dtrr~m~nrtory prrctlco rprrnst women and to mod~fy orabolish practlwa, regulatlans md cultoms which conntllutcJ~rcnm~natron reainst womenThe year 1904, wa!des~gnated by !he Ilnrted Nrtrnnr rr thelnlernrl~onal Year of the hm~ly w~lh the ~hcmc "Tamlly reururcem andrerponrrbrlrt~es In a changrng world"Act~v~ttra of the year a~med topomotc the brw human rrghts of all ~ndrv~duals whatever be lhetrSI~IUIw~th~n the fmlvPollc~es were r~mad atfocterlng epual~tybctweea men rod women wl~hln fam~l~ca

The l W3 V-khucoa or Human r18htr ln Anlsle I8 My."I hc human of women are m ~rultmblc. tn~e~ral andsnd~vlr~ble put of unlwrul human rights"The B ~ Jdccluat~onI ~ and pla~form for Acc~on (1999) hu glvma wort strategy lor the endlut~on of all bart~cts towards theempowerment md advancement of women The declrratlon condemnsv~nkncc a@alna: women In private and publicCendcr hared vlt>lrncc and explo~taf~on arc ~nrompat~hlc wlth thedlpn~tv and wonh of the human permon and must he el~mtnatrd V~olenccayalnsc women In puhl~c and private l~fe 1% lo he condemned Thedrclarat~on Rrelaes the Importance of el~rn~nalion of gender htas In theadm~nlstrrllon of JUSIIC~and eradlcallon of any cnnfl~ctn whlrh mavarlw brtwecn the rqhts of !he women and the harmful cffrctr of certa~nIradittonal practlcec, cultural prejud~ces and rel~g~ous erfrcmlsmSoclny's responsih~l~ty In condemn such v~olence and la takestep3 to Ruarantec approprtrtc legal measures to punlrhthepcrpclrators of luck offences IS raterated in all ~ntnnat~onaldocuments on the subject

Law IS con$idcd to hc the cultural cap~tal of at~y loc~ety AIsuch 11 funct~ons as the custodlm of the roclal herltape and stnvss touphold the ~nhercnt vrlun of hummkcndtlumanltv includes womcnalso and tuture has endowed kith men m d women wtth equal rearonand c ~~sctme All human k l n are ~ horn ~ free and equal In d~pn~tv andt~~hts V~olallon of Women's r~phts IS reco~n~ud as violatton or humanr~~hts lor whrch the aatc holds rnponslb~l~ty to the ~nlcrnatlonalorumWomen tobry mjoy a dc jure equal~ty but In nalltv womcn are denledmost of the ~ B I C human nuhts w~thln the11 homesThe lnstltutton ofmarriage and tbe lormallon of lam~ly 1s cons~dered to be no lundamentallo human crlrttnce The lawn uc descpned to prolcct these lnatttutlonneven to the exlent of restrccttnb publlc lnterCsrence of any son to whatso ever happens wcth~n the lam~lyBut Famlly 1s pcrhnps the only roclal proup whrrc dlwrlrnlnatlonand crplo~tat~on agalns! women arc cartled out w~th the trtclt approvalof the loc~ety undn the prlnclplc of patriarchy and fam~lv ptlvacy Thepr~vatc nature of the family. ihe reluctance of wclal Instltutlonc 4ndyencln to intervene in tmlly problems and the cultural approvrl ofMIC v~olme ha] glvm rlse to tales of mturres sutTered by wonten In

thr haam In tba procrr, of rualurq the hmlly ud controll~ng 111mcmkrn. men aerurc vmlcnccpersonally and also wllh the rld ofthr parrots and 0th memberr of the lam~ly The home becomes theparlour ute of nolmcc mwt onen wltb the hurband rr the perpatratorof v1olemeDomcrtte wolence rRrtnrt women cannot be ipnorod 8s personalor private lor I! I# r serious developtn& lrwe of the nallon It ISInofrence lor whlch rdqualc legal response cannot be denled An rsuult1s r crime, rqwdless ol the relrhonshlp oC the prrcbes A pcrron bcnenIn thc home 1s no less r vtctlrn thrn r person beaten an the road Thelaw *Idnot stop mt the front door of the famlly home Vtctimr offamllv violence should have an qu~tablc rtatur w~th other crtmc victlmrto have eltgtb~ltty lor cornpensatton to the umc extent an other crlmcvietlms The exlrtlns trend In the jIidlc14~ thid~n& re~rrdlny rrrnlly I#thrt pnwnrl matterr arc to be wtled lhroush Fam~ly Court systemkeeplns the family unit intact Tbou&oflicerr are rcnritrve lo theproblem of wile abuse a d hrvc be$un to respond appropr~rtely. r lrrsegroup of urlhorit~er VIZthe police. )ud&es md wen lrwyerr areinfluenced t l not controlled by their trrd~t~orul wrla bcltefs The policcconsrderr that the prtmrry duly of maintrlntng Irw and order IS moreimportant and they crnwt wutc their prectous time In intnfcr~nu wlrh

lvuc. pcrloarl and famlly dtsptrln unins it involvcr the duth of apalcyBut the 11 a chaw In the attlfude or h u ~ SWlCly. n whrch~CCO~MSU women's place tn the dwlnpmcnt r* indtspcnublcI hnclorc, m~tkcr tk ~rad~tronrl hcllch, nor famllv rnleprltv nor prtvacycan nubord~nr~e the publrc rnternl In aupprnsrng and le$ally respondlnyto the vrolent hchav~our of men towardr the11 own womenlhe nratlnp laws rn India had prnved to hc ~nadequa!e 10check atrocltlec aprlntt wnmcn wrlhln thcrr homes Rcmsdles avn~lrhleIn crrm~nnlaw arc unrrt~rinrforr It leads to break up of the famllv.Ieadlnp to undts~rahle effects on chlldren and the upnurerunher.crtmtnrl Iar 18 evaluated throuph the melrrc of crrme conlrol whereasthe lncldmce ofdomcr~~c v~ulencc IS to be can~rdered on other qual~tlcaruch as life crlterla. the hm~ly unltv, and also chrldren'a trnlma" llndrr('rrmlnal lurttcc System, deterrence IShut one goal and arrest of theoffender would be one component of the process Arrest alone wouldbc ~neffcctlvc rn halting the abuw bccluw domertrc v~olencc IS a prtlcrnof khavtaur and rbur rncrcars In rcvntty ovcc timeSuch anapproach of urest. charge, prowculton. pun~ahmcn! and relca~ may" lmn lor?r 'Tk CIIIJIIIU~ Irs of M~drmeawmf. hmollc V~olcncc' /,~rmrlJI rrm~nal I..* amd f'nurnlor, VoI 8 1 11992)

emh ra ncrdtnm apad)r la urn wbem hbuwn uc poor Inudof bmn8 r deterrent mcuure ryrnrt the nNmdor, In soma MI. 11 141lo ra~rlutlon Jw The pmbkm of damcs~rc nolsnoe mqutm anrcnount of rshrbtl~trt~oa Cnmrnrl juwtru system vrewr the wholeprams from Ihc VICWpint of the .burr and the pra8pceltve of Ihcvrctrm 1s udelrnedWhen cnm~nrl uses are conducted by the state, vlctlms cannothave tlmr own pludsrs. unleo pcrm~tld under Sect~on 301 of ('r~m~nrlProcedure Code Crrm~nal jurtlce Bystem alms rt pun~shmg theoffender rather than protectrns the vlcllmsFurther, slrlct prnof of theoffence beyond rll rcasnnrble doubt through ev~dencea and wrtnesscannot be d kred to In domesttc v~olence cases 1s they occurIn theprlvacy of the nulrtmon~al homeFye witness rnd othrr wrtnestesIn the frm~ly try to hush up the cruc to uvc the frm~ly preslr#cBlood IS ren lo be th~ckn In humrn rclrlrona and H, no ev~dence couldbe gathered from thc Inmates of the houwIt IS rlro reponed thrl Polrce rrc rcluctrnt to charge r husbandfor wrfe batterlag b u u~nvrrrably In rmjorlty of the cr*cc, ancr afew drys the wrle wmts to wtthdrrw the ptltton or IT compelled, w~llurn a hon~le wrtmu

Tk erimul JWW mem urJleuequlppcd wtb dftcienln~~part*c vrnccr w h o shelter. chlld cue. therapy, employmsnl mdtaconw ruppofl md follow up programma IT ncccsur) lo the vlctlms ISunwlted lo ded n~th curs of domest~c vlvlcnccFoc OM purpow cnmlnal nctlon IS nrcctnn, that 18, apwt hamthe rpccrfic damcnt effect 11 produces In the rbuwr. 11 empowers therlctlm ud cmmunlcrtes)(~~ety'c condcmnat~on of the ~hunlvcbchavlour w~thtn tamllv rclatlonrh~pWoman abuse ISsuch a pcrvaslve problem that ~oclctv, inaddltlon to holdinp the ahu~rtspons~hlc must take rcaponc~h~l~tv forrcarranptn8 Isw, pal~cy and wclal m l c n to prevent domemtlc shuseThe offenders mubt be forced to @dm11 lo thcrnsclven rnd othcrr thatthey have In hct cumm~ttcd a crlmc when they arc ahusing the wlvoThey are to be compcllcd to make reparatlonc lo the wronyc lhcy havecomm~tted against their c*lves and childrenRemcdles under civil law can be trlcd clther undcr conc~l~atorym h d or under tortuous llablllty In whrtwer wsy Ifled. the problemIn the family IS to be cons~dcrcd wlth utmost care to avo~d elthcr totalbrerl-up of familia or leave unwanted chlldren Under marrcrgc laws$rounds arc prowded for the judlclal separ8tlon of spouscc and

~IV~~UIIMI of the mrrtage as rnmdln T k civil pmtcctlon orders maysave such nlteflike chlld support. temporary custody of children.raurn of property a cThe appltcatmn of paronrl law nlat~ng to mrrtalte un hardlyhelp t k wcctmr of autr~lson~rl e~cl~y The masons are more than owIn lnd~a where the prtnclplc of secularism and tolcrancr for icl~g~ouskllefs ue conu~tut~onal guarantees to rel~gtous mlnorltles. state hasallowtd d~lletent reltg~ous codes to dcc~dc about the personal matle15 rrfthe pcopleAll the reltglons have supported male wpremacv andthereft7re the rel~~~ous laws rctnfotcc palrlarchy tn pcrwnal rclatlonnCourts tn lndta have avo~ded to let tn judlclal reliirrna tn peraonalmatters for better. lervtng the task of reforms lo tttc Iegtslrturen 1 tteIcg~slaluro apatn lack the poltl~cal will to brlnu rcqulrcd chanuer tocheck yrndcr d~.cr~rnlnrcton and curtall atroclttcr aBatnst womcn In thefunlly atmosphere T k dlrcct~ve prtnctples of %late Pollcy under theconstttutlon for unlrorm CIVII code for all Indians could no1 bemata~altrcd keausc my chan~e tn law ts undnslood by reltplnuaIcadn~ as oflins~ve ~nlervcntlnn Inlo thew rellglous rtyhl* whlch 18mother paranteed rl@t under pan 111 of the ConslltutlonTltereforepe~.oculaws remrln w~th munor changn and In their present form areman urutt.bla to deal WII~ u us of abuse of women In thclr perroul

Law nlrling lo domclt~c violmc both under the ctvil Imw, adenmid ma k rdqurtely modifd and rhnuld involve an rmaunl ofhrttm's accnuntrbtlity, qua1 protmtton for all under pcrronrl Irw.civil lirbtlttv concern8 and also victim ufay during and rncr theprocccdlngsIlmce nr~thcr cr~m~nrl Irw nor clvtl Irw In tlr m~lr~~non~aljurl~prudcn~~ 'hy ttnelr can rolvc tha problem. r law whtch would khnlh deterrent against the 8husns and r prolrctton lo the 1n)ured vtcllmof cwrw wtlhwl d~sturblne the conl(entr1 rlmotpherc for thew chlldrenlo erow IS lo k hraueht out Whatever the ~ntenttun. tf there lrwt artnot rccomprntd by the empowcrmcnl of women and a nennc ofaccountrhll~ty In the enforc~np auency, lhry serve l~tlle purpors Judlclnlcommltmmr la uphaldlng the lrwr rprtnat wtfc rhure has lo heachtevedVlolmce In mrntrge prrtlculrrly agrlnst women It r w~de anddlnicult SU~JM wtth r complex ort#inY The study tnvalvet tn tntcr%mlg Mum. 'A Cbu.lW~w Docuunl b) the Wofk~n# Pan, a Marrrclp0nd.rr-. w 06

dtwrtpltauy approach to dmttty and explore the mrgnltude of thcprohlem 01 domest~c v~olmce In the .oclety The purpose of thts study18 to bnn~wl the mcity of the problem of ~O~MIC violence IgllnSlnurrlcd women In the cxtstln8 ltructurc of the prtr~archrl ux~ctv, mdto arlyr vrruble effects 01 the prov~rtonr tn thc crrmlnal and personallaw system and produce rome ohjectlvc data that le#lrlatorr mrv use Inwrlttng r cnmprchcns~vc Irw derllng wllh dome~tlc vlolcnccWife abux and other forms of dumes~~c v~olcnce arc crtenmlvecnouyh to ba conudcrcd lcgltlnute soc~al problem Some author1 clrlmthat frmlly v~olencr IS an ep~dcmlc and thn perhaps hrlf vl all wlvcs areabused The frmlly IS a compler rnd dlllicult .octal ~n,tltullon to btudyPcoplc In the frmlly occupy multiple nrtures and enact multlplc ~olesStatux~ d~ref accvrdlne 10the prtrlarchrl hlerarchv and lhcrc rrcnumerous SU~JKIIVCpcrceptlons of lamtly ~n~eract~ons and ~ndlvldurlsTbc uc two maln luts of the lrmlly that makes any study on frmlly awns~tlve one They ue first, the bmlly 1s esscnt~rlly r prltrtc Inntlutlonand recond thc fam~ly 1s rn lntlmrlc x~lrl group The prlvrtc nature 01the lamtly puts r prcmlum on the melhods that requlre he hmtlyrncmbcr to recount prwlous hlstor~es or wcnts and report them on aquerltonnrlre or In m lntavtewThew mclhods of loglcrl rpprorchcsCnCOUMCI thc problem of tnttmrcy whlch blbek~ accera tn ccrtaln

heluviourrl and rttttudtnal downslswn weh rs r p# rkrw uaconudcrcd rs Hnctly pcrwntl rnd private family mrttus rnd rn trbootopto and uninvited intrusions by rtlcrrchcs are avoidedThe errtsttng studtes on domesttc vtolcnce wtre conducted withinm tnfomt~on vrcuum The dynamics of domestic violence wrs rrnlyconodcrcd Survey rcutrch or qurntitrtivc rewrrch is greed withprnlculrr mistrust bccruu of crrlv studies which were parsaid ISboth tnunsitin in their drctpn and hirud ~n their rewltsHowevn. In the preunt study. tn order lo uncover the issue ofdomesttc vtolencc rurtnrt women tn the rrmily rn rttempt is nudethrou(yh survey method ustne questionna~re and perwnrl interviews withmrrrlcd women wtthln the ctty Itm~ts of Pondtcherry Sccondrqmrtertrls such ISpopulrr I~terrturc forums whtrctn perronrl problem#are dtrussed arc monitored Columns such rs Focus, and developmentmc in drillcc ad mrgrrinei rrc urcd to BU the inlormrfion of I)#occurrence of domestic violence w~thin the family On line ~nformr~lonabout domettic violcncc in the electronic media rrc browned toundnrtrnd the rnrgnilude of the problem world wide CIK mdymethod hn ban uud to mivc rl the infercncc~ and concluliocu

I .7HI).lbmb ?wrm).ldTk uudv was awmp~d fanwlatin~ the follonn~ hvpolbisvtr , rnnnrlu of thc excent of domcrt~c violence aealnrl marrldramen In their matnmolull born all under esltmatc rcal~ly esptclally.about the forms of vtoleme In the contell of ~ntqual~ly of power andcontrol, and many factors lnh~b~l women ham dlulonlng ~hc vlnlrnccwllered b* them lo thc InlcrvtewnsDomrstlc vtnlence agarnsl women In her malr~monral home 1sprrvrlcni In dl the roclccles amon6 all hlnd of persons Uut sclll \lcllmnare lnxnslllvc to tk wrongs done lo themrhey e~ther becomeImmune lo the torture ~nfllcled on them ud prefer lo wnir for the sakeof Iamlly balues or end up the11 Irves by rewrtrng lo su~c~de alwmpt~ loeK.pc vlolmccOur patriarchal sacletv more panlculrrly famll~al palr~archy andthe rerulttn@ machismo alllnlde Inwards womm are the caurn ofdomnt~c vtolrnce mlsntl women In lhnr rnatr~monlal homo Only inrare cam womm nand aprlnnl the vtolme ~nd mek any lelal remedyW~fe beacln~ uka plre rqardlus of rewon, mto-uonomlc s~atun orrellyon Thc IW cdm ur ~nrbeqcu~c In the present wc of judtc111tyston

Sub-hypolkut lure bcc* fonnulrld whmvsr m t yformdrnnl the tmponme of the data cdlectd ad tkr rdcvrnce tothe t ow OF marchThe study IS repnncd tn nta chapten The Rrst chapter tdentltlesthe prnblm The scale and wvcrrty or the prohlcm 11 dttrusud In thecontext of wommc' rtpht to human dlpntty and famllv tnteprttv Thetnadqubey of the cnmtnrl jucttcc system and parlonal law provtntonc tocnmhal the coctal evll nf d~~mcqt~c vtolence ISdtncusncd Need for acomp~eknnon len~llatlon IS rtrcswd The lccond chapter deals wlth theecatus of woman The tneqwl power and the law ntaun or women In thewclety and thc famtlr ISthe major cauv lor the caplottattan mdv~olence commtttcd a)atnst women The relevant factars annoctaled wtththc tnfenor status of women tn the wctny arc dtncunwd 7he legalprotretlon aflordcd to women under tnter~t~onal and nauonalbocumcnts are dlwusned The thlrd chapter anrlyrrs the concept offa1 'v as the untt of wclety andfunctions In matntatnlny thedwelopmmt or the Mtlon 1 he rule of patr~archrl and domeatlc~ty Inkecptna all the matters w~thtn the four walls of the famtly Is dl~usudMur~a)e I#m tmttutlon of humn bondage under dtllcrent perrnnrl

Ian and the rode of women. hcr right# and dutla wtthln tk mrrrirgcrdrtlonah~p ue dlrud fbc role of r wmn in dllTerrnt stager ofbcr llle rnd ha wuiunlan prttm to wit to thc fcmlnin rok of k rnund Ilk IS d ~ ~ u dThe fourth chapter dcn~c lk concept of domcrl~c v~olcncc andvmltmc rylnu mrrned women tn I#( (r~tr~montrl home Vrr~oufiforms of v~olmcc and 11% mrnrfestr~lon, arc analvred I hc caurcr rndC ~ I I of wolmrr are drscutwd 1 he data ohlrtncd throu#h thc studv 18rnalyvd to draw ~nlcrcncesThc f~nh chrptn deal8 w~th the \*Ireapnae 111 the pn~hlcm ofdomcat~c VIOICBCC rplnst women Womenn' ~nv~olrhlc r~yhtr to Itfc.freedom to l~vc wr~hout fear and w~t humrn dlgntty arc dlncursed lrndcrvrrlouc human rqhtr documcntc rnd connt~tul~onrl provlclnnsI.eg~~lrt~ons derlln~ w~th domcnt~c v~c~lcnce In other colrntrlcc arecompared The cxlstlng le#rl provlslons under lndlrn Irwc derllng w~thmrtr~mcrn~rl cruelty rre d~vusredThe uxth chrptet grva a nummrry, the tsuies d~ncue~d, rdloftrcnca drawn A few rul(gcstlons lor making chrn~es In the cxletlngIeglrlrt~on and bnylng out r comprchmrtve leg~slrt~on to deal wth theprobkm u c mrde

StANf OP WWtNHWIM kuyl uc born oqd and ua endowedmth equalrbtl~tw Eqwltty or urtuc ISroterated ta all glhl, regtonal a dr u t d dacumaats rpcaktng about development and peaceButthroughout the rwld, tbe cry, whtch byrn In the m~ddlc of the lastcentury. st111 wnttnun lor qualtty or women wtth men and non.dtrrtm~nnmn in the altttudc of rr~~ety towards women When thephrasn In the documcntr cv~dcncc rhetorrc of cqualttv between rcaes tnall avenua. the rerltty wcn throuyh facts In the cnvtronment tendct~ adtfferent conclus~onThe ponttton of women In any ctv~ltut~on &how# the rtaye orcvolut~on at whlch the c~vtl~utton hrs rrrtved Vtolence aylnst women.caused ~ I U K or the unqual power relat~on betwcen man and womanIn the ruc~cty has been acknowledged as htndcrtng the full tnlcgrattonud equd prttctpatton women In m~etv Soctrl ~yctcrn constdcrnwwm, to br wuk, lack cogntttve and dectslon maLtn(c crpacltto andtbercfore ue avo~ded In rut~onrl development programmes Wonren areapectd to ~ urrd their del~crctrs md other w called lcmtntnc qualtttertn thc mmc of culture I hus women powec was kept uncrplnrcd,unu~d ad therefore devalued

Wonmare aol ody tmlcd ~lbatd~~tt but a180 no1 *Vantrtated as hunun bnnls Frnult bablts m avo~ded cvm before btrth bydamnlmng 11s us through amnloccntcus test They are at hlnh killed.or dmtcd food or drowned or cuflau~d s~mply becaurc they arc born~rrls Fnarlc tnfan~~cdcs 18 1111 now accepted as normal v~lla~c rurtnmIn some places Women and ~lrlr art sold Into slavery and prostltuttonThcy arc burnt to dcath because lhelr down- bt the tlmt or marrlaFearc dmcJ too small Women are killed due lo dnmcsttc violence ~ndarc raped or foiced to undrr~o ahonlon or are sterlltxd ayatnsl thclrw~ll The mlety IS cond~tloned of tnaqual~ty of power and ntatut. ~ndwomen arc dmld the has~c frtedoms Tcir human exlstcncc Women'spars~b~ty, suhm~ssrvn and xlf.den~rl cuntr~hulc to low cltcrm In IhemFnltngr of being~nhrtor, unwanted and hurdcnwmc dcvclopa thestncatypc or t k cmot~onal. Immature and helplesr neurot~c' lqurlltynot dclurc but ddacto. IS the cry of the modern woman as she IS~lrchlng for her pluc In lk hunun roclety tier awareness andasrcnlon of ngkts and pnv~le~es In varlous domains of soclal actlvllydone an klp htr to attun this status

2.1 Sutn - C-pmJ A w bStatus of a prrron 8s defined u h~s or her porttron tn a SOClclYM group It dm mans the relattve hrl ponttwl of m ~nd~vldutl In orwtth q t d to the rest of the communrly and tr determlnrd by lheperm's prd rtgbu.dutm and lub~ltt~es Women canrtttulemarly hrlf of the human populot~on and I! I#onen u ~ that d the rangeand quality of development of a noc~ety IS dcc~drd bv 11s wamen andthctr status. wkch II determtned by an malyrls of thetr rclattonshtpwtth lhclr fellow human hctnfls at homc and In wclelyWomen were rele~attd to the pr~vatc sphere uT homc, ytvcn theonly rcrponstb~ltty of procrutlon and carlng of vounp ones Theywere consldcrcd more su~ted to the Indoor duttes and were denledcommuntty re8panr1btltt1er Var~ous ractors con~r~hute to the lowerstatus of women tn the roctety They lnclude btolo~tcal JtITerenccs. asmale utd female, hrstortcal causes due to wars and forerpn Invaston*.rclt#tws rqours whtch In a womm'r Itfe dec~dc her role In Ihe soctety,cultural pruttcer such as women's wrurl wbord~nat~on, early mrrrtrycage nc. cconomlc cond~tronu where a Iarpe part uT~hc women'slahour far=continues to be tnvorble wth regard to oiTwal statlntticwh~ch do not adequately reflect women'# producttvc work and In theaocwin economy, romm are vtctlms or occupational wRrcpfmrt

dtftkaclar in vrlucr cwudod to pbr. w qe dtfTetmtt&l. dlunmtruttantn eduatton and tntntn$ ac. poltttcal rttuatlonr wkre SO YOIN aflnthe country uhnvcd tndepcndmcc. womcn who conuttutc marlv 4%of the cwntr~'s populalton are yet to $el tk~rdue share In the publ~cIlk Accordln~ to the 1901. World kducatton Repor( olIINtSC0. 905mlllton mm ad womn almost a quarter of the world's adult populatlonare lllltnatt . Ahnut (I7 mlllron or 65 percent olthem are womcn andIc(lal protectton tnflurncc tile rtalur ula women In I ylven nw~ety1111 the end or the last century, l~tctrturc on womcn was uanlyand evrn whm a\allthlr was elthc~ blared ~ nd outdated or ~nromplete.hecauw the whole corpus of !he human knowledl(e ahout womcn warbull! bv and for mm In the avallrblc literature too, womrn wrrcmostly portnycd ar aecond sea and, ph~lourphcrn from !he westernand eastern world con*ldcred womrn rr dependent In perpetuttv1.1 Wemen in 1,itrrmtmrrL Iterrtore on women Ir hoth unreal~*ttc and unnatural Womenarc portrayed rs ertrcmcly 804 or ct!rerncly hrd She 1% dewnhed rr$od or othcntx I dcvll She can k ctthcr SII~' or \hurpamkat I here

tr m p mnvd u tha nornu1 human beins wth bath 8ao6 and kdqual~ttcrn IttmturvAnetrnt I~tmture on nllpon conttdrd vnmn a8 d-tInpr~*u~~y and nlwles~ Cnct Scrc~rl pl~loopkf Anatolle. mrtn~atnedthat tha fmuk IS a fcnuk bv vlrzur at a crrirtn lack of qualtt~es andactrtbuted to h, natural detecttva Ronun law llmlled the rl~htr ofwomen on the #round of t k ~nrtabtllty of the wr Amon8 [he bleutn$sfor whteh Pbco thanked the Wr m e first that he had btcn bornfree and no1 a d ~vc and second thal k war a man I ~J nu1 I womanDurlnn mlddlc apes, prlesls erhoned mm to boa1 tklr w~ves and wtvcrlo k18s the rod thal beat them'The nr~l hook nl church law, thekcrdum. wrtltcn In 1148, rqutred that 'I man mutt cantt~ale hts wtfeand belt her for her correctton. for the lord mutt puntth h ~n nun . mrrlk1n8 the Lord's anent for aulhorrty'(imr~c Wllhelm rrlrdrtch lIc$el ( 1770.111 11 ). uric of the earlysoctol~~sl regarded women as tnfcr~or and wcth lest reawntny ah~lt~~ctIn the pasl days men were powerful and acltve rnd wllhln the familymen hd the caprclly for conceptual thlnklns Thcreforc mranltng real' E l m L G Dm& '1.k trmr .\rr'. bltrrsn. Rlprn. (19731' T e Wrk. 'Wlh WID& a newla& pboacw8 thrauwul hlrlnrvMJIU by. .l hnmd rrn, licr Yak V n ldamd. 1 2.24 (1'117)

NMd 1h.r lo auhe htuov and engage In politlcr andIamq Woawn on the 0th M m puuw ud wbjrcl~vr boaaUIO~Lwy rar df-cocllcrarr lid lacked the up.eny fur mileton Wamcnwere dented paollrl ~UIWQ(IIY SIW tndrwdualt~y ~d famtly Iiie m eeomradtc~ory Women was t k firu human beln~ that tasted hondry.womm was a slaw before ~ hc rlrw c~tdod'Uda Chrtutm~~v women m e compared w~!h an Woman w edeflrded lorank of the humble rcwant of man and thw wnrr lopltdle tbtr obedwncc to thnr humband before lha dlar Accardln# loIhc H~ble, at the crratlon uomcn are commndod 10 be DU~JKIuntonun The ten wmmandments or !ha old tsnlaunt were am a matlrr offact addressed only lo men. for thc tcn~h comnundmen~ nand womenalong w~th the rnvants ad the Jomcmt~c antmalrPaul founder of Ch~trt~m~ty preached am follows"It 18 good for r man not to touch r woman"'Woman was theunclean one, the seducer, whu brou~hl &In lnlo the world and caused !hefall of m uamp^ &trl -IN.# rm lhe par1 prwlr ond Iurur#' Suhltr Mukcrjw andSrWo bmnuy. .Os Drp 8.d Dccp Rblualwnc, m 26 I 19%)'Tk $1- Eprclc ol Rrl. T k Apouk to tie Caruhlrsb

TnruUm aclum'Women thou ou~blou dwrp to walk In mournly and rag8.thlm eym mh IUUS or rrp.mance. to make man Torla that ~hwhu bccn thc bcrtructcon of t k taw. -1Thou ric the pate orhell' "Schopmhaner, tha ed6bra1cd Phllornpkr rtmrrks. "Woman ISnac ulkd lo 6rslt thtnvs Her chractefrsl~cs rre no1 lclrve hut prsslvcShc p m her drbr lo her huahrnd The lntcnw ullnancc of vtolrllonrnd u nu art dented to hrc tier life ISdest~nrd lo k lea# evrnttul andmore lrtwrl than that of man 11 1% her vcxatlon to nurse and educalcchtldrrn, haauw she IS hcrulf chlldtsh and remrlnt m overyrown ehrldrll hw Irk, a klnd of lntermedlhlc thin$ belwecn the chtld and the mm.who IS the only proper human hnnwhab~ls ol domestlcttb and rervllltv. Orris ahould he brnm~yht up lowomen arc Ihe complete andhopeless P~IIIS~I~S"'2.3 Cormom saylm#s abort womtrA kw aayrngs from dlnirml countnor, by dlrerenl people atdtffnm~ INI, pnurn wemm rr vrlutlmv

'A~~. I WOAUmnd I walnut tna. the caoc* thsr an balmthc k cta they be' (Old Fn&ah proverb)'A ~k tu't I J U ~ She won't act rfpu brt krt ten ltmrr "'A wtfe nuy Love a hulbrad wkm nwe~ beats kr. but aha dwsno1 ttrprcc lum " (RUMpmvcrb)"Yaw we ue even." quoth Steven, when he lave hr, wrie SIXhlorr 10 one (Jo~thm Swtn)"Man 18 the hunter, womrn the ymc " ('Tennyson)"When dtd vnu stop kattnp pur w1ie7" "Who u ~ I d rloppodv(Vandwtllc Joke ICownrd)provnh)IiImrl~~ lo'\omc women should he st~ck rqularly ltke pnnpb " (Kwl"rhorc whom we marry are thow whom wc fiyht ' (Afrtcall"Ytvtr marry I strl you cm't knock out w ~ one ~ h punch " (Yale4 French proverb uys II thc hvrw and the w~fc fall stck at theumc Itme. the perunt rushed to t k blacknmrth lo care tor the anrmal

ud lava the I& ofbalt~ hla nk to nature u nch 1s tha mm who^wre 1sdndud bonoaJ1wVodK l~tnuun prow& &nee or both horn? n d Cmsum.apratm ud ncapmtm .bOU( wmrdmd Them rn contrrdietiannrmonsa the comnrmtrton Yr~mrvrlkyr 'imntc contrtnr verses to thecflect that woman uo to bc yrrdd and pmtected at the saw tlme R I~voda wntrras n r m detoptory of wornonhood mr lollowshyerus""Tbc mlnd of woman 1s uneonoollrbls"'I k e 1s no fr~mdshlp w~th woman rnd they hrvr the hean* af"Women arc tk weapon and rrmy of drn And tkrvfnre womenue wtthout strength "drrkscu""Womrn, sudrr, r dug and r cow emhudy untruth, urn andh ~ sloku t ~ contrlns dsur~pt~on ahout women rs daughter, WIT^and mather it runs as lollowsTruth IS our molha, justice aur frtkr, prty our wrfe, retpea Torothers our frlmd, clcmmcy our chlldrcn Surrounded by such rclatlvcs

n Lm aorknm la t*"Homr bwd OM my k. them IS olnvn wm*hWto br kumd. bava much In hvaur oor m y k *nth ktnilr. there isdrays wmetblng to fear.howwa afkt~onrle womn mav k, It Isrlwm nccaun to k awav or tkml'"11 1s more easy 10 d~mvw fionf* on tkc ucrad fig treetkn to know wbrl a woman has In k hean""" thnt a no merns hy whlch we can know thought, ul r wnmm""Women man! onlv burden and m, profit and her powllon steppeddown worse than lhrl of callle Anctunt d~urtm~natow laws andtradltlons confined lkm constan~ly to the proprietary ar111udc or menad thc concept that man tr supertor to woman kame an un~verullvacknowled~ed fact To obey her husband and to honour h~m rr God. trIhc prrmrry duty of a wtfe. she 18 not to hale her hushand even II' hc heImpotent, devold of a ltmb or d~rad. slnce thc husband IS the Cod orwomanM'A nnuoun w~le rhwld serve her husband as rf he wete a Ood

Tlrs u !lo hykac duty (DLumr) of women !kt 1h.y shouldh l d wul till he 18 prr6ed but r hulhnd r.u~ rbudon IS wcfa IT shespr~tuour I~quon. who 11 of bad conducl. rebell~ous. nuwhlcvws orwratrful. r hulbrnd cm take annth w~fc" The husband IS the God forthe womn and ISthe h~pher~ y ~ l " A w~fc Should @el up from bedhcfvrc her huhnd and elders, should ~JI rncr they have crtcn, shouldocwpv r K~I lower than lhrt of hcr huahnd or elders A vlrrunus wife18 one who IS d~rlrerscd wlien her hunbrnd In d~rtrcfined, who Indel~phtcd when hcr hunbrnd Is In dcl~gh~, who tr emrelaled and wcrrdlrty clothen when her huthrd hrn Bone on r journey and whu dlrr onthe dulh of her hunbmd" W~le IS prtlvr&lr who Ir dotnu work l~kc aslrvc. I~kr hcturr In rffardlng unurl plerrure, I~kc mother In offcr~ng4Women who*husbands rrc awry from home ahould rvold

m u c s m ~ , pw%lrrr. hwen. onunatr, ftatvdr, rod lwuhmg"Wben hilbrnd trc prr &rod. wfe's fce h i dlook prla utdd ~ a Sdk h U mbdltrh ber bodyShe shwld k dtvoled lohct huhd Sht should k wt11IWt (full)moril and should emrctrlt herMvOn the mhr hand Yrjnrvdkyr and Narrdr Srnmt rro morel~hcral than Manu In de.l~n$ w~th women I rtrlus tn wctetv lhey rrvthat. womm are to k (cur~ded Gurrdtny of r wtre from evtl canwccd only hv ktny detotwi to her rnd no1 by katlny her ilushandhad the powm of phystcal correction rr that 01 tcrchet ovrr r pup11 .Ifrlkr o m r w n vlr he should rdmtncrler bcrttnfl wtlh r tope or lh~nplece of bunboo on the back hut nut on thc hadJ2 In htn cummentbrvon the Adhlkarr V~dhls of Jr~m~nt's M~manrr, Madhavrcha~jyr JI~CU~HDruler telrtlng to t k petro~l caprctttcr and Incrpacttus of womenIle crplrrn~ Ik vedtc teal rc lo the pcrrormmce of ucrlftcra "lhrraPur~ Malrbhym Swar~akamo" . mcmln$ lhrt one who IS dcrtrous ofattrtnlny Iltrven rhould perform Ihc uct~ftccrc of Ilrru mJ PunamuSIW tbctc IS no mucultnc sender atcliched tn any word In the ccrt.

*era m tacM tn tLr 'Jwq r K w Yyetr" for lksy rro notcreludd Itoa! tk thm rycncrato clwr compelsnl lo prfmlrtnfim Thtr rr the Stdhmnta or thc cwluuan ofthe Sale ~rimtnt""Sabu Swaml'e comment on Faunmlh Aphonsm of Jrimtnt aslo the popcoy rtmhls of worn reveals Ihrt women alur hed thecapwty of owns wealth OI prnprty At the ttmc of mrrrtaye when thebride IS prcvnlcd to lhc brtdc~room, t k hther of Ihe hrtde IS requiredto utrn the followtng @he(the bride) should not bc pteventcd (hv thehr~degrbam) from acqulrlnp Ilhrrmr, pcrformtng rcl~~tt~ur actr, fromrcqutrtng wealth and from fulfillrn~ her lc$al des~rer1 B~rlrgitrl DiflenrttWomen rre constderd weak. tnfnlor and dependent hecaurr orthnr h~ology and hence are dented an equrl ststus fhls IrHumenr 13nucce*cfully turned down hy many wrrfers Accordtn# lo !hem, certainbiolo#tcal lerturec or men rnd women alone can not be counted forcnnsrdtrtnl women to kc tnlntor lo men or vice versa Innlead, I! 1%rvcn clrlmcd that. 11 18tn ordn lo h~de wflrtn brolo~tcal tnlerrntprrrton of men sgatnrt women namely, female crcaltve capaclty In%marl Nub UII*~, T h purrua oj wren rr Ilrnd. la., New Dclhh. Im&r tadr~hUuUlou. New h1h. Rrpnrc 1919. u 69, (1912)

coran rd mato Lwn baqh Ira dcvtd MIAI uul~tulcon ilk.sunrp. pumtm. palauty,palrtuchy mrkrn@ hnlihood maclu~vdy auevlrne prao6atlw ud urhusd tbt m 18 rupcnor lowomm" W&rk nu1 or m arr *rrpcrror or tnferlor htola~rcallv 18onlv secondary gwrtroo The fir* quatron to be lnswcred Ir whetherthere 18 any wkcd Mwcul d~(rerencs b Iwm mm and woman tosupport the lbcory ol male rupnrorrly and XI male control mdd0mtnrnc.e rcrultt~ rn male r~reruvmcu lownrdb womenMan or humn I, just one of the sprctcs of Ihr rn~mal worldB~olo~~c~lly bununs are crlld Ilomoup~m~ Humans lnrludc hrthmale Iman) and fmle (woman)tlumm cmbryos form and dcrclopucord~ng to the WI patterns In lk~r chtomuwmcs rr hovor ylrl~tud~cr" conducted on hum biology rcvcalbd th.1 thetc ate bathrtmrlrr~t~ea and drllermccs'I he two uxe, have male ar well rr Cmlehormone8 and, one out of 23 palrs of shromoromcr relate to w**Accord~ng lo one optnron hu~r~rn loelus do not develop rcx d~lTnonccsbefore a pertod of men mks afin wncqilon I:vcn antr blr~h." HC UpdLtn. '.\turn8 n/ mmra I# lnd~d' Vol l 5rw k l h ~ Anml-.a 29lIWl)'b6o4opU an hdrd I* llnr op#14m lo rbclkt utrrc r&weP man a d.rrr rub *.k WII~ a &~fl.rru pubtoea

kcs bab ub d huk tlwL ul r t IO uotlu war It IS oaly attbo lrtrr sty m hd~ltcnnl putam of ra?J~utwn.ch~ldnndmlop pda Illstwues AMk, optnlon 18 tkt In mn orpec.~ ofhumrn blOlogy, d~ffi(mces amStudw rrvarl I&I the -mapnd (01 boy blbies averyts3 to 9 da)r lon)a b n fw prl Thr growh rate of dtfTnent rvstanof t k bum bdv shows d1ffmrnct8 h wun mrlc and femrk AI b~tthprl bab~ts are Jrcady httr dcvclopcd than boy babln t he11 hones arcstronwsr. tlmr dean art kttn co.ord~~td. and their skull, I~ttrallyart In M tn skpeWhen they Brow. t h bones and mualtr of I~ttlcprls In w rrl dcvdop thmr rtrmgth earl~et Puberty occurs In~trls at m average ye of 12 and In boys at an rverallc rue or 14d~iTacr~~cs In thr hmrn anatomy of male ad female In Ihr hfalnlunct1on1n8. In the hormonal and endocrtne nystemt, In unloryI hecaprutten, In the amount ad drstr~butrun of faton the body. Intcmperrmcntal and ~ntcllrctual caprb~l~trcs arc rtud~cd It rwcaln thathum nule IS driven by the "reproduct~ve ~mptat~vc" Into !he rmsc ofmpybb awultm khnwrs. tk A@ht for domtnrnce over others.yymon, pomluu~ry and polypmy whetus for the fcmalcr. theoplsvll ~ I strmqy C u exactly tbc rcvnw . a llfc of ultctlng anuiublc ti&i(rc and tneubatng rad magthe offspr~n@ It I@ th@

anaiad d~ffemem In mm and woman thrt could k the uur ofconnKt brlr~rp the mnVim sprt~ul &IIIs tcns conducted on nun andwmanmnkd beta nkillr and mlrll~pnw mpmtw with men In nuttatkd them lo tbir irvolwmrnt mart in thc dnmu afilrr of the hnulvFMRIB mnd PET" meal that the bn~nr or two rcra art atlbtly but~(mtfiurnlv d~ffrrern Mrn and wornon art d~lTnmt and thn act,rean. M perform d~!Terrnllv~ Thtre are dlfleraccr In the mental llvcrof men md women for the m~nd la just what the brain docs lor a livlnwWomen unllke men hmw the pnm of creallns new ~dcaln andMrn and women differ slr~n~hcantlv In terms of their lcrderrh~pstvlcl Men are marc likely, to drvr~hc thcmwlvet In wavs thuchar~etn~u I 'tranuct~onrl' style of lerderahlrpThat IS, they vlewRd Mm Gm. Udco Lrpl hrprc~ of I& nnlck -Ornln urolcs pnlncu LUe- . Mu s rwbd rorn s rorld' )Ir Iltnd. Ap 1 (lW*l nlw vrL.d.yol d mare4 m ~nin ru, IFLTRII PUW~MI tcl~wat@-mPh tvQr4% km ern- lk Il*raor I. Cur (uct~on~y ~n r nmd-.u S h m m. Gmy Mnaaa. Im) awl ~ba M b . Nrw# Y**k. Much 17.MU. IlW1

prCaura of a pb u a t nmmn . exch.n*cy wards far rmtcorrrdrad00 tlw oontrwy. roncn d m i k tkamulvea man at'IMT~larl' kdQI . tkrl 11 (trllnn ubard~~trd lo tlansformthnr own d f &mcmt tsto Ihc tntcmt of the pupthrnu~h concern fiwbr&8orh Momow thnr brut of pawa are ~den~~fird In hcc h m m lnlapcnonrl sktllr, hard work or personal conlac!, tnctrad nforprnlsattoiul statue" tlv companwn, man IS ~hnuph~lear, Impaltentand pwn lo thc prwIt nf IWW~IIV, woman. II 1s ohrcrvrd. 11urlousmtndcd and patlmt When #he has a new ~dca. II uems 11, have 11s hlrlhIn the tend# depths of k c heart One sphere where male ~uper~or~tv INunquett~onably accepted IS tn rhc muuulrr strcnglh fhr funcl~onr thevery UI of conntttnn, fctltng or rcmcmhertn~ of the hraln rxplaln thefael t ht men arc marc vtolmcc prone than women Women arr Iwrcr anltkdy as mm lo wrcr major drprnr~on Rccml sludtcs conducted bymro-r~enltst on thc whjcctlvc well-k~np of two u ~ca when bolh arewofktng. revealed ~ hworktng t rnnlhcrr csperlence mtjre confidence Ineopln8 wtb stress than thelr husbands"Thcu obnervat~ans prove the

fkc tbl. thn an dtffrm tm+ulybut sa( to t k kvsl of labollicyronm u rorka ud m to be dccud qud urtus tn tlw locmy Ina-. wwwa uo uronv t&n mn tn all 1-14 asrpt phydlyLI Bkkg vmms Gcmdcr'Ololl t k kmt~/al rhrqs rn thtr m W rhrn tr w h r w ~fawrnatrq hr a rwu, ac u kart~/rl wuro* 1% rtmsWNal #I, tht nrr crrctrnr mum I* ja~ctmttq, thtrurur onl r k rrrrru Jlu. rrrt htr utmrrutrcn Rmr .wrykaury II Jtmmd h) rk )Uuwt,j OIJU woman"'Uomcn uc objects of rdm~rrlton rnd enjoyment Theyarcdoted for tklr fcrntn~ntty, md beauty ta thotr rcrl vtrcue From thnrchtldhood drys. they arc rdtlud to bulhcr about the11 apparana tokeep thcmrlvcs $rntlc, humble rnd wn Bccruw when I woman ISmuned. her "self' should hc less than tho "male-wlr' to match tkpower of hcr wpcrwr spouse Thew arc the wirl valun tht t k eldersof r typted frm~ly constdcr +cry Important tn brtnglng up prl chlldrrnPbysd urper~ortty of mm ovn womm I the rltrrbutc of blnlgtuldlfference but what IS more firmly and crrpl~cllly dtfTcrcntlrted bocmn%nth M H K*ar 'ffau ~rdrr Ikrjrrrmc wedl 4 nlr#tm# Im.I-u J J r r ('lnstrmrr Ialr' NCW ReIbr. Sru M#w. a $1(l97b1

aw d rorr by tb Mly ud In the maay 18 rr the "Imk,e" file m IS dchrsd rr the blnm.l wluttm udLl%mace8krrna md ~oqwomen andmnFnd.r~aQAnoduthe c~clal conltrucr~on of the nirt~ons hwnn *omen rnd mai~8 w q VI(HMtrnupn Gmder I: d1111Mt1on In rorda wh~rh nukes tkdtstcnctm of m tn thtngsFxtatcncc af two wtsr rwltad ~n snccrld~flmturlon. cma tm klndu nl rocturl *wpr viz , men and mmrnThm beumt two norms. rnd IWO cul~ureu a male and n female. 4111- r thod om shared by IWO utes Thew metal d~ITcrenttrl~nn havemanifold roccrl conlcqwncrs, one of wch conwquence hemp thedomlnrncc or the male ovn thr fcmalc" Ourlng the~r ch~ldhond drvt.chlidrenuned to cdent~fy rhulvn wcth ~hnr own rcx rlderr In thcfrmtly ad peaThw lorrn yendn typed bchrv~uur irom Ihceaulronawnl and 11 bet- necrclr'y frum the day they were born lothe dav thy would dtcSoc~rl expsclatlonr rboul rbtr sender cunfrcmtthem every dry and rl wary plrcc 10 the world. whhn they arr atkomc or outsadc, at lcrlurc or rt work krdtng lo melrl d~lTcrrntrar~on.sovwk~l~oa and arclulton of the lrlr mrrl.rrc.Ilr .Wd aJn. J*w. U~clnalJ New DII~I. Tnr Usqrw Hlll

tlw t d b errtc symm aad r k lua~ly uruaurt wctmrr theexluc#rof ~nqwltt~e In ualus and d~scnmtnrtm a~tttbu~cd !awards&a udcn of (k mrkw malam A pmon't #(I ha8 km at tlmmnude the wlc crttair tn the tnrtnnnt thrl he/she would ruetve underthe 1-9 of vanous coumnes tn Ihe world" Despllc the mo(lnlltonof women'# cqwl UYus and msd of wmm's contr~hutlon for theh u m development and peace and acceptance nf brvc human rt~htr ofw mpralstsa1 ~ollrenrblc ~d~ntmltonallv protected rcght. tncqurl~tvPatr~archy. the phenomenon of male dom~nancc potacccptcdvcryfirmly In every walk of xrclal lnteractlons 'Man' hccrmc thrmeasure of all thlnes and 'bcx~srn' became a pcrvaslvc rof~al prohlemHuwun u ~luy bwmc structured In term8 uf gender horrchv, ukrrrnd~rcrtm~nat~on bctwem man and woman was matntatncd In trtrnr ofdomlnatron and wbordl~llon The ubjuyrl~on and e~plnt18t1t~n ofwonun contlnucd, pfollferaled In numherlcrc dlmenhluns Wh~lc hermath-lnup was rdorcd, hm tndlv~dual 'wlr was dcyraded. Jcv~lucdmnd mrde tnvlvblc Puslv~ty, tuhmlrston and rclCdm~al resultcd In low* S 6 BL*. Eqrllt) d - . A UItb a Rutllr ID Sl&hI. (Rrvrr-) M P lobn(la11

df w. Pding of being inkrior. unwanted and burdensomedevdopd the Itweo-typc of the motiond, immature and helplessmura4ic. Ha depndaacc wan exploited and atrocitiesthat werecommined rsrinsl ber wae either explained in terms of biologicalwukaerr or in t a s of mle superiority in a structured societyYDespite the legal protection. inquality perstst because the lawsare intended to m e to reinforce patriarchal soclal relat~unsh~ps lhal 1sbad on male nonnr, male experience and male domlrunce Women'sexperience is totally excluded from the law Law IS not only non-neutralIn the g and mw, but also male In a specific senseA question that still -insunanswered is what is the reanonTorsuch individual diffnences being sem in terms of gender? 11 iskmr of our cultural legacy through law, lepend md llie wh~chregards women as weaker As said by Justice Krlshna lyer. Womanhoodis palid. ronunticiud, despised and rnslaved2.6 Caua hr Ceder I8qrality2.6. I Hblerkrl C8.mHistory ISthe audy of the pas1 conducted In ~uch a way as loillumi~te t k premt ud even to gu~de men's actton Tor the future

History heips U8 lo rmdcmand wrdwr ad our fellows and theproblems and prospects of mmkind" The history of human civilisattonilluminates the causes of the gender disparities #'hen human societywas saturated with tensions and confrontationr between opposlter.thy produced changes in the human life patlern Earlier society. wh~chwas gender-fm md where human conduct was ruled by nature. In duecourse produced dialectics of freedom and authority, fatth and rearonmd between human free will and all other tmpermnal circumrtancesVirtually unlim~ted freedom of lndtvidual to enjoy the cnmprnvof women and to live in harmony according to natural ~mpulres warthe primitive form of human union The pr~mitivc tribo of anllqultyliving mrlnly as hunters rai~ing from place to place, neither hadpermanent habitatnor, were having a firm orgrnisrtion or a familyOnly at a Iatm cultural level, by the assimilation of spirttual elcmentrand the rquirmcnt for increased working power for ayr~culturc. thehuman union wan produced with firmness, sustenance and endurln~relationship There wcial and economic motives dcc~ded the contraction

of -Bemd fonnrt~on of fun~ltes ad commun~t~es" Whenmanand w o w wen livtng for he sake of life In common, the labour wasd~wdsd hwca them. the husband had h~s tuks. md the wife had hers.and they ntirfied ach othm wmtr, uch putting h~s or her specialuprcittn into the common stockThere was then the fr~endth~p andpmmtsh~p between husband and wlfc produclnp value, and happ~nesn"They were nature worrhlpers andlived by the rhythm of natureAccordtng to them, life came from food and food came from so11 Manume from woman and woman save life tarth(lo~l), rertll~ty and cvclcof procreatton. decay andrenewal were attr~buted to wommhoodMother Goddess wu the eternal symbol of I~fe 1h1s led to the conceptof 'Shrill',the strength of mm In lndlr this was the social orderdurq pre-vcdlc and vedlc perlod There was nothing rr r dominantmale but rather. I resonable rcceptance of the biolog~crl ditTerencewhich pve men and women clear cut eanhly functlon*"ARM the Aryan tnfiltrrtion to the 6011 and embeddln~ the11 ownculture. tbere m s to be a slow decline In the status of women"Oaay Talboclnr 'Tb laws of rrteu Gram'. Vol I . Bombmv N MTnplCt RI Lld. BI 26 (1959)"hswk. ID NIWNC~EU EI~ICO. VI. 12. 7ffnltd k Aid, rl 11$*lo Uah. 'boflo Lqrl 6W.s d Worn In I.dra". Ncn klhs M~llrl~bluy- (1-7)

Dwq vcdK ejnhrt~oa wvman were mvea a honoured posttm TheVeda drdro called u SNI wu conr~dcred 10 be Suutana dharnutmeu114 theUanJ truth 11 1s pecullu and dlnhrrnt from otherrellplon, n 11 IS free from dogma6 It IS more a pattern of c~v~ltut~on.the - "~m" of the lndlaa poople Rtgveda consldercd as the ~rrc ofknowledpe reprerented the vartous aspects of Hlndu c~v~l~sat~on whenlntcrpmted wneetly According to Swam1 Dayananda Saraswat~. !hefounder of Arya Samaj. Vedas were to be lnterprrled In a yogic mannermd not in a worldly mannerAooordtn~ly In the orlglnal vcdlcacnpturtr, there wal no twgc wonhlp. no caste system and no~hlnpabout roela1 evils wch u ch~ld mrrnages or the proh~b~tton (11'remntage of wtdors In the beylnnlng of the vedlc perlod, womenwere fully the equals of mm n rcprd to accerr to and capactty ror !hehlghest knowledge" There were rtsh~kar" who were women seers"Rdkr Krrnad W~JI. 'Weinen In rwrcnt Indrr". Tarr All 0.1~ cd Wamcn ofIda. mv Publicann* mviaen. hfilri#* or Infomotrrm and Irsadcnwt~np,Cowmmrnt o/lndra. Repnut 19W. rt 1 (1957)% llltnb @ d tb ldlwly nrb~Lw vta.(l) R o w It. 116. 7). (2)Lopamudm (I. 179. Smmdtd by 3.b rclrltvn we hrvc nethln; lo lcar 14).(1) Apia (VI. 91.1.7). (4) drs (11. 6.1). Vlnr vrrr (v. 21.1) rnd rccralahm mid la !be tenth nroblr neb u (6) Ghah. (71 Tukr. (I)Vrgambhrinl. (9) Rnla~.(10) Jrnu. ( I) Srddh..Krm~vanl, (12) Lirvn*~.(11) Slnp. (14) Yrne. (15) Idnsl. (16) Slv~lr~ and t 171 DRryrnl Thehm nQ Idd, lk Idhag VIZ . (18) Nodha (hw~rckhrka all. I ). Il91Al:nrbubLulu. (20) kkatrnl-vsvan (U~~rrarch cb~kr. I. 4) and (2 I I~.sp)+r 4, ud brr~un~u~ta nc~.

eprrrocainl the tugbat h rcc of rptntual enli8htmment There neveratrted ury d~rcnrmnrtrn~g rule asatnut women In the later yous whenthe vcds mmth p dthrough #eneratlon, they were moretntcrp*d In wordly manners Later, the Smrittes wrllerr l~ke Manu,Yamvrlkyr incorponted loul customs md prescribed rocial sanclionsbehlnd them, unlike the vedrs whtch had dlvine unctions The Smrilierwm followed In ttme by the puranrs md the puranar werc rollowed hvanother class of Illeralure ailed Tantras There were Upanishads alrocalled as vcdantas wh~ch were MI^ to be the object or the hi$hestpurpose of veda"Thus there emerged a dlstlnct Iilndu social orderwhereln wces or mu1 condltionlng and mlal inequal~t~es bared onVarna and sex emergedDurlng the years that followed, three major h~storic uphcavalralibad the status of Indian women They werc Buddhisnl (600.500BC), Mudrm invuon In (6W-1100 AD) md the western c~v~l~sat~on Inthe 19' wtuy Buddha admitted women lo relig~ous orders Therewere women Buddhtrt nuns in the religlws spheres Buddhist conventsopenod out to womm oppwtuartra for edumtton, ~lf-culturc mdv d @em o f d #rvlas In whlch they nude !hemulves equal

to ma Sonu, Ampama. Queen Kbcma. Sujathr Chap. K~sgmtun~.Suadrn were rome or t k womm leaden of the Duddhl~ ReformatconAll these honours md dlgruttes were DIVM to women. onlv In thespbm of rel~g~on, but at home. the statul of women war held In lowa t m md the11 freedom was t~ghlmod by the Brahmln~cal codePr~nctpal~tter and powers made way for terrttonal conquest% bypeople from Arabu, Turkey and Persia In d~lTercnt partsof thecountry There hrd been Alexander In the Macedonlan In 120 R Cthe Huns in the 5'century A D the Arabs. Turks tn the I I" and 12'~centurtes. but they went backu Mughals invaded In 15" century andstsyed for a longer per~od 1111 the Europeans reached lnd~aDurlng Musltm tnvulon. women's status deteriorated furtherdue to the fear of tnvaderr There was no mcurtty and movementouts~de wu restrtcted, wh~ch In turn denled opportunttles to women Incommuruty afitrr Even Buddh~st nuns who were called a$ Parlvarrjlkaror Vandertng nuns" who had accerr to the pdrcc and huts totallydlsapperred Women's oducat~oa and truning came to a wdden haltThere were forcible wnveruona whlch led to the breakdown of coclallnstttutlonr Purdah wu enforced md rlgorous wclu61on of women

&um the ~k Socil) evil8 like rui, child muriylo and femaleinfanticides me pmtiad dunng this pmod The condition of widowrbeume more dtplonMe the ponibilitia of remarriage for wtdowawen not seen for t k rest of their lim and thy were asked to devote~hmmlm to an awetic life at home Deteriorating status of womenwhich began in the port vedic period conttnued throu~houl and wasreinforced during direrent periods of rocial chanpe by the completesubordination of women hy menWomen became completely dependent on men To quote Aluker"Thus for nearly. 2000 ysrrr from 20 BC to 1800. thepocition of women ~tcadity deteriorated even though awoman ic founded by the partnts. loved by her humband,md revered by her children The practlce of sat^. theprohibition of remarriape. the spread of purdr md thegreat prevalence of polygamy made her poutton verybadPeople tried to arrange the nurriage of theirdaughters before the age of proper understanding andmarriage customs compelled the delivery of the brlde tot k ruperviuon and apprenticeship of her in-laws A g~rlwho by mirfonune lost her virginity. her chance of beingm a d in muriye -mevery m t e Womm became

wmmierlly. mially, educationally and politicallydependent on men"When Europeans tet their foot on Indian soil, its populationru under tbe influence of variousdigionr like Buddhism. Parse.Irlun awn from Hinduiun Christianity also entered along with westernculturn. Indian rocid order war cond~tioned by these rel~~ious normswhch war in turn moulded according lo the then acccp~ed culturalpatterns of lhe rocietyThe rtatus of women at the dawn of British rule saw !liemaximum decree of deteriorationThere were practices such as childmamagea, the exporure of female children. killing of female children hvthrow in^ than at the junction of the Ganges and the sea. the violenceused to make women follow the uti rite md thus, end their miscr~hlcairtmcc. the shameful treatment accorded lo widowa elc Mlrria~cabecame profasionr rather than uements, which made women not onlyobjectr of pity, but many women sighed in the recret recess of theirhcrns and curd for being born as women in this unfortunrtc countryoLqirlrtiona were made to regulate the then existing rcllgloun

euson, which hrd the authority of law md which allowddiscrimination and subjugation of women Muripe cunoms and othercudoms such as burning of you-widow in the Cum81 pyre of theirhusbands called. the Sati. the prohibttion of widow remarriage.polmamy, child are and guardianship, child marriages. marginal~tationof women work a low patd work, were some of the areas whtchneeded the immediate attention of the government even beforeindependence British povernment enacted laws in matters rclatinp tomarriage and divorce*Indian government aner the commencement of the Conrt~tuttoncommitted to eliminate the social ~nequal~tter undertook reform inmajor areas relating to tiindu curtoms Major changes in matter8relating lo mamrge, divorce, adoption. guardianship, maintenance andinheritance w m made in the form of Hindu Code 1956, ayalnst severeqltation from Hindu fundrmentrltsta Sptetal Marrtage Act. ChildMurlage Renraint Act. Do-Prohibillon Act, Immoral Trrnic onSpslrt Marnyc An 1172. HIMU W~dows Remarnap Act Ill6 Parre Marrlapnd D I M ~ ILbl. Nuvc Cemus hhnugc huolultom Act IUM, ldlanhvom An 1869. 1.6an Chr~utan Marnap M In72 The &nptMmbmm&m ud Dtvorm RcUunuoa M ll7h. Ace or conunlkc llPl krd hmrp M 1909. Cbld Marriage Reun~nl Act 1929Rnr hmyc 8 d hvwcc An 1916, Afya MImp V~II~SIIOII kt lPI1WmohradUIILm Aa 1959, TI* hmhy Rntrlmn o( HI*B~pmmLlnup kt 1946. T h e w Htb Drvorsc Act 1947

W m d Girb Prevention Act. Slti Prewntioa Act. EqualRemumtion A* Factories Act, Maternity Benefit Act are thecvidonccr of t k cineme attempts taken by the law d err to removethe atrocities wmmittcd agunn women lad protect them In certaincxlgencles.1.6.1 Crltrral lrqralityThe nrtus of Indian women is condltloned by the culture ol the~rown time The word culture 18 ured by the hlstorlans to refer to the socalled hlgher achievements of group Itre or of r pcr~od of hlstofyCulture is rlsa defined as social her~tage whlch is the complex whole.conrlstlng of 111 the ways we think and do, and cvcrythlng we hrvcas members of society Culture is transmitted through lcarning andIcuning requires roc111 interaction whlch is transmitted throu~h every#enerrtion Indian culture is identified w~th such of the perwnalenjoyments or those a few Aryan Pundits who dictated the ways of lifethrw~h reli8ious tats It developed and got modified don8 w~th thecivilintion Indian civiliwt~un 1s very old, much older than that war atone time upp pod. It goes back at lwt 3MX) to 5000 years beforethe binb of Cbrlst, lodun, of these early days appeared to have beenhiflycivilid in auny ways with ms81ve buildings, roads and goodamhuioa. Wormn of Ibis QC as wid- shows were fond of

jcwclkry. pld, ilw and copper md they used cormctics Theyworshipped m y gods and perhaps one supreme goddess. a MotherGoddess This period is ulled pmvedic period during which timewomanhood was honoured and wonhipped God Rudra Siva. aprevedic God is the firn u ur who emmatea. sustains and rerbrorbsthe universe into his om substmce Though himself inactive andimposuble, he is curlersly active through h~s "Power", his Shaktithrough which the world comes into being md is aglin destroyedAthuvanr Veda quotes. "In Him (Rudra Siva) there ISnod~stinction of person, mrlc and female corlescc Into wholeness "Thouart woman. Thou m man Thou an the youth md the maiden too"tAs womw he is Shakti. Mryr and Prakrti. the creative powerlnhnmt in nature, and as man he IS purushrHlndu rcl~g~on 13propounded In the Veda speaks very little about women of the11 timeHowever. in avulable reference there arc evidences to thaw that thepoutlon of womm w n good In the beginning but deterlorated slowlydue to the strude8 of Ayans and Dravld~rns durlng 1000-100 BCThere wcn ~nvauons leuling to unsettlements The cl~rnar~c cond~tionin the nonb bad lory wintar and fishing. hunting md mrtntatnlnll firebeumc the chid muns of survival Women had to rtry back at home,looti dw tbe prat ones. thus papstwtty b mlng depcndmt on

am for food a d wcuntyThere mc threats to the rrfety a d wellbein8 of women and chtldren from other men and they looked to aknown pnon- a nule for tk~r protecttonThey. dona wtth thewchrldrm thus kume dependentA wonun was consrdered Mver "Svantantra" (tndepcndent) andnever "had a thread of her own" She was not her own mistressIt tsnu~ntatned that In childhood she IS subjcct to her father. tn marriage toher husband and aner htc death to her eldest son Gtrls were shunned atbrrth or born to bc d~lcrtmtnated. and undervalued tn compartwn 10thew brothersThey were exploited and considered as transttorymembers of thetr fam~ltes and helpers to thetr over-burdened mothercfrom a very early age The htghest standards of modesty and decorumwere expected from her and accord~ng to the laws of Manu. IT she doeswrong she should be thrown to the dogs tn rplace fragmented hymanyA woman 81 only om stage In her l~fe ttmc enjoyed a dtynrty ofhef own, that tr when she bccamc a mother. as 11 1s said that r mother 1sworth thouund fathers""The aeharya excoeds by hrs greatness, thetr Ilprdhyryaa. thcWII. 11 145. Vrlrtb Dbamalm. PV, Kam. HH(OC) of D(Ummmm.V.1.U. hn I. Ar*r md mWmd feltgar and avll Inr. BL.Wrbr-reC la(~Rcc. Rw, u 580 (IPW.31)

father exceeds a hundred achrryar. r mother exceeds I thousandbthmU "Mother IS supenor to Guru. rcrryr and uprthyryr "There 1sno gru I~ke mother" One may rven ~hconsequence of all curse rmother's curse c m never be avened2.6.3 Rdigiomn DiurimimatiomBy rcltgton 11 means merely recognltlan consclour orunconwlous of r force or power outs~de man (or men) not suhject tothe control of r man (or men). wh~ch Ir nevertheless In r conrtrntrelat~on to r mm (or men)This recognltlon rn a fact mrnlfota ~tselfIn thought, actton or rbstmtton from act~on* Rut a true rell~lon, I!would mean the fundamcn~rl prlnc~pler of all rcllplon+ whlch are theconuiousnesr of the divine esunce of human soul and respect for Itsmanifestation in human l~fe It in rn rpprol~ch of tolerance andunderstanding of the quality of all rcli~ions The ph~lo$ophlcalapproach of underrtrnd~ng, co-cx~stencc and tolerrnce was the veryspirit of our rnclent thoughtw Desp~te the lndlan cullure known for 11sYllunlw Smnl~ I 15. S.mctpwa Ch 267. M ~ p n Ch a 17' J hacan. M Rmtr. 'Rcl~ga. Iar rsd lbc uaa lo lnd~a London Frbrr andPlb*, U 36 (1961)%C~l*m.l I *rrmIC a . huhbrl~ In ldlll Elbw- On A$l 29 119191Pndcu. S D Sbru, udn(~rec( ~bc plv~ple d JIwa Dbrnu &nub)urv

tolcnnce, divene nligions md diverse religious codes flourishd Thewreligiour thoughts, actions or abstention from action in the interpmonrl relationships of members of dilTmnt communitlen have pivenrise to religiour coder of conduct which prescribe dirttnctly the role.functions, rightr and responaibiliticr of its members in their day to daylife India, being a multi-religiour state, comes actoss varloua rcl~piourfaiths each rpeakinp difTerently in some polnts nbout the role, functton.r~phts and responsibilities of women of their rel~bious fold, that toodifferently at dimerent points of time Every religion committed rruulton women'rfreedom md identity In arurting tho identity of theirreligions,whether thy be "Hindu. Muslim, Sikh or Chrlrtirn theymade evident distinctions not only in way# of worship and what theyheld ar sacred but also defined the status and right conduct of thc~rwomenHowwer, lrlam extolled the highest and noblest aspect ofwonunhood. that of being a mother Accordingly, people should respectI worn if for no other reason, at least for the sake of her having borneall the trouble and pain for their well being. for the uke ofherrrcrificrr, for the sake of her pure love md her ulflcss afTection for

than". Whether educated or uneduated. poor or rich, a a wife, awhar in mry orpreity Ih. Is adorableU lrlam also gw rights ofinharitncr to woman as a daughter. a wife. a mother, a sister and inlow usas even when more distantly related A woman never lon herpersonal rights over her properties whether before or after marriage andshe war absolute owner of her propertiesIn her life time sha wasentitled to mrinte~nce" Despite all th~s. Muslim women are atdisadvantage in matters relating to marriage md inter spousalrelationship The unilateral divorce and triple talaq available for thehusband md denial of maintenance to divorced women aner the Idatperiod are to the disadvantage of Muslim women Women are arsigneda secluded, constra~ned, domestic sphere md the freedom to operate inthe world of power, politics and authority is reserved only for men. forwomen are considered to be pasrivc, docile, delicate md breakable andthey achieve their best potential through bmins good wives mdmothersUader Christianity, the first Epinle, Paul, the Apostle to theCorimhLns in Chptrc V11 sparks about women "It is pod for a mm

not to twch a womm. A wife is bound by law as long as hn husbandliver. but if her husband din, she 18 at libmy to be married to whom shewishes, only in the Lord But 1 want you to know that the head of everyman is Christ. the hud of woman is mm, and the herd or Christ is GodFor mm is not from woman. hut woman from man Nor was mmcrated for the womm, but woman for the man "Christianity and Christian law relating to the stattrs ofwomenis derived from the English law which is in turn based on Roman lawUnder Roman law. a woman was completely dependent Roman husbrndwu ~iven the right even to kill his wife when she wronged Woman wastrerled like a slave md had no share in the wclrl economy Chrirtian~tvrs introduced by Britishers In lndia maintained androcentric culture ~ n ddlncriminated against women in mslters relating to marrtagr, d~vorcemd in the puiicipation of religious orders tiowever, wcstcrn culturcpermitted English women to enjoy wlrl interaclion and communitya wareness2.6.4 Pditkrl lmctonIn lndia women's pan~cipation in decl~ion making bodies 1s quiteunutisfictory. Globrlly on an avaage women represent r mere I0percan of rll dtctd legilton and in most national md lnlernat~onaldmiaichtive strueturn bo~h public md private. they rmrln under

cpmotdM The ~ntlue~~ of -ernculture ud Engltsh eduuttoadurtq Bnttb pmods seaatrred pollttal lordon ofthc plight of womenewywhm end tntiui steps to remove the ulcer of uxurl tnequrlltythat plqud tk hum development were then by men ltke Rrlr RamMohn Roy ud Igwar Chandra VtdyrngrrMahatma Grndh~encouraged woman to take polltlal pntctprtton tn the frcedomstruggle productng women laders who dtd p~oneertng work for therdvmcemmt of lndtrn womcn There were of course r few veryemtnmt women leaders who served for the cruse of the commoner rndthe down trodden Thy are the ntghttngrle of Indtr, Srrojtnt Nrtdu.Anne Bcrmt. Dr Muthul~krhmt Reddy. PrndttrRrmrbrt. ProfessorKrrve of Poonr, Mrs R Rmrde, Mrr Sorrbt of Poonr. Lady Dosc ofCrlcutlr and Mtc' Boss of Lahore"Tbe problems relrtlng to chlld mrrrlrger, gtrls cducrtton.dcvrdrst system, wtdows pl~ght were taken up by these women Durlnpthe frccdom struggle. when Gandhljt made r clrr~on call, womcn cameout In thouunds md they played lhetr full share In processlonr.demon~tnt~ons md plcketlnnThey rlrked thor lives dorm8 theu1'+99 &IJI: Daf.mtton. Platform lor Act~on wed h Un~tcd Nat~onsbnt Aurb)l. UNGAW~OltO I3 Nw (tW11, cb It pn 28" HA Dnr* 'Am mtllw Htnlory of th. wN, d" 1d. C He Blmn1 OxfordU.rm*pnr.U9

partition period in bdpinu their ~rkf stricken sisters They pured outwithout haitation and accepted the challenge in the national movementSuch a mu p8rtkipltion under Grndhiji's leadenhip save women amr of equality with men . qudity which was unheard of in traditionbound Indian SocietyY ARer Independence, among the fineen PrimeMinisters an had on dale. 1997 Smt lndira Gandhl held the ofFIce forthe longest term Eminent leaders like Sucheta Kripmlin~ and ManmohiniSahgal were elected to the Lok Sabha among others dur~ne 1937elutionRukmin~ Arundale. V~olct Alva, Dr Seela Paramanand andlndin Mayadeo contributed much to the policy dec~slons of theGovernmenttiowever, they represented only the elite populationMost ofthe women political leaders came from urban brck~round withwestern education md supponive pol~tical family backgroundRut Inthe rural areas and among the peasant population women participatlonwas very Ins In all the elections women voters were less than menwith marginal nceptionsIn spite of Article 326 of the Const~tutiongranting adult suffrage, in 1952, general elections, voters list containedvery Ins number of womm votersWomen's participatlon as voters.

u cudidrte who wnteud, and u membcn who won were very lessin numbn compand to men. A uudy by the Inter-Parliamentary Unionrepons that tbc pcrcmtrge of women in world Parliament has droppedova the yun. The nlio is quite disproportionate to their population10 Puliammts in the world do not have a single woman reprewntntiveThere arc 33,981 men Parliamentarians in the world. whercar thenumber ofwomen is only 4,512 (13 28 percenl) Only 7 7 percenl of theParliamentay group leaders and nine percenl of the party spokespcrson~are worn. In India in 1952 gmeral elections. out of 499 memberselected to Lok Sabhr. 22 were womenIn 1980, out of 524 members.28 members were women The prelent Lok Sabha has a representationof 7 4 percent of women membersThe 73d Constitution Amendment Act 1992 covertng thePanchyat Raj institutions md the 74th Constitution Amendment Act1992 parinins to Urban Local Bodies crme into force In Apr~l 1995and crutd rwrc than 500 district Panchyats. around 5.100 Block/Tduk Panchyats and hut 2,25,000 village Panchayatr. 90 municipalwrporationr. 1500 munic~pal mncils and 1800 Nagar Panchayats Allthese bodies would jointly prov~de Tor resewallon of seats In the localbodin for womm up to 33 33 percent Th~s has offered women anoppoftunil). to pub)cipte ia the politlul process at the grass root level

The 81.Connitutiond Amendment bin resewing one third of the watria the tot Sabh i~ king debated ova the iuw of a hnhn reservationto l orn clur womm The bill if passed would empower women furtherpolitically"However to ensure effective participation of womm indecision making bodies. various positive measures are to he takenThe detrimental hctora namely the nocio-economic and culturalconstraints a woman faces in the society, are to be removed Manypolicin md programme8 implemented to Improve the nifuation ofwomen hiled to achieve the objective rnd worsened the posit~on ofwomm Thc 79* Amendment bill to the Indian Conatitut~on which willbar the politic~rns from kcoming members of the Lelislative when theyhave more thm two children is another clear example of such measuresThe biggest obstacle for a woman to pursue r serious political career 18her inability to balance her political life with her family l~feWomen are identified by their feminlne qualltler md as such, theyare wfl and unsuited to politics The age old ideas of modesty andliving the total rtsponaibility for the home, result In the low level ofpolitid participation, traditional valun and normr of behaviour inhiblt

m froa~ uron~w tkemselvca u ~nd~nduals Women fur that ITtky choose pol~t~cs u a vautlw they would have to rrcnfice thetrfrm1ly IlkWomen are zourlird to accept I home orlented role that 1sbulully subm~ra~ve and passive and mhng publlc onice runs counterlo the tndrt~onrl sex roleFurther women In pol~tics arc exposed lohum~liat~ons and sexual explo~tat~ons Mort of the time when vtolrtlonof right8 are d~rusrcd. thy are rccognrsed a5 v~olat~ons only apalnrtmenWomen remun ~nvls~ble vlccims and are too onen foryottenWomen dm sut7er from dlwrlmtnatory ntt~tudea of the leaders rndlhrat of v~olcnce and charncter rwsslnatlon Pro~(re8m In femalcIi!eracy still lags behlnd the mlal rttttude to women's education Thiswnstltutet one of the major hurdle8 lo the pol~tical empowerment 01womenIgnorance and illiteracy are a major con8tralnt In the polit~calpullclpatlon of womanThe contr~butlve factors for the active putlcipatlon of women Inpol~ticr ue to make women conr~our about their pol~t~calrWpooukl~ty, encourage them to pmtccpate and to remove the vis~bleud invtr~ble gender bur that run throufihout the pol~t~crl experience of80~1cty Thlr cm be achieved by givlng more md morc encouragemen!lo rmsca to putmpaie IR tbc denuon nuking ~ystcmr 30%

-tianof mts in loal Oovernnnmr is the mos! welcome measurewhere the politiul leadm will be compelled to give tickels to morenumber of worn candidates Women must be properly empowered 10acknowled~e their responsibilities md thus command the status for themle they play2.6.5 Ecomomic PactonIn the traditional Indian sociely where women were ordntncd lok looked in the nature of a daughter, wife or mother and never in herindividual position, their role in any other aspect comes only second lotheir primary functions of obeying the father, worshipping the hushandand taking care of the childrenThe educational, economic and political rights having beenguaranteed. the social milieu is conductive to the attainment of roc181quality At the wme time the trad~tional ideal of Pativratr is strong andt d s arc in evidence which work against the implementation of theideal of social justice*In such situations women working outside thehome for rcmunetrtion was not favourably received in the society Keptthus all the time inside as totally dependent on the male wage earners.

amen tend to kcom narrow minded and unfit for roeial life Thlsignorance, poverty utd helpleu restgnation to the kltchen envcronmnthave rsrulted in the low self nteem in womenWomen nodays work u lawyers. engineers and technolog~st.~ienlisl (Physicid md Chemists), accountants and auditor,,editors andjournalist, public relation officers, business women - those runnlng b ~gbuslness managers and executives md uch~tectr~ However whencompared to the number of men entering there employments, numher ofwomen in such unusual profession Ir still quite lessM Employed womendo add to the hmily economy and foster nat~onal cconnmic growth BUIhere to, this is not without rtrrlns Exploita\~on of worklng wonten andsexual harassment In the work place from the employers and thecoworkers are considered as major problems The Supreme Court ol'Indla hu given a land mark declrlon In deal~ng w~th a publlc Interestlitigation brought by ccrtaln social activ~nts and non government~lorgmiutions to prevent sexual harassment of working women l'hlr ISrignitimnt milestone in enforcing the fundamental r~~hts of womenworkers under Articles 14.19, md 21 of the Consiitut~on According to

the judgment, it hl k the duty of the employer or other raponriblcpersoas in work places ot other institutions to prevent or deter thec4nnmiuion of 161 of mwl hssment and to provide the pmcsdurafor the molution, wrtlement or prosecution of acts of sexualharassment by taking all steps rquird.All employerr or persons in charge of work place. whether In thepublic or private sector. should take appropriate steps to prevent rcxualharassment Without prejudice to the generality of th~s obl~ptlnn, theyshould take the following steps. a) Expresa proh~bition of sexualharassment as definedabove at the work place should be not~ficd.published md circulated In appropriate ways. h) The ruledregulat~ons ofGovernment and public sector bodies relatin8 to conduct and d~sc~pl~neshould include ruledregulrtions prohibitin# sexual harassment andprovide for appropriate penalties in such rules agalnrt the oll'endcr, c)A* regards private employes, steps shwld bc taken to lncludc theaforeuid prohibitions in the standins orders under the lndustrirlEmploymem (Standing Orders) Aa. 1946, d) According to thejudmt appropriate work wnditionr should be provided In relpect ofwork. loirure, borlth md hygiene to hrther ensure that there is nohonile environmcat towards women at work placo and no womanrbould brw d k yards to believe that #he Ir

dimhncyd in cennection with her employnmt Wke such conductamounts to a specific off-under the Indian Penal Code or under any0th law, the anployor shJI initiate appropriate mion In accordancewith law by nuking r complaint with the appropriate authorityAwarmeu of the rights of female employees In this regardshould be created in pmicular by prominently noltfyinp thc guidcltnes(an appropriate legislation when enacted on the subject) In a suttablcmanner Where sexual hrrrsrment occurs as a result of an act oromission by my third party or outsider. the employer and person tncharge will take all steps necessary to assist the afrcctcd person In term$of suppon and preventive actlonh'2.6.6 IlliteracyKnowledge is pow t M mfor enpowering women. the morlimponant quireman cm bc duotlon Eduution ts I hum right ud mamtd tod ta achieving the gods ofcqurltty, devdopmmt ud prcc It IRloespduaRmdrmnulrighcinlnduudurkytothedevdopmmtoCxlf1- ud playa a dearin pul in ding wanen rwuc of thmrupamiatS thcb nJ potasid md their rightrU Illiterry is a mqor wx of

1- ria lo d b hdiBniy md apkitrtcon thm&wt their life No*j ~ ~ ~ ~ h r a t r i d c d r o o n l yTheHindudustruQu~m c ndthe Biblc~bahmcn~~t~lEquirrtmwlcdgeThe lodrl condit#n, t k dd dl thac yan gave only one voUtmn10 wunm, tkrt is to minist6 to nmn'a phydcrl needa - their intelkcl wuthau&tobcduchr~orkrthuwhen~wwnvlhdonemylhingpRlarlrrty fodish u hughlkm ud when they uc pointed w t fw thnr irult.thy thmdw chimob "ARa dl I un only I womml" F d c cduut~onJlagnhQ negleclcd ud thy waurqwmtly kept In s ~ rtc of domert~cdcgmdatton md Imrihdc.Aaording lo t h Qulrn . both MuJlm men rid women are requ~rcd loprry 'Wd , inaa+ m in my Lhodsdg?' (fb 1 14)Almo the prophet haduid "Acquisilion of knowledge ISobligrtory on way Mudim men andMudim wann". He uud the words (Wuri~muln-) v~hully to denoteMuslim women m thu mm do not find my excuv of depnnns her ofabcdi The cocirl nmu very m h depads on edwllnnul status ofwana, but in pmmcc MuSm women ue givm only ekmemuy rcl18iour

h In& cduution hr diffaan nkrr for boya ud girls The henumharaf~rkoddropam wemminnumkrwhmcompcsdtoboysPmtsshow IrJ; of in!-in a hllng their fault children for nuanr hwd on1061 na&ty, thdr pba samay ud arhurc Mrny pmtr mlhdnw t krdaughter# Fmn &lion qpdku of tkr ~hdutic mcau for tkfm W cham would cmte mom pnMsrm In findings witablebri6qpoar;3&6\lPc.l2.7 krl Protre~ior: Dcjrn Cqurlity VI Drhclo lncqurlilyEquality betwan women md men ir a matter of human r~ghtsand a condition for social juslice and it also a necessary andfundamental prerequisite for development and peaceUEquality of all men IS wid to be the b~ggest Ile ever told for theword, Fealrfy is w wide and vague and taken hy ~tself Ir almorlmaningless Equality should be understood in its normative scnw andmt in it8 fonnrl wnr ar the mere onmsible legal equally In Ihemr of abrcncc of dlreriminat~on in the words of law The eswnce ofSdr ~ i c m Cauprp )w s F a Worn's Mansm~'.ccartrrlMncd WnUy. Vd XXXI m2O. May 11. r 1113 (1996)'Mjl.( Drlu*br CL.1, prc.1.%pa, nore % rt p 94

equality ia to reaguiw that dl buman bnnea ue born free and equalin diity uid nghM Thy m endowed with ruaon and conrc~ence" Italw m a prevention of d~urimination and refuul to recopnlwirnlwmt distinctions. Howwa the concept of equality is not mean1 tobe taken in the mae tLt men an born with m e aptitude mduplbililin. but ratha in the mae of m 'mificirl quality or a lepalfiction" to be pursued as the deliberate object of wlal poltcyTherefon, equality in its normative mae would rl;omean rccognlslnpthe existence of natural ~nequalltiea and the presence or certain underprivileged persons or groups To Kcure equal~ty, there has to bed~fferentlal treatment to those underprivilemed few thus to brln~ !hem upto the umc levelTherefore equality In the scnre of prevention ofdlscr~mination should be understood as refusal to recomn~ne lrrelcvanld~stinctions and not the erasure of all d~stlnc~ions~Dlstinct~ons arc the indlcators of the values whlch are legnlconsidaationa for making discrimi~t~ons Con~~derrt~ons brncd onnatural difference such as binh. colour md aex ue to be condemnedwhile that uc bad on merits or elliclency such as Insensltlvlty,

stupidity, ineduubility, irrcsponsibiiity to be considered"However.inequality on the basis of sex mists in rn extreme form in rli societieswhich ue hierarchiully ~tructuredThe CodMbn of lndu is the e~martone of the led edifice of theNaion. In the Rmnbk it ia said in uncqivoal tams that dl paplei m of their sex ur entitled to Junia. LiOmy ud F4wlity and hsuaued bdividurl dignity Thc Rovnbk HI out the nutn objscls of theCMLStitu-which our buic law intmdcd to rul~r The word 'Socidlst' 1sddsd by the 4zd ' 1 m t to incorporate YYI~IM~ u m i to ~ rltmtnrtcinquality in income md status ud stududs of l~fcPut-Ill of thc ConUituliOn Mihi inqwlity brim men dmma~ in my mmta but kfl untouched the priwtc astor of hunundahnhip. thc family Funily hvn nuke grou diacriminrtwn Mwem maA I 14 dcclua equJity ud cqd prc4eclmn to dl parocu In the enjoymentof their d prbikgu wilhout duairnirvliar Arlh IS ud l bpdtd dirriminuion agaiitm any utm on grounds only of rcl~pon, race.me, 4 place of binh or any of than In nutim of riflr pnnlegs andinmmih panrining to a pawn u r alitm Under the conarltutlrm My

. . . ,darrrmnraonoathcpmunbofmanra unr~uunerrmiMiavlYbur thc Urr u clpr*dy *Itholird undu Miah l5(3) m mJrr lpdrlpwbionr for the W of wcnnef~ on the buir of pro~caive dirriminrrionW m me dmihcd u Ip&ul clur for the purpose of hvarnbk t r a mundathi~~w!khhcarblsdtobriq~outkplrefimns WeifmeIegiJItiav protecting men in nunon relating to &ingconditiom ofwacoLbarrn,mnemiyknhtr,vfayudherlthprovidonrTor~wmken in worlting plrca eqwl remumtion vc brought outPrivilqadven to women li~ipntr undn civil pmecdure code, the providam dai~towomen u witrrue*, offmdm ud c oda in criminal law, condider womenu rpcirl dur for IegiJnivt durihtion Section 3% of the Indim P dCcde dealing with rrrrult or uw of aimid fom wilh iMmt to cutw theof my womm, mion 125 of the Crimid Rocsdure Cedewmpdling ar)y men to provide mumavna for the wfc ve oaridcnd upraslinb@&ninhwurofwom~~

Hindu w wn's ri& to dopr a child is gnnted undn Hlndu Adoptionud M.i~Uauna ACI 1956 Rut the ri&IS hed lo r mrmcd lltndu w mnwhor hurbrnd is living k lo the @dmdup ngtn o m I child. faher InomdycauidacdulhenUd guud~~~ in prd-lothe molhcr TkH i Sucrsvion ACI is I Iutd mark in the hidory of tirndu hw and undnrslion 14, wom~l ue mod abdu~c ownmhip o w the non-mdhuup.opay poamd by than. The Aa mmka both nuJe ud fmvk children uegurl hein but under Ssaian 23* ddi@ with the pubtion oldwelling houw' kc 23 d HIS& -loo ACI When I HI& Inte$tI(c IW len suwnlng hlmot b bocl mlc and .( It.utrlvln ud bn w kr p p y mmcldn I dwellln#bwc, wholly ooopcd by umbcn of ~II or kr hm~ly, llun noc wtlhsund~n~uylhq aUmu4 18 Llu An, tlw ngbt of ray r h teuk ktr lo clr~mpfl~ua d 11 dwellin# Lar slull aoi Irrw rnlil I& male keln chrmc lodmdc lbrrbm tkft~n bn Ik ferule be11 thll be cnlrlled lo IngM of mdh4 -18 RoMd tht wkm sub female ktr I I CughvcrI& rbll br nlctld to D n#h~ d rnldcncc 10 llc dwelling kmu only I( I* I*uvmod a bm k a dncnd by or Lu vpntod froin her hulb.d or IB Ink

Tb~nOiditrofSsc497olthcpaulade,thc&neeofIdul1my, wrr~~Torm~dadukayonly~hurbudrDpmvsdoauklfik I complunt udm lBgricnd wife a@na the dultenr hmdly theapgmd wifk ama pnnsute ha huhnd who ammined rdultwThirdly, Sec 497 doo not take cua when the husband has mud rthtmnswith wmrnird warm71us rectm my 1fid v~ht rppcrr as IT 11 IS bcntfx~d Iqlslrtlanimaded to serve the m tms ofwomen but, on clavr nrmtiutlon II wwld befound that the prowslon cantuned In the salon 1s r klld or "Rommt~cP~tenmlim" which d mfrom the unrmptlon thr women l~kc chntels ucprom of men !kcm 497 Ir I fLBrrnt IIIW of "gender d~unrn~nrtton",kglshtive dapoclm md mJe chuvldm~~px~ontherbovcqusrtionuidthattk~((gncvalmmurdmnnrn war M y hued ud thy war simluly treated by the unp~nncdp&tiOnwhich did run Jlow I cuckolded huslund to prolecute h~a wlfc urdthe cum@ wife to pmsu(e ha btmd fa dukq The carn aplunedthathcphibqhycfthir law wu that the hulbudud wfe waefrato

w, the judidJ rrqm+ in imcrpnmg cumomr ud pnanrlbn of diffaa digiau lgoupr lamr to k hndkd with much nlwancyThc Banby High Caul junifwd the aduwm of pmod lam unduutick 13(1) of the l d i Constitution def~*Irw ud law In fom frw thepvpow of anulitutionrl miew of law kuusc law m nol ddy hwdon digion but ue com~~cd with the nunners ud custom of rel~psp p s ud lhacforr the test of wdoronity wth the fundumntd n&!s 1s mrtrppliuble lo such laws"Atlwle 19 guuurta, worn the hs~c fundamm~alfrrrdoM of speech ud expression, f dom to rsmtnte, freedom to take upany ocmpuion so long thy are not qumf the public order, decency ormonltty Artick 21 of the Constitution In Itr ambit of personal l~henygurnmcu mwnrn ha right wa her Wy ud pnncy Anick 21 puclrmtca aright to the vomrn against nplotlrtlon It prov~do '7rfl1c In human hetngsud kg&v and o h8imil.r f m of ford lrkur rre probhted and tnyconrnvwioa of this provirion rhll be m oflencc punlstuble In ~ccordmccwith law" Pm N of the Cudtuh~~ misaga ditaain primpla of auc

wdfPcArtide 39 hy# down main prindpk of policy mcrial. for womm's'The state MI in putidu dim its pd~y towuds wnny (a) Thatthe c i t d men md women qurlty, hvc the nght to M dcquur muns oflivelihood(d) that there 1s qud pay for qua1 work roc ho~h mm ~ndworm (e) ThU the halth md ntrcngh of women ur not ~buml and cltlrnrarc nol f d by economic necesity to mln avuultons unw~led lo tbr aermd swenglh Artick 42 enjoins the state the duty to provldc for cntem~ty nllefd h um conditions of workPul IV A or the Constttut~on provtdec. cerlaln fundamental dutlec 10evay alum of lndu Thm dutm even thou~h mnot hc cnforced hy wntr.m be promoted by const~tut~od mhods Thq cm hc uud for IntnprctlnMdnguoua amnaAn~cle 51 A (e) provtdes that"It shall be the duty of every cluscn of lnd~a(e) To rrnouncc practlce derogatory to the dlgnlty or women "'Ihedqpm~~ofuomudDod. u a lpaul tutu olp~nhood h,kmthe rLilay ~ymrr of mmdmnd wnmm Wnh dl FaurttullonJ

lpllnnrsc~~~diOmyoflifcudkgir*tivemawr~o~d niLwarnnhood u the r~py ofnrlity IS, still there a mcqurl~tym d indi& -ng qaim wancn, aL1 evils contiwe uhted h w ISwhrr hwdaqudbythispafomvnatat law i a d d whnrwomcnarea~the victim adn.w e protection ineqdity penins kuuw tk vyJmwnhtionof Im ur dl Ipatly infhKncrd by orhunl fMm like the mmaulmon ofhmily. kimhip gmup. d-*em digiau and other cultunl tnd~tton.cute hienrchy ac md officials uc inclined to mnfacn pnarchrl marlvalue A WWIM is aplolted in& ha home under the covs of Icarrmty @mlpmtcdion MAW'S u-th~ r wow is newc lndependent 18 even t&vpncriwd W mis prewnted from t&m~ decmwom even for h*. omHa job is decided by the mJe mmbcn of' the funily Womm t&vapriaa violence not horn nrangm hut by thmr own mm In thnr ciwnham

t o k o d y a c w ~ r p a a u Mution d ~ a&lraiaalathe~ofwomcnue~enundcrtheurqricordtheUairaiF(rtiaW1945 TheChutadlhcU~Nplonr,thcUninnrlDcdatioa of Hmm Right% the Cormmion on the Elinmuton of All FomuofDidmhh @ml Women, the IrnwNtmMI Connrnl of Clril udPdiM Ri&& lntmvtionrl CO-t on Economic. SonJ ud cultural n~htrand aher like QcwwnSa slcphau lhrt the rhmmcnt or eqwl a d full, . .puhapulon of women in dl spheres or activity Is m integral pu( of unlpditicrleconalk d M d c u l t u r r ~The Chuta of thc llnited Nations signifies tht hunun nght to eqdttyis the buic righ of dl nunkind Eqd rights of men ud mmn ue npllcitlymmhd in the pmmMe to the ehuta of the Unitd ~at~onr" All4intmutiavl human rim iharuments include K* rr one of lhc ~rrmndr uponwhich #ator my nol discriminateH- nghts ue thc nuural nghtr of nun ud evcry humn permpouar~he~bclauwofthev~fmthuhcushctsahumnho~Evay pcnon hc the ngin to k r pclcd, and u thc ubja of rights udporolw

The bill of rights GNW by the British Rdimea in 1689 ud thcDechtiim of hdcpdcm isad by the 13 Amrian ma in July 1776a* rban "eqdity" u the i n h pul of ury hum nght di-"The Udcd Slrta Constitution or 1789, the decluuion of n@ns ofrmn idby the French Conaitur.,~ A*u r n s that mcn ue h udmnrin free ud equd in rightsThe hum rights ue not diRemt from other nyhts as thq arc ~turnlr i ud derive for their vnn~ty tom the soul uul the a~nrrim of thehuman vxiety ud u thc Stotic Philowphn of Hellm~rtic period stated, thcvue those rights which belonged to all men at dl ~IM, thou nghtr arc mt thepuliculu privileges of atims of panlcular c~tin, but uc to which everyhum^ king evaywhere is entitled of nr~uc oftlw s~mple fact or king humanud ntMdA wormn is ISmuch hunun u a mm ud shc rhould share fmdomad equality in the imcrat of the wdl being of unay In funhnrncc ofthe m&icof the U ~ted Naions, the UN Cornnuwon on the Status ofWomcn aubhhd in I946 worked Iladhaly at run4 the alatur of w m"IMV B~II of RI*U uvs tha~ -A)I lnzr on u~vrc cgwlly fm and1776 Datm~m d I.c*pcodma WICI that all m om cmlrdrp.~ ad pr mdmd by cku cr~ . WII~ arutn ~ul~ruMc rc~bclb~ 8- !I*. Itbcrty a d tk d L.ppiwr

p s o t i v e ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ *mind1 ~ f d i ~ t okld~ ofhmnIt cvried wt di md ruhrmtted its npons md-torhe-uddmuriloctheprwnolmofhurmn t'ights with IU omcm~ Thc Commirsion bdupd propods forli&l fa WanM od eiifIliNtlIlg dtlcnrm~lan on thegroundd of u* in kgd, poiitid economic, a 0 4 md eduutad fields fhcConunirrion W e d its firm dnR of r dedrruton on the duninrlmn of dlfms of didminuion @NI women in the pr 1%and r rmlscddcclrnlion in the yerr 1%7The lkmcmc md Swtd Counctl ~n~tuted Irrprting system on the ~mplemmtrllon of the pmvtuonr of the LintMnulDeckruion by the Govmunats and appointed r I5 mcmhrr worlrtng Broup tobeLpn r dd?ing of I convention for women in 1973 Un~tsd Nations GeneralAuanMy ddurtion enarm univrml ncoyition tn Irw ud In frt of Ikprincipk of qdi of mar ud women G A of the UN In ttr rnolutlon411110, 4' DsDanbcr 1986 GA 41. Scuion. 3' unnrnttta rperkl ukomotum of the artus of women In dl Its u p ~ rd s mplctc~ofvansnmmadygobyondthepobkmofkeJ-cqurltty mdtkrr- nravJ m m f m 0fBOaCW md ~ a m c u n m (&mornic nhbog rr well u dmtnhm of m d ~ t pnlud~cl d throu&ad tbc dmanmbm or mfomvbon ue qutd to ncuc

mQaDn inwotm my denbp Nly their intdlsawl ud phyucrl~ w 4 .The I948 Uninnrl Dccht~on of Hum Rights &rDI(R) dopledthr VNOA klua lhll ~ayorr u entitled to dl the rhhta ud MSrct rwrh in this m i o n without distinction ofthe Udtd N&mma Undn M 13fi) ofMCT, the Gend Asrsmhly is lo initiate studies udnuke mnmmmhimrn for the prrpov of assisting in t k rullutlon or humnrights ud hnbmcn(rl freedom for dl without distinction an to raw, acx.Impage or religion Thc UNGk the plmy organ of the world W, rellrctnthe dmah dthe world community u r whole ud throu@h its rrsolut~onnd rrmindcn hr wanted the wrld body to denounce tk Faam ofakyugrtion of vaen wdn ancient hwr. custornn ud pnccia, Time ~nd&@n the AganMy ha urged the ndfiution or or Iummon lo lhc rekvrnlinanaiod innnm#n, Wing to the strtun of wommDevelopmentdeuda udconasnrng women I~ke Women In Development(WID), Gada md DeMlopmaa (GAD) wrre lruKhcd ud worn's concernwu taken u focus in whch dl prolpunm rclrtcd to development In lo5 I.tlr lanartiavl labur Orguuution (ILO) doped I wnvcntlon concmungEqurl nmurntion for men 4 worn workers for work of equal vdue 11.0

d80dop~~amar6ng~~ofwomnininhrmym I948ud amvenh an#mir\B nulanky proteUh I975 w dcduod u t klnt- yar fa Wow ud 19761985 the 1.inited Nations M efor Warnen with the god ud objmin of eqwlity, dndbpmmt ud pramUndu Art*5x4). the United Natim is to promote univad rrnpa for a dobaavam of h mrights ud fondmtal hrcdom for all withartdistinction u lo na. aa,hguge or religion llnda Article 56 rncmhns urto hm m obligation to take joint ud Wmte actton In co-o~rr~on u~th ~hcorganisation for the Ichiewment of the plI'paM !+el forth In Antcle 55fhe Convention on the Elimirution of dl f~~rmr of ~haciim~~t~onAgrina Women (CEDAH') was draw in 1979 whlch entered Into force In1981 with the required 20 ratification The wnventlon calls for the equal rightsof women regard-In, of tkr marital status in dl fiddr nr pollt~ul.rconornic, d, dtunl ud civilAn~de 1 of oonmtlon detim d~mrn~rut~on awnst womm u "mydlstmfior+ archson or nrtnctton mrde on the b s of ux whlch )us thecffcct a purpose of unpunng or null~fylng the recoplllon enjoymentornadr by womm tmrpct~ of thar nuntd ItUua on the bass of qurl~tv

Stuc puria ur lo take rppropriue maurn todiwhteMminrtion @nsl woma in dl Wen ud if necusuy to modify !haclris~hg d d ud cultunl prnent, of conductof mn ud warm Thcm i o n dm e*pcas the late v i a to eliminate rprinm mmcnthd ur found dscp roc~ed in custamuy practicesThe 1984 UN World S u ~ on y the role of women in dcvclopnmtmarked the fint ofhid recognition thc women hw r mjor concrm, m ddevalopmart irusl ud wu ucn u I tuminy potnt in the hiaacy of womcn'nirua in the internrtiorul unu At the end of the women's dauk in 1985,the world conference on worn hdd in Nairobi. Keyr Fwwud kdriqrtntegia for the dvmcannt of women w e unvrimounly dopld on thebui8 of which the ECOSOC in 1981 brought out mdium term plrn fa wamcnud devdopnaa s~rmegia were rdopted by the imanrtiaul NO& lo pecvidmcewomen ud women', rights omo the dd'a hunw right8wn OIha ccmvauions of r tpsaJ impom forwomn ueon Childm In New Yort in 1990. on Ernimm~~~I md*~lrpon of tba Work CwWw to m~e* ad rppl~r !be w h m s d theUaod W*im Ikcdc lor women Eqult~y, dntlopw.1 a d m. Nal*.Jmly 15-26 (1W5)

Devdopna*in %ode J u e h in 195% m Hum w i n Viin 1993.anPopll.lionudDNelopmaminCIjroin IWudW-inCopaJuSa, in 1995 Time m with Ihe objw of r)wnr* qdty.devdopman ud pmce ud upholding the pnncipk of nondirnmmrtion mthe Wr of ymder The Vicnnr World Confacnoc on llumrn Rigkcr hdd in1993 emphUiYd the dimination of vtolarc rprrna wmm In puM~ udprivate life u pm ofthe intmu~io~ul protection of hum rtghtsmUNGA adopted the dsc*ntion on the dimination of vidQwa rpinaurom~l in Dtcanbn 1993~ The UN Hum Riglns Commiwh appointed rspec*l npona to repon on the global problem of vldma rgriW vomninduding damesti vidmcc ud tmhtiai mica thn when in the p* mmu nrhud or rocid nuners autside the -inof h um rimsLaw artus of women in untqdly arudud roficfy ud within thcurnnp hy ape and pender has had~rilppc.d the tlrtrl~ip~rrn~ of nat~nnal well

S~WmarraaplrmOrlaiaLproprminilgoF~ofhcas ud pMic othan hndling the dturtions to eitminate inq&yand videna a#akl mnnen uc to be stm@hawd The state anmc d*naway its responsibility to protect the victims of domesic *en-on t k Waof fbmily privacy Nu* of public lhcltcn ud lhon stay horm should heKt up lo ~ ~nlllrn~lc vlctlmr ol' Lmcsl~c VIOIC~)CC In lim or mutyInslitutk handling ures invoking w wm rhould k rrprrmted tn morenumkn by women Judges. lawyers. prosecutors and poll- officcrr whethamm 61 women must be trainal to understud t k proMana of vidma rlpinawomn in the existing structure of the M yAn omdl view taken on thebuis of wrious faon amcbted with the low aams of vamn in nciy andfunily uc rooted in the outmoded prtriarchrl tmdtt~ons and culture Wommeveryrvhue hvc wmc to undmtd that equal status ud oppahmirr forwomen u integral to mid justice is the b~nh right of fmvk h u m Wommuc to cae lonwd to wert their ri& of equal~ty u e qd pvlmddp dthmar is not any -onbut is r wnst~tutwd nundate


IAMILY STRUCl'URL BASED ON rATRlARCllAL VALUW3.1 Tbe Stremgtb of a matiem b dtrf*ed tnm the imtqrtt~ of t kfamilyThe family is everywhere identifiable as a will p ~ pchanclerired by common residence.economic co-operation adreproduction' It exists in various forms md expresses differm~patterns of human life Ultimately, family. as I social or8rniution andas a centre for the formation of religious md cultural values andpersonal and social identities of the members, weaves the fabric of anysocietySociety has two domains of functioning One is the public andother is the private The private domain is considered ar domestic andpersonal but still. as in the public domain, the functioning of privatedomain or the family too involves individual actions in economic andpolitical activities While the economic activity involves production,exchange and consumption of goods. he political activity in the co.ordination and control of the family members The division of thewactivities among the members is carried out by the eldest male member,

the ~atriach', who holds the overall responsibility of enwring the nllbeing of all the members of the family He co-ordinates md maintainsthe economic. political, integral and cultural function of the familyPatriarchy in this sense should secure a ufe protected ~nd wellmaintained place to every member including tho= who are diubled, oldand young Equally, it also has certain nega~ive manifestations Theissue of gender hierarchy wi~hin the hmily leading to Ieo autonomy adless decision making power to the women especially when they are newentrants as wives coupled with the notion of hmily unctity keepwomen in the family under the absolute control of men leadins to abu~smd exploitationsThis reinforces man's power over women mdperpetuates gender inequality md discrimination In such atmospheres.women are seen as objects rather than as humans of qua1 statusIn the above backdrop, abuse of women by men In !he hmily ofthe later, most often by their husbands, and to the ume degree, by theIn laws is one of the chief causer of injuries suffered by women all overthe world It is claimed that health care coats and hoapitaliu~ion ofwomen due to injuries uuud by violence of spourc and his farnth'Pam8 Rrnw rdcr HI& Law wnchat KIIII IS tk luardlan of 111 who lunno akr prcccar sln~t.rly. t k Rtr~arch vndcr Rtrtarchy 1s cLc w rhoWem hcs I~mtly by pmul rtoc adII II rlwayr tbc pwcr of Ihc Olbn

mben are a major put of Wth budgets literally all ovn tbc world'.The syrtcmtic for-and the valuer inherent in patriarchy ia thefountain bead of gender dirriminrtion, which is woven into the fabricof all rooid, political, md economic ~n~titution~ The denire forsuprenucy, the psychologiul plurure of power and male fear of femalesexual and reproductive capacity are Identified as the motivatin~ forcesof patriarchy Laws governing reproduction. sexual aruul~, mdpornography are viewed as extensions of patrtarchal control over femalesexuality. with violence against women reinforcine th~s control'Worst of all rnan~festat~ons of patr~archy IS !he mdexploitation of women more specilically violence directed against theirwives'Violence committed against women arc tolerated as familialconsonant with the domest~ctcy, or srcredncss of the family privacy1:vervthlnp. that happcnr hfcwrcn Ihc fiwr wrllr tr kept 8. nrcret Thcconcept of domesticity understood as thc family's awareness oCitselfarwomen Interruttotul Network News 21.2 Spln& USA. LcxlnpoiI 11 I (l99q)In tk plnarchl Iamlly all power II vcucd In Ik male head wha un C rOwron& who un uw slolence to pt hts war Fven ramtls member espccallygirts and wonwn nnst raf for htm, caterlnt to h~s wlsks ad obcttnt hlscomnunds*rum Bqd and EI~&I~ Shr+k. 'Canrb1.n Pcrnlnls~ Rrtpn~vc on Law'.Jarul d law ud bmq. at 11 (1916). 0 ~ 4 Carma, 1 'I#~~rrrrl lealfhrwy'. Tk Thucbed Fwm. tnterut~oul ccntra lor ubrcs add Sn L.mhVd 1. Ne 4. irlvlAy n 6 (lwlk I Uobr.h. 'I ~,,I,.c~ .lanr~ nv.. NC* Yorh Pm Press (I9W

I pmciwa emotional unit that must k protectd by princy 4isolation from outride intrusion. sealed of tht affairin or tht hmily frominteraction with the surrounding worldb3.2 Family Privaty"A houm is built by hands, butA home is built by hurts "The term 'Family' is definedaccording to its composition aanuclear or extended Nuclear family cons~st$ lypicllly of a married manmd woman with their offspring, althoush in exceptional cams one ormore additional permnr may reside with them An extended familyconrirts of two or more nuclear families This may be either patrilocalor matrilocal depending upon whether wife goes lo live with husband orvlce versa In differ en^ cultural, polltical and social systems, variousforms of the family existIt was helleved ~hal a model Indian familywould be a type of an eltended family, a jolnl familyexiq~inl) indrwercnt forms according to caste. rel~g~on and ethnicityThisimpression was found to be false according to the census repons in theroeiological studies' According to a survey conducted, nuclear% E Sboner. 'The M.kIq of Ihc Modern Fam~ly- 1975. Baatc -6, 11977)b* P U , a I1 Bm& M Ho(pc. hvd D Wrl, r6 "fhr/ortly. LnrdSocrrfym8 Llll M#rn.lr'. bn&m Bul(orronk%. 11 I0 (lW7)'W. -I. 'Waul ad ~amiy I I- . CO.(ISWIV a d chn#, /n*mJ-1 ef.Wd Work. Vot LVI No 2. Ap SI 141 (19921

~ v h o l coruirting d of a couple and unmarried children an the Iargntfunily type pnvdent in lndir There is also single person houvhold 10m extent of 6 percent and family of childlos couples to an extent of 5perctnt md single parent household to m extent of 4 5 percent Thepeople of India projcct completed by the Anthropological survey oflndir shows that of the 4635 communit~er/castes In India 4122communities have nuclear family as the predominant typeg According to1991 cenws report only 26 13 percent of the Indian family is urbanbad The overwhelming majority is still rural*Almost all individuals arc members of the hmlly during theirlifetime and a significant portlon of their activity lakc place within Ihecontext provided by the hmily Family as such is r communi~y in it~lfwhere members are related to each other in the most intimate way.bound tosether by the most personal aspects of life who experienceamongst them the whole range of human emotion#, who are united bythe ties of muriase, blood. adoption or consensual unions They huethe rune source of plerwre, the ume joys. the ume source of profoundconflict Degrees of ylreemmt md degrees of violent dlugreement are%ual~-I. NJI-1 obwnracc of the lmlcrnrl~olul vcrr of the frattf. Ind~o.JwrwleJSocrol Ed. Vol LVI. No 2. Ap rc 214 (19991b b thh1. W#m rd but) la Idr coallaa!ty 8 d clunpc. Indrm Iosrml oJ.kd wat. vol LVl. No 2. ApI 01 t4h (19951

ole in the sacidintion patterns of the individuals Social relatiow adsocial forcer determine to a large extent the way womn experiencetheir livn and the patriarchal construction of society has unfonu~telyreinforced certain basic assumptionc that are unfavounble to women,that stifle their =If expression and kill their self-esteem"3.3 Marriage - an institution or bunan bondageSincetime immemorial the institution of marriage in humansociety has been considered sacred and sacrosanct by all religionsIt is a part of universal development and the matrimonial hand inalways considered as invaluable in the h~rtory of c~vilitation Marriagecould be defined or for better, understood according to the dear heldby different cultural groupsIt can be understood as creating cenainrights on the panics to the marriage such as mutual right to establishthe legal parentage to their children, mutual rqht of monopoly toeach other's wxuality, mutual right towards each other's wrvtces and toestablish a socially s~gnificant relat~onsh~p between them and theirconnnguinc relationsThe evolutionary theory of marriage a, propounded by

anthropologists and ethnologitts considered aboutthe probrbleexistence of the primitwe mtety in which humrn bondw waraccording to biological needs According to Morgan", mamar adfamily developed through defined stager from m origtnal state of totalsexual promiscuity to civiliaed monogamous marrcapcDurin~ the prim~tive period. when men Itved ar huntersranging from place to place there was no special lepal inst~tution forthe gratification of the phys~cal impulse of human beinas. In the lowerstages of civiliution sexual desire was ea&ily srat~ficd since the frwdomof rn individual was virtually unl~m~ted Accord~ng to Georse~oumbounos"'The erotic feellng in its primitive form 1s In its essenceinconstant md demands variations'He argues thrt the natural impulses, that ~nst~nctually. atlraclmen and women to each other crnnot be suited to form the basir of alasting union as in any socially regulated inrtltution of marria~e AsMorpn uys, Mating is a fact of the biologlcal order but marrta((e inthe craation of human soclely It IS only w~lh the trans~tlon from 1

nomadic life to agriculture when there was need for f irm omrnivtionu that of funily to provide a settled dwellins place md alro whn t hcultivation of the mil required increased working porn. it h m ean economic necessity to produce OK-springs Thus mrma~e iscontracted in order to procreate progeny for the familyMarriapbecame a legally regulated relation of life and constituted 8 laatinsunion of the man and his wife"laessence marriage is m interpersonal relationship legallyreylated for the deliberate purpose of raising legally recogniredompring Marriage is also for the sake of life in common as~ristotle" uys, "The labour is divided between them, the hunbmdhas his taskr, the wife hers and thus they supply each other's wantseach putting his or her special capacity into the common atockThereis then in this friendship between husband and wife which exists bynature, both usefulness and pleasure The children too may k a bondbetween husband md wife The children are a good posuoed by bothpumts in common and property hold people togethtr'Promimity gave way lo group matlnR produfinn what are-I' IbtdI* N.Elbiu. V111.12,1 ff Ibtd

ullod a@ COmmunll familiaIn the earlier forms of matinp. 8 childwouldits own mother but not its father md dwnl would kfirst counled through females dividing people in matriarchal vwpsRomircuity and group mating had then given way to individualmatin8 producing the barbarian family which in turn hadsuccdedby the mamage of one mm to several women This emphasised theimportance of the acnior male or patriarch who wu accompmied bythe tracing of descentthrough males and produced the patnrrchalfamily. Marriage8 a8sumed social significance, becauw of the publicparticipation in declaring the legality of the union In lome societies itinvolves union of two families or communities and develops relationshipbetween the whole group of peopleThere is aim a differen1 thmry recording to wh~ch !he lr6rlinntitution of mrmage embodies a practice wh~ch existed not onlyamong primitive men but even among apes and various other animalsAccording to them animal marriages were through natural instinctsmonoymic. It in d y broken at a latent stage when mm driven throu#hwnomic motin wanted more manpower for agricultural md pastoralrortman w iw and procured more children M qa d u&b propcny and it enhand the porition of them. tbun prilnuy lunction of a wife curie to be t b of 8

lucrative dometic animal. md her ma1 Cvmtimal kumcsubordinated Men's control over women was allinned which pwporn to her hunband to divorce his wife. but not for a wife to Irve kahusband In such a culture a mm can have relationrhtp *nth my wornwho is not a wife of another man Only with the Intruston of reli~ioninfraction of marriage law was blamed on the ground of taboo or nnrather than of property Sexual relation outs~de marriage was considwedas an offence against the God and for the same reawn divorce becamein admissibleMarriage became a sacrament and therefore life Ions1'3-3.1 Hlndu Marria8eMarriages according to Anclenl Hlndu sages ut~sfied twoprimary purposes viz the acquisition of merit by the performance ofreligions duties md of progeny" htarrla~e IS a ststus hlfilling IcontractIt sometimes signifies the ceremony or even1 by means ofwhish the common intention of I man and woman to marry II publ~callycontracted. that is to my wknowledgcd and mnouncedl'A mm isconsidered a* complete only atter mrrrytng and a wtfe is called Japbauun the hurband was born in the w~fe as her wn

Wife is indeed half of one's self All available literaturn sulodwthe Grahasthashramr Marriage is considered as the most imponmt ofall samrkaras. It is the union of two souls creating the strongest of JIhuman bondage between a man and a womanIn thc Tandya~ahabrahma". it is =id"Heaven and earth were once toyelherbut they kamerepamten then thcv raid let un hrlng nhnut a rnarrlnyr, let there he en-aperation between us The marrlaye rltcs an #wen in Atvalayma~rh~asutra" is as follows"Leading the bride thrice round the fire and water jar, he (thebride groom) murmurs, "I am ama (thi,) thou an sr (,he). thou an$1, I am rmr. 1 am heaven. thou rrt the errth, I rm the raman thouart the rkLet ur both marry here Let ur beget offspring Dear toeach other and having well disposed minds, may we live for a hundredyurr~airnini" establishes that husband andwife have to pefformsacrifices together and not separately and Aprstamba ~harmasrstra"emphrtidly uys that therecan be no wparatlon between husband'. V0l VII 10 1" l 7 3-t 8:'VI I 17 n"116 13 16-17

and wife for since marriage thy have to perform rtlipiwr a*~ jointly,The ideal of 'Ekapatn~wata Patimtya' ir nothine but tbinstitution of marriage in which both the partners pracliw life longmutual mental and physical fidelityPativirata ir not a slave or mobject She is aclu~ively devoted to her hushmd. is totally involwd inhim and hir welhreShe shares his happiness, and unhappinsu. brmind doer not think of my one el% in his placeIn whatever situationhe may be he is dear and desirable to her He lr her closest friend andnearest relative a8 well as her collaborator in achievin~ dhannr But thenecerury concomitant of this ideal is that of EkapatnivrataItihaus my that, the wife is the hushand's best friend ordainedby destiny and one's dear wife is greater than one'a l~fe W~thout her hcwould find even heaven with its nymphs dcaolateHe would nor oventhink of enjoying my woman excepting his own w~fe and IT she were topredecease him he would remain chrlte Accord~ng to T~ruvalluvar. thegrat Tamily Poet. Ekapatniivrata excmplilie~ noble mml~not. 'realhtro~sm' md perfect virtueAr M~hrthmr G~ndhi uid. marriage is a sacrament, love anmarry only onceThe primary alm behind the partnership in the life ofmm md womrn as husband and wife is physical enjoyment HoweverHinduia ku tried to tach in its place, the practice o l bell-control or

my nther that dl religions have done rn If the hurbrnd 18 BnhnyVishnu and Mrherhwu so is the wtfe. A wife is not a servant, she isfriend with equal rights. partner in Dharma Each is the guru of theother A huabrnd m d a wife have equal rights in whrl either earns Thehusband urns with the wife's help even if she docs no more than cookfor the family A wife has the right to llve separately from her hutbrndif he ill-treats her"3.3.2 Mu8lin MarriageMrrr~rge or Ntkkrh under ~ S ~ A ~ jurtsprudence I Ccan be betterunderstood by know~ng the k~nd of farntly relat~onshtp that extueddur~nu the pertod before the prophet and the lmprovementa brou~ht bythe prophet dur~ng h~s l~fe tlmeIn the begtnntng In pre lslarntc Arab~a, famtly relatlonsh~p wasregulated by the Arab tr~bal system, whtch accepted reversl k~nds ofsexual unlons I~ke, haul system of marrlaue whereln a man was a masterof several w~ves or polygarnou~ rnarrrage. marrrarchy where~n a womancontinued to ltve w~th her ktn entenatntng the mm In her tent.ltrnporury rnron (n~kahul-muta) where 11 war purely a perwnal conlrul'?'W dkQd wwb of Ylbtbau Ga~dh~. Sup.. narr 20. a1 p 13. Vol 1611 W.

founded on canrnt bet-a mm md a woman witht anyintmmtion on the par( of the w~nun's kin Then were also maniwby capture and marriages by purchase There wen also practicn ofconcubinage with slave women Whether the marriaee was performed bycontract, purchase or by capture, the nature of the matrimonialrelationship between the spouses was one of owner and the property orone of master and the slave The husband w ~s known as her "lord" or"owner".who was supremeHThe purpose of marriage is to legalire gener~tion It is a specialcontract promoting basic human Interest, when entered between twoadult member8 rquire~ for its validily the~r lepal consent In all themarrirger equality of panics is nresred becruse the desirable endl ofmarriage wch ar co-habitation and mccety Friendsh~p cannot becompletely enjoyed by persons who arc not each others equal"As to the capacity of the women, it is stated ' In marryiny.the woman has performed an ~ct arecling her~lr nnly and to thisshe should be fully competent 11 kin8 sane and adult and cap~ble ofJ~st~n~uishin~ good from cvll Whence 11 IS that she IS by IIW

crpcitatcd to act for herself In all matter of propmy a d Ilkmu tochoose a huhmd, netther doo r woman rqurre her pard~an to matchher nor any othn reason than she may be by that means awtd thetmputatlon wh~ch m~ght be thrown upon her modesty tf she were toperform thrs herself, for all whlch rrwnr. a woman contranlns hmelrIn marrrrge 1s valtdAner the prophet, radical reforms were made rn famtly matter8New famlly law as revealed by the Qur~n wnc an tmprovement In thestatus of women The concept of marrtanc was turned Into a relattonshtpbrndtng human becngs rn permanency w~th love The emphams war thenon compass~on, companronsh~p and undcrs~andtng Only a permanentmnrrlase contrncc enrllrlnp love and rccurltv, not only lo the cnupleconcerned but also to the oflsprtnl was regarded as val~d undn lslrmSSuch a marrtage fostered both rcrpect and respons~b~l~ty In themarttal statusAs such. In a Musllm marrtaMe, a man and woman enterrnto a Mtrhaq-e-Ghalld (a solemn pact) for I~fe Sexual relal~on walunctloned between two lnd~v~duals of the opposite #ex wrth a vln* lothe procrertton of the human species, restralnlng men from debauchq.encouragtns ckrlty, promotlnM love and eslrbltah~n~ Itnc.#eand nxlnl

d m " Muslim marriage is a civil contract only in its form which isnon-ceremonial but it is bad on mutual consent and the relationship itwmtn in wbnance is Mcred In several places the Qunn speak# of themamap alliance, making t k point that marriage, one of the pnmc andoriginal necessities of mm, is made for the solace of life; that man andwoman are created to live in marital hlisr. tranquillitv. and mutualunderstanding The deep love in such a close hond ic evolved through aunion of life long afiliation. not merely I scintillating spark wearingaway with time This affection which should ideallv permeate a Muslimmrmage is described in several verses of the Holy Quran "It is He whocreated you from a single person md made his mate of like nature inorder that he might dwell with her (inAnd among His signs is this, that the created for you mates fromamong younclvn, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them and hehad put love and mercy between your (hearts)"Islam considers a wife as most valuable In mm's life The worldand all things in it are valuable, but the most vrluahle thing in the worldis a virtuous wife A virtuous wife is a man's best treasure, but Islam. a

di&n of nature unnot ignore t k natural mctamorphair of mm .adwoman and man getting upper hand of woman ad surpassing ka incertain attributes and capabilities As a wife. a Muslim woman docs notloore her personal rights afler mamage. whatever the brin~s with hcr asher property remains her own and whrtwer she secure aRer marriawalso remains her own In the life time of her hushand. she is entitled lomaintenance But Islam is very strict as to the freedom and personalri5htr of its women and erpecirllv a wife There was even the practlrof inheriting a wife aRer the death of the husband In the Jah~liyvawhen mm's father or brother or son d~ed and IeR a w~dow. the deadmm'r heir, if he came at once and threw hts Barmen! over her. had theright to marry her under the dowry (mahr) rlready paid by her deccawdlord (uhib)"Islamic injunctionr have been also m~ipulaled lo suitmale chauvinist interests regardin8 practice of poly~amy andmaintenance nc A wife'r formost duty IS to obey to the commands ofher husband md be ever rcrdy to utisfy lo hls demands Her fatlure todischarge such dutier would enable her husband to totally dirard kcrfrom the mtrimonial bond through unilateral divorce md ha right lomrimnum will also bc stopped after her Iddat per14 Musltm women

are denied the right of rocidimtion and are ercludod from prblic lifedue to purdah system. They remain dependent on their men & bffomfit only to be #laves at their homesMuslims in India oe influenced by Hlndu traditions While thmis wnfirmity in ideals md beliefs derived from the Quran md Hadin. tkegeneral pattern of living, the social strat~lication. customs and att~tude~regarding women have been preatly ~nfluenced hv the dom~nant H~nducultureTherefore the position of women In lndlan Muslim Soclay isinfluenced by Islamic injunctions and Hindu tradlt~ons3.3.3 Christian MarrialtAs Hinduism or Islam, Christianity also stresws that marnape isa holy alliance till death, m alliance not broken In any crislr, sorrow ordlqtrrsn"I'hc Indian and I:trrclpean ('hrlrllan cultures acclaimed stablemarriage as an ideal "man - woman" relat~onrh~p And 11 ISurd byGoethc that "marriage inthe Breatest ach~cvcmenc of Europeanculture".Marriages are rolemnised according to the marrir~eprocedures mandatory to be followed ruch as the publication of nocicnon so rmay occuionsin w many placer and the rules relating to thr"~crlyl Lobo Brito. 'nfc bcat~~~g", lcrs~c B tcll~c Navar cd . The I ~ a lWlnL..l TLQ Ud NOW'.~IIU~IQ~, EtTms. Prdikr rl 7# (1-3)% SblckUad Mnnby. 'Equallv hwerr us"'. JNU New vol . No 12. Onw f(lUs).

authority to issue marriage certificate shows that the matrimill bodsamong Christians have sacred values A3 commented by Blackntonc onthe law of England in 1765. "By marriaee. the husband and wifebecome om person in law" This i~ explained in the words of 1 lare 19"cmtuy lmwyer 1s follows. "The creator took from Adam I rib and madeit Eve; the common law of England endeavoured to reverse the process.to replace the rib md to remerge the peraonal~tres"This means that the man and his wlfe are one tingle entity onmamrge"The wife does not have authority over ha own body, butthe hurband docs And likewise the husband does not have authorrtyover his own body, but the wife doesU Therefore they are not to depanfrom each other's companyThe legal existence of the woman rr rucpcnded durin~ themamage or at least is incorporated and consolidated into thnt of thehusband under whose wing, protection and cover she performseverythin8 md is therefore called a feme-covert. forminr .viro. Co.operation is uid it be covert- baron or unda the prot~tion andinfluence of her husband, her baron, or lord md her condition durin8

her marrirge is ulled ha coverture Upon this princtple of a union ofpmon in husband and wife, depend almost all the lepal riphts, dutiaand diubiliticr that either of them acquire by marriage"A wife therefore maker a surrender. m ~bwlute surrender of hliberty for the joint lives of the parties, she gives the husband thcabsolute right of causing her to in what place and in what nunner andwhat society he pleases. gives him the power to take from her and toUK for his own purposes all her $oods, unless reserved by some legal~nstrument. and above all she surrenders to him her personYHowever the institution of marrla$e conferred upon womencertain special riphts which they could not possess otherwise Marriagerlnnc unctionn the ncxurl clrlrnr of women and II 19 only the mrrrlaflethat confers upon them certain other rights ~uch rs ley~t~rn~cy upon lhelrofipring md their ent~tlement for economlc support from theirhurbuds Marrimge creates the hmily The chertshed goals or the~nstitution of family a8 the rmallast democracy at the heart of WCIHY".WI to promote the buic hunun rights and fundrmmtal Rwdom'81.rruar. Ca-unr on tk Ilrs of Eaglrnd. Thr /##a/ .SI~BTIDW 01Afarlqr. 32WIIII~P.B CO~I~. 10 YOI~~; MC. S D to ~ ~wng women. c(.arrdFrbu,Mwrt~mdLo*.~rFJlilnd I1M)-IMO(19161'UN I-1 yar of the farall) I994 ~d 11s ~ I V UA Mr

among 111 individuals It recopni~s individuals rightsresponsibilities within the familyThe law relating to solemnisation of marriages otchristians CameInto force in India with statute 14 and 15 of Victoria Ch~ner 40 11 wassupplemented by Act VI1 of 1852 and Act XXV of I8M. the Interrepealed by the lndian Marriage Act 1865 Finally the lndian ChristianMarriage Act 1872 was passed repealing the laws 1111 then in forceAner Independence. the 1872 Act was adapted along with otherlaws in force by the lndian Independence (Adaptation of central Actsand ordinances) order in 1048 It was extended to the whole of Indiarxcept the states of Travancore-Cochin, Manipur and Jammu andKashmir The Cochin Christian Civil Marr~age Act 1095 (mal~yalam era)passed by the Maharaja of Cochin has been In force and was adoptedunder an 372 of the Constitution The law relat~np to soltmn~nar~on ofmarriages of Christians at the commencement of the constitutionconsisted of the lndian Christian Marriame Act 1872.The Marr~ageValidation Act 1892, Cochin Christian Civ~l Marrla~e Act 1095 In 1952Madras Christian Marriage Validation Act was pas~d to validatemain irreplar marriages wlemni~d under 1872 lndian Chr~st~anMamqc A*Government introduced in the Parliament a bill called theChrirtira Muriye ud Wtrimnirl uur Bill in 1992, but It could not

e pursd.Acsordindy both men and women arc entitled 10 qua1dlocrtionr of family rwurces Both the marrial pmim hrve the nghto gender quality in marriage with respect to monogamy, mle, pornad nrtur. Parenting and guardianship of children, ownership, title mdmatrimonial home and property, dissolution of marriage and divirion ofmatrimonial property The concept of man as the head of the familyshall be replaced by the concept of the couple jo~ntly shrr~ng the famllyresponsibilitin3.4 A wilt ia the lamilyA happy wife makes the home a paradise and an educated andempowered mother lays a solid foundation forthe completedevelopment of the young ones inculcating values and ~dealr for thehuman development in them right from the cradle and lherehyconsolida~e unity development and intesrity of the nrllon"In interpersonal relationships society, had ~ccepted both theprimrcy of mrk authority ad the ideal of marriage as a practical mdemotmnal prflnmhip within the matrimony Most people establish their

olu lomewhere between the two with the emphasis for ~ht mou p~on the latter Rights of a wife in her pursuit to individual happineu iskept in balance with the rights of the family an a collective unit thewoman u the wife has to compromise on most of occasions, hervaluable individual rights for the C~UK of the hmily The vey word*woman' (old English wifmann) etymolo~~cally mernlnm a wile (or thewife division of the human race. the female of the species Homo) wmsup a long history of dependence and subordination"In fact, patriarchal customs and religious rnfluence prefer to viewthe women members of the hmily In their tradit~onal role as motheraand houwwiver. Onen their individual human self is ienored A wtfefeels herself divided between the deslrc to fulfil herself as an individualmd to conform to tradtt~onrl. soctetal and famrly expectattonsThe wife Is seen a.c her huthand't prlvrtc propertyAnermarrlalle, she IS expected to grve hernelfcomplctely to h~n demands andcommands Culture throughout the world haa glven an cnfer~or m ddependent status to wtves Roman Irw and Engltah Irw conardered thatthe rule of a husband over h~a wife war deapot~c, woman was lo ktreated llke a slave. and a Chinese proverb aa~d. Llnten to the coun~l of

your wife but act rgainnt it In Arnbin I woman ancr t k dnth of kcrhurbrnd was N ted jurt like another piece or property and k o m wninherited her as his wife. Common law gives up the wife w thoroughlyinto her hurbmnd's power that n woman who comes to the alter young.confiding, buutiful and rich may be compelled by brutal treatment Forthin the law pivelr her no redrcsr to quit it nnd nner a dnren yearc shebccoma m outraged woman, with I ruined fortune and wasted hame*"Wives are young men's mistresses, companions for middle ape nnd oldmen's nurses". was Fancis Bacon's opinion in the 17" century Molt ofthe beauty of women evaporates when they achieve domestic happinessat the price of their independence and the dread of loneliness is Rrealerthan the fear of bondage Merging her identity tot~llv with her husb~ndand evolvinp into the nuhmirrive, docile upholder o rtk fnrnily'r dipnitybecame t k twin doctrine of true womanhoodOur films propagate all myths . the all forgivinfl woman fakingthe husband back despite all his extra marital flings, the battered wifeworshipping the drunkard hurbmd, the almighty sway of the

mnyr~uutn" md its awesome impbnance as fra md symbol. tb dr~ctificing childless firstwife arrangine a second maniaec for herhulbrnd w tcW rpprovingly by beamin8 in- laws"It ~ives m inferior role and dependence economically, physically,lbeirlly and more emotionally Her social status is dependent upon h nmarital nrtus. There is still a stigma attached to a woman who isdivorced or reparated from her husband She looses her self to others inthe family 11 she begins to see herself rs r helplers vtcttm unable tochange the courr of eventsAll religions say a woman muat be purer than puri~y Patienceand 111urfferings and ever chart, for the honour of the man and h~sfamily Hindu scriptures has given imponrncc to a woman only as awife. mother. or daughter and as wife, she is a nurse, helper, housewifeand these roles have been sancttficd In Htndutrm women are Icnentirely at the mercy of the man and have no ri~ht* and privile#o Itinsists in complete mereing of the wtfe in the hushandApanrmba Dkrrma Shastra on the dutles of the wife uys thal.

11 hall be the duty of tbe wife to obey her husband md honour him uGod rnd not to hate him even IT he be impotent, devotd of I limb ord ~ w d unoc , he IS the God of womanAccording to nunu that r v~nuour w~fe should rewe her husbandas II he were a God whether he be of cvll character of lunthl or devoldof good qualitterAbout the relrtionrhtp between husband and wife. Manu Smlrtt~provtde tn thret verses the followingHusband resetvec his wtfe from the Gods, he doer not wed heraccording to hls own will, dolng what IS a~reeable to the Gods. he mustalw~ys ruppon her whtle she is fr~thful"Let man and woman, united In marrlage constmtly exertthemrelves that they may not be dtsun~tcd and may not vtolatc thctrmutual RdelltyULa mutual fideltty contlnue unhl death Thrs ISthe summary ofthe hlgheat Irw for the hurband md wtfeThe above verse of Mrnu about the mutual trust, bllrteral reapeelmd sympathetr understanding ISst111 lnsplrlnl the Hlndu popllatwn'' M.n IX: 95Mamu IX: 102

inspite of led reforms introduced in the matrimonial law in the lrtrWife is taken as the Sakha (friend) of the husband at the time ofmarriageM. Marriage creates an inseparable bond between the husbandand the wife and the Shastras does not enviwge the tnstttution of mylegal procetdingr between husband and wife Husband m d wife mustnot lodge a plaint against one another, with thc~r relat~onr (Kula) orwith the kind, when a quarrel has arisen throuph jealousv or scorn3.5 Sacinlirnlion al wnmtn in lbtir childhoodSocialiution refers to the whole process by which a new bornhuman child is trained to fit Into group l~fe It teaches the person thevalues and norms of culture It IS an on molnu procos by which a p ermacquires an identtty of herlhis own In comrnunltv Soc18l1rat1on ensuresthe continuity of social life across #eneratlons Var~ouq factors namelythe phyrlcal envtronment. phyn~olog~cal inputs, the cmot~nnrl tnputc andthe support and the aids to intellectualdevelopment in which a chtld isreared have great impact on the soc~rl~ut~on patternsFamily life like political life is also about the power Amon8 the" Raao lois. Legal md sonu~tcu~orul hluon d lndlr Romb.,. N M Tnptbl hlL44 at 25a (19U)* fb Seventh Uep of Ib Slpupadl. nrrratcd Tbov rho plw tk wcmth Ucp ft.*. hied nd bc raclcd lo me Wc shalt ware nun) ms rho wwld Itw I-;

memhm of the hmily, women as vulnerable members am mbtivelypowerless due to their low socio-economic statuc in the patrirtchalfimilv structure Their status and self imape varies at direrent napm ofdemographic events namely birth. puberty, marriage, parenthoad.widowhood and death. Thro~gh~~t, women are at a disadvantage withregard to food, medical services. leisure, education, or ~ccess to skillformation They are socialired to accept this inferior role right fromtheir childhoodThe physical or the biological development md physiologicalinfluence along with the cultural influence on which a girl is brought updecides what she is later in life The girl in her childhood, rdolescanceand young adulthood periodr is moulded in such I way that she acquiresall familialnorms Till the I I years of age, from the stage of fayselection to all her day to day activities a girl child 1s taught to be son.pcntlc, ruhmianive, tolcrnnr CIC l'hrrrnncr ~lntil 17 yenr* sheexperiences a period of physical md phyr~ological changeAn&dolescent is in moral danger during this period because she i# with achild's mind in M adult bodyCenrin goals like to ~etting marned, become motha and startinea funily, lo k rehiwd by girls in their life time are fixed by cultureGroarwp girls make main assumptions about thcmwlves such as. the

pal of fulfilling the needs of others rather than self-fulfilment Thcyhave no individual entity and can not survive independently Onlymarriage md motherhood make them complete women and they mustdeny their emotions md feelings and always behave in I self-negatingand responsible mannerFamilial gender socialisation moulds children to adapt themselvesto gender roles. gender hierarchy and to accept gender jurtice orinjustice from the family environment wherein the exploiution andoppression of tome members by others especially women by men, youngby the old, even elders by the youngers take placeThere is ntglect.abuse, oppression or violence against the less abled member, by the ablemembers3.6 Girl Child : Neglect and discrlminrtibn a~ainst women bwlnat birtbThe girl child of today is the woman of lomorrow The skillsideas md energy of the ~irl child are vttal for full attainment of thegods of equality, development md peace For the girl child to developher full potential she needs to be nur~ured In an enabling environment.where her rpiriturl. ~ntcttcctu~l and material needs Torsurvival.protection md development are met and her equal rights safeguardedYU the ains world wide evidence that discrimination md violence

against 8irls b i n at the urlieat stage8 of life m d contcnue unabatedthroughoul their liver"A daughter is not greeted at birth When a woman happens to~ive birth to two or thrr daughters rhe i~ subjected to humiliation.sometime^ even abused by her husband md in-lawsThe girl isconsidered u a lerrr child in the society She is a v~ctim of socialstllma Instances ue not lacking where parents leave the newly bornfemale child at the door-steps of some orphrname or hospital or in thepark and ray goodbye to the child for ever The media con~inue torepon about the increased incidence of female foet~cide and infan~tcideScanning the pregnancy and killing of bables at birth on knowing theirMX through medical tests l~ke amnlocenterls has resulted in an~mbalancd sex ratio In China. in the lasl century, female lnfantr weredumped on the atrests 60 that unitation workers can collect them thenext day The practice of female cnhntic~de perr~sted In the mcddle agesin Europe Hilarian in the yur I 0 C uid to h~s wife, "If it is a girlexpow ithIn India female infanticide is reported in Tmil Nadu.Blhar, hjuthrn md In resettlement colonies In New Delhi'kl~lmg Rebnc1on. Supra, aorr 54. 1 p 91, pra 1 l'~omwu M. H.um nNrr. kuk facic~dc. ~ntmn~uide ad chltd rmrdn. ThrPRF Jnml rpf llrmar RIX~I.luly.Scplcmber, a~ I f I9171

l'knto~aphic repons accounts for millionr of missinn w o w in Indiabecause of such a practices of infanticide md other neglects ad abusesagainst women. A report by UNICEF titled "The Progrers of Nations",mys that due to the diuppring women bctor India has 10 pmentfewer women than would be expected in demographic terms"Thus the rejection of the girl child begins even before birth ARerbirth the female infant ia again discriminated in all aspocts of her lifeThe nutritional level of girls when compared to boys i~ much lower Inpoverty stricken families female children become Ihe worst aNected andsuch malnutritioned babies when grow become weak and sick mothenagain delivering lick b~bies Girls are discrtminated in the field ofeducation and in the work place and they are tncreasingly employed inhaurdous industries Childhood ts not I perlod of fun and learning forthem Learning for gtrl children 1s different Stnce the ttme of Manu.women is sphere of action lay mainly at home Thetr functions donrequire knowledge and they need not be educated but only are to ktrained in the rrt of house knptng Even Mahathma Oandhi who waatodwomen to be cduca~cd favoured a d~fferent type of educatton which.S~.rmih lah~. Dor~ l u l m apse lor Icmrlc ~alant~c~dc. Thr Ihmd.. May 16 8113 ( 1995)

would hdp girl children to become good house wives According tohim, men md women are equals in life. but their hrnctions differ it iawoman's right to ruk the home Man is matter oultide it Womanshould be tau~hthe management of the hometuch educated wommthink independently about the imponant quertinnn affect in^ their nexand find it quite easy to solve many a knotty problems" Gender-bawdeducational procear, including curricula. educrtional materials andpractices, . . .reinforces existing gender inequal~t ies"A woman iataught to be a tough and strong person but only for the benefit of herfamily and home ~nd not for her own defence Self restraint md wlfdenial ue slorined as deserving qualities Patience and tolerance,obedioncc towards elders, especially to other men and mental readinessto sacrifice for her family or loved ones are ~nculcrted in the mind of awomrn from ha younger days The soc~aliution of girl child is mainlyfrom her mother aa @rls are kept in clote contact with mothers mostlyand hcncc thew children absorb elements of women's role a# wives mdmotkc thmubh contact with their mntherc It in nnrmrlly the motherwho dim- st.ndard$ of behaviour for little girls and they lay down' CdlocUd works d Malnhu Oasdk~. Srpra. rnrr I0 I p 13. Vd I4 at 205.V0l.13 U 141'' WJI.~ Dcckmim. Srp, mare 34 1 93, pn 261

high standuds of feminine bhaviour.in most of the funilier the religiour valuer rertrict worn mdthey have hardly any right to act on their ownThctc valueacontinuously suppress tk persnnality of ~irlr Wherever a girl per sheis hedged in by many or the "dows md "don't"c. all of which have theM called religious unctions or are supposed to be supported by socialmores Isolatin$ girls during certain periodr ar periodr of impurity,denial of cenain privileges in performing reliyiour and other familiarfunctionr hrmmers on their heads all the time that they are interior mdImpure creatures. Every girl seems to hear her own echo "you art agirl'" md feel suffocated in the largely partrirchrl system where rhelooser her identity as a human being"This ir not lo conclude thrtparents have no love for their daushtcrs On the other hand they feel adaughter mmnr a source of anxiety all her l~fe to them It 1s the grertconcern felt for a daughter's well being in life md her charrctcr, thatmake parents anxious thrt no daughter be born to them Societyexpected a very high moral rectitude from women and any lapre is takenreriourly. The custom of marrying girls in their early childhoodwar considered a wry to protect the modesty of girls and this practir

is still followed in some pans of the country. Withm cno-8difference in age between the husband and the wife and sometimn withan old man who has lost his first wife marriages are celebrated Theresult of this is that usually the husband dies long before his wife mdeven before she has attained the age which would allow him to exerciseh1s rights as a husbandInfant widowhood and child-widowhoodbecame the curse of those familiesThe word widow denotecondemnation m d her role is associated with inferior status and socialrejection and this would thereafter affect her self-enteem"Girls aretold to be strict rs to their bchrviour and to protect thelr modesty bynot mixing with male members of the family and with any person who isan outsider Normal nocirlisrt~on is denled to there pirln who Brow ISdecorated doles but with no socirl awarenear'% k n . d n m Nalr. The Ilup of tbc Gtrl Ch~ld-A Repon on worttkop on the01r1 Cluld, & tat Wrl/a. ~p 11 5 (1990)'bllthalbt, A p)rblo@at a* of wtbac In sonpnlor with armed a dmrmmd r o v m 1 E SL.m.npn, ed R##rachrr IR Pr~#orol~ry and Sara1W l r u . Umimnty of Mdnr, 81 207

Dbmatk Violence Agahl Married Women

#)lllgllC VIOUNCE AGAINST MARRIED WOMENMm is I compurtivdy new recruit in the lnid kingdom whscprdaory vidaKw is the garnl law of wmd People not only pmtia&,bur dw daiw r poxliar pluuve from it, which low* them ahidlyknath the kvel of the busts, which merely obey the kw of their being udto whiich ml instincts or habits unnot be attributed4 C m t MrrdViolace in r wnduct. or I pttern of destructive behrviwr of r p mor group of prsonr, wiich un be phyrid, psychologid, emotional or HNJwring destruction, hum or injury to r penon or group of penon1 phyciully.pcychdogidly. motiody, d l y or cultunlly It is dorni~tion ud controland is an rhua of power Violmcc thnt is a u d in private within the hmilynmosphcre by the ntmn~ aminst the weak hy ape or pmln in undmtd aDomestic VidmceIn m abusive domeaic nlrtionrhip. the rbuwr urn r mmbn of twicnto mrimrin his daminmian ud control This in&&r wide wiery of rkrdwbeiuriour, whkh wwr hum or ptr the victim in f w of king hurt Withinhmilia,icmmrthedamrtivcbduviourunon(lmanba,oftheamily.

wapon. This would man inflicting w an-to innid, phydcrl injury aiUnesl by gnbbcna pinchina lhoring drpping hitting, hir Mi bki~mtwisting L;ictink pmnchh& hitting with objects. W n g w shod4 orwing niau bodily hum tht interferes in I rubstlntid way with thephpkd wintegrity, hahh, or wdl heiw of the victim. It anbe r dngle evmt or r chain of events producing armrlrtive f leas an theviaimr A h once ic begilu neva adr It bsame one'n way of liteGelks hr ddnd family violence u "dry lo day p m d mdncum uu of physiul nokna like pushing. slappis punchink knifiy~shooting ud throwing objects by one member of the family at mk' Molcof the studies on family violence have limited their mpe to phpiul violmaud haw overlooked prychologiul viaknee like uppression, huuamc.complete domination. humiliation. insult md public embunurnan'P&elow defined funily violam u cn ad of commission u omiuion byfamily mankn ud uy condition mulling horn utch wtr ud inrcrion, whichdepm* other funily mnnbm of eqd rights ud liberties Nor interfen virh-'RJ CdhIQ72.7Lc~lac AsIukdpl*.dq@mmt8a--adwnu' &alr HII Sy. qrr*.d la Anyll hbjmn MduuIrn '!m~lv*dmadAhuraIda.kM*.Daapmd~hUrPaU 17(19941'RJ DrllamlMASm1979~Darra~dndnrc1mlkhrak T d 1cbonosll*rguon-u.WuWR Bm RHIII.FI WrcldIL. h o bCmeapmw T*an Ahw (C I.mlv Vd I Nr* YWk. Pm ha, W LaA.l*llbrd

their optid dnrdoprrm md frssdom of choice'. Vidence apim women bm obnrek to the rchimmmt of the objective, of epwlity, dcvclopmant mdpace. viola^^ apim women both Wca ud impin or nulli&r theby women of their hunun rights and fundunmtll freedonu'The buth world conferrna on worn dmmd dbmntic violemwanen M my M of &a-kd violence ~ hruulta t in or is likely torraJr in phydul. 4 or psyshologicd hum or arffning to womeninchdi thmts of such man, trrrcion or arbitrary deprivationn of liMywh*ha ocarmng in public or pnmte Accordingly violmcc rplinn womenenampma but is not limited to the following (a) phydcd. MNll mdprychaw viokna ocarmng in the hmily including bmcring mud rbusof famk childrm in the houwhdd. dowry related viok% muitrl mpe,fade genital milation md other trditiod pnaicer humfi~l to wamqnon-rparul vidawv md violence related to exploiwion, (b) amaum~yvioknce. (c)phydcd, wxd and pyshologid violence perp*ntd ordomd by the arte whmvn it occurs'

The 1994 United Nuiocll Oenarl Amr&tykhmtion on thcEhminuion of vidence rlpina women enlist the forms of violence inmd in pwticulnr oecumng within the family an follow"Violence against women rhll be understood to emmpu. but nor belimited to the rollowingvnul md pryohologiul violence oaarring in tk fmiiinduding banering, d rbuse of Fmule children in the household. dowry-relued videnee, nuritd rape, fmule gmitd rnutilatmn ud 0th mditidpmciicea hrmful to worn non-spod violence ud violence rslrted toexploitation'*Because of the changing funily structure in our society, horn theoaendcd farnilin to the nucku familica. which arc more disrupted in manywys, vuying degrar of m tiod and phydcd violence ue being errp&'In r murirge reluionahip, muitd violrnce will include apur horn the phyduldnm, thepdyinguddenructivcuwdpawcrchnu@ which t h e w(hwbud) imposes into another (the wife) his v i h of life md f o tk ~ wifetonmmcc~ida,~daireinoppwtiontohamd~shattanI)a'nkinglorllmeIfudRankiqhawlf Itb&omalnmrkontke

vibm'r pyebic dqrhy. ilia nuha in giving up mrindividuJicy.wmtrmdmdtourothapr#n.Thismaybetamsdu'Vtpahcyspdmm" whidr b I ~I&R pur fw viuimirlaion of women wittin themvitrl bad.Stil people belii thrt d m i c violaa is I private rmna betweenhusband ud wife ud wht own within I family is rm one dm's budnearThe public attitude hs been that family p d n should rtry in the funily Thevictim of &~mdic vic~lmcc run the rink of kin8 dd 'trhrt did you do tonuke your husbrnd mgry", or 'hby did yar pmde him"Wctima uebluned for the adkings nth than taking I stmq ud effective actionc$rinm he offsnda. Thie mitude of thc why oompals the victim to keep1i~.~ntoo&nacmuchdkIboucuchindden(8~Vthcyknow mmbcdy u victim of d&cviol-4.2 SpnHk form dvkkm apart from phpkll vWnreThe study of vuious typer of v i b udeuhal against mman bythcirmmenwithttheiro*mhorm,malwKtiamdcauing~incaurcku formsWarm m rubjeaed to rbwe tht cut rerou lim ofim, dtrr ad ahre It an be phydal, the moa rpprrmr f a dwimrndmely mon vi&, dm it b v a its mutr of htrlrty It M k

pyddoeiala~dhhi~karvidM*kn~ly~induccame ladiclg to impnbk physkd injuryInddaw* such M huhnd taunting md dediriq his wifcha ofidddity, infatility ud bluning her for giving birth to girl babie bnrlrrha mentally ud emotionrlb. When r hurhnd denim the paternity of the childa vpntu the child from the mother or lbum or rauults children npardlyin the pernee of the mother, it would scvdy huri the nrtunl nurturingimpulr of the worn. Such women ue driven to the rear md of thcir lifem.Tht distinction commonly dram bawcen 'phyriul" ud "mental"hjwy in rally quite dtmq ud is mdc fa amwnisncc only. Evay hunfvlact to hum kings imlva mend damage in the senat that it ausaanotionJ uffering That is hardly my pin of body which doa not dmcwo pain of mindMmtd suffering my of caume Id to rchul mentaldirada or invnity in om of the vuious fonn of pyehods It produca Iedition of phylicll dalin. Imn of weightad appetite, ilrcrcrmn*,natnahsrrh ud muy limilu ins which to d i tchce, uc u dohiety TIIhdth"udyrpepuamamytianud~indedbyloworingnriaMamay open the door to any kind of serious nuWy'

h p d q wive6 of infsdelity, qucrSioning thc puartcles of II# childud lapurriay childnn from Ihs mother tdty upral ud atTaaa r womsn'rMI^ nu&@ uryc cwriny gave mtcunrl drnuya lwiiny luprychbpd dirorda. Su~von of domatic vioknce mxnmt storia of put-down* publrc hduion. nunccrlliw mind grma ud mvriplktio~ bythar putnen For the anployal women's rwpidon of thrir hurbuds with I&work place mrle usociua M1to inepurbk lou to workiw capacity hdqI0 bNm prcduaivity in thc cmploymoru. Th ~hctii rburr, law drprus in thdr mind.PmylnO KKmJ nociahution ud c o d unoroarnc to womenuduer than in mind ud body 11 14 oommon for m rkucr to be a-lerlau,mdiariaIhrI&viaimnotsakfmndrocf~mcmkn Thenuluqy fdq of uduia! my then k incrared for I& victim if she btcshFI pb u r 1 4 1 urbwnkopun or dwuLal prOJL)L't~vity

m aincluding them of vidcncr, uidda u ofcrlriclg nny thacWm-mrvaycannacltactksanploycdbytheknsrrrThad-"Nothins is lo be f d but feu "- Francis E m'Where the mind is without far rvd the M is hold hi&, Iflo ththerven of fnsdom my fatha, la my munty amkc "It is OM tht mwe t h actual vioknce, thmt of violmoe a farof v i h including tummcnt can produa devlatating die*s on the mindmd phydqw of the viclirm It is a pmmnt condnint on the mabilily ofwomn ud l id their rcteu to bac vniviticr Vioknce IUM the womentha&mtl thdr & which raub in low wlfl*eem

R~to~~vithoututkthemodofrllhumrn~r.Womene~lotkplrcsdrtl~lifetimewithtkvithoutofganinsbati~han~m.T~livc~~whrvithoutwillkdtotkdchudionof~~mod hric hum right, the right to live. Thir mdta i8 prychdogiul abwewhich would indudc indillirt& a Orutanpling to imtil far by intimibtion,t h of hum to the victim or other, thtr of kid&%hrrclar#m, md~ o f p a s m d p m p a Todlowruchrrdgnoffmmdtmm~ ~the livn of mwnm ir unconrdonableStructural injury r~ainst poor women is more pathetic for in r pcmfunity poom mot'@ tk poor ue mmn. especidty whm women still deprndfor their drily mcd on their msn The depmdmy syndrome, m in educatedmd e#mormiully indepadan women pllr them under disdwnrl(rr warnenmn todry take pride in &ng themdvn u homely, adjusting, lovableham wiva indily mdmoddging their dructunl dapndany Such~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n g r a u t o ~ t o m r i n ( r i n h suehrrntdiationr.maliiun,f~Jlap,hyg#lic1Hiduwcmdfore4dJcohd a drq ur

W m of rll ud mm mbtk of every other kind is the mud viobnm, I~irrdanriadtoadkundsthecwuofmmimay, Tktrncuclhdvkq mud amdts, ths mon intolerable md inhum ma& m the telfdiOaiy~thsvictim. Thecmmptofmrrirrlmpeiamoymorannthclaurl vidence of I wormn or npc is aimidid M the ~plmt violation of Ipnon'8bodywhencomminaloutridabylrtNylabutwhcnthsrumrarrnctified when it is committal within the fnmnvorlr of murirgc. Insiding onpermac mrl conduc~ md tonuring the wife for not lubmitting to tha rwlurge of the huatund is the worst of dl knovm ud unknown phydal, mentalud emotionrl aamlts wmminal spins w m in their how. The Tc.r of4 violence hr beun I powerful factor in restricting r women's bakrvicurud amme of Wom. It IRe*s ha integrity, penonhood ud lm ha rlfaim

a m l y wum~ dinhklity. degding ridicuks her bdidb md value aignorsr her khg% rmnipul~es ha with lk pmts her from holding I pbaetntin8in#nnmdnfurestowork,ddskmonyktadof~fma&mponaibilitir. These wiU I d to anotMrvl rkuc. A W phyadabuse my be prrhad by threats of violence to the victim or her children orpets.In India dowry is 8 specid form of &a reinst women rrpo~~ed moreoRcn in the malia than my other kind Dnwy as the tditionrl pmctb ofhonaurinp the hrideyroom by the parents of the bride M the time of mamaw(Kudkdhnr) u Vmdhak~hm h~ been manipulated md misimerpntd tounuc wahh Ram girls' pusra, u thc time of the mur*ge of thdr cow Oirlswm rmrrisd for their gddm vJue md thy were ill-tnrted, tmd md altime murdaed for not satisfying the money expaXatio~ of their in IIW.Mutiage is aacrmm md is belied to have been adtined in hemnfor havenly umdderations If this k the wncept of mMiyr then would kno roopc 10 look for worldly w niiion puticulrrly d m . Young w kwere hnssed to t k mem of driving ttmn to wmntit suicide or killed by theirom husband ud their d rtiw Tht v&im of dl dowry d-hcma sh~m onething in wmm "LU untimely unmwal and ml md ". The dsmmd fadomyImmtkboy'cddeudtheinrbilityatkumviIl~to~~Ihc

The Supmn Cwn held tha~ thc coun can mt iqliatc 111 mtttn rrlal~n~ IOpenond laws and thq arr rli matters for icy\irtu:cIn Ronond Rajan~n~ and ano~hrr \'( I'nlor~ cil lnd~a nncl .~ntr~twr".quatron rqwrding the vvlldl~r of~ctlon 7 and 10 or II* InJtall I)~\t~tcc Act1869 wu rused Funher ~ncluvon of d~vorcc hv nlulurl consent 111 Indian1)rvorce Aa on par a ~ Secllon ~ h 1111 01' lltlxlu Ma~t~dpc Act and Imwlltm :Xoithe Specla1 Marnapc Aa was i118vrd l'hc cot111 kit1 [hat Scc~ionr ntid 111of the lnd~an 1)tvorce Act spll\lnp ~hc prt~~lnJ\ Iilr li~r III~ICI~~ \CP~II~III~IIIPII~divorce arc valid As lo the pravcl for ~hc thanprr In I~IC .\CI on pd~ hi111 t IIIIJIIhlarnagc Act and 4jw1ai \Inrr~ape!\c~ I: iirlii III~I 11 r Ilit, ilrcrn$.ltl\tQ III'IIICIquslaturc lo brmp clunpcc and ~cltiltnh III illr 111 I~IIIC ~IIII 111r cl~iinptnpww~al needs LVhen a icgisiali\c iuo\ir,tl~~ ~/WLI!ICP 1 1 1 ~ pti~t~tttl* 011 HIIILIIdlvorcc ma! bc granted rlab ct~nrl~liilr lllc tlnib rorvlil~t!ii iln ulli~ii I11r crlullhas jur~sd~ct~tm III yranl d,\t>rcc ll prtrunu\ rii~tl t t ~ lr atldizl l i t IliCw ,~;~rutl$~~~fic?Jl\ W l't~flh In tlx icg~ridl~t)~i, ~har 19 IIIC I~~I~IIIC\$ (11 lllc ieg~~l.tl~~tc dtltlncil (~f~he nli~flr Of r

u gurrdim, cnuri% food md nec9caries of lie u t k provider, guumteainscmpmW&p u the nute md by resolving that tk plemrn md wrmw inthcprnrdtdlifoWklhndwithharudDhunu~kob+nnsd IftHrbe he amapt of murirge there would be no mpe to look for worldly* .~ ~ d o t w y .Whenever a use of k,mme murder of a young wife by the bubvicprocess of pcuring kerosene oil on the body md Wig her on fin u theculmirvtion of a long proces of physical and mmtd b ment far extractionof dowy tom before the court md the offence is brought home to theaccud beyold, rwurublc doubt. 11 18 the duly ol'lhc coun lo dul mlh it inma scwrr and strict mnnwr and award the mnxlmum pcnrlty pmcrihsd bythe law in order that II may operate an a deterrent lo other perwn- hrncommitting such mti-mid crimMotha-in-law uKd to denund money. Thir wu followed byhuuamm~ ud t m . T ' brida w afiaid of tdlia har husband mdp.rmtcin4w (ht she will not uk kr peat for mony She atl&r#d~ofphyealuddinjwyudsheMthchaurdtodrajob of vkod terherio.'"AIR IWSC 121

Suptwne Caul held chac is hmmau md it wculd eomc &498-A md the nhagc now d i d d on the ground of cruelty,Supm ooun nprrusd itl oonoan am the csclpe of thc oulprinh the hold of law due to irreguluitiol wmrninod by the invatigrtingMboritia The oourt u p d its hdpksmm in mrny uses daarmgwnvkliona punirhmenta md mluged punishment but it could not rc( Tor themuon thae b no appeal from the state in many cma4.3 Caura43.1 Fan$ normsIn the Domestic &o,blood is aaid to k thicker and m is the bondof mnunguinity npscidly when their actions m rgrinat w, who is notrelated through bldrelationship A ywng bride entm u the princers of hermurimonid home, but u umc time, dm facet the Jinution from the membersof the hour hold The wuple are expcted to live with tlw bridcpxnapuenta md the bride bccomec a kind of apprentice trainee undn the pidmamd wthority of her mother-in-law. lntinucy with her husband ia conhned inher arty yan of mrrr*gc to M A compmiodip and mud undaluding111 develop only Lta in life In such a diffaenl atnmphsn, new relations udtheir hbiu, qectath of the husband ud memkrr of hi1 fhb from thenw bride put prarun on the mind of the ncu bride During tuch period~myuiuovamutennnging~i~mdmcdo~yarbar(

cqma a fam or my(hing a Tor not*. Powequaion the manbu in the Mly is diffaent. 11 is mty ommdmkqains!tkfauk.'lhedispttemaybc~mothain3nwmddrughtu-in-law, who ue f od to complde for the hvour of nun (thehwknd) which giw ria to wmun vnaus w m conflict Tk emotionrldepadmcy of the two worn over one nun results in cruelty to the daughter-in-law. It ir mid tht mm'r cruelty tonrdr women ir no match for the mdtyof women towudr women Indeed, the grated m y for I womn is anotherwow The wont deprivation of this water class takes place when thewoman v m a wnmnn hsttlc heyins rmulliny in the loss of ruppn of womenfor any of their uumIn r family when the mm ia the M, womm becomer inferior d awbordinrte prnnu Social pmwrn force womm to maintain this slatul quoWhetha the indepdent or nnt, her psition in the family is wbordinrtc 10 herhusband W w n do not exercise uy of the wly md wndihllianJlyrights within their horn A women's freedom of speech amovand a smploymenc or for that muta her way of life d her liking medictated on her W f by her hulbrnd Certun funilirl norm such as Ikp~ia of a woman not ding her hu-by his m. the pnctia of

p~mtiq md fbiq ud the pmtk of rising whar hurbtnd Olten, athgrhnyl afta men ue very strictly followed in the nune of Rmi cuhun. Thisadioionrl role of submMvcnua encamp mn to exploit and liburwomen.On nuny d o n s I husband abuse his wife just for the only maonthr she is his wife md he has right over her penon As~pension ud violonaarc considered u mrle qualities The mm who is not usertirc in his myrirpexpnuion of d i n c M ~ the Russian proverb uys. "A wife may love rhulbud who never b uts her. but she don not rcspat him"Women prefer to suffer the violmce in ailmce for more than one mronto keep the hmily -tipor thy have no other place to nupe In such wer,violence contmusl unchecked or 1s expod only when it ends in the untidydeath of the wonmn Caa tM am rspcnd foma only r portion of the Khulnumber of videnc rihulimSt- inducing expiem such u unrmploymn and f i dprcUam or bnity dbpnor paduce viokncc The nuus inudanry in

~Jlonwylwdto vidarcu w h e n ~ h u ~ ~ s t ~ d b y hwife's rrpaior Ichi*ama w u m iMlIU4 or w h k is m underAicw in the work rtting Mm'a npcartians of h i M md his inability toha problem ud hib lad to a acnr of insecurity In this strew dtu~tion.mm expknta hia unqugtiansd ~hority ova his silent. dl karing wik udwsea viokmx Man in quia oonfidan thu he w make I worn fol.ge( mdforgive hi: viokna with I how of lave md @a.Rehaviourof the wife refur~ng lo comply with or suppon herhusband's wishes and authority is considered to be a wx fiaor for thehusband battering his wife lncidmces such as tugging , vnbrl a mion , orewn over submiasion are used in explaining wife abuse Womm mavcmentamd cry for equality in martill roln is also considered to muse and incruse infmily viokncc4.4 MagnitudeThr vrlr.vt malrfmtcw luv .w wntched woman tttd to hrm.apr,~ w h he cm nmmrt my afmcrry excrp k//l/nff her,ond, r/kJrrcuMy &mc, cm k, rkrr wlthm/ m h n//k kpl pdq. And how mmry rhnv.codc m then amiWhe lbwsi cloPrs m evry counny vhu wttlartt krng rn a leg01

.-~JbFmfnayorkrrrg*a,I*cawIn~ly&gMCt rlwtr ~~ llwcl wtth rrsi.dom, mhlp rlwWWUTI Mhnrl rm.n of Mly wdmv rawartr %mh, who mlan m lead ojpompersm am rrrrthtr rrkl mc.rrpM lkir hrloky, ad hmud wlmr tk m a ajJcpndcm tngnrrx tktr m c and ~rntms, not with aprrrm.~~hwratuv, and a pnr of h r m k h wll tom whosc lo/ tn IVr rs mrnd enttnly b tk~rb&aBnt onthr cimnary wtth /he nrntrm thnr /k lmv hat drliwrrd k r IOrkm ar tktr thmy, b k uwd at tktr plrantre and that rkyma 1nv r'rlvctrrl CI Imm ttw tha rrrrr/rh*rrtt/tm nnwmlt k rnhrch 1% repurred/rrnm tkm towards rwty hn& clsrTo prevent domestic violrncc qpinst mmed women in theirmtrimonirl homa and reduce the dvenc, lod.l hwrdr that mlu in thebroken horn routine uvuma is cumrulDormtic videncc is the uur of injury to warn, b#wmyla 15 ud 44 in the United Sates - more than un accidents muggingr, and

-rapes combid". BMd women n mon likdy to ru& mi- dto give birth to babies with low binh might8 Sixty-thra percent of the yomenkhwkn the of I I ud 20 who m d n g time for homicide hvekilled their mother's rkwr. Around the world progunme, of "Opmtion a&homew ud ampljgn pmgmma for bringing awrra~ss rbwt the pmMm ofdomertic violenoe ud wnritisinl the public about their responsibility toelimincte violence at home re started. In Mamchuse(ts, the C~mbridgc, MACity council vote on Mwh 7, 1994. "That the city of Cambridge shall bedesignated u a "Domestic violrnce-Free zone", rqucsling the city manager loestablish npproprii~te signrge throughout the city proclaiming that JI domesticviolence laws will be vigorously enforced throughout the cityA 1994 wmy of mior corporate executive conducted by RoperStarch world wide on behalf of Liz CUbome. Inc found that 57 percentbelieve tht domestic vioknce is a major problem in societyTk untqul &onomic rutus bewen the 6pa1w urmime, wltr inhumiliation ud tuture rgrinw the weak Thc abuse m employee dmathorn can kd to bs prodwtiwty, higher firm imd absmrdnm. dhipher health arc cnsts

Dansticviobncegetawonowrtirneu~~mufsntosty, the videna Dormtic violmet in not a dn~le event The wioum tothe pmM*n is discussed in other cwntries ud the gowntnmts of samc statesh~ve m~ed working on progmmea for cornbating domestic violmaPnddan Clinton lua proclaimed October 1995 u the Natiorul domaticvioknce a-month. He proclaimed.r)omdic violewe diuupts wmmunitid destmyl dationahip udhums hundreds ofthouds of Americans mch yur. It ir a &ws aim takeat many fonns and a wrnplex problem with multiple uuw'"'.Domestic violence represents M enormous burden for wnmnthroughout the world. In most wuntries, berwssn 25% to 50% of mnrmadmit bein8 or having b m the objet of physiul violence md m d &use hwnthdr p.nm within horn This is true for womm of all social clasm. ncn.nd rgn A wow Is balm every I5 uconds"It occurs regudlm ofwerlrh. eduut~on or religionIt gets wane over time unlnr msuura uetaken to stop the vioknceWhen violaice wmmind by strangers is mudial, men wwe more ltkdythan womm to e*paiena Man aim wramind by both wqurimmcer md

swrgm Thywaelbouttwiaulikelyuwommtonprienocrtrofviola by s~mgen H o m , within the hily atmosphsrr. and withinintinmtc relationship violence is more ruttned by WOM t h m.The study conducted by the Justice Depmment. USA for 1992 and1993. repons that women were llbout dx timn more likely thn men toexperience violence committed by offenders with whom thy had m intimaterelationship And in 1992 marly 30 percent of dl female homicide victimswae known to hve been killed by huMs, former husbands or boyhiends"In Washington DC durinp 1992 approximately 28 pc?wnt of f d ehomidde victims (1414 women) were known to hve ban killed by theirhusbands, fonner husbands or boyfriendsIn jun ova 3 percent of malehomicide victim (637) wen known to have ban killed by their wives, fommwive or pirl FriendsDomestic viokna IS prevdmt and tacitly accepted, in today's cultureOn the M,we see rcponr of popular media ud spans heroes cornminingru of viokncr against their iruinute pulners everydaylmqa of violaw m ue rcauring ckmnns in movie, ud television pmgnmmingWe ue wammmed to aKh imga in the media that even whm we comerraa ml viaims in our day-I*life, we n?fi~le to mi# such atrocities In

the krry wald today whm ach one is struggli~ with one's ovn p m donot rp.rr adlich time to hear the victims of domatic violence Even M lymanbar or puenu~ who shower aympUhy in the beginning my tdl the victimdry dugs for the hnh or fifth time to tllte mponlibilii for thmrdvcr.Vida#wornen within her home by people who w do*nllted to ha, her own husband commits the worn of all human acts ofbrutality gain st his wife and inspite of awamss being crated md legtlreforms mmptcd. violence apinn worn at home continues unabrtd. SuchMSofbrutrlity occurs madly within the hame and mostly in r place where shewith ha h u M exclusively live Huwsment leading to deaths occur in mostof the cua in the eufy hours of the dayInnocent wiva w h e n upd y , romctimcr ntranyulrtcd to duth The mode of cxtmninrtion happensto be burning the body of the dad or half dad rRa nnngulation HUMSwho w mdly rick torture their own children some times kill than jun torsoy to their -I*.The Repar ofthe H um RiW cdnrminm hUnited Sues liar the occurrence of videria @nuwoman in tha funily.rku womn by mcn - mou ofim their husbands in I93 caumria"The bdi tht deviant violem hehviwr in the family in confind to&ficclrua d funily like among poor, utwnployd and dm# addicts, is'"~J;rbudlmhcr~t%ledib~Iu2~9I'r /.~,Ju~.~!Y%I" Fbuwwl. WIN Nm. +nl(l'r)4)

@ns(mdthtrerlityisthtpawmhdanlboflifcunlath~their own wmm in their homer thy CJII be docton, minim,WS, )rw~a, or my o h kind of profesdonJ. V- ocnrn inrich u dl rr in poor funilies Nntk education nor their living snvirwmmm -urkn or md make uy differatce in rcgud to it] impnu4.5 ElluirDomestic violence is I pervasive ud fiuently unrscogniaed uur ofinjury unong women luva the worn with r mr of helplemcw udpwerlm ud nsponsiblc for a significant propsition of wicidncommitted by womenWomen who wffer battoting wntinuoudy acquire I negative q mnctowanla the mckq ud arffm 8 'bmd syndrome" which nuke them aamurdenn. Thre~a to kill nude by the rbuscr, psychologid uwh whichwed humiliation ud degmhion ud the far of more victimintion drivekae worn to tJle the defensive murure of killing their rbuKn The studyrsporlr on women aimirul~ d o n t& thy hve either been band by rhurbud a r boyfrimd or rapedThe "domino effect" rbuw in which thewomrn the original tu@of videncc, powerlea lo slop nolmcc I@indthanrlva, &metheir power over other family members incidaa of mother.in-law tocruriq drughtn-in-law m y k due to this psychalogid cf(# rt l a

in laac cue if not in (11 cues. Sometima band mothan ku their ownchildm or harm eldaly dependent to coo1 down their own pain.Family violence hu the patentid of M*nly huming individuals Thepotential hum is not minimiscd beause of type of abur or the nature of thefunily m long thee is power inequity in the relationship Childnn who witmpusrml violence, mry be an reMnly affected u children who m direct victimof physical or mud mault and if they dso are direct victims of abuse. theeffects ue dditive.In addition to the p hpd injuris that u n occur, psychologid duny(cin the nhacl-tmn in highly likdy to -medepa Far, mxicty, depmdon,anger and hostility. aggression, lowed mlf.cnm. social iwlmim adwithdrawal md other inappropriate or self-destructive bchaviwr hnve dl knnot&fhtse effects my in umn individual8 k sufficiently severe that theyreach diniul kvelsIn particular. umn victims b e been dugnored withm-tnumtic streas diwrder. r M of mymptoms that often chamerilsrvictim of tomre, nrturd dirrrten and wuLong-term, or even life-long. &ats un dm occurStudir of thechrwtidly mentally ill. clcohol ud drug him. criminals, and adultpapetmom and victim of funily violence regululy rrml high proponions ofindividwls who hm npnimced family vidcncc in carlia yan This hu led

mmy pmhimls to conJude tht arty o;paiena of Wly vkhmimitlMy reruha in long-lcnn d q e However. studies t h follow childvidm of funily violence through to adulthood show that about wethirdsto omme their diaadvantagcs md wry on to liw productive udvbknce-frec lim. So I%, tk primuy horn identified u pmtecting victimfium long-term dunage ue extensive social suppans, aecurc attlchments md asupportive relationship in adulthoodWhen &ageunites a man and woman to form r family md brgalegitirmte children, the burden of bringing up of children and educating themmostly fills on the mother Children arc the wont affected victims of violencecoliunined against their moth. They are worried about potential hurrds andactual health hazards regarding their mothers These children uc emotionallydisturbedQuarrelling parents may produce children who are wmpllsivelyotneaional Children who find that by being sick they an stop their parentspurmlling lam to brnc hypochondriacs Puents who can not love or beloved by their pmnm can not show their children how to love or be loved in anurun mner Tension riddenmay produce children with low elfesteem who become depmaiva, the alwholics. the addicts of adult society Aproportion of the ilkgitinute mceptioru which occur do 10 beuua dnpente

4.6 Podiibmy ExphewIn wdsr to uudy the namt md ~itude of the problem of dome&&&mea&$murid womenmdrpaifwfimnsofvid~, aanvqm,conducted in <strong>Pondicherry</strong> TownPondichey is mcqd with the Indian Union through the Constitution(Fourfanth unadment) Aa 1 %2 with &at ffom 16-8- 1962 It mtdns theterritories which immediately before the said date were wmprised in the F mhEMblilhments in India known aa Pondicheny. Kvaikal, Mahe and YuumThe terriiofy of Pondicheny wm tdrm ova 'de flao' by the Govcmmmt ofIndia from I' November 1954 The union lenitofy oCPondicheq m prsvran a m of 492 sqwe kilometres with Pdicherry town and its villyrscoverint) 293 aquare kilamclrcn wrrwndcd by the South Arwl diffrict.Kmikal town urd its villages covering I60 sq km surrounded by Thrnjrwrdistrict, Mlhe ud its wflrges wvering 9 q km mnwnded by the K d mteand Ylnrm coveriq 30 sq krn within the ru( Godavui dimi* in AndnPnbcrh.

Padid#y wm hsld u cdony by Dutch, English and Frenchdurbrg difbaw pnodr of time. H o w F d hdd its swadgniy momfi-OM thb dl thn uy otk EutopM pow. Tk French admini-rvls hdd in hi@ warn for their eagemns a~ all times to ham rmooth nlrrianswith tk lofll inhrbiunta who wae providd with good administration,cduuh good adation frdlitia md clan straight d n throughoutllnlike Britinh. loul mple who convened to Catholic religion w e dvenstatus of Fnnch men and maintained quality along with French in theobuining official ciurgn The system of compulsory registration of binha,deaths. mn-imgr~ and divorces. provisions in the codesivil relating to lawmortgage in favour of W ed worn over the immovable properrin of theirhusbands are universally acclaimed for their concern for the local populationmd legrl rdvancrmentr of French administration in ~ondicherry"Hinorid e v i d confirm the aiamoe of Buddhism md Jaininm inthis ngion But long kfow the French amved here Jainirm and Buddhism haddtog*her diqpwd from PondichenyHinduism chims the largest adherents Thy form the lugen, digiouscoan&tyinthcTaritory877/,(1%1)But wilhthernivtlofthcfmh.

Hinduism hd to b the odm@ of Pbnip mi*.In 1714, theFrench O

4.6.1 SIcbl life h hdkherryThe fau rokl division of nociety in wordma with the Hmdu Smwcontinued to be mpected mn during t k Choir dayaThere were nnr ofimmigrants of wioua ncq ma md wmmunitica from the nonhAmongthan my be mrmioned Reddiur, Cuorri Nddus. Bdiju. Uppiliu (nltnunuh*um) Seniuu, T ehrgu wing BrahminsThe French when thy returned in 1816 were I changed lot unyingsome of the sparks of t k French Revolution The order of the G omr datedJm. 6, 1819 extended the French civil d e to the Fmh estrblishmmtswithout prejudice to I d customs md usages The order enjoined that Hindusdull be governed by the provisions of the French civil oodc only in nunmwhen the provisions of this code were not contrary to Hindu customsArticle 8 iil'llu nrrdc clfJnn 6, lU lq s~ipvlrlal thlt all lndirnn whetheChristians. Muslims or Gmtilcs dull k judged IS in the pIst according lo theIrwr. uqes ud autonm of their mn Such hws, uvga md custom, wsnapplicable to dl wsn dating to adoption, Nlriylec, wccmion, intaritrncrofpropaty,&.Tkerighlofinhaiunc~wudscsnninduprtheLmofM i fhac wm urn dcputwa from the MitJuhn prinaplc uch uwiknr~rbrokteri@oninhaitrnaudwhonhrowidovruethne.on the h h of om widow, the prom devolved on the other

Women were lllomd to bcquath their ancestral proprties to ttmirchildm. Illegitimate childrm inherited mother's property The join hmilysystem is sill in vogue gpaully in rural ueu d I& umouched for mmetime. In 1769, the quation ofporn of natives msc Therutivca wa-e required to execute a will in the prrxmr of a native registrar dother wimgscr This my be regarded sr the fim nail driven on the coffin ofthe joim family,syficm in PondichmymMarriages an to be compulsorily reg~std with the communeregistering unda article 63 of the Ciwl Code The dowry #yam ms prrvllaamon# most cornrnun~tia Among Sozhia Vellalls dowry is neither given nortlkm Sati was prevented arrde of 22 Jm1130 prewnted I widowcommitting Sati and accorded her a life pensionAmong molt mmmunitia divorce i~ not pmdmt. Among V m orDhobis or however. divorce is fmly allowed to either prrty on payment oftoria the bride pice d they wn mrry al)rinAkohdi tmokin# ud bad chewing ue the three common typm ofddiaionr umng grown upsBy ud luge, members of the economicrllykehrd commnitica me more addiaed to drinks Tk paor nun's drink isteddy whik the wdl to do p in for forrip type of liquon like brandy, vhiky.

um, @n etc. Bmdy is very popular unoyl the retired French pmomd. In !havillqa the rgriFulhnrl work-and the mdic tribe drink toddy. Thelalam times codc their f d with toddyFor the mast put. Christians here followed Hindus Some tima theyunisd their kk children to be bled by Hindu priests They ~ivelyputidprted in Hindu festivals The women continued to bur thc pottu markon their f o M and also war the trli Christian women were not penninedto go llone to the church for it ww wnsidaed indeccnt ud wmnry to thehonav of their respective wan. Even u the wedding ceremonies. the TunilChristian8 followed the I d ritn wch M the 'hrmjd ~ ewbhr r uhp" etc.The nw Christiuu continued to be very wpmtitious As w e Chrirth wenputioukr in obrccving the wae regulations the missionaries did not pub theirrdms too much faring rcpriac~Iall in puirh. In mme of the church oontinuedto be -fed- frequent quarrels between the upper w e ad low WeChristi~~ miwionuies tried to mitigate the evils of cutiun, fhe strife kd tothe olorun of chwch in Nellithoppu (I m ly villrge) for 4 yws.With the pging of the untwchrbility Act 1955, Archbishop Colrc ofPwdichery i d r pastoral Iuta on June 6. 1955 - to tk flu3 thenChristium miline, untouehrbly would not only be debrmd fmm ~ttmdir(adcu in the durch but dm k open to pulivtion for aimid offence

under the hw of the Imd. T)us Cratim whieh ths CMairncaranu* for dmos( three centuria wen finally ranwed from in bodypditic.Mudims Worn unlike then Hindu cwntwpul do not appear in publiceven during muriapa. The system of dowry is pmalent m g MudimcPolypmy u well u widow marriages m commonAt the time of the Deficto merger consequent to M a&mmml on1.11.1954, the lndirn Government took ova the administration md imd twonotifiuthr on 30 10 1954 The firnt one called the French entahlishmen((rdminiltntion) orda 1954 provided that all laws in force in the FmhrsUblirhmn or any uu thetwf immcdiatdy before the twnmacemem of theorder shall continue to be in force until repealed by a competent authorityThe lrwa that wen in force in Pondicheny in the fidd of penonal lrwa weredacribed u " BW or confusing bnnds ofthe legal systemAt the time of tr~sfer thm exisled thre systems ofIm tothe peopk in Pondiiherry lky wm F m h law (French civil code) Hindulaw ud Mudim Law

Theof cgsion knween lndii ad Frnnce pmvided for thelppliion of Fmch Civil hw in wain manm to ~monunts" in UKWrtaent u who hvt chosen to renounce their pmod status mdKapted to be ~ ~YmYd by the penonal Irw an contnimd in the cnde civilduring the French rrgime unda the rqulation dated 5 11 I928 a d modified in12 11.1939,llowcvn i~ wnr op*n li~r the ltsal pnpulalion to renounce theirpmocul status ud upousc the French Law by way of a declaration in theoffice of the M~yor of the Locality Induced by the incentives such u morepolitical rights and more facilitia in the field of 8ovemmnn nnployment incwm of renounciation of personal status people made declarations ad thyThe rcnoncants. their wiva and their children ume lo be ~ovcmed bythe civil ud politid law appliik to Frenchmen in the coloninCnaMmetia - all those born to French parents in the colonies In due counc-"m tk *m &ed 6 t 1119. 111 tk PI& e~dcc ur the cxoepla d tk eadc dcnunsl paolbn mnImrun8 tk Wllq d the a&Mul a d h dPnr*C*dhl&mmmtImkLDnhqpllcdlcloFod*Lrr*

the ~JCII ~oprlrtion COW of psople of Pondidmy originand p p k mipled h m neighbouring states ad Indian pmonrl Irm watdied to the mignm population a in other stua whcma for the peopk ofPondichcrry oriyin, only thl par( of liindu law tht is extended to Pondiehmyby the Union Cmvcrnmml as well M the special Incrl Hindu cunm anappliedFor those Hidw who ue crlled u Rcnonmts who were also dlda FwhIndians, FMC~ Hindu law or the Fmh pmod law or the loulHindu customs as accepted by the French couns in accordance with code civilduring Frmch regime become applicable For the Chriaias. living in<strong>Pondicherry</strong> who ue not migrants and who m not also nnoncanta, thy mgovd by their original Idcustoms, before oanvnion to Chrinimity vitHindu custom or Murlim arstom in deciding their pmond status. But inrmnm relating to mutiage, divorce md allied matton, there Indian.Christians are povrmed by the provisions ofthc Frmh civil code or the lndiln+ muriqa Ad. The Rmonornt Christiuu a the Fnnch IndimcChriatirns rrt uovmncd by the Frcnch civil codeThe ~~~BoNI Irm of Wage in Pondidwrry is wnUincd in the Flfflohcivil code, the loul Hindu customs, the HinduAd 1955 TheChrinirnr &a Ad 18, the lslunic law relating lo Muslim therpedd murirge Aa ud the Eta civil muriw@

4.6.2 M*trb.IW mdtl o.dn rondicbcy lrrrFmcb ImThe won law of muriy)es conridad rmtrimonid bond u v-t,u the urdon of wlr u dl u bodies The Union in W W on W Md nohum cnrtun un dissolve it Duth done can opaate the end of the wnjugdbond and thaefon divorce waa prohibited But afia Frmch Revolutiontendency changed and dissolution of conjugal bond if meauy to rapec~individual freedom wcs thoughl to be permissible hta k wn thou%( thatdissolution of muriage will not affect thc digions feelings of the spouse whom lree not to mon to divorce ud in 1792. divorce wu pennittcd by Ijudidd decm or by I single dwlantion by the apouse before t k myor.Whm both spwm are Frmch Nationals or whrn both the spouse havetheir domicile in the French territory or when no foreign 11w is rpplicrble whila~F d wuna hd jurisdiction to deal with divorce or judicial vprntionpruvih of Code Civil 1804 war applied The French Civil Code of 1804grre m g w urlhwity ud he rrmuried the hsrd of the family Anicle 21 3uyr h t the husband ud wife togaher lhould mrun the mod md mrtcr*ld i w of the hmily The grwnds for divorce tme on (I) Muhul conwnt(2) break in common life ud (3) for faults7he rpprorch of French system unlike British w u not on the kdr ofp-sad ura kn more on t k tad imapruuions by theflp The

ue not bound by eulk decision8 md are to undartlnd the providortlaccording to the hcu ofthe usec at trial.A ~parce m y ledc divora for the wrong attitude provided the hdralleged (I) Constituted a gnvc and ncurrine violation of the dutica mdobligation uidng out of muriagc md (2) render intolerable the continruna ofthe common life The duties of husband towards wife would include not tocommit deadon or infidelity and to maintain the wife and children As such.raul~ing incidents of dmrtion or adultery would amount to matrimonialwrong entitling the wife to st&divorce To render intolerable the continuameof common life would include matrimonial cruelty viz , the violence committedagain# the wife in the form of neglect. abuse or appl~crtion of force4.6J Damatic Violence, in rak and werity in Pondlcherry - A SurveyThe ample wrvy WMconducted through a question~in (df-a d d 4 stun@) with 22 structured ad clod questions and oneunatwred md opm ended quaion (Annexun - I) Out of 700guntionnrirca dirtributed. only 288 were received and rubjc*ed to uuly~rThe gueniocuuin had fw cmponmts The quatiom relatin8 to thebasic inf'ion hut the mpondmtr u to their age get the time of mmirge.their pka of raidam the nmm of the mur*gc ud the type of funily.whethajoim~&,comciMcdtheARI~Thesccbndpminduckdguea#a, dAting to tk rdItiip mod+ viz. rurhaiutic, crud md

&dingIyp8 of thc )uaband urd the Requmcy of thdr batings wife whaharnpular. rt timen or lwver The third yr~ contained questions inquiring IkMwitble f m of videme such u denial of buic necesdtia like food. clothingand 0 th easentLI rsquinmems, =\usion from the funily, darill of Kmnrlsocialidon, umoymee, insult. suspicion, regular fault funding. separation ofchildren from mother cruelty to children d adultery by the huhnd The IMIplrl wruisted of one single open ended question asktng details u to theexistence of mclty in my other form in their mrtrirnonid relationdipThe study was to measure to the extent of vioknce in t k form ofphysic4 injury through bating md in other forms Men whatever their natureand attitude towards their wiva whether cruel or dominating or adjustingexhibit violence The study revealed that mm who are cruel by tuture wmmitviolence very frequently. Men who rue not cruel bu~ cornnunding dm rbuxthdr wive but in a different way Also men who are accepted u mostadjustrbk treat the wiva in an ahusive wry but to a limited eamtTheresponse in t k category of bduviour as to cornmnding, crud or adjustablewen compared with respottam u to the orha specific fomu of violencc in ICclcccmd utegoryh n g the rqmdads who reported vuel khrwarr of tbr hurbudr72 2 ./. of than compbncd of regular k.lmng 186% of rWo&Ills

paniq cMnmuding kdvviaw reported regular bating. 4.1%ofnspondents reponing adjust&teluviour dm nponed wlu bating8(Trbk 1) This prom tht abuse and beating is pmnt u a n od incident inmy family relat~onship and dl men irrespatiw of their mfl nature or c dkhrviour abuse their wives at som point oftimeHusbands inmad of beating their wives, treat them in other forms ofabusive relationship (Tabla 2-9) He causes emotional abuse by taking awaychildren or susptainll the fidelity of the wife Husbands who are of rdjuningtype and who have never katen thcir wives have nlw contributed to violmcein other formsOther type of violence such as denial of f d, clothing and nmtid&ia,seclusion. denial of normal socialisation. leasing. annoyance.insults. nrspic~on. cruelty to childrm ue measured with refem to thekhviour prttem (Tables 2-9)Rapandnnc who maed tht, thcir husbands ue adjustable in nalureh w rnswaed in firnution,for a few of the queniotu in the questionmireThe question dating to the aperime of the lnnoym from the hudmndrw armed u 'Yes" by 21 9% of the respondents. who uid their huhndnwe vay djustabk 1.ikmir women hve llw anrwcred in afimlion to thepuatioa of rpecific farm of vidmce ruch u frsquem fault finding by thc

Cruel 87 0 13 0 0 01aMt 5.Emotional Abuw: Sacpicion% Numbm of ) u M s with churarnrs of CMmtud~ng=M. Cruel- El.M~=llh.Nocprwded=Z Ta;J=2RR

.---- -- .- .-tiu&md Yes PLl No ('a) No Responv (',ICh~rlerStlu( mmrnd~ng 26 7 70 9 12TIM~ 8... - - - -------Emotional Abuw: E~tnmariul Rrlation11Me 9.- -Emotional Ahw: tn a~yoth~r way

h u m to the &an of 18 5'4. tawng to the extent of I I (?/a. w m tothe dent of 8 2%ud exinmmtrl rclationsh~p to the extent of 6 Wi ANthese womn have rlw sad that thar husband ue not crud. not commrndingbut very dustableWomen who answered that thar husbands arc not cruel but onlywmmdq has uuwucd In affirmrtlon that they have c*pmrnccd otherforms of wolmcc Among them 10 Po felt vcluded (Table 2). 47 7'4bemtavd (Table 3).70 9./0 expmmd annovanu (Tabld). 16 1% msuspected (Table 5). 58 I*. expmenced frqumt faultv findlnp (Table 6).chlldrm of 26 7.. were treated cruel (Table 7). husbands of 27 Q/. mmrmhad mtn nuntd relatlonshlp (Table 8) and 11 PO M expenmced other typaof abuu, (Tahlc 9)Ifulbrnds of 25 O/* of rk respondents arc rep~tcd to k cruel butthy bat them only bcuriotully, wheras husbuids who arc coruikcd uulJuulng t yp have rlw balm their wva Dcusionrlly to a imllu mmt in31 5*4oftheuusTherefore tk study povn tk fut thn wmnen who orpnmc rbuwnot m tk form of beulng but a other fonns ue noi mu11ve to the ndawxuuvd~oLhanmharhomm ThyhwtJ;mnunnmJputufthnrmuncdlifc

Rcspondas vulnenbility to the bcluviol~r pnan of their husbandswith rapt* to their rge at rrurriyy, rcsidmce, religion. employment.eduatioh nUum of mmhge d the typ of family they l~vc In werecompusd The Mls arc given In Figures I to 7In Ftgure I, the quantum of rrspwuc m ved from the mpondentrwrth rrfaenee to thar rge at mrmape w u ncorded Rapondents rnarrylngWow I8 pn wac recorded AS ch~ld rmma(res and how mrmarrvlny at andrbwc I8 ycrn of rge wac recorded AS uiult marrlaees It ISround thatdjulubility umng m e d auplca ts m m In &Itmrrnyn (54 ha,.) whe~icompved to &Id munrgn (14 4%)Comrmndtng behv~our 13 sl~~hlly moretn chdd mrmy(34 4%) thrn tk .dull v t r(70 6m/.) The cruelkhrwour 1s r d e d more In chtld mrmlga tlun adult numsgcs Age stbsomr rekvmt tn conodrnng mmwrn to coda! domcst~cnolena ypl~women"The larul pwtlon of womm In nutnmod home dlffm from reelonto regnm There IS a mde cultuml d ~ntdlsavrl pp k w a urhrn educatedd d illttaue mmm A rural womm has very llmltcd arplrcltons and

FW1. BebaviourPl Patm in Rdation to Age at MarriageMe:501"'D% S Oh5 20CHILDADULT100Comrnandtng Cruel AOjUIMDIeNambmdCLJd Mmpc. 18 Aduh Mmap - 241. No Hqmu. 9 local 2 IFigure 2. Behavioural Pattm in Relation to Pke of Residence

fcds &dog14atidaction to remain with hurbrnd eitha in joint or innudear family She does not hve any status proMan md tolerates the crueltyc d e d to ha by her husbnnd or in lam Homva, thc responses recordedin Figure 2 show that the place of rrsidmce md the behonour pattern whencompued showed minimum variation only to prove the fact that place ofrerida~lc does not hve much relevance to the vlolenr behanour of thchuhndmhmRd~gons wn~dn woman as wbordtnate to man md d~ctatm that herpnmuy duty 18 lo oby ha huhd md help hlm In all htr mdea\ourq at allt t As ~ to the rcl~g~on of the rmpndents wen thou#h nor much vanatlonswu nottced unnng the respondents, a sltLJl1 I W I a( ~ to the adjuclah~ltlvcharacter 1s recorded m ng Chrlsrtm funtl~es, followed by Iltndur, then hvMudtms Commudq behnour IS mrded more unoq tllndu huhandriolbwed by Musltms urd thm hv Chnsrtmc Ctucl hehawour I$ recorded moreunong Musltm husbands when wmpMd to Chrtst~ans md IItndur f twrc 1shows that Htndu males and Chncttm rmles tend to he more command~ng hutLest aud ud Chnaun male arc m undanudtng and adjuutnp wtth the~rwvn In the l adyHwbudr who wffa from )ow tncom, low cducatto~l attainment andbw Mwpb dhac lo the plnudvl vJwr ud uc more I~kdv lo heat thnr

v 3. Belmvioural Pattern in Relation to ReligionHINDUMUSLIMCHArnI IANFigure 4. Behavioural Pattern in Relation to Employment

wtm"The anploymmt of womcn and thar vulnurhlltv to domcst~cwolence was studted When women arc employed they have morr adlurtahleamosphae In thar home whm wmprved to unrmploved womenThebehawour pattern of thr husbands show leucr ntlng In commanding andccwl bdumoun (T~gure 4)The education of women increasingly helps them to ewnpc fanillyviolencek seen from the F~prc 5 educated women havc niore adjustshlcnurried life ud their husbands lend to be leu cruel but In some caws sl~phtlvmore amunudinp.Couples mmed throu~h famlly arrangement are at some dlmd\antagcwhen compucd to love m e d wuplea for In the latter type adjustabll~lv ISmore Cofnnundlng nature of kh~~ourand cruel behv~our are recorded lessm love numrg+s than mged mrrnrgca (F~gure h)The rnpondmts wmln8 from jolnt fmlln have J~yhtly more adluutlnpfmly atmosphere than the other group As to the behnwr of tkr hurhand.i.men from y m fun~lm show more wmmudlng ud lea cruel behav1our Menfrom vpvue hmil~l show more d khvlaur to thar wvn (F~gure 7)

Behaviounl Pattern in Relation to Education80504010ILLITERATELITFRATE200Figure 6. Behavioural Pattern In Relation to the Type of Marriage6050t5 40-09 toEl LOVEAMAMQED(00

Figure 7. BehaviourPI Pattern in Relation to the Type ofF d y Lire

To thc Lra open adod queamn nluiw to ury other ~nfonnrtim. therrspondents have used it to I* wt their r J falings ahnut thnr conjugalrelationshipTo this qualion, sptclfx raponsa me wntten by 34 respondentsThc statement of om mpondmt IS verv d~flermt and 1s In pralrr oihcrhusband and her mnther-~n-law has narrated the sat~rfact~on rhr atta~ned 111 hcrrnatnmomd home Her marnape bang not arrangedparentc d~d not rnctvethar support All mpath) and comforts lncludtng hss~c necmsarles such a\cloth~ng and food mrc prowdcd to her bv hcr mother-~n-law Fhc l~ved u~thher In laws for R vean and had grven h~nh to three female ch~ldren Fhc waspen cduut~on up to M Ph~l bv her hurhand and acu~rd~ns to her rhrmpnd so much of happ~ms and pleasure onl) In her matnmon~al homethrough ha motha-~n-law ud hn husbandOn the other hnd wolmce In the warn fonn, dnnng the nctlm to therue ad ofthe lifk ayk IS wm from the a t u m of one respondent hhc harwnttm h t hr IStempted mmc tlm to cnd her l~fe to gm wt of the fam~lypobkmr chc hd to face m her nulnmomrl horn Accord~ng lo her she wrcunda a@whm mrmd She umc from Nnl background, educated up topnmry rhool md M m manpd mrmyy. L~wng lywatcly wlh hmhudund Ha hwbrad wto wu very csmmud~ by tuture had treated her

awl& dl the time by beating. pmnB annoyed and fi:dinp fruh with her wyattarAccording to I1 respondents alcohollwr ISn major csucc for WIR&us, becwx of thar dnnklnp MIIS husband beat lhetr wvm Thcv conlnilt0th forms of abuses dso Thcv take rdvantrpe of Into.clcatlon and utter&uhuuvc hguap$s wrist the~r wlvn Thcv hat their ulvec and shlldrcn afterplcklne up qumcl for no reasons Most of the tlmc. tho demand nitlrlcr l111nithr mm and whm no money ~q @wn k t them mncliccslt Womcn andchlldren qpend rlceplnc n18htc dunn~ wch davsThnc dnlnkardr do not potor jnb and do not allow thnr children to krrn hey bew~rnc nmrc rusptuvusabout the character of their wlka One ur1iln8 rcalure ol wch houulald# I\povaty rrultuy In mnonuc turdshlpr md hulth humdr Chlidren are mostalTected ud they gn Into the traps of rnt~ loclal clcrncnta very rasllyPwmv IS dw hvm a a mjor cause foc nu!nmnnlal unhnpp~ncct Iv3 rrrpondenrr when hudunds refuse tn go for jobslnthrncc of joim funiiyup and prtMurc of ~n.lawc were rkiwn IObe the mason for their unhappy conjugal rdrtlonsh~p by 5 respndcnt\'I'hrrhurbudr in orda to pkuc thor puentr ncgkl tbr sp~w nnd ~ynorc lhclrIrwhl cmjugJ kmmds 'Thne wva rre 111-trutd by thar mo~ho.~n.lswr4 nd-hlaw when hubuds rsnun u vknt on-lookers

Hwbuds rRa a few yun of their manilpe lwr intersf with thcirwedded wife and take i ntm in some other women Thnr relationship in thccxtranuritd fonn either u adultcry or bigamy has caused hardship lo ~hc lirstwivu wtm arc neglected, dwed md sometima ill-treated by thew hushrinds7 of the rapdent3 reporled thu their problems m beuuse thnr husbandsrrt unfiithful to them In one use, the respondent has md lhrl husband hastaken durblcs from the house for h~s concubineOne respondent hu complained that ha hushand has dcvclopedrelationship with the m m t maid and t hfta. staned 111-tmling k rMantal rape IS an cmcrplnp conccpt for legal rcrlcu Htirn Ihr EOFIHImtrlcrlons deter women lo .tpcak out lhnr sccual prt4?lnr. I rccpnndcntr hadchom lo aprrss lhelr feelinps about lhc~r conjugal rclallonrh~p spec~licallvAt the nme t~me, there arc cnw where rlmc women arc Itx~k~ny for anoppnnunlty to have a let nu1 of thar fwlin~~ and ulrrowr lo u~mconcRespHdmtr hrvc ynkm ahoul thnr problems rcldtlng to wual rclal~cmr alu)Accordln8 lo thcv rrtpnndenlr hurhardr dam 11 their excluave prlv~lcgc rochoose whether d when to have rdallondup wth ~hnr wlvcn and nevcrb a l M about the dcaim or feelings of thar w vs Thy have nprctred 1h81,they ha pobiems In amjugrl rrirtlonrtnp

One of the Rspondans hd mponed th~t her huband M mmuhmml for ha s b murilge cmd m mpondat hd reponcd that she ISWing only a nudim like lie.4.6.4 Rnpcct for qualily orvrn during marriage: A Global RwiwAs put or the Lintfed Nm~orul Devclopmmt Program. In 1%.aHum hghl Development repon was pnyred ro meawre ~hc rcspeft forhum nghts worldwde usrng as ~nd~caton. the nphts enurncratd underUnlvenal kclsnt~on of Human Rights, lntcrnar~onal Covcnan! on I cononilcSocul and Cultural Rlghls and intemttonsl Covenan1 on Crvrl and Pol111ca1RIIJ~IS" The reprl h.s pen m aswssrnent of countrlc\ up !o prrlodNovember 1091 11s ntlngr on the ham of qunt~onna~re\ In bur catupnrlr\ (I Iu unqurl~fd wpcct for the freedoms, n~ht3 ad guarantees. (2) ac wcaclon.rlbreaches comrmttcd. (3) as frequent vlolrt~onc ofnphts and frccdl~rn and (4) a\a amstanc putm of v~ola~ronsAmong 104 countries, the nght ofqd~tyuxm durrng marrtage andfor dlvonw p drng under Anlcle 1q1) of 1II)HR. ~nformatlon collcc~cdshowed that 26 countnu showed unqualrficd respect for !he rtghtv 41countnu showed wxmd bmchec of rnpm for the nyht only one counlrv

(Om) tkac was fnquent vlolalton of the nght and I 3h countnn therr IS thelndlcatm of a corn pnm ofvlolat~ons of the nghtsThe globrl tribunal wh~ch heard worm from 25 countries dcscnhnlvast range of hum nghts abuses from dommt~c v~olrnce to pcillrlcalpnavt~m md cdpturcd the world rttcntlon ahout the wolat~on of women rhrwc nghts cvcrywhmIll-treatment of ncw bndes for the sake of rnoncv and hirnitc~dcsmmm~tted awnct them dso called sa dow deaths arc rqnmcul nltrtr tnnumtm Due to procedural la~rtv, morc than half of t l cnwc ~ rep~\tcrcd pounpunldwdDomtlc wolence IS r pmaslve and frequently unrnogntsed cauw olInjury unong womm and ISalso responslblc for s s~pn~ficant proportton til'sulc~dn comm~tted by women Apm from the lndlv~dual harm 11 Jtrr ttr tlicvlalm. 11 ISresponrlble for too man) cornmunrty hazards and drprrclatn thcdeveloprncnt of human c~wllsat~on tialf'of the hunw rcwurce and rnan pcrwerIS Id unutll~zrd u thcu womm ue d~xmpiwrrcd kauv of thr riauphtermade on thar df. development and are made a lero and non-cv~\tcnt mttllcrIn the wmry Therefore domesttc viokncc I* ~onlv to the comnlunllv In lcrrnrof the d~mpmn 11 uuvs to the furulv ud lo !he uway

Legal Response to Domestic Violence is Inadequate

5. W A L -St 7'0 DO- WOUNCC IS INADEQUATE5.1 Doratk vbkocc Wiut rwecr b vidrtion of women'sborn80 t+gBtAt the momnn, when women's rights arc mpid as human riphtsl.hwnrn rights for women arc to be envisioned u the collective nphts of awomur to be leen ud rccepted u r person with the uprcih to decide or acton ha o m behalf, mi to have equal acceu to murces and quitahlc. wcial.economic ud political suppofl to develop her hill potential, ha ripht as a fullhuman being and to suppn the dwelopmat ofothrrs'tluman nphtz hv Itrt ma&nify hum vdun in m absolute mw and thew are the r~pn andsymbol of hunun development md puce The adnmmmt of womrn and thcrchimt of equality between women and men we lnattm of human rightsud r cordition for &rljuaiw rd should not be sea in imlrtion mcrelv aa awomrn's issue Thy ue the only way to build a sustainahlc just and developedrociny Empowermat of women mi quality haween womrn and men arcprc-requimtcs for achevlng polltical. social, econornlc, c~rlturrl andmnmnmmtd mnty m p all people''An Ill d lk V m DaLram on human nghi wr, '7hr hunun nghu d uumrn an.I IW Id mbvdk d mntrcn.l hmsn nghlr:- St* "Hapn n@s d m in ladu', llu.lar nphrl IR Ida phlrmr mdprpowri. BP Sl* w, rd Dkpud k p W- r lW,.ltc 117(1%)Bapa,Dcdvua.* mYYp9~.pn4l

Thaefm yr violation of women's hum nphts whether in private orpuhlic would invoke community's rcsponsihility and accwntnhility to thewMnrnhood and ic ahall he the obligtion orthe human cornrnunlty at Iaqc toacknodedge the ha that worn arc qrully ent~tlcd to all human nyhts andhadom. includin8 the frmlorn to live with dignity and uithout fearBefore second world war, hum nghts issues wcrc treated as rnstlcrrof domtic conam within domestic platformWomm'r lwes wrrc thcnwnfimd to family pocketsThe patriarchal family qstcn supported hy thcpltrkchl wmmud mup went unrnponsivc to the -uffer~nus of womnuithn thdr places tlowever, the two world wm and latcr thc settlnu up ofintcnutiod bodla to monitor and work for ~ntenutional peace had no wavbut to acknowledge tk fact that the human rourcc for ~ntrrnatll)naldevelopment towards tk attalnrnt of lntmt~onal peace rqulrl not mrclvman porn but the whole lot or'lfurmn Power" lncludlng women pcrwn5.1.1 WM'B right to human dipityThc Ututed Nal~ons C her ratcrates the conwencc of manhlndmf7inned futh In the qua1 nghts of inm and women and In the fundarnrntalhum ngks ud ~n the d~gnlty of h um person 'ThcI n~tcd 'xa~lonr- budhrnw ~@II a&pmam. rprn from the lln~ted Nat~onr (ma1 4tumhlv theEumamcrdSoaJ ~ltoolrwatheuJ:ofempowammtofwmTheU&ed Nlt~n, Conmnrvon m the Stuus of Womm penod~ully

dmned tt~ rqmta to the Umted Nutons for rrvmv md future MlOn md thespaad nppocta rppolnted for the purpose of studyng md reporting aboutmmm~'~ hum nghts took up the work of anpomng women world ovaThe U~ted NUOM Gcnarl Assembly In I948 ulopted the lln~ve~lDedrntmn of Hunun kghts hcmn Ifta refarrd u UDtiR wthout Idtumllng vote Thts kluat~on of I lunun R~ghls was not lntnded to haveany Icgnlly bnd~ng dfect. for 11 d~d not purport to be a treaty or r rtatcrncnt orlaw or lqd obl~gat~ons Howwn, the kclaratlon ohla~ncd the ccln\cnalramong the rnanbcr stalec on the aatmntq and definrllon of fundan~rntalhuman nghtc Although I'I)l{R In ~lself ma) ncrl k a legall) hlndlny dt*umenclnvolwng legal obl~gat~onr. 11 IS of legal value In ar mucti ar 11 ~ontalnr anauthonrac~ve Interpretallon of the human nghts and fuodemrntal rrtrdoms andwhlch prowdm M obl~gatlon on mcmbcrr of tIu 0n11nl \allon* undn ~hrCbunn The Dalmt~on psvues h~gh authonty 8.i the wttlng ol ~ ht commonamduds of humrn nphts4The kclaratton contunlng 10 mlclcs war hrwd on tlic natu~alawquallry, In p ~~culu the ethlcd concept of the dlp~ty of the human prwnwhlch lmplled that human hangs mud be ~rcucd as ends In thcmsclver and rulru merr nxmu to mds R~ght to humn d~gnlty is the mod Importan1 md

~ndtrpennMe one fa the agoymau of aha nyhts of hum lifeb~nlty ISattached to the tdmUty of r hunrn bang u a pmon When a h um bringdar mt a)ay the ngh to k a paron. dy~lty In dl 11s dues then. doa no1eart U dl Two pnmpla whrch flowed from lhls cthul grundnon of humanLgmty m thc pnmpk of 'mdlndurl Mom' and the pnnaplc of the'equality ofdl human bangs' The tmn lndlwdual M o m would rcfcr to thcstatus of a hwun pmon who IS upde of mjoylng bs bstc h u ~ ngh~s. nvu , the nght to t k pumlr ofhpplnessh Rowmusou m d nun IS born h e ud therefore frmlom IS naturalBut nun IS everywhac In chslns The "chalns" whlch Rotrouu>u meant I\ thebond-, I d . soc~d. and pol~t~ul wbch m nun nudc In the hum11 h~rtorvwhernn bondage existed freedom was always the goal lo thc rchlcvcdI hcmoa lmponun of dl the frudom IS the frudom to llvc wthout the far'By the t m "qdlty" 1s mum an enwronment where every pernn canm)oy his nghta on the pnnupk of nond~mmnat~on hud on natural or wlalcrtqo~l such u whr. ncc and ux wtuch hvc no rclrtlon nther to~~ ap~ma mcntr w to the mat khnour of [he ~nd~vldualpawn# Coaccp of gader eq41ty u nrnscd In .U ~ntarul~od Jocumrtron haa n&ts Tk Umed Num Chna, ~mverul Decirrrtlcm of I luman

Right& 1-Cavaunta on Cml ud Pdltd nph~s md on Economicud Seoul nghq Cammma for the pmtaton of Woma ud Chtldrcn.Convcntm on H mEnw~vnent ud the Convenhon on Developmm!rsrtmte the pnnaplc of nond~mm~nu~on u the hur for the achteremml ofthe humrn wtr wluch ~nJuda the n&l lo hum dlpnlly of cmy personwh*her In publtc or pnvrtcArt&8 of the Untted hu~ons Chn IS to thrt efTect It says "TheUmtd N m ~ rhll w pha no mnctluns on the dlglh~ltty of nun and womanto puttupate In my uprc~ty under condttlont of qurlltv In Itr prlnclpul andmbsduq orgrm "Anldc I1( I X 1) obl~ger the CmKnl Asmhly to Irtltcale stud~e* andmake ncamendrt~om for the purpose of msasctrq the world hxlv on thenrltutton of hum nphts mnd fundunentml frcodoms for all wlhoul dl~lll~tlonu to DCX Art&55 declarw that UN shall prnmocc untvcrsai rmpcct for andobmtlon of hum nghts and fundlmmtal hecdomr for all wlthou~&stmnctm on raunr of DCX a olher raumr tcoMmlc ud uwld counctl ofthe U~lltd N m m 4 s undn the wthonty of the CmmJ Auemhly ud ISc o d *Ich panalng knn nududs of hrnun wdfuc u well rr ttrohvmtm of h um nghts md funduncntrl freedom'

The I M d d CoveiuM on Civil md Politiul Rights 1966 md thelntandonrl Cwaynt on Eamomic, Sod md Cultural Rights rccognue thathm rigtnr derive its due from the inherent dignity of the hum personThe Comunl on Civil md Politiul Rights mvgnk funily u the nrturd mdFundunarul gmup unlt of aociety md the equality of n&t and mpons~h~lttmof rpouvr u to muria@. dung mqte ud at its dtarolut~on' Everyone Intk funily is mtitkd to chc right to pnvacy, funtlv, home and apalnst theunlawful utrckr on his honour md reputation' Thac convcntlons ul11 ~hzState P mk to -rethe equal nghts of men ud wornm to the enjoy men^ ofdl avil ud pd~tdnghtr m forlh ~n the Convmt~on such u the nght to 11re.lrkny md ndtye, n8ht not to k wbjeacd lo loriurc or to cruel. ~nllumm ordegnding veument or prrushmntl", not to be held in umtude", n~hl lo hersognizsd cvaywherc u a pmvn before the Iru1964 cnrum quality of nghts to nun ud w om to !he enluyrml tif allmdto the fonnu~on of furuly, vd munag IS mtned into mth he

frsc cornat of the m-ngspouss Other conventms of spead nponu~wtom tk CO~IWUWI on the Pol~hUl RJghts of W ow 1952, theC m t m on the Natmnd~fy of M d Womn. 1957.the Convcnt~onrguml Lhauumnatron In Educltton 1960" UN Cmt~onon mnunt toMunrge, Mrmrmm Age for himu@ ud Rcginrat~on of Marnag 1%2"Batdm th 19116 LWuatton on the hght to DNdopmmt y~clfies that nrtarhll coopate m the rallru~on of hum nghtr ud fundmul frssdoma for111 wthout my dut~nalon a to sexThe mon cMnprrhcnun fnlarutmd doarment focuung on the humannghts of women In dl upats mth pronwona sufic~ent for the ~rnplemmtatlonof the ngb of worm IS the Convcnt~on on the Ellrnl~t~on of dl Forms nI~scnrmnulon AguM Women (CEDAW) wluch urn Into force In 1981 Itmtmn tk ~nanud conccm for wnnm pmtcctlon under the lln~tdNurom repme The Cormnt~on In Its 30 mlck cmph.uu women prntmlonanpo-uddmbpncmIn 1t1 mtmduaory aummtb. 11 mates rs follmn~canmbucKmofwomsltochem)fucofthehm~)yadtotk deekpwa of ~oaay uc to k bae In mrnd ud helmrl m&ameof mumnty ud tk role of both prrrncs In

the tmdly md m the upbnngcng of the ch~Mm arc to bencogmted The tndmonal role of mar and women In thenoacty ud funily tn the plmrrchl 11ne ISnqu~red to bechnged md there lhll be during of the fam~ly rnponr~b~l~t~csto &eveegwl~ty krwan men and women"Tlns Convcnt~on shartn the wncept of the husband u 'head of fam~ly'md fmly umty ud coma mde range of ~nterpc~nrl relatmns and ~ct~vlt~nthat my mrne In wnflld mth ~nd~ndud's n~hto pnvacy D~scnm~nat~onrguM warnen a ~ncompat~ble mth human dlgn~ty and the welfare of uwavand wnnlhltn m obstacle to the full mllntlon of the potmt~al~t~m of wnmmThc convmt~on definea ~ender d~wnm~natton In an extenrave way andproh~b~tt d~rnm~natton both In publ~c and prlvalc l~fe It uryrq the statc parl~eqto condemn d~scnnnnat~on agunn women In all 11s forma and pilrwc hvlppmpnrte mans to el~m~nrte my such n~st~ng d~wnm~nat~on by~ncorponnng apd~ty powsons In thnr nrt~onrl nuch~nery The urtc partlnlhll nfnm fmm mwng In uy rcc or pnn~cc of d~mm~nat~cln md alllppopMe mrea arc to be trkm to el~ml~tc d~mrnl~tlon aptnn wornby my pm~~, orgunntlan or mterpnw The extntnm laws, reyoht~ontwaan, md pnalar ~f they wnst~tute d~rnm~rul~on thev are to hc mod~fidor bWmd Spcclk acp arc to he trkm to md harmful trad~t~onal practtcc3tha papwe gsda dncnmnutton

TheWlitier bued on digton ud rqccttvc paso~l lawsconaming a women's life in rrspa( of hn munmonirl relations have to beto amrerights to mmwn in dl mttar dating to m m4e andfamily relations md in particular to ensure on a basis of qurl~ty of men andwwnen the sure rights to enter into rmmrge, to choox a spauw and to enterinto mvrirge only with their free and full mnvnt and to possess thc amerights md nsp6nsibilitia in all matters w parents to thr ch~ldrcn In respect ofguudirnnhrp, wardship, md adoption of course keeping the lntercsts ofchildren u puunount impanmce Thy will haw the ume n$ht andmponw%ilities during numap and at its d~swlution" Article IM?) talkshut prevention of child mrmagn, pnscnbtng a mlnirnum age Tor maniageArtick %a) of the Convmtion aims II diml~llng pltnarchal prejudicn apainstmmrm on the baas of custom and nqulrcs the state part~cs shall take allrppropririe marum. to modify the mid and cukunl patterns of conclucl crl'men md women with a view to rchlmn# the eltmmnat~on cpf prelud~cn andcunomuy ud dl otk prmuxa whch ue burd on t k ~dca of the tnfmontya ~hc vrpcnontr of ather of the rm a on st-roia for men and

Hawna tbe mmbu amr a the blm of ntifiation of thc ConventionIuw puI qdr&q dwa by wy of m t i w qainm such ut~dcs Michgo @mt their rdigiaa dborlndu too hr ratitid the pmririonr withmadom to A&Ha) and 16 It hc doclued thu I dull rbtdc by daatn the pmviriag only in coclromdty with its pdky of non-inter&Inthe period U%n of my mnmunlty wthoul its imt~atin ud conmtS.I.3 VWcarc wMwa witbin tbtir bomen: An am& onbrman dignity - International Conwasusrequlm nata to condemn r?olmcc wrist women Th~c dtnummt spuklnpon women development. condemns nate pmm who hldc from thc~rmponubll~tln under the cover of trcd~t~ons and ei~lturc uhlch arc laden wtthH e r dlrplnrm It requtrn nut- lo condemn nolmce awnst women andnot to tnvoke MYcustom trdctlon or rcl~ylnus wnwderat~on to arold tllctrohllgrt~on mrh rnpct to ~ts cl~m~~tton" Thc r(atc plnler lo Ihc C'on\enttc~narc ulld upon to dmouncc dl such praalcn uhlch npio~t women and loendicrte in the drmmstnt~on. am conflla whlch m y MK hween the rlfilsof women ud thc h f u l effects of ccnlln trad~tlonnl prraicm, culturalprqudra md digiau amm All peaplc Lve the r@t to I~ve free fromndare md thrat of woiar+ Vmkna un hvr K, place In a family In m

uinhom*theviaim~mrnocmchoosekrighttorrjscmvidcntmdlburinlirihption.Stare prtia m to guuMa lppopriate kpl merarra to punish theprpehto~ofvidaw*~ women Thcncedoftktirnemquims~lu$dii to nplm the hidden myth rban the akbntion of frminity admpbtsh of vaen hood within their homs Raarch rrpcnts mamnqed to uundentd t k atrma d pmkm of different forms of-@redmmwn Ankk - 4K of Declmntton nrouriRes the promottonof march ud cdlat'i of data d compilrtlon of stat~st~cs. mpeclrllvcon-dmrt~: videnct m d the pmrknce of d i h l fnnns of nalencc@nn mmwn It cncou-march on the cum. tuture. ~nousncm andcaasquarrrdvidara~n~wamcnvdonthce(T~rvoneuo~manrrnimpkmntd to prrwn( vd redm vidn# cgrinr( womq thov aululcrad6ndm~ofrrrvchhutobemdcpuMlcBcijing Declrntion and btfm for AUm 1W5, -14bv theUnit& N h Oaml Auernblyl', d l 9 the amtc putla to condemn nolmr@IUI women ad &n from invoking my custom, tradition or rdiwnraddentian to weid ttrir obii@m wrh mp&l lo is dlrniwwn u m outin the &&ation om the ~IINIU~OII of vide- women

At thekd. thae u the Convenbon of &km L)o Pam ( BmiCancabon) bu&l out by the lma-Amencan Commu~on of Worn of the~alrSmnaaSlltaonthepcvamohprmrhmmtudad~tondnokacca@~~I rr m Bml, m June 9. I594 vnged by I1 m t l anr. Arcmbm, BdmL Bnril C~W~CL The Domnuun Republu Guatanrla,H im KIU ud Nmr. Uny~uy ud ~mauda" Th~c convmtloncontam two pomrful llnea of actmF~mtIy thu of eduut~on ud thepanobon of rmtudes that qsl w o k aguna women1' ud vcond that ofcwntu~I prrurhmcnt and ard~utmof the nokncel*it khna wolma ud domeax wolcncc rll.lnsc women u my act orduct, bud on gender, wtuch uuvs duth or phvuul. uxu.1orprychologul hrm or wfTmng to women. uhahcr In the publlc or the pnvatelphat An&2 m ~ the a mime that occun wthn the fm~ly or domestlcurut or whn any other uncrpmonJ rdat~unlp, whahcr or not thcprpuua sham OI hrc shrrcd the yme r d m w ~ the wonun, ln~ludlngmq others, rw, brrteri and wwl .huu Anlcle 4 uilr upon thc natcr torecolpluc Ihc hum nghtr vd f u m l r i freedoms mshnned In reg~onrl dglob.l human nghtr t~Thac nghts Include nphc to Ilfe, nght to phyuul.ma& md moral urqplty. nytD to ~nhcm d~(lruty ofr praon to be rnpclnl

md hs bmly protected. nghl to eqwl prolcftm before the law md of thebw, ngtA to vmpk md prong raounc to a mprmt-mun, nght torJloaue fredy, n& of freedom to pmfcu her rrhlgon and bebcllca wthtn thelaw, md the ngh to hve qd ul to the p b l ~ of hu wntv andto ulre put In the duct of pbllr Gun urclud~ng dcc~wrn mklng5.2 Doratk V#k.tc Pmeatm lam in o lkr coumtrinThac uc mmnn whKh nlll do not take moudy therr abl~prtmn topuash the prplntm of nolma lgunn women In thctr homes ud theyprotect from ark prosaatrn~ cmun typn of uwultq IT cnmm~ttd by Ifmly manba dthou~h the nrte prosaute the same act IT comm~ltd by amurg8 Howma most of the Furopun Ftatn. Amen*Aurtrd~a, hewZald mi wch 0th countnes hvc brought CIUIrpeclfic irwr probldln~rrmedws for the offam of domen~c wolmce Some ue In nature of ctvllmncdla wh~k nujonty prondm for c~IIUM~ prowcullon ad srfetv musurcsfor the mtlm-~*woo-&rn.In llnltcd Kln~dom there arc twt~saute, appirrblc to murtd brakdow prowding wth ranafKI for rpouslluvuh u pn of the overall Sutute The DMnu% V~okncc and h411nmonl.lAa rppbsr to umvmsd haaaenvl cdubnar Tlus Act

pmMda fw & c h I% adusiw pos#rion or ocarplm u wdl u Ordmprodding violence and mole*ationThe Domtic Vlolm and MlpistratnCourts Aa is avaihbk to I Idly rmrried couple and pmvidn for M order forthe exclusive possession or occupury u well L( Orders pmh~hltin~ nolm orthmts It provida for mndies in the tuture of injunclionr rnd other witrhleorden such u Restrunt Ordm. Non Molestrtion ordm and Occupat~onordaaUnda the English Domtic Violmce md Hatnmonld Prncrrd~nps Act1916. I County Cwn un ~mt M injunction orde~ mtralnlnu the offendinyspouse From mnlmlng or uslnp wolencc apslnst !tie sppllunt or the ch~ldof the appiiunt or exclud~np. the offcndn from the matnrr~on~al how or Ipar! of the matnmanirl home or from I qper~fied area In whlch the rnatrimonldhom 15 mduded The judge ~f he is vtlnfied that the othrr yrty hrr uuvdd hodlly hum to the rppliun~ or a5 the uu may be to ttw chlld concernedud cowdac ~hu hc a lrkdy to do so yrun utrh r powr 01 arrest lo he'"J-Ru I- of ownentap of the nutnmonul hmw was not dehated until1967 u u wu udty wdamood u the whde male In the munmamrl homcb&kqladspuarMcwuvarcdmcbshukndudordenwnepweduda k4yl) dthc 1925 Supan Caa d J*(Cocudlb~tm) Act

in hrarr of htabds.The MItrimonid Iioma Aa 1967 md IatamaxhmU ia 1976 md 1983 provided whax one of thc spouse wu en~ltledlochc nutrimonid home by nrtuc of any estate. Inlw or contract.ud the oUw spoure ms not so entitled the latter should hvr thc rights ofincluding a ri&nol to be evidal or aduded acept with thekmoftheaxat~bymadccwdathls~lThe Domestic Prdinp ud Maparata Cour! Aa 1078 conrainspmnsions which would enable the cwn to puq order In the nature of (a) anorder thm the mpomhl $MI not ur, or threaten to use, v~okncc awlna ~hcpenan of the rpplium and (b) m order thrt !he rnpondcnl Wi not usc. orthrsuen to w. nolare rgum the person of a chlld of the funllyJ'In the Usted States of A m u In the Sratc of Marslchuuctr. there ISthe Abwe Pmmt~on Aa wtuch proda mnedy to the ~ I of M furutvSeaion 20sA of the Act prondn for Fra Pro~atiw Ordcr my tlrne ofthe day or nifit. hdidry or wcekmd. even wthoul a hwyn, ud even w~thoutthe rbuvrIn a situation where the ahvr tncd to hurt or succeededin audng physKJ hnn or rhraraxd to audl moue phyuul harm or forcedthe wife to hw sa rpum ha wll. the Aa prondta ddiuonal protallon In

the Fmn ofOrder, ordering he abuser not to come nar hcr orabuse her rlpih Vwe Orda, ordaing the rbuw to mow wt of ~kmatrimonial homc, Child Suppn Ordcr enrhllng the mfe to ye( temporarysuppon for her children. Custod) Ordcr eMbllng lt~c uifc to rmvc temporarymody of ha children ud Ratltuuon Ordo onrbling her to rccnvercpclyment for lort wrgeq medid npmsa or other costs ud dunrga TheProtectin Orda initidly will lut up to ten days but un be atndrd to oneyar The procedure for Bating thc d y 1s umple Thc vlctim can 1n111atccrimd cha&sby henelfand IS cntltlcd to free legal un~tmnce:~In the spnt of ~mplmtrl~on of IIK pronuons of the Act. ~hc C~tyCauml m M.slchuutts. Cunbndhe decked on March 7. 1W4. tlut the ( I I~of CMlbndge atul be devlgutd w a Domesllc t lolcnce . I.ree Zone mduuupmed the Domcar V~olencc - Free Zone umpulyr The umpalyn wrsto uulm he canmunay bucd goup m comrolllng domed~c v~okncc Itrsqurrrd mcramd coord~nnmn among dcpuunanr ud -laWing w~thdomest+ ndare Tk Cunbndfl Pollee Deprnman hr nubl~skd rcpoarluod Qmsaw ndarc w t of lpcclllly trunaJ dakllvsr to mMl1ytedu\scrau urs It hu Wed r poMm of Darms Vldence

Won, I civilm with &mutic vid*la expertise who links viaimn withammmity wvim ud law enfortanent r paThe Stde of Wuhinaon, in USA hu Domestic Vlolm kotct~nnAct whkh prwida for protection ordm to the dim of dome*~c w olm inthe rtaturc of (I)Rcsmining Ordar, (b) NoContlct OrdmIn uws of wife rbur thc Protection Order is a civil order from theCOM telling the offender who thrutmed or usaultcd the victim not lo harmrgcrin This ordm the respondent lo lave the s h d rn~drncc and not 10enta for the sfiprl~tcd pmod11 pants the vict~m tlu poswsion of essentialpersonal dlkts or use of a vehicle Thc order wmpells thc rcspondcnt 10Wend cwnsdl~ng Howevs unl~kc In the (late iif Mr%u~huutt\ InWuh~ngton the Rofect~on Ordn unda un not ordcr lor ch~ld wppnn.Jmoy, urgmmc of pmp*tv pmnurmt chlld mslodv or the uw of Ihestud nndence The Protatmn Ordn In the firu I~~IJC IS 8 temporary ordathm u #ood fa up to 14 drysThe Caun wll hold I haw of the p~rtlcsmtb 14 dry mi the mpondenl wll bc glnn no~lcc of the hcrnng At thekuutg the COW mll da& ~f the cwda &wid be mdc &ectlvc for w yearaThe putla whcn choose to procad Iw drvom, the Court un pan1I Ratrurmg Orda u pm of dlvorw pmacd~np Thc Rcltrunlng Ordm undal wh prq#ry ~ra# check~% the unpopr Lqmq of prapmln bv !he

w. k of aindnrl proceedings when the rrrpandsn is formrltycb@a arlarcd ud if he is to k nkwd on lnil or pmoculrsoogiana, No-Cmt~ Orda can be i d by the murt to pmtat tkviaim~thepomdiil@In Auanlu. scvarl states hre tpeufic p nwns derl~ng wth yrmvluvult U pl of mmd law Cnmd law In Austdu 1s rquhtd hv theSute G mThe pronwns ue avulrbk to mv p m ud ~ prondc ~ hnlhuimd ldm d awl nmsdlg The remedm pmMdad ~n t hm datutea~ndudc Ratruruq Orden. Orders q u d ~ the q turnlnp ow of propertv.occupuwy ud wrtrc, Non-Valmce Orders ud Non.Mdcrtat~on Ordunwhrch can prateca both the q~plrunt n well as the appllunt's chlldrmIn New Zalud, dormlc nokncc 14 the hlptn-I unplc utqorv ofnokncc nportcd to the polla Domcsr~c Protection Act was p.4 In IOU?It 1s a h l y law vdrlng to pmnde cpeak Wrec to the vKtlrnn ofdarwaic vidcna It pm the coun ~undld~m to nukc mnolm, mn.mokmma. ocnrpmy md ~auncy adnr ud to r&ommmd that n~hcr partyutad camel@It u Impanant to mte that whk polwe un mnt. &alnludkscpapawnm~&fa24houn("acodm(loRpaud")lwhrachdlbeadcr,thcbrach~rnmnndfacnmnldTena The Aa wuranua~u,nadlbe~lnthrcnmnJ~paavhrhprvrncdpsoplc

fmmthe courtl. fhc @icy corn of the legislaton for the DomesticRotdon kl rwac to try to ptaavc the hmily unit u r buic unit in mdy.to mrlionte the rodrl ud person cosr of donmtic violmce ud to pmtectpqmty righU but critics conidend tht this attitude of the lq~slrt~on inqhsizkg the rmidauncc of funily unit IIICI nlrtiip hc d o hrm ~ tothe women who find difficuk to obtun protatton ordmIn the State of 0ntu10. a model ha heen drwloped to rnpond todomatic wolare The model wnwats of policy of polla lav~ng charpn In dlcrrer whac chuges an warranted, u well u I 'Trrmly Conwlllrnt Smicc'k hrgng policy stems from 8 dlrcctlve from tk rrdcr~l, thc Pro\lncld.Solrc~tor G din 1982 tht pbce, iwt the victlm women, were to laycharges In 111 domestic v~olmce USM whm 'Yam nnd clrcumctmc warranttins ram-The Furuly Consultan! Scmce prov~dcr a wcul wr~rkrr on a ull rnvsmntavartm tamThe team hu M oflice In police hudquaflns and ISprod wth M unnurked w d police rad~o The team Inln\renn In camof h t y vldare. rurcldc rttmpts. d~lemmr ~ suxir~d mth d~fTercntd~&itm,hrmly amfllas, chlldrm in trwbk w~th the law, neglectful (wrbwm cltuulonr. ud not~f~ltm of I nddm dath In thc frmllyThc tamhr thm cnp, Intavanlon rokn 11 medium unow furulv mcmhm. 11 acts u

airn with poke, d it provides short-term assislm md refus pmple tothe lppropriue -a or s*via, 'Thc use of this team nprescnts mmap to bridge the grp bamcn the polia force ud wiws comwnrty@ ud is conddd "I a r ~ f u~ntcgtrt~onl of the wral role or ~hcpalia fwce with tditiird Irw enforcement and crime prmtlon mlci'In 1990, chc Government of Marutoba created w a prlot prryect, afdly vidarc axln in WimpegThis court deals with lirst ~ppcarrnca.d s , guihy pk.as, tnds and sentencing for spud, cldc~ and chrld ahuseam Thc axln is 8 criminal court whrch an accud mmav chtnr to ur IL~parr of his right to choose a mode of trial under thc crim~nal code'Thcprovince Jso hu r unified family cwn whrch dealr w11l1 ail hirl~ law matlnsolhu than violence The speclall?nl family vlolenct court was dcclpnrd ~ ndIIllp~~Cd to d d wth five problems unocralal wrth the uresl andpromtion of spoud uuult uxs erpenenced hy rnou jurrd~ct~onr (a)upciaus police -ngpnnlce. (b) fulwc of n ow to proceed haaur offrudnth wth the wctlms. (c) vlcttm fwlrng re-v~c~~rn~mcd hy ~hc co~~n.pmay (d) iqproprirte m t d (c) ~ lrttle or no trcalment t~rdcred or1Vlibk fof LblYnThc hmtly \lola~* court RNCtUrC or syrtcm conuslr of the following(I) r awl vnpkmmutm cornnuttee. (2) five full+t~me spdr7rd crown

monyq (3) r vidua's aavla mt~tled thc '-'a dvocrcy pmsnm". (4)r %lyndcncc unrt" of pmb.tlon mca. (5) mrch tcun. (6) arpponruR persm~ ud (7) twenty 'pm-trme" judee The mun rtts for r told of 5:houo pa ueck The rwagc trme for ~hc cuu from entry to rc~l wu 3months mth meof the uus hng wmplud In Im than 18 months Thrpronded the uslulted worn md her firmly leu ume In cnws md Ias timeduring whKh ahc was vulmnhlc to pressure from the rccud to r a tMost of the cwntna' leplslatlon dullnu wth nolcnce In the funrlv arc~ndudcd rn the pad kw Sped lqadrtron dclllng mth the cubled arew n g up In new Rursu 1 KWlaw IS sel up whcrnn thr nm conccptr of'd ~mavrmton, sacld patronaee. & m d mfupe" arc tntroduccd ThednR Irw IS m Inter- depmmd I~tslar~vc nude up nl lnrrnlv of tpall*ltheoralurn. dog~st. prychol0g1st.c ud lawn* ?ha mwtm coordlnrledrcr~ntru arc thev rgencln and no mtrn whch of them relbes ~nfnrnul~onabut m act of v~olence, lh~s ~nfnmu~~on wll he puvd on llotyl lhe cham ofcammud to the body wh~ch has the rurhonty to take r da~rlon"In thc Unrted SWa of Amenu dl !he Strla have dnmtrc wolmccLn WWI dal wth awl protmon ordm, arrtndy udns, sacla1 WIWcoda. uada thc aiminrl law system pde3 fa arm ud enforcement

p&hn.7hge aden pfotb'bir the kfadrnt from future acts of videnagrm~I nchuive pmmh of the home to he sunivon ud rwud temporuyamloby to the Klbcibudve prim. fhc Wuhiwgton Code wthonaca the cowlto ada dcatordc monitoring of the defadmt The Strtc IWpmwderadii ruch u Rearaining Orda. mclwin we of r rrsldenoc or eviction ofr -or6wt the naim'r houw mody or visitrt~on ruthonsrtwn. forprymnc of child a spouni wpporc. rnomy fssr a cous. r l non-arntrccprovirion, Sane states in USA povlde for finumal wmpcnsltlon for out ofpda loma including mcd~cal apauca. ccunacll~ng ch.r~c. Im of arnlnFsmd otk colts In the Stue of MUM, r w ~vor of vlolencc who M to lawha )ob WUto k provided mth unemployment msuruwc brncfitr IT he hcnshow thu rhe hu nude ruaofuhlc etT(nis to pmwe hec employmmt but thu~m,neasuyfortKr~fnyIn 1994, the U~ied nrta of Ammu hrc hroupht out r federal lawMndy Vmlanxpmwoom .r CMIWmnen An 1994, wtuch powder alonp mth pmrlngho mnedv, wtDEh 13 I pnvrle n&t af ut~on pmnlttlnpvi*imr to aelr mary h a hnm the pcrpetmon ulllran~ r lmver hrdmof proof tlun IS requd In cnmd wt~oru Thls fcdsrl enrtmrm IS I~~dforctocomteIdcmea~udwlrau1 wknocyunnWOOHITbcmqaprwu~rrooC~hubwmdudcfcdarl~toSurcr~obo

spenl for h he and uding tcchnial advances or to establish spetalimsi&ng or -ringunitsUnlted Stna I994 nolencc agmn.. women An IS a model code on t kubjcct dded by cunnmttee wtPch urhded judpeq momyl. dwuta~ ~ t l opdta n , ctucfr. phyucun~ eonccmed ctttrar, fonnertv batterednmaradohpmfapaulnhom-theUnrtedSataThemadelcodet a n danaae ud fmly nolma u I cnmc rqutnng ~ m w v and et h ~ uneMntlm hIt anphuta dny of the watm md chlldrcn udrecaunrbltty of the otrmder The code offers pmctdure for comprehenstvcprotcdlon ordar fw nd~m ud set8 forth ways for rtaln ud uMvnunttlacoordtnrtt dTwu to ~ d w mtcrvene. , md prevent domutlc nolm Clndadupta thm. the Code prdes for c~vtl orders for protccrxmPronuowmch u denal ussunce to pl~t~ons tn the coun ~vulrh~l~~y of emergencyadsr for 24 houn by the judge &a prrond or telephtm comrc bv lawenforceman offiw, arprnvd vtutatlon, rmltutbon, uwn u)s(s, hwrlny con.are urkdcd to prow& brodra rdd to the muns ltw (ode proh~h~ts.mduwmr ud mutual orders In domen~c b~okncc urr"

Anof the Lm ud pdk of dilTaent muntria dating todanatic~L~arasmtklpr~tyoftkproMmudthenscd~oendd 0 d videna thm& tough law enformnml. rnraun pmacution.effective prrwmion programme Providing kpd aid ud shotl stav homes forthe victim in d i m ud providing sufliaent skill thmuph npommwntprogrmm shall be the ob~ectlve ofnuklng a compmhenstvc ly~rlaton lo dulvith the pmManThe laws of thnc uxrntnes consda domntlc v~olence u I crlnr anddops r cnmd cowl proadwe In tackltng the problem trf domatr v~olmcThc c nmd cams twe lntmm orders lo ensure the protectton of the vlcttmud cbldnn from ~mmdwc danger, nolare or malon lrom the home at oddhoun lhs orda 1s in the nature of lnjuncuon retralrutlg the ollcnda fromcur~ng ndence to the mlm or to the chidrm, wn-molnt~on ordn adocarprtm order wbch provldca I nphl to occupy the matr~mon~ri h)mc bythe m&camnalm inclpeettve of who Ihe t~llc bider ts \onmlm.i evlcclltnor vacate order a puvd to mtmn the olT&from entennp ~hc hcrm whncthc~~t~ua~yng 'I1YVmrnmordmueprucdf~rrhofi~todofI~dry or 14 dry u m the Stne of Mluchuactlr In the 1 n~ted Vatn ofAmam ud S ac of Wutungton mp&lrvcly TkaAer. the p.nm ucfa hsrvlm ud IT tarn unuda, n ncfeuvy un cuder protecttonadsl wtmch 4 *. fa m yar. ultb whvh p d the d~rprl~ng pulter

aa~tolpplyfordivora. Mamim.thecavlanpruordaull~p thepwtk fa cumadling ressons The ainud system pronda for pow of~TWI oflhe OFWU dong with the injunction ordenThe civil rancdia tht m pmrided would include pmtectton nrdn miocarph order dowing the vidirn to stay brk in the rcs~dent~d house. nttime Jta evicting Ihe d ng husbrnd throu~h M evictton orda There can kordua iswed for the protection oftk mtnmnnid propenv md rntralnt ordn.restmining tk husbmd from impropm dispowl of the pn~pnttn of the vlctlmud victim is allowed to pouess the penonel pmpmtn and unc orthe whclcsCivil ordm dating to child mppon and custod) orders can hc ohtatncd for !heprotection ofduldren from rbusive rclal~onshtp The fdnd nuament of the-United Suta of Ameof4 the Vioknoe bum Women Act. anpnwar thecaurtr to pcs nsarvry otder pronding clad uvlwrc lo PC(IO(U Ud lkcoa of the litigation wculd include dl !he wn inwncd hy the vtcttm dunnp theApr( fnnn mmdln undn pmnd cnll ud cnmlnrl law\, cpcc~alcaprrhenavc kgdabmu to deal mth the problem of vldencc yum womenve enraed The Daneau Vldarr ud MunmnrJ Procmlirqv Act 1976 ofEqhd. V iV i Rot-Agunn Wanen Acl 1994 of Amencr ud D m uAci of Slue of W&n~$g Dorncs~u Protcct~on Act

1982 of New Zalud uc to nune I fnr Some counma appoint SpcclalCouns to dal mth violence rgunst wow as In the modcl of Manltobr Themk of-in cnme dcte*m and mme control IS lntepnted wth the marlmpdbi'1'hy of cnm pnvemlon under tk Pdlcr Aa of the Arnmcln Codeof I994 Undu the Act, poila OM ue dsqwtdy rmnd to handle fmriyllpute autiom ud funchon M Lamon officua The Non-Contact Orderprrd by the courts m the Sute of Wuh~ngon orders t k offender not tom nar t k walm w cornnut an rcr wh~ch 1s Injunouc to the nalm Non.Contact Order 1s clu, puwd lo potm tk ncum dunny tk tame of cnmlnalpmaedmgc when tk offender rgunn whom I cnm~nrl charpe 15 hamd orm dApwl from wing IcgJatlon, publ~c awumns ah7ut rhc prohlem ofdomgtic viokna is crated by donmt~c v~olmce t d forces hv dsllnnyuru M domestic riolmce frernnm a d crlchratlng day5 and nionthr In thenune of dwstic mlare freeSPoririoa ia lndulndu 1s a foundu mankr sate ofthe Unlted hat~onr ud IS a party lods Chma It ISqnuory to ~nous ~nterrvtrod wvetunts ud potncolc onhunun ngb Thc Indian Cmtutlon enshnrn rk pnnclpla of h um vdumin he form ofgurnatecd nefics ud urns ud dlnctrve foc t k Cimuncnt In

dl b amkmun lv0m~n ue: gwMteed mth eqdtry, ficcdom ud just~ceud the kgdUrn U pr~dlng b c nunlmum to women to Ilw a life of@W SoaJ mls auch u UI systrm. lnfantlclde, kguny. ~llcgrl trafick~ngud prostlMHm ud dowry uc IegJly condunmtd d wch prrctlccs dcclrrdilkgrl H-,auch Irw uc nat cffcct~vely keep% undu chbd; such sowlrttrdrrng the dlgruty of women The problem of domestlc t~olmccag81rul yarns vnva d m oth rmn a hddm cnm Them Is M) wmplctc~pottlng not only beuu# ofthe wal rt~ymrttrched lo ttr lncrdent hut rlwdue to Ihe ha that the wctlm finds m efTcct end r d remedy In the ealalnyb& ud mad system here 8s no ~parfic domculc Iru to protect the humnnghrs of wamm to ltvc wth dl freedoms and l~bmv and u1t11 hunun d~~nlrymthln her nutnmotual home 1 he a b m of rh~mcct~c V~olcnce Act rrr~ndequrte pronuoru In the ex~sl~ng law md worn'* lack ol wccc lo lwllnfomut~on. ud or protection exrcetiute domt~c \lolernc In thn countryDnpctc the const~tut~onrl (rulrantec for qurl~rv md spnlrl prnlccllonto womcq In every walk of l~fc ad at rvq wayc of hn l~fc r woman 1sdeatncd lo u(fn d~mmtutwn. mplolcrtlon ud nolmccIt u slwnsd tht lndu IS chmpon of tunrn wh~r bv irrorpxattnypwuom of hunn n&sd&lrruon, m t)r C'onrl~tutm llselfIhc

Pmmbk ofthe hat~~tm dech rs the rrmn otyccttn m the pvmmcof thethe a mnm of Jutla. Liknv ud Eqdiw among dl Anlde14 dodva thl We dUe shall mn day to uy pnon equdltv bcfvm the irvmd the equd pmteaMn of the lam wntun the lerntofy of lndrr " Anicle I4protnbttr d~ramanrl~onthe hwr of relwon and An~ck IS(I) prov~dnfunha thl the stuc shall not dirnm~rute qunn any cltim on the goundronly of dypon. ncc. me. aa. p*cr of bnh or my of thrm Since thedeam m Mavlu Gandtu" the Supreme Coun has rud tk prownons of theC~~gltutron (n the \I@ of hunun rips junSp~dnw+ cwmne every aspect nfIhe qu&y of life u erpsacd to k pm of hunun n8htsThe munr in lndu haw da~ded that cqdirv dm nocmunrmthanrtrJ sqwlny. ud r klpdUw chu~fiutmn, wluch ISnt~od, no(rrbmuy can k mde ud the )udictrry un take contmporuy Mududs intoraurn In ewhmtq the lqslt~tnuy of I pniculu cluuhtion Undn Anlclc1x1) t k an not be r chfiatmn on the buts of only mligton. w ur butI5(3), a q d y ~honm the Slue to lakc spad Iqdulve -ra forthe vsuon of-ud duMren bv my ofprotac~ve d~vnm~nu~onIt hc been generally ap%ed tht wul proleGIion for women whlchMpr chan to Uum r morr !$muin eqdiry wth men 1% in the Inlnerc ofpp*y.mtdtbmfm~~~iM*cvsrifmsn.~thcnbyputar

t a w d ~ ~ EVWl ' whcrr l hw -1 C@lly ud PliVil~m 10vnnn, rarely in rsJ life do they enjoy dl theae ri&In I soctcrv whererdtgiom ud puriuehy arc in JILna, women dwryr wffed.heuusewhawu ptrimhy aistd, mak dflmi~llon ud wife hut~ne rlw mlstdAnicle 21 of the Connt~m gu~msca loperm pmtalonof hfc md Likrty and acts u I hdd qunn dcpnvltlon of ltfc or pnonnellikny By Ibcny. 11 meyu am the pcmmd nnrtur from bondage to~ndcpnkna Wow who rutfaed nltgtws, cultud ud trad~~lonrlsukdnulon s l~bmlcd She 1s mgnlred u e qd putm In dl drvrlopmenclVrteepa W m ur nnrnc~prlcd by Ihc grant of suffmer ud otk nyhtnThey now enjoy de)ure eqd~ty along vnrh nm At home 11 wouid man themvd of the unjusl ud unecononuc dorruluon wh~ch I huhrnd couldcxanw ova tus vnfc's pmon propmy ud actions Frccdom oilhe pcrnll 11rg.rdcd u the mod fundmntd 11lm-1~ md Ir can be cunallnf cmly by (Ipraedurc enrbhrhed by law, utuch 1s juddlv cnnnlued a.3A pprocodurcwtuch a rrrronrbk, fur ud Just RI&Ito life ud prnd l~heflv Ir WIruDdunanrl fa hch thcrc 19 no suhu~lutc Thnc un be m bugunlny w~thfmdom The fight for hum dlgn~tv has lo be un~mvl and the ~nhcrrncILD.~~vBsu~BQ~)A/Rd* XIV U Rqnaa (~WJ. I I2 + bv W a d66.6 106.0 2551951~111,d~lU&aH.k(Ol~SLIIlMEKun .Sup n#r

d~gnity of hmun being is ~ nof hishe s aatus Thc nghtr ~Tcpualtnpthe dignity of the hum is one of cons~dcrahlc psycholopal mponancc in !hemggk to brat out the culture ofdepndnrv md to alMlsh sdf-eam a drof df-vo~h"For the 6m trmc In Khmk Sinph V* State of 1' P" !he Suprm Counemmined the scope d m n g of thc expron ''perwnd I~henv" Thecorn took the view that ''petwd IiW IS uncd In che andc a< acmpadious term to include wthin rtxlf dl the vrnoln of nphtq whlch p lonuke up the "pmond l~bnty" of m other than tho* deal wlthln thc uverald w of Anlcle 19(1) The caun wd that mr) perron is entitled to a nghcto pnncy Even though the Const~tution doa not dalue rlyht to pnvuv as ahrndunan n&l the nght is m esuntid ~nprcdrmt of pcrvlnal IihmyCondnutron prdn fundamental nph~r under P8n.lll aa rnli~rcablcnghts. w that any nolation cnrnrnittd hy the Vate un bc jud~crallv rrv~twcdrguw States d now awns ~ndlwdrulc The nphtn Ilhmln and frccdornrcnrhnned In Pul-Ill arc r, ucramcntal m d ~~olat~ons of I& nghlr arc ml tok tokntd aha nolrtron I* cmmmted h. the 'Slue or m tndindrul

In Frmdc Conlie Vs Union Tariroy of ~clhi'. The Supreme Cwnhdd tha mywhich duruga or injum or rni*ferrs with the use of anylimb or hculty of r pmn. sitha pamuwntly or mn tempruilv. would beprittdnhinhibiinbibitionofAniek21.-Thc to life indude the right to liw with hum dtpniw and dl thrtIps A h it. Nmdy. the bue of life such as rdegwtcrartrition, cbhing md &her o m the had md frcllttlrr fw rsrdtnp. wnttneud expasing oneself in d i m forms, halv monnp a h t md rmtrnp andwrnmingli with fellow human bangsof lndirw, where the questton of bondage md rehabtlttatton 01%)me labourerswu tnvolved, Bh.gwrt~ I, held that it IS the fundmtal nphc of wwone inthis carmy to live wth hum difity, fret from cxplortattn 'Thtc n~hl lolin vith human dignity mshrined In An*2 1 dmvn 11s Itfe breath from theDktive Rindpks of SWc Policy In m e of H P vl limed h" the ApexCan? hdd thrr the n.&to Ilk In Aruclc 21 "pnbncra not only phvuulo~ w but the qu~ny hie ud fa rrsdcnt~ of ~UIIY UCU.wrar to d is to Ilk ttsdf" Mom tmpawl~l~", the Coun hu

undaArtiJc21.I frndrmntrl righr to cduution IS anbodied within the right to lifeI)mctivc pnnclpk, of State pollcy unda Pa-I\' arc non-cnforcuhlebut ue catstr~~onrl drncttves to the Stue In thar lcg~dat~\c funcllon Theyue the aspinttons of the makers of the constltutlons Alan) of the pm\tnnn ofPut-N ue the deals or the goals thouyht to k achtmd In the I rcc lnd~aThese pnnctples can not be lsolaled frum the fundamental nphtr nofh arcaupplamnlq to each othn The State IS under a cona~tul~orul mrndntc tomte condrr~ons accordme mth tk pn~~pla under Pan-IV. In whlch tkfundanmtd nghts gumtad to the ~nd~nduds undn Part-Ill could hcenjoyad by dl k@ to M th under Article We) and rtpht to dc\clopmcnt Inr halthy mumu ud In wndrttons of frdom and dtgnitv under Artrck lo(0ue to k fortered In thc ll&t oTfundrm+nlrl rtphtThe Apex Cwn in n umb of decrions has npandd tlw amh~t [ifAn~lc 21 dealing wth ngh! to l~fe and pcnonal l~bntv and ha\ lndentnl In Itthe nmml n@s of murkrnd that uc not included In the fundamental nghtrchapter It tndudes the rifi to pnvrry whlch means lhal onc'r pecvm-hood Irdab& Tlns ri*inctudrs the heedom of ~nd~ndurlt. nurned or un~lc lok 6-fra umwunnted outde lnlmwons Into nutlers XI lundamen~allyafkuq (hc pmn A wanm'r ngk lo dcodc whnhcc of not to lnlfutc

prrgnrncy is rmped to he p8fl ofthe w wn'r npht to pnvacv In CmwndacueU, the Supreme Coun hs regarded In number of urc. the nphc to pnvacvu a funduMmd nght cIfUMhn$ fmm the nphtq to p e ~ II~W ~ l undrrAn&21 In Stale of Mahnwhrn and anotha Vs Mldhukar Yarnvan~ndikd' the Supm Cwn held tht undn Anlcie 2 1 cvm a woman of enwnrtue 18 entnkd to p nw &nd no one can Invade her pnvacv ar and whm oncl~ka The ngtn to llvc mth human dlplntv IS the h~damenlal npht of wrrvpnofi and the nghc to pnncv Ir hued on wlurai nlodcxtv old ht~manmord~fy It IS the b~rthnght of any hum helnm and 1% ucrl and %hculJ heobvrvtd m long u rhls nyhl 1s not exerclvd In m opprcw\r nay"51.2 Pmnal lrrr and the ConstitulionE m dmrmtlc 3otlav ranct~tiw domcv~r l~fr ~lilrh IF mpeclcd togrvc m n crl. phvslcal hrpplntw race irf m~ml and wurltv13111 In rwcwty where family norm are d~ctated fiir the rn~omnc of nph~s bv a Crwrmlm a the rtpcnr of 0 t h namcl) fcmale~ and rmnpn om and ruthnomu an vncrlfied u& rrl~plmrr codes. 11 I\ undcmocrac~c fcudailllliptnuchul cornmud nunlfestlnp In expio~tatvm and InJUdICm tamllv law orparaul bw In lndu are h~ghlv dtunrnlrutocv r(runsl wommlhc tllndu.

Muslim ad Chrisfi~ lam dating to nutrimonrd rci::;lesur gcndn budIn lndii Hindus md Mudims haw their own personal laws whtch arc hadUP(HItheir mpedive religious texts and uhich cnitd! tl~lr o\rn (Irsttnctl~cevolut~onwhlch arr colourcd by tllnr own dtsttncttvr rcityron% and cultur~lbackgrwndsU The nrstm of different rcltwws codn hr the cpplrwtton topersod nunat such as mamqtc, dlvora, mnntmance. custody 01chtldrm.~~~~IMsIII~ud tuccauon hu resulted In dnpcrrtc lovalttn In law. u thwdttfamt rdtlpona have cbnflturn~ tdmloglmAll reltpous lam, h w accorded women an tnrcnor .itrhrr ar~drelegated them to I vcondarv poutton Wtthrn uch relrp~oi~r code, uhaher ttbe for Htndus or Musltms or Chrtrttans, tnequalrtv pcr\t'itt on thc hart% ofpcndn Rdormen who rdvoutcd chrnpn tn the rcltuton\ codes frr~rvd onthe tncqdrtrs md d~tTcrtncm h awm cornmunt:tr\ ra~het than on !hernjustlce tbt nt*d wrthtn each communtt~ll~cu Inus den\ 11,womenwtlun therr Fammuluttn the nStr Ihf cornmunllts clalni lor Ihnnwlvn ul~ttu the nght to ulf-detmn~ruuon, autorrnmv ud rcmr lo tc\cw~rcc\P m d lam arc had on m rnlcrprcralron of tlmr rcl~plcwr ccdcs&chW ~ o ptnuchv n and reuu dm~wrat~c and rp,alitrr~rn rcla:~~~n%ti~p%betwan ma ud women wtvh as wdl u withln thr frmtlw*.'.\n I Rnon M Rnnl M~epl,m Iirm d I*, burr on lnrbu lordun F-f andPlhc ~9(1Q6allhc

const~tut~ valldlly of pennnrl lrw IT arc to he tested unda Arlslc 11, utthrefermce lo fundamental nyhts u w l ;law ~ rendcrl \old IIIC problunns *hrchd~scnrnlnatc hwern pcnons on tltc 8rounJ of rcliglon, cocrr and rcrll~rjud~crd mponw lo the con\tltutlonal~ty of ~hc dt\~r~ni~riat~vc probirlc1nc In tlwpmond law 1s no1 wnnrrcnglndun conu~tut~on rqected a stale rel~g~on md undm 111e concept elfxsuhsm a~oungsd dl d~gmr lo grow and contnhu~c IO the rplrllual tlpl~lld enl~ghtminmt Attl~udes and prrctlcea dctlved frtin~ or cunncctnl u~thAlpon wtuch lnipede on dcvclopmcnl uc no1 lo be loln~~ed llown+rAntclc ?S(?Ma) perm~ls stales to re~ulrlc or rc\trtct m\ rconrirr~~r financcnl.pl~t~ul or other wculu actlbltv uhlcl~ ma\ hc aiuxia~cd u~ttl rcl~plnn\pncrlcc In a mn of caxt twins hate tleld ~llal lvruvrlrr laws u~ch a\ IIll~dulaw, Moham&hu. ( hr~cl~dn lau srr not tnrlutlcd u~~h~n ttlc dcfinitttin oflaw undn Arilclc I IThe h n h y Prr\tml~(,n of llindu l41ganil1ur 4lrn1rpn 461 I'd.IOmdmng dl tnpnms mar~~apn am)n$ ~hc Illrwluc \ O I ~ anti 11u1 madepuruhblc, wu ctullen~d In $late $I hraw App M~II" anlon(r otllcrpounds u nolu~vc of tk prunnons ol qwlily and non.cliur~m~rut~~rn un thrground of r d ~ In p Anlck I4 ud 25 I! wu argued 1h.1 Itw Ikvnlln At!

ppllabk to d y Hlndus mde I r offerue ofblpmy udm the act pnw rmlmore mous than under Sealon 404 lndlrn Pnnl Code k nwklnp 11O%nuabk. non-compaudrbk ud dsa by delirung the e\pmuon rhclhrrmore M y undu tk Bombay AQ The Cwn hcld 111~ hct bal~d undrr .tnlclc25(2#) whae conrt~tut~onrl protectmn 1s 81vm to social wclfarc and minirdonns In rcl~g~on bwcd law% But hcld thal ~hc word5 'IN% In to~rc In An~~lc13 do rot include pmorul lawIn r smes of uses (horn hnshnn Slnph \\ Malhura Aiur" IOAhmed.brd women Actlon group d irthers \ r i nttm (11lnd~e'". the Ape\Cwn held that my donn to bc done In ~hc pcru~nd 1rw.i conies wlttun IIICaduwve p u w of the lcg~dirurc ud t1u1 an) 11mlua111b suua~ncd of 11lcperrod lam un no1 bc te\~cJ under Anlclr I ; 01IIIC ( t~nsrltlllton I hcappllcat~on of ~XWIUIJlaw 10 d~rfercn~ rrI~ptund\ Jlllcrcr~t ~cItp~i~n\ ha\rcvdved ud funa~onChqcla J, In hrru hpp MJII ohwed t h ~ the lrunrr* of theConmrcutm knmq rbou~ this dlst~rnums dd~lnralclv ~votdnl ylvlny Hurufonn unl Irw u 1 funJ.menlJ ~I&I and tud only ~lven m a dl~ecl~on Irlthe sun under [)lncllve pnmpln of Stale 1'1)Im lo ~ I un~forrn K LI~II EOK

pplnrbk to dl IU atuaa lmspslln of na or rrltpn at tk appropnalcNneFunk the court optned In this case that rcformc In human rclat~on*d d be bmughl only whcn such dom could ur~tk panlculrr rommunltvud nd!d be acceptable by the pplc And 11 1s mctha necrsrnrv nor po.irlhIcto bnng rrfwmr to dl In one dot When tilridur prepared to awpl and workfw soatl reform, the nrte dmrded lo bnn~ soclsl reform to that corit~~iun~tvJone ud hd to wut for the rpprnpnalc lrmc for reform* In nlkcwnmumnaThe coun, whllc adlud~utlnp upon tk bal~dltv at thc IllnduBlgumus Munrge, Prmlon Act 1946 wd tlut thc appropr~atc sulhnntvfor maklryr the cbpe Ir thc lq~claturc uho wnuld take Into ncuunt thc w~rlamoms ud bdds efi udrcordrnglv hnnp nut reform*Chaela J also ohmvrd that rrncc the trrrn ' pcrurndl laur tind pla'r Inthe concurrant I~st un&f ~tm 5 and vn IS no1 uud In Anrclc I I. Ir to arrlvr rtan ~nf-that the fnrrn of the (nnu~lut~on d~d no1 mrh that thepmvlaora of t k prd Irus h i d be chdknpcd hv tamn (11 ~hcfundurrn(lln@s purunml In pan Ill of lhc Con%lrlul~i~nThe Supreme Coun ~n Knshru 6rnph V* hjarhura 4hrr" kid that part111 of tk Constdutlon dcm MI t

muld not intmduce his own conoeptr of law, hut should rnforcc thc leurrdaived from ncognised d authoritattvr sources of tilndt~ lau vlr.saiptum. vtdch m intapracd In the judpncntc of nnous h~ph cnuns.nccp where rueh law ts changed hy my U ~ or C custom or IS mdllicd orrbrspla'by-The ure d ata lo the question of'adrn~sibility of a Sudra lllndu Intothe orda of Suumum and he qual~fied lo he ~nstalled as a AlahantWhcrraccordin8 lo the oxtMo.c Smnt~ writers. a Sudra IS denled ~licw pri\llcpr\, ~hrcoon rcrpt the optnion of'the single ludpc of the lower court that a~rli drn~nlof prinlqn on the hasls of caste can ru~t rlnlvc nlth thr pars.r,lltc rll' tlnicHowever. the Apn Coun denled rcmrdv to ~hc pdltlono 011 aicolrnt 11I' rlrConst~tutlonai valldl~) of \hr\irrn Uolrlrn ti'r\,tnl~on 111 KI~III ont)lvoru). 1986 wrc qucstrnd ~n \4ahari\h1 4badr.ih k \ I I~I,III 111 Indla" I trqudlon ofemctlnp a commcm ciiil crrlr. the \alid~t\ 111' Atu*l1111 nurnrn Acl1% undn An& 14 15, 4r11cln 4.4. 18, ILJ and l'>Aof t k ('~IIISIII~II~IIIad the W menl of Stunat 4cl. urre ctullenpnf bd6,re t!~c \upreme (

The Supnme Cwn held that thc cwrt un no1 iql.iia~c III mrlrm rdatln~ 111persand hw and they arc all rnatrrrs klr lrp~slrturrIn Rqnond Rajanian~ and ancr~hcr \'\ I'nli~l trl' indln and n~ri~hcr".quation rrgnrding the val~dlrb of Kchiin 7 and I0 tit tl~c Inhall O~rci~cc ACII869 wu raised Funher ~ncluuon of dlvorcc by muluri conwnl 111 lndlrnhvorce Act on par wlh Section l ID ol' Il~ndu hlarr~dpc ACI anti .\%llon :Xof the Spcclal Marnape Ad was prad l'he unllr kIJ Ilia1 Sccr~tinr i anti 111of the Indian 1)lvorcc Act spw~li~n& thc proundr lor rile 111tllc.1~1 rpilinllrin ariddivorce we \allJ As to the pravcr liir ~hchanpn In 11s ,\

Fruncrs d ~d not wmt to ~nicrierc except In r fcu stuntloci hLc An 17ud 25(2Kb) The poi~tld conslctlon ISnot io ~rltnlcrc in thc rcl~~~nurmtlments of the pmplc hut to wul rot koluntarv ofi rj~ rcft~rnlThe jud~ctal trend in dl lhcv caw uphcid their cnnvlctlon In the strlctrppliation of the judiclrl non-~nccrfcrrnct In nutten rclatlnp 10 rcl'rl~ms IIIpmo~l laws rvm in the extreme cdus of wolallc?n nf has~c hiimnn II~~ISIII'penons in the daih I~fc. the n~hr l~re free frnm v~nlrnce 11 has to hrrcmrmbered that pnsonal laws arc appilcahic 11) tlu nrc111hcr.i vI'n ctvlimtinll\hnp born Inlo lhal ccrmn~un~~~ As such ~hrx law\ do m t all~rn ant F~IOICC ti1~nd~\~duals uhu my hc non.kl~c\cr\ (11 di\*rnlr~\ 01 Iwilc\rr\ \rl~rr JII III,Iwsh to br govcrnd h) d~%rrn~inaton and uiiiu

efii mmlge, the n~ht to fix mehr unount, tlw npht to st~pulate nntl-nupt~alaprrcmcnl prntng her cond~t~onr for the marna$c ~nclud~np thr ngh~ to gadtvom In matn conttngmcrer ni~t lromcn hardlt rl~jrulatc an) cond~tlondunnp mrnaee and accept the curtomaw mehr amount\he can hnnlltcxerctr her npht to khulh dlvorce hv mutual consent or ta1aq.l tawld a null1of the husband to dlbora hnne, delqatd to the mfe %he hecome* !he \lrtlmof tnplc lrlaq wh~ch pncrla Ir contlnud even ann prophet h~rnrclforbade IIas the most unhl form of dlvorce"Judlce Dhanuka. In In Re ~mlna" madc an 111drr tji rcl'rrrnrc I,) a 11111Amch on the qucnlon whclher d~\cnmtnartirt jwronnl la\r\ arc r~!.d i~nilrr ~lrcConstihition Accordrnp lo thr ludye. jwu\nnl lawr comr HII~IIII lhc dcfinttlonof "law" and laws In force undcr An~clc I1 11fthc ('l*n\rilul~orl ol'lnd~n nncl areIn h~s order ol'rrfcfmcc tt~c lbtil#c ~OIII!LYI INII 1ll.114rti~Ir I 1, t I 1,1hr\In Its sweep "all laws an fiircc" and thcrefcrrc ttu prc-con311tut1~1nni and p18t.conn~lut~onal laws muqt conform to Fundamcnlal rtphl\ gurrarrlid tin~lrr partIll of the mmrMlon blc noted that the dcfinltton II~ ''law< In Irrrcc" plvmunder An~cle Il(i) (h) ISsn incluu\r dclin~t~on hr~nrrrly u~rh~n II drril!~~ ant

ordlrunce, ordcr, bye-law, mle. n[rulatlon, not~fiat~on, arrtom or u~pchrnng the form of law\ccord~n@ly, custom$ ~ nd usages, hablnp thc fnrcc nflaw ut void lf round tncon\lstnt wtir an? ol lhc hnbl~icntal r~whtrparanted by the Conntltutlon If curlon1 and uupc can k ~ntludd NIIIII~ IWd&n~tion of law under An~clc IT. personal laws whlch arr motlit dcn\cd humMtoms md uqe should he connrucd ar law- undcr ~hc Afl~rlr Illntlu iauwas all alon~ the ym of the SNII~. Smr~t~s and rl~r \lh.mlhn\ctrrnnnlrlcustoms of the rulm 1 k tetlr of the Smrif~r a d tt~c L~hrndlraq wrrr orllvev~dmce of customs recognlrd a- uta of hlnllnp rule-"In duc course of clme ~hrn Ilir tl~slancc hrt~t'fii thr I~IICI 131' thrSmritis and the pre\allinp curl(ims lhrealcrwd to )Irt u~tirr, r~omnlrlll,ilol\appcarcd on the scene and ht ailrrptlnp tnpcnnrus ~ntrrprrtat~on~ cil the umcanclenl texts, t k rchlcved the lautlahlc oh1cc1 til'hrlnplny the prnvtrltln* 01'11~law into Ilm vnth the popular uslpc, nd curt~~mr""Evolved throu~h custonun pracllci? fin! yc\ t~~prll~n. Illndu iru 01hth status and rw)n natu* contained wr of rule< rc#~lla~ln# cxlcrrlnl arlnm. II~the tlindur md thm wcrc rnfr~rcnl hv :he ujvcrogn ~LIIIKI~IIV lhr~iipli ~U~IIIHI0W"r

Dunnp the Bnt~sh rulc t h laws WCIC plbm dn.1 I(, h the tuxlrc\ ofnnl tun t41ndu law wu codlficd dunnp the penal of Hancn tlasttnps asHdhcd's Code of Gentoo laws. the uord Gcntm mrallc IllnJu hlusllm lau asthe rules rcgulal~ng human hrha\iour IS dcnvd from thr~r rcllylon I\lnni I llc@nn Is the hndamental mrcc of lslunlc ~unsprudcm Sunnah Ir rluil~ccepled u rource of Murllrn law Hhm the tngll.ie couns In Ind~a rlrd IhrPnvacy ~ounc~l~ while dec~d~ng matters relr~lng to Iilndus appl!ed alrnpnnclpla of justlcc, quttv and yocd conrlmLe ulllle Intcrprctlng thcrnpturll Iilndu Ian hv the rcl~g~ous Pund~t~ hlu\i~rr~~ robcrnni h$ Ilani~ltotrCode of \lu$lim Idu wrrc appllcd ti\ ~h' Irid~dn C~>trrr\ .rionu w1l11 tllr fhdrrand D~gmtt prepared hv rnl~nmt lullslr on thc ruhicrl\Further dccls~onr clfthe Pr~\b ('ot~rtc~i nnd I cdci;~! ( OIIII urrr hrwi II,IILC@prlncipln In Il~ndu I)lurntashas~ras ;~liJ c\~nr~t!c~nI ilw rtli~cal r~llrr IlruntlIn lhe text onl) as wclnddn Tlic court? #a\e oirr.rit:iriu rllrtl 10 tllr CII~I

mention b u t thr kpslal~rc rcrornrs undnialen br oc ~lrtt~h 111 thc firld 01'pnod laws of Hrdus llowcva niuch rcfo~mc cwid not be w~d on rllultyMudt msThus in appliutlon hcftlre ccurts st ~ht cimituacccmnll of ~lleConrliluim thm wu Ihe pcrwnrl laws ror li~ndus, In IIU ru111rc crl' Anph~Hindu law Hkn Christian law was appllrd In lndl~o ('Iir~rtiat~s, 11w Iwnicustoms wee accepled ad the courlr oppl~ed Irallsr~ ('IIII~II~~I la^Mohammedan Law 1s the tnm etpla~rlin~ tic I$ia~lrlr. nrlcc as alil~llcd Irl;~rrEndish Indian cmrns ~nierprctnl and tu~lal~i+ ~i~~lrlinl HCCIIIL!III)L11) IIIC ~w1a1d sof the cnunly Tht lcruill Tor ~hc rlimprltcrAII~ ,) ~w~uit~al lawwere thrl lhe judpec were Iltore km In rompl~arx' w.1111 111r ct)lrin~cttlortr%ratk tbn "Iexw~pla" of the rcI1p1ori6 tfir%a$ tlwc ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ wcrc ~ ~ tttttrc ~ ~ c t ~ lIn conrorndtv w~lh the wcral cllrli,nlr ol 111c irrnl~llc* l'hc~cb~~t ~hc lrynl~wru of ll~dulaw can I* onl) rlu CIIIIIIIII?~IAII~rcad III 111t- II~III ttl' IIICrpprovcd urstom and ttu wrlplurn of IIU rnclml 11111tltr IC~I~~II~II~ udr Ilrscrtptural Ihdu Law an f1111v Ix Irlc~acv ururie ,I UICC111' kr~~*wlnl~c orlaw Mayne In h~s lrcrttn on tl~ndu LA*of11u vleu lhal l111ulu I rw IS llavdupon rmmnal nrrloms, ultlch cx~\~d p~or lo am! ~ndrpcfdecil tlf'Rnhrmmsm

543 Judicial activismJudicial acti\lsni III lnJ~a IS 1101 ncn esph.~ali\ tr.1111 ~rfc~r~~cr 10 arihirlegislation Thc Dirmive Pl~nc~pln ol Stale Pol~r.\ ,IT111c II~I~II ('ISIUI,Iare honoured in inlerpre~ing tlic laws wltll a vlcn 11,ac~~\c lltr pr~lv~l~lr ,)I'justice, d equality tiomn, due io the elTons ~Jcn lry I Tcw ncll\lsl\judge, refonns In the perw~ralaws were ~ntrtducnl 111 Insllcru ICI~IIII~ I,!mrinlenance lo a divorced wonran under Musllln law 'The clwrt r lu~I!*opinion rronl tlnlc lo llriw ~IWUI IIIC ur#enl 1 1 4 fir1 IIIII~~~III CISII CIJC alld 11a+urged ~lw yovcmrnerir lo takc nccrwn clrlj+ I(, hr~nr III ct~rllnlltn 1 ~usppllcablt lo all Irtespcli\r or ~ril~n~c~r 111 ~11dt1 lillllti IIIC ~II(.\II~~II (1rmaln!cnancc lo a dl\orced \ii1,111n nlfc undc~ \C~.IIOII 1:s{)I' llw ('111nlni11Procnlurr C~tdc bras snsne~cd III .~~IIIIIWII\CIIIC (C~IIII I1cli1 111d1 (~RIIOII 125o(ttw CII~III~ PI~%~IIIC ('(xic I\ nppl~~,tI~lc 10 d,; iwtq~ic IIIC~~W~II~C or 111i.11rellwc)nI\la1111c ICII~I~IUS IC~IICI\

provision to hdp mwnm In diarvs caa auav by dlvorcc h(uJlm worl~cil(Protmion of Rights on Ihvorcc) Aci IQR6 ur. pabud h! ilr Pnrl~airrer~l.which while vlisfving the rdl~ulwru, group. Scctwn 5 orthe ACI girn art ~IIIII~IIIlo the plnia to decide thc rrultn ntlln undcr ldanr~c law 01' rnalrllrtlnrtcr (11Section 125 of the criminal prbctdurc code Thlr optlon rrndcr Sa~lon ! of tllrAa is chllmpd under A ICICIS or the cunstitiltlon. wl~~stl prt1111h11\d~mmlnntlon the hsr~r of rellpton"In a recent judgc~ncnt ol'r caw dcali~y u1t11 a Ilinthr IIII~IUIHI UICIWlllndu mfe IS dlvc convend lo Idaln and nlxrrld 4 w11nd wlli., ll~c L.I>LIIIheld lhe mir~age Illegal aid p~~111~11ai1lc for I,[U~III+ IIII,ICIIIIC III,~

of fim gcnda md then on dlgon. it brcom the cnmt~tutlo~ul Jut\ II~ I~WSupnmc Court undn A~t~cle 141 or thc cllnstrturlorr ui lnd~a IO h1111g outnefc*ury dmthrough its vrrdlcts This would rcnurn thc Ir*~1' rl~c larduntil repealed by 8 contrary judgemcnl of rhc unu court or hr a Icy~\lac~onplrd by the Plrl~ammt Tll~s atrltude tlelps In crutln* IWILWM111tlo11g IIICpopulation u\ it happcnrd aflcc~hr pru~ri~unorn~rrirSlrh llclliu caw HII~other cue rclrtinp to the tllb~cn or lay atd LIISI~JI~~ r~lx.. curlr~l~rltorture Th~s pro\oke\ I;IC nfli-clcd p~l'ulat~tt~i crcatrrirc a11 nlnh~\jrlic~c lr~rchange In tlie alr~ludc ldlllr MILICIVliil rnrnmunit) 111 rlrlrlrsl ad r rjwll ofcornprorn~x"11 ha5 to k a !lie lonp UIIIOII IX~\YCCII tllc \;'011K'\ ,III,I IIIIYIII~I~~\LII~IIICCwar unkna~rl Ttw lau uT t~urb~r~d al~J urrc na, lr&uldnl Irr 1110~11w1)pic usrqu~rins vet'!caulburls a114 ,~~;rtll% Ilcallltcrll ,~ictfr~l~fl~:

continue until dath this my be consided as tk ulmmclry of the tllykt lawfor the husband md wife Lcc man md women unltd In rnarrlage constantlvexd t h d m that they may not k dlalnited and may not v~olatr ~lulrmutual fidelity" Thus Manu lad emphaws on mutual k~thiulners till Jcatl~ arhim Dhuma of mrmagc" In llrnlted numb of urr II war perm~ttniKrutilya pmnlt~d the divv~ce vf a nurnagc not r~lernnld w~lli rrllpn~u\cerrmonm" The common law of mun~~!c dunng Nonm 11mr5 drd not allowthe Ecclniartical counr to pronounce a drcrcc oSd~\orcc" I1ndvr I.ngl~rh lawof dlvorw law. JIVL~ICC was IKII~III~ JUIIII)I 1111dJlt a ~ (AII~;c ~ s Sti\t~11times) on the grounds of r ulfc's

under dl circumstances. the most hateful of mtude's One of the ground fordissolving the nurrilpc tie happens to k 'cruelty'Cw*wu 1 round of divorce. a mensr a thorn, which was prarltcdto a husband by the Enplish nclnirrtid courts to enmhlc the hushand Inseplnte himself from his wife in bed and hrdin~ This was convened arjudicial separation under the rnatnmonlal causes Act l8s7 There HAS theJudicature Aa 1925. the rnatrinionial crum Act 1017 and the matnmrn~alcauses Act 1950These ACI enahlcd [he wlfc tu ohtn111 d~borcc uhen hcrhusband committed adultcry co~iplcd with CI~~CI descrtlon Iir crucltv I)ivoirc i~mmsr add thorn is when ~hc marrlapc ir just and lauli~l r18d iilniiirpcr ate t l ~ ~ ito k diswlved, but firr xinic nlprrvminp railw II Irtx~nle\ inipropcl 111impnssihlc for the panics lo II\C together ar In tic caw ol'1n111lcrnhlr ill.~cmprrWhat IS the ambit and Jiffwenl li~rnls of "ii~lotctahlc 111 lcr~lpri". 111amount lo cmellv in rnatnmon~al rclaln~nrhip I)crr~pil~tn wnrdr, L hroniucondition of ma~rlmonial unhapp8m.r. wen when c~urnl hv ind~nirccc..nqlcct, aversion fronl the spnuxc. ~c~rtb and ccs~t~itn 111' I~I~I~IILIIW wasnever enough in itvlf to amount In cruelty"Mae auamtv of temper pcrulancc d'mannrr. rudenmr ol lanyua~e. awant of awl attmtwn ud rromdat~on. evm twsroml sall~n of pacuon if

thy did mt thraten bodily ham would not amount to legal cruelty They arehigh mod offmcu in the marriage state undoub~edly, not lnnoccnt surcl) Inmy mte of life, but still thy are not that cruelfy wins! which thc law canrelim''There ms a long and conslstenl l~ne of authontla to show that nodivorce w @anted on the ground of cruelty unless there had k n hdllv hunor injury to health or a msonahle apprehension of one nr thr otlicrAnd IImay with equal confidence be asscncd ha^ no other tcs~ was ever api~l~e~l uht-1111 had to be determined uhcther a scnlencc oI'd1vorcr 1111 lhV prollnti ~ ~I'cr~~rl~vshould he pronounced"In the beglnnlng cruelt$ lgv 1luelT uar not ,I pr~iiirlil 1111 il1\11lcr ~IIIIII)II)~II11 wu r ground for judic~al wparatlon bvcn Il~cn 111 pro\u lllr c~in~li~cl (11 lllcrcspnndnt as cruelly, il bccdmc practlcaliv dldi~i~llraiNo salute b ever defined cruelty The dcwtr~nc oi dm~cr In lingllrhlaw was the only govmlnp princlpic In tile lnlcrprctallon (11' cllueily ~nnutrimonid WM Cruelly hawem cpouvs In hclu\~~~ur, uhlcll mu*[ IICshow lo k dnnmenlal to btd) or m~nd. PI h~th, e~llur In aclti;li faci r~r 111

justifiable urtiapt~on Secondly. cmel conduct must be ludpd wth rrfenwcto the person afTecred by 11 and there car, ,io~ he . nv ohjrn~w standard fixedu% whjm~vc test of cruellb I< ~i~slifird hr tllc ~ll~m~tahlc tar111111circumrtlnces of thc malnmonlal relationship and mutual undcr~andlnp andlnd~spmable tolemnce towds each other wth allowancc for tcmprramrnt Inthe gve md take of domat~c life we wrrnnl rq~~~rcmcntc of n malrlnionlalbfe"The rrasonahle wear and tear of marr~nl l~fcnot prr u amrunt Incruelty in law. and the conduct alleycd to Iw cnrcllr niurt Iw jutlgnl hvreference to the nctlms capac~ts for endurancc% categon- of cruellv are not cloreJ" each caw mnt he dlfirenlWe deal \nth the conduct of human helngr uho are not penerallv clni~larAmong the human helny~ therc 11 no l~rn~t lo the Llnd [IT cnrid~~c~ ~111th matconstitute crueltvVeh tvpe of cn~cltb ma\ crop up In ant taw drlwnd~tigupon the human hehatlour, cspacll\ or incapah~litr to 1111ctatc lhr ~$vndurtcomplained"-Tbc npm d b.Cl commtm numng m l &\mu I'IVI alu! ulM r, Lk)num" Ihda IYI' L a d ~ m ~ ~kld~n ~ n ~s~hcldm(lw,r 2 All fR 2q7 ?+(I

In the hunun &tiomthe clpsc~~~ or the inupaatg of toleration 1sarpcUed to k mtrarrtd M only on the hqis of phvvcal or h~ologiulm h . It is dm vny much on the burs of ~ndcr Worn arc rcpcctcd totokratc more than men my 111 trcatmmt ~nflicted against her ~lenllyJudicial decisions on malrimon~al crueltv. ~OCUSC~ more on tlic attlh~dcof the victims about the cmcltv than on rile rvrrlt\ crr nlotl\c 11I'I~ICwron~doer. Family v i o h IS measured on the upacltv of tc~lrrancc on ~licparl of the wife and rnoa of the cam arc dn~dcd nn rhr hsrlr of nnrnral wcarmd tear of the farnllyMarriape laws provldc proutrds for ~hr ,I~su~l,ir,~n 111' IllarrlilkrMatrimonial bond la hrokcn to pci auav ftotl~ 111r cruri tli11.11rs ~1 I~IC Ilusllilndand in-laws But statlsltcs prove that nurnhcl ill' ~ncldrtlt\ 111' v~olcncc rigamstlcprrated mwa and dlvorccd w~vo by the errl~cr hi~sbald* 8lr not Icss Innumk Secondly. divorce prowd~npr In the cxlalnp lvyrl system worwns tk.Jmdy tan, &tionstupktwm tlu s p v r The arpmnts and cnunlaarguments bnng out the hatrl against each cllhcr rnorc lhrn uwal and utlrwwrwins the lit~ption. there 1s only lose ti, Ihe fanul?, md to thc cl~~idren, u~rnel&ng to ~ h dnpriltlon q or revenue Iluwwcr, dlvorw I\ at1unfmrute rrcnslty In our world Thc yrmndr li~r dlvorw mav k cruclt~.&uhayM l m but the u~rnmon mpnmcr I\ ttut a h~caidowrl trl'

marriage pracda the matrimonial offena It mans thu when t h is almdvI marri.ge brakdown parries surch for a pound to diwlvc their maniagcIn rnoa of the uus when the husband want to maw for the second tlme andhis pmod law does not allow hieam), thy want to dlvorcc the first w~fcWhm objaion come from the wife. llltrealment begins ad ccmunucsthroughout thcir life time.In India when Iilndu mamage Act w~s parsed, dccrslonr ftillnwcdEnglish p drnts which were rcmt hy lllndu uholar\ J ihncnn ht hrrct~opined that when the manners. customs and tntdc of IlTr I\ dlllercnl from thecontesting panies of the Engliqh cam, precdcncq did Inorc harm than pnod Inthe Indian population'*The errlstlnp system of matr~mcin~al III~I~~ILII~I~S 1111tle1 the ulnhrellafamllv mnr wth an o\yrct~\e of cpentr IIIAI III rna~r~~tlon~al nutlcrr hn\llm~ted t k Investlgatlcln procedures unda !he LIWI ptt~.cdu~e L~KJc and ha*excluded I.rvym appurrmc except ar amtcua curte 11 har ban d~med thatparties In more caxs mvm are advivd to adlurt w~lh lhor huhand* and Inmany usa bwce 19 not wphi In relation to the proundr In law h~t forother nrcw Con~sual dccnes are pranted wtht proper tnve\tII(Otton

In the leading ase Rusrll Vs RUSSCIP the whole jasis of matrimonialcruclfy was discussedThe faas of the use were ahout the Inn@, hlttcr and sord~d hattlcMwan the Earl and countas Rusxll The countess had petitloned (or judlclalseparation on tk ground of crueltv alleged to consist of homosexual pncticcsof her husband with r n d panv The cwntas rlw puhliM her allegatlonsagainst her huhnd in r scurrilous ncwpapcr At thc hariny, hcr allcpntlonswere proved to he falr and it was alro admitted that ha actlons wac nut nSpure mrl~cr md falsehand w~thout an) kllcf of lmth of her chmpec w~th amcrtlw ofblack mi She mthdrrw her cau unrmmllv hut pcl~t~oncd apalnfor reslltutlon of conjup,~l nphtqvpsntlon on t k grwnd of cruellyThe Far1 counter pec~tloned for judlclnlThe caw cnmc II~ hellre the hot~u oflords as m appeal from tix 1.arl ano thr Iowrr coun tfirr~liwud the prllllrln nrldcounter pet~t~onr by the panlcr and the countc.rs w~llidrcw hcr pcl~ln>f~ II~Irewltutlon for conjut& nghtsThe two oppvny tt~onn of m~rlmnnlai cnlrllv unr ( i I ahu~lutrtmpouibtl~ty tea - where the acts were gave ad wn&htv that dutlc\ 01muned l~fc unnot dluhugcd It can even be s~nglr act, 01 yrutr andlmoknMe IWII (arox lnluna)

Doctnne of danger, the hortlk behar~or by a spouse would mt amountlo d t y In law unlear ~t crud actual lnjurv of the nrso~hlc apprehcnuon of11 lo the I~fe, hun or health ofthe otlwr spotlrc. (rnalonty oplnlcrn In Ruqwil \Russell)The phuacal danger or ~hc pcrqonal daneer cntcnon hold pmxl Tordecidrng uur on cruelty as In a state or ywnorul dmgcr, no dut~cc can bcdlschar&ed. To1 the dut) of self prcunntlon niust lakc placr heron thc dutlrsof mamage, whch are secondan hotl~ In commmcemrnt and c~birgat~on' 'Another doctnnc. ~hc doctnnc of protearon H~ICII rnunr that thewhole d the sole ohjcct or ~lic rernirlv ptot~dni ht iau (or cr~tcltv I* tosafeguard the ~njured spouw ~III~I l'urihcr InJurFi t~c tcrtdy Ire\ wtur~ tkrespondnt has vnce the ulcbralton of the marnagc Ircat~d the pnrilonct w~thcmelly6'Rut !he couns w~li not $r;ini tl(\.orcr 111 rrrywcl III' Im\l uct\ (PI' rr~~rllvdrudy committed unleu [here IS alu~ a reru)nahie lest that lurthcr acts 111cmclty will be wmmittnl"Bmuu a decree bawd on cruelty IS nett a rcnlcdygivm for a mane vlflicted but vricly as a protection for tk rncn

'Ihe u~thontrer bued on tgllsh law wnfinn the mew tht even whenthy consdeed crudty on the p~ of the husband towards )us wife to he ap n d for ~udld rcp.ratlon. the r d v wrr not mth am! ~udlclal nollce todua or punlsh the cmng husband hut 11 1s only ro grant protrcrlon to theabused wk from yt future aucult Then IS na constmrnt lmpd In advmud thenfore a detriment ro the perm conctralncdThnefore there 1s no remedy for the put crucltySce I I of the AEI1895 reenactins the rummrr) jurid~n~on Act l RJX at lens[ one of thc acts ol'cruelty mrnpkned of must have cxcurrf dun SIXm~rnths prlor 11) lryln* ol'the complaintTherefore on the wholc. I~owcvcr 11 ma\ hc wil thrt the court Ir no1very ready to &rant divorce on the yround i)f cruelty wh~ch 13 anclcnt hlrtcrrvunless 11 kc ban rcvltcd or unless lhcrc ISwmc cilnrlnclr,y rcrwln Ii~rlwtionMlnd~an lau rclarlng to matnnionvl renKdles Ir f

ground for the judiid sqmtron and d~ssohrlion of mar~pe SK I3 )(a) readsas follows 'The mpondcnt has. aRa the ~\~nlldtlon of' marnage, trcrtcdthe p itiom with cruelty "Sec 13 (2) g~ws as specral ground onlv for the wife for dlsuii\mg them~ when the husband rn l~vinp wth mother utfc, when he I( ptr~lt\ of'cenrun unnatural offenses like domv, bcstral~rv or the otTencc of rape. or hchas faled to pay the mntmance arrears conwqunt to the court ordrr trndrrwc I8 of the lirndu Adoptlon and \larntcance Art or IT llrc ninrnagc *,I+celebrated when the mTc was hcl(~u the marr~apeahlc ape and thr ha\ dnldnito repudiate the marnagcSlmllarly rpccl~l Mamdsc Act uhr~h I+ a 61\11 Idu appi~tnhlr 10 all~rrcspccctve of rcl~yron provtdcc under sectlon$ 27 Id) ~nrelt~ ar a proirnd ic~rthc d~ssolut~on of marnaMc The Act grvr* speclai gr(irrridr on par nt~h Ihrt11ndu Isw for wfe under ~~tton 27 (1.A)Chnstlan law relatrnp to matrlmonrri rerncdreq I\ found In the IndranDtvorw Acl 1869The An $rant, to the mrny %pouu nhct don't fulfill 11fthelr nutnmorual dutln the remedlec of judrcral uparallnn arid dlic~rrc on ~hcground of rdultay to the husband and dulten coupinl with cruclry to thewfe The Indun Lhvorcc Act I869 provrdn under w 10 the ground$ lordrslduuvl al r Chnstun mrmyie Acuwd~nlJy r husband my prnent a

ptlt~nr In the dtstna can or to the h~ph coun prawn8 tht h~s m g c maybe dlwlsolved on the pound that 111s wfc has an-he wlcrnn~rat~on thereofbeen guilty ofadrriter) A wlfc nu) pcttllon to tlir dl\t~lct cwn (71 I,> thc I11phcwrl pravlng that her marnape may be d~kwlrcd o11 the pround that unce thcwlmn17al1on thcrc of he1 huhanrl has nchanped h1.i profc%.i~on of Chrlrt~antrvfor the prob%~on ofsarnc other rcl~g~on and porn rhrmiph a form ol mnrnagemth amther woman, or liar hcen pulltv of ~ncntuouc adultem, or c ~ l h~parntw~th adulterv, or of mnlape with another uomsn u111i ad~tltnv. or 01ralwudorny. or best~altry, or of adultery cot~pinl w~th wth cnrcltb as ntthou!adultery would habe cn~itlcd her to a d~rtrrce a mcnci CIloro c~t 01 adullerycoupled wth dnenlon mttiout renwnahle excuu lo1 two vcars or upward+Undcr w lon I2 of the Act the hu\hand clr ulfe tii.~\ ohtaln a drcrn ofjudlc~rl separation on the pround of sdultcm crucllv 111 drrcrtlcin w~lhoulrclwnnble excuse for two venrs or upwards*Pars1 Mlrrtape and I)~bcir~r A

judgment of the court irnpropcr to compel the plnin~iff to live with thedd&Clause (0 of mion 32 sap tha~ the dcfcndan~ has slncc ~hc mamnFtvolunurily u ud gfievws hun lo the piatnt~Bor has tnfccted the plalnl~Rw~~hv& d i w of, where rhc defendant IS the hushand, has compelled ~hcwife to nrhmit herselfto proscltutionRonded that d~vorccnot hc anted ofth~c ground. ~l'thc w~t hnxhem 61d more lhn two ycars of rner the ~nfllcf~nn of :he pncvoilr hull 01afln the plrlnt~ff came to know of rk tnfcctlc~n or ancr lhc lart act oI'Sec 2 (4) defines prlevclur hun to mean cniawulal~nn. permanen1privation of the sight of nfher ve, permancnl privalion 111' 1 he hcanllg ol' CI hercar. pnvatinn ofanv rnernher or jcblnl mcrntxr or jnlnl, perrtinnrnl d~+liyurarlonof the herd or face or any hun uh~ch endanpcrr Ilkho w hns ever allonpled Irl ylvc a comprrhcn~~vc dcl~n~llol~ (ITcruchy Much muM depend on the k~>wlcdl(c md Inlrnl!on ol ltw rrrpondcnlon the mure of lus (or her) conduct, and on thc ~haruln ad pltyu~al i ~ rmad dneaca ofthe spm and probably not WJ na~mm~ 11 qdlyappl~uhle In dl cues except tk rcqutrmml Ihr! rhc pny wchnp rcllef murrh w actud ar probrbk danger I~fc, Itmb or hu11h It 1% ~mpotrlhle lo gtbr a

compehauin Wnitmn of cruelty. but when reprrhrnuMe conduct ordeputure from the nomul slandlrds of conjud k~ndms WM lnjuty tohulth w m apprehension of 11. il is cruelty of a rusonrble penon, 8 th laklnpdue mount of the t nprmt md all other prtlcular ctrcumrtanccs wouldconsider that the wndua complained ofts such thr~ the spouse shcwld mt hecalled on to endun it" 'her the conduct cbryed as cruelt~ IS ol'sttch ac h d IS ~ to uurc in the mtnd of the petitloner a rcawnahle apprehens~onthat it will he harmful or lnjunous for h~s 11fr to llvc w~th the rcrpnden~. Irconsidered the tcsl for kidin8 cssn under matnmon~al crueltvTk word crueltv has ken uwl tn relat~oti ttr huntan conduct or hwnanhehviourIt is the conduct in rciatlon to or In rmp~t mnlr~ln(ln~al dutlcrand ohligations It is a course of conduct ol'onc whlch is ad\erwlt a!Twt~n~the other The cruelty may k mental crr phv\tcnl. lntrnttonal or t~ntntenrlr~nnlIf it is phpdthe wurt mil have no prohlem lo dnermtnc II It Ir a quectconof frcl md degra If it IS mental the problem presents d~flicullv I lrrt. threquity mua kpln M to the nature ol' the cruel treatment Second, the Impanof such tratnmn on tk mnd of the ~(nuu Ihnuner ~nimcncc is to bcdnm Wh. the tuture of the treatment ISper u unlawfuV11leyrl such arDomy. then imprn need not be enquired Inlo or consdered In wch urn tk

audty is csublishd on thc proof of thc wndua A mndua whlch is illegalwhether it hu or not mv lmpaa Ir CmclryuSuprm Cwrl In Bhsprt Vs 0haptm cons~dcrcd accuall\ l~~ln~vlhlchrcakdown of marnape In decldlns the lon~ Uood matnnrc~n~al dttputcHowwe the coun declared the verdict on the grollnd orcmeltvAn snalv~lc ofthe factr oilhe caw sho~r hat the caw rr no1 hard 1111the md but IS closed at the trral rtapr ~twlfon thc prtwnd tha~ II hau k npmdlnp for more than R vcarr In ~hc lower coun rtdt h~th a vlrw lo RWI~funk delay and to c.t@~tc ~ t\ dl.rpcxal rt war trandcrrcd froni thc d~striitcourl lo the high coun The ll~ph unrn war mltrc\rr~l 10 In thc ninllrr on abv-lo-dry brws and ditpou 11 irf expcd~t~ourl\ Ihc trot$ rtatit~natron of thcpaitroner took one full year and when !he LIIIN rraminrfJrm 01 lirc rrbpondm~wu lo bqgn, the case was cl~rsrd mthout full ~rlal and d~korcc wa.i prantcdV Rhagat m Advocate practlclnp in \t~prcmc.( (run and lklh~ llrph ('omprrvnted a dlvorce p*ltlcln In IWS tu dlvorrc hrs wlfc Mi\ IIha~t whu warwork~ng M nce-prea~dmt ITDC. a prhllc sector corporationIhm wercmMed In 1966. hvc two grow up well educated and r*tled ch~ldrmHUM'S Jl~tlon was that mfe was of Idultncmc chrrrctn which wnrdenled by the wfeImd mfe Jkyed In hec wtlm mrtement that IC

hurbud b to make uch derogatory aatmmts thm hurbrnd *Idheuftamg hwn mand halluci~tion .ud ha WDS a morbid mind for which he4 s nrprl psyc)tlltnc tmtmm She rlw comadcd thmt he wm wffrin~from puanoid dirorda hnne the mu a~lnrtm r(ulnd the hushmd. themud for the wife under her dlratlon ukcd scvml questions wppstlnp thatthe huhnd md his prentn and pnnt parents were dl lunrt~cs and that r stnakof invdty waa running in the mtlrc familv Thnc avemmtn made hv therapondent wfr in the mtten statement and t k qumtlon.; put hv her counselin the m ~rmi~tion wrrr connlderrd as mental cruchv mmcttd npalnnthe husband ud the coun granted d~vorce to the couplc on the harts tifmentrlcrudty This urc is impnmt for the fact 1h81 this has hccn rtvd as ptwdrntin future ur*, lo prmt m8tr1m11n1al remedy on the ground ol'crucityBut 11 1s the humble oplnlon ofrhe reuarchn t ht the ccwndwddthts cue In hute w~thout complntne the lull tnal a d dclnv w rw~t he agraud for cloang I cue In M ad- procad~n# Sccondlv 11 18qwattonabk M to wkh* juslcc ISgvtn to the deuwlnp party or notkausu, d~mlutlan of 8 mrmap hs to hc on I rpcclrc ground cllk rufaulty or co~cm and 11 IS doubtful w h k 11 un bc on ~rrettcwrhlc brcrkdown of rdahnnbp, beaure tnetr~vrble breakdown IS dill not lpm thekg~&~ve Yndloa by the poltcy md;ers cvcn afln I076 (uMnlmcnt)&t Inthu uw d u not on the brus ofumrm If11 18 m the prlnopk of fault thcury

11 hu to k mde cku u to the nature of the avmnents mdc hy prtm dunng~ud~nrl praccaltngr and thc legal conuquencc of them Whether accuution of~RWuty by the wfc tn ha ddcnr be conslded u the lault groundIt uarargued by the wfe's counsel that avmnents mdc bv thc wfc In her wrlttcnSrtanmt m In the nuun of defmd~ng &elf rprlnst thc allcgat~on\ ofadultery agrlnn hn by ha hurhand uhlch m eaccording her to he t[rtall\unfounded all~at~ons md asperrlons on her character It has to h. ncrtcd nlu~that, the cnun has held that the allegation mdr h) lllr hurhand ,ignln\t themfc ar not proved Thc rllcgatlonr apainqt hrr ma+ not tw true 11 nwv alu> trtrue that the petllloncr IT a hlghlv ulrp~ctonr chsrdcler an11 lhat hc dr*unlc\th~ng rpunu h~s wfe wh~ch arc not well foundedIt IS to he rnmmhcrcd that a wciman hab~n~ uril'd~pnil) and cnlilvlnpgood status wll wy nrtunllv mpond to anv ailep~~on awnst her rharacfnIn s~rn~lu wy onlyIt Is humbly whm~tted that the coun ha$ taken a ttcpmotherly tmtmnn In totally ~gnoring the fctl~nys of the women draued to ~hrwun only by the husband md that too on the round 111 aduitcn I hcrclorc IIIS mt on uy fault comrmtted by the wifeThere is no grinrnec In d ~rwl~ng the numaye ac the ccmn u ~ I! d 1%onlyup m mrolubk meu and the d~ssdut~m IS In the tntncnt of hoththe As the wun gve I$ oplnlon when a mrrrlrNc was dead hoth

ootbdb ud prcticrlly. Ivd there wu no change of it kin[{ ~ricvrd it wasMa to bring it to m end Continuance of marital rllime would onlv becrudty E m though dief IS granted on the gmund of cruelty, the propergmund on the buis of which the euc is decided is irmrirnhle hmkdownwhich ground is not mentioned unda See 13 of the Hindu Mutiape ActThe Delhi Hiph ooun in Arhok \'s Shahtunrm coun rusnncd out thncwhen nuvri&ge was dead for all practicrl purpnm. I! IShrc~cr 10 hnnp II lo anend without accusing each other for the hrddown clltlw mama)rrCnm~nJ just~ce systrn~ wlth the mn ~h~ect~vc or p~ln~rhtng theoffends nth thn cnme prwcnrlon s* In rnouon verv clah~ratc p rdurnof cnme detwlon d proof hyond all rcsx~cmahlc dcwht ~nvolbln~ Jltiuen~The invnfiptlng wmrv, promurln& rpmcv, rndmc rc~pplvlnyqedcs, jud~iuy and lastly the pmal publicThe lnvntrgslrng apenc) ululc In\c\tlpltny crlnln ayaln\l uomcn fallsto gurd the mq)or defects In Ihc promutton to pun~h llu cr~nllcmal lhlrlnyrnvnrrgatlon ( I) prompt vlw1 of \pot ht ~nvnrlpltnp oficn. (2 I pnlpcr and

spkdy ncrordiryl ud dgpuch of fim infonnrt~on qnn. (3) cornpktion ol'investipion wthin pacribcd tim of Cr PC . (4) wnducttnm of search utd~&UIW rocording to law. (51 Jlronolopd ranrdtw ofmd-and wnttwof w raords with prop muninrt~on of imponant mtneua. (h) rnordln$of cam-jdd con&ons, dyny dcdrrations ud 'r I Paradrs III Iirnc. (7)ttdy de~prtch of esh~b~ts for M 0 c.tanuns!ton of speedy dtng of vlctlniud &xu& for rumlnrt1on.s. (8) properly linktn~ of c!iumrtanllai rv~dcncnnth are for the "Al~ht" ofthc accu.4. (0) eslrt~li\hnunl (~~~I~IIVC

in Ihc prr#lc lmd O~JI&UI rtivirm the weifarc of lhe w m IS keptu prmnarnt interest to k protected a d therefore. I! IS mw rcccpted that 11 Ininjuslicc not OII;)lo punish m innocent but dso to lel .m r enni~nrl whosewmmhion of the oRcnce erspc strlnpt procrdunl loopholes of theaimid Mi systemSecondly in caw wch as d ow otTencn and domtr dlspuln w h~cIhc pct~ttonn (wonun) who w m nruaurallv dependent upon llwlr frnr~lvmanbm fw the economlc wppon u c 10 I*prrnli~cd u11h lntcrlm order olrrmnlmure In m unrcpned caw for nlctlon nT d;nr~htcr.~n.law fronr ~hcwtnmotud Iu>rnc by her fathcrm-law. Aganral J cxprrwtl h15 concern 101the llpr In the exlstlng law relallnp lo Irnl~b wlcrc uonlcn hdbc n~r 11pht IIIher w~nmon~d propcny A woman anm nurridpc Io#c\ nnw ol Ircr r~pIrt\ Irrher pmts home but docs not crealc anv rl~h! In her hu#hand s home $11 II~Nhe u ilnn8 there am~uhlv. qhc 1% dlloucd to \tar and In IIIC ncntr 111 d15pulcor duth of ha husband she 1s lcfl lo ~hc mrcy rrf her an-lswrIn r dwy murder caac. Punlrb and ttawuu k~yh wfl rwrldcdRc 50.000/- sampmullm to plrcnts of na~m" Conudrnng the pllyht of thewarm wwh ~px uwn In ruse ol nwd.ll~ny~~ and cturrcln arswstulnrnof wfc. a w ~ ~ the e d khnd under kc4WA. IPCIn ths ww, lhouph

dba~ wu obCrind the bhnd WM find k 1.36.000 to he pud to wltmwoman M mmpewtlonnThe Indian p ad code deals with violm under wtions 323 ro 32hud See 352,which arc except vctlon 326 nonurgniz~hlc and k~lahleoffencea Sec 327 dals with aapravated form of nolm Them are spcciiicprowsw dded in the year 1983 for dcaling uith matrimonial cnlell) ando f f m relating lo dowry Scc 304R 1s added to dcrl uilh doun iiealhr andSee 498A to d d with matrirnon~al crueltvThe problem of dowy In lnd~a tlas rn he trrnlrtl a\ a spc~lal ft~rnl 01domtlc nolena The &creed fiir lnirncv ha# hrougtil Joun 10ashe% Ihcpmlwr llvn of many younp pltI\ and wlbc\ Thc ~wLI,~, lc]r~*lat~ori to ilculwth dowy related olfcnces enacted in 1%1 and arnendrd lion1 IC 111 tlntcprohlhlt~on Act 1% 1According to Sealon I I1 13, of !he lnd~an I bi(trr~~c 4r.1 utirn tllcquest~on 18 whcrlh* a penon hu comm~tted the dowy dath of A wc>rmn and 111s shorn that mm before her du~h. wch woman had hcm whlrc.lnl hk suchperson to cdty or b u r n t for or In conmlon w~th anv dcrwnd Tordowry, the coun rhll presume IIUI wch prrupn had curd the diblnp dealh 1%under 304 B of Indun P dCode l ~ rdatlnp u to domtlc vu~lcnce agnlnstmrmed women IS dull wth under the pronms of cnmlnrl law 1% ofTencc%

cmm~aed CnSl hrmM body Murder ud culprbk hom~dc and uuscne&W dcuh uc nvdt plruJhblc unda the lndtan Prml Code It prowdwpwwhmafs Tot pcrlodc Srm ow year lo lrfc unprlsonrii~nt for acts of mdtv~ollmlllled by 1 penon c,g.%lnrt mulher 111 bai~ous forms Sccllonr 1:lo il(1.dals rbaut the ofkncm of hurt. mth or wthout wcrpon. gncvws hun with orwthout wtrpons, cruung hurl to camp1 the bictlm lo do rllqrl ncls or lomotl propmy (W~on 327 ud 3?9), cduanu hurt h\ rdmlnrsltnngwholerome drugr Sectlorn 341 lo 348 punishes u~on&lul restrain1 arulwnfinemcnt of a penon ud provrdcs pun~ahmcn! froln onc vcar IO 1 vcnr*depmdrng upon the nature of the oITm Thc uu of cnmlnal furrc orhmng Is nude puruhble unda Scctron IS? for 8 prnd ol 1 monlhr orRs 5000 Sectton 154 Ir a specrd proktston for womrn, uhercrn uu (11 rrtm~r~alform ~~UIUI w m mth Inlent lo aitrylc hn moJcstv I* made pnr\liahlrwth Impnaonmenl for 2 y un or wlh fine or w~t holhkcbom 375 ud 376 of the lndlrn Pmrl C(dr puruvh Hap A9 ancxceptron 10 the off- of rap undcr $ccl~on 175 ltw ULIIIJII YYL 1h.lvnui lmamrne by a rmn m~h tur own wlfc. the WI(C IKII klny under 15yan of+u nol npc Acwrdtri&ly any forced murl ~nlcrrourx u~lllwl Il~ccoment ofh mfc waJd m n lo mul ~ rape if lhe w~lc Ir hclow I I vrmof y. for winch tJw hurbud un hc prowled

HM the ume & prowda unda C h (6) that r wnmn ini w e of giving wmn~ until 16 yeus The mom& is ahout r wife who IS15yeusudWow Iby~whcnvlrwlly VldUcdhyhCIhusbud.~~wouldnn~wuntl~mrntllnpeSection 384 to 389 purush rxlORlOn whcrc the off&puts r pMn Infur of my injury to thu penon. or to my other, d them by d~shonestlvinduce the pamm so put In fear to ddrwr to mv pcnon mv property orvalde r&urityWion 494 prnlshes bpmv ud Scctlon 497 punlshenadult y.%ton498 A Is addd b) thc Cnrnlrui laws An~cndnunt Act ION.\ I ~ Idul w~th mtrimon~d cruelty 'TI*ncctlon rcdr as ti~llow\H7rwwr krw rk hu~hud IN rhr n-lurr~r!/ rh, hn>hurulr Jrru.mwm, xuhjwrs .such wmrn 111 cruzl!, .&I// I*. /wrrr.~d nrlhI~I.UYYIW~I~Y u wnn nhrt hrrf~~trl IIJ J ~vivs ufd Jwrlla1.w k Iwhle IO/(IV. 1 .t~ th. purp~.u 04 ~hrs wc /IIXI. 't.wI/v'mrmc /a) cn). wrll/ul crwrhccl n hrch I, of .swt h a tuturc us 1%Irk& ro h rhr n rwr NI crnmrf mrlrcl.tck r r to umr* uuwrnm cx +r III Ir/r lrmh cr hralrh, lnkrhrr mrnrrl IWw) q/& hll*n cx *I hrru~wnl rrj lhr nrmm nh-r~.,wh -ILI wfh a 17rw lo trxrcr hrt rr an). prrrmrtbrad m k r m m r lmluwjul (Ldb# m~,pr*rrI.t 1.v

whdk srcrriy IW is mr -I nj&lwrr hrr w stypv~nnhrrd to hrr to mrrt .wh &madThe term awlty b mended only to r muitrl d i d where the rct ofthe ofCader L gnve cno&to driver wm to -1wdde or whcn thcrrb gave injy oc gnvc physic or mcnul dunrgr Scarndly mnccpt of crueltvi~ extecwkd to incluk dowry nlrted huurmmt In r family The semionthedore ba not apply to s mu whrrc thcrc 15 no dowy rdrtd pmhlrm andthe Ict of awly IS not '.qfsvc' lo L( to dnw tlu woman lo commlt wlctdeHere lguh the cnrelty I5 w w r d on tk haw of lhc allltudc of ~hc \lcrlnl toWC~ cruel tnrtmt It IS hurnhlv uhmtltcd that thc pra\lrt of thc nllcncc Ir,be mredin ach ur bv the )ud~e mav not cow other 1vpr3 of cnlcltv trrvlo~mce, 1 wo~slmay sufm at horn It 1% apallirl lrlt lo tl~r urhjcct~\e&tmnof the jud~e therefore I! nuv omst aw wkrr IIK Inl\ln Irphwdly k In gnwty but would be rffecttncllng tk dlpnllv crfltu womanSealon 506 pumsha the offnrc of cnrn~~l ~ntrrn~d*l.r~n When thehwhnd thrcucns to uuu dm, vr wvr leu tin cauu death or ~IINOII~hurI. or lo cwu the dcsr~ctlon ofrny propny bv fire or lrnpulc unchau~lv lor wman, shll be pumlhcd wth lnlprtrnrlment of nth dcmpt~on for r ~cnwhrchrmy~~u,7yarsormthfincuwthbothExccp(l% Sm~onr 354, 4qX 4. l(X) ud 1(!4 H all other utltonc arc ofgrrnl lpphMar to dl pasom lnrplte of dl thew pronuonr [kc I\ rx~l

mrh. 7 hated under thae rc*lons except unda 323 (hurt) and325 gnevau hunlnspte of dl thew prowvoru In cnmlnrl law md marna8t Irmvioh a@nsl mmcd women IS rot reponed a t k should hc and numberof a . where provcutlon mdcd IS unut~sfactoryThe need of the hour IS an altemrttve Iqml l'ram work where ~ hcawof domesilc ndcn# apnrt worn wll he created ulth all Vnoil*nerr ar anv0th offence under cnrnlrul law and rt the vlnx I I take ~ wre thr alxlc~t ttrIntqnty of the fun~ly a d chlldren 5 wellarcCnrnld lnds in cam lnvolvlng crueltr and dcnlllr awin.il women.should follow nnngcnt probluons It

"LJW is dl autkd. while aution is the watch word In appeal rlpim~rcquinrl u the trid judge has oarsinn to wuch damanor of mt-andirpufaawr h i d no^ k nude mcreiy beuusc r different concluuan muldhave b m I&,the prowsion does not 1nhib11 mv rruncllon of I~rn~tn~on.pudmcc danmds restraint on mn pdub~lity or pmibility hut in pnver~wor mivading interfaena is irmpnativc othemtsc existence of pow shall henndmd mwning~m'~Husbmds who are wsptclonr of ~h cturacrn of the wife hafa\\ themud aome tlmc k11l them too rhcrc arc CAW relat~np to dowy ad there arealso C&M In pod numh of caw ol' \~o;rncr hul w~lhot~t a down demandIn Clan&la1 vs State of ~ahars+lra* the cnlel~\ war ~hc re411ll of theunequal soncrmc statusThc wfc comlns from poor funllv was 111-cmldmd hurnlllated md wac pmcnted from nrltlny her parmlc md wunr even onmmc upuau dry Mu one such ~ncidrnt of hunulutron to hn In Ihcp r w of her mner who c w ro rnvttr hn J~JI he1 m ~ ~ lhc c wrfc , warburnt to darh m h room m the nulnmond home, huhd atcxd mlhwlutendtng my Mp ud prevcntmg orhen dm, lrm rncMln(( to put or ~hcflunc

JWia I.D. Dur in a Punjlb uu sad, '*Women in wr SOCIQ~. normallysubmit thawelves to thur fate md bar ill-trutmnt u thc hudr of theirhurhnQ d unkrr r clim~is rached thy uruJlv do not uhe the despwrtcnep ofsoin8 tor police art1on to lodgc 1 repon Thc poor f imlrl condltlonof ruch womm md 14 of proper undastad~ng on thr pm wwkl rlsn uandin their way of securing r propa medlul certlficrte, mr rbsrncc ofr r~wdldcariticue un thu hardly be considered to be r rtronN circun~stu~~ediwediting the testimony mth respcct to mrltrutmcnt of lhr mfc rt the handso f k hulbrndnFurther, fim if the Injurle on her person arc rc~nmdcrd ml to he mw-iws u lo call for thnr treatment hy a mcd~cal prar.tltlclwI, ~f ~ I C hasactually brm ill-treated and beaten. that Irertmmt mu\t hc held to rmt~unt 111mdty rccordlng to the flmdrrdr of all uvlliud cdltwinlnThere is the public pnl~cv to ruu the rtr~al urrus of wtlnvnhwruled of wad khrvlour md conduct In respect of artur worn IN thelndun Society of todry muu k raognlrd ad kept In the lorchont h+ tluuwns whlle derumuun~ what wwld rully vnarnf to cruelty undn IlirduM w c An

Whu hr ken p M u d r y Is nothtlrp hut a milstion ofgiicmnm which rre the n od lnudmts ofwnjugd life md rhc m lt of whatin the felicitous phnsc of Lard knntng hrs heen called 'the ord~nrry wurmd teu of married life" It IS not I@ crueltym The courts woi~lJ hcdisinclined to dimiu l~ghtly the so ullcd rsola~cd acts of r~~olmre a d lavultrr nol mounting to cruelty IT the nctlnu of such uvults resmt and takeamion to themmK~nds of cruelty or the klnds ol'condun uhlch mar U~IIIIto crueltyCruelly ISmuufcst In almort dl of the mal~un~rr~al titl'mscs hkc Jmt~cin ofnqkt adultery There arc co~tuclr llke a&dra\atnl awul!, or aarrullp t ~ t ato l oonbrtloh habrcwl drunkenness or druy addlct~on or pcrrtsentmdty to children of the marnuye, crr Lmwrnylr conmunlcntrnp venerealdtrar u compdltfq I wfe lo whmt to prost~lut~crn. di thcrc la11 u~del tlwutqory of crueltyThe dtnlnctlon h e l m phvucd ud men1111 crucltv I* art~llrrrv and 15onty for amvm~ence tfwwer, when there IS 1-1 cnnrequmcc apatnst m\lufh aurultat~ve betunor wlilln the mma@ and the cvpectrtlon t lul (me a nbc med iiw w~fe uuult mv don vm men frnm h~ttlnfl lhclr fmkpur-

The bw cornmiwon of lnd~r on the Illndu Marnqzc Act lQW hadr&ormncndcd that the act be uncnded to pronJc ~rmnevaMe bmk down or~I~UM@ ISm dd~t~od pound for numap The marnape law(AmadM) bill 198 I wrc lntroduccd mcorpontrng 1111s unendncn~ It wasrclernd to the Jolnt select cornmltlcc of he plrl~amnt whlch op~ned tho1 thcd n m t he deferred till Ihc rvrtm of bmlv Court wac ~ntmducrd In Ihrcountry how thal !k 1m1ly (tnrI? wcrc uc up In rnnnv tlalc* i~ndcr lhcrunlly Coun'r aa 1084. ~ncorporotlnp chanpn In ji~d~clal pimlurc formrtten relatlns to fmlv dltputc5, nutr~mon~al caws arc crprctd to dl\powlof m r more congenial atmo.ipherc I m lv couns arc spcc~lliy crcald In mdthe adwrruy mahod of clwi I~!~pal~on whlch arc unw~led lor d~bpulcnlnvolnng human feellngr The Act urn at pro\ldlnp n@v~cmfv 111 ~hcnet~nu of ~tnmonul wrongs I~wyen ue pcmrrll+ #vo~dd 10 el~rn~nrceh r m Iqpl ugumen!c In the Ilm of advmrr) procadlnpn lo rnlnirnlw t l ~p m of scpuulon of the spoum lhc Act urns 1the prntcctlnn andpresavarlon of the tnslltutnm of nurm~c and fmly ud lhc prom,le !hewclfa of ckldrm For 1h15 pr~~u. !he funlly ccwrl judge$ IMIII~CJ alwpawm from aha frculrlcr such AS d~ln wdfuc ud mid urnwenhsprtvlg pmm ue rurued In M~I~I 11 I Wllmt In t k firu Insl.ncc andd y wtwn there Ir m rcuocuble pourbi~ty ofr mtkman 1% notlccd, drtutorv

aediu ue worked out k d i n p arc mrmdly held in am andevidences of formal character m acceptedScaion 7 Explanation (d) of the Flmily Cpun Act, specificdlv prowdmfor mnediu in the domestic viokncc utustlons The eoun un entenain a sclttor pracccding for m order of injunction in circurnnancu lrirln~ put of Irnuitd relationship Homr cun of criminrl tuture such as dowry mddowy dated o R m an ncludcd from thc jurisdiction orthe counr5.1 National CommisrionrThe natlond Human Rights Ceirnnli~wcln uc up unJcr I~IC I'rotwll~~n oftlurmn Rights Act. 1993 IS an lndepcndent auttlnonlt~u\ h~dv and 1% chargedwth the lrnk of protecting and promollna tiurnan rlghf\ agalnu Ihc nuphf of Itlestate It npwercd lo mqulre wo-moto or in a p*lflon prmlcd to 11 hv anctlrn or any penon on lur cwn hci~alf WIIII rcilrlplalilf 01rlolrtlon 111 humannghta or rbutment t k f or negl~gelxe in !he prcw~~~t~n id' WLII \~t~Iallcrn hva publ~c mvmt The comnllqucrn hrq rli fhc pwn- elf a LI~II ~c*url IntIIfl a u111undn C~vil Produrc Code 1908 d olhm pnwm mury (or I~Ktnwstrptron of an oRm The cornmlauon un tde up std~non thc sulqcnof l u r ~ r~ghcs ~ ~ vlolr~~ons ud r mmcrnrrcr h~r the clTea~vcimplanrmatlow Unda chrptn 6 of Ihc Act, llumm RI J5C ruins CAI! he wup In a ch dmnn Evm thou@ a lud muk progrms In the field uf human

ighu protection m o m is made J lot still rmuinr lo bc done espcc~allvwhen hum rights violations occur within the clod walls of the furn~lvdomesticity.Thc Nat~onrl Commiss~on fur womcn was ntnhiishcd udc~ ~hcNational Comm~ssion for women Act lW wth the ta~k (ITmonlttlnng allmattrlr relating to the consututional and legal rafcpucl~ds prowdd for wwonxnThe comm~ss~on un review the nlftlnp laws and make wWpcqtlonr to theGovernment 11 w~ll also looh Into the complaints and taJc ~uo-moto notlce (ifthe caw involving depnvatron of the nphts of women ~n ordcr lo pro+tdesipport, legal or othmu~r to hrplm womcn I he cc.nlrtilr\lon \hnll minllorthe proper ~rnplemta~lon of all ~hc laws nude tci pttital ~llc rights or Nomenu, 15 to d i e them to schlevc qual~~v In all \phrrc til' l~tr and equalpar~~rcpirm In thc development of tile nrtlonThe famll) courts md thc commlr\lonr on hunun r~phtv ar~d on women,arc hng good job but still rqulrw c h ~ ~n n thc uulkin~ pattern md thc1tt1tud.c of lhe oficn so that, ttm arc ahle to coorditia~c w ~tl~ othci Ningr ofthe gomwrmt mrc dcft~velv and hnng oul ral ltrulcc to womm In llulrenjoyment oftkr pe~nrl nphts in puhilc and pnbatc

CHAPTER 6Summary, Inferences, lssws and Suggmtions

Dwrmic violaxe yin* manid women u matrimonial cnrelty orwit% abuse is prrnknt everywhen in IIK human why Inciden~s of suchviolena are king reported more in numk in the rccrnt vrarr compllin~ thekphIatan and policy makm to investigste tnlo the wale uwl wrttty of suchinridncn Studin on the .wbicct IS encouraged h~ world htnllrs ConCcrcncnon WOn!cl~ iYdlcs are held lo create awarmnq anion)r I\U p plc on women'sworth for humn dnrlopmcnt C'onvrnllonc and 1)rcl;rratlons drnwn nl7irmrilin ahlute t m the dcterm~na~lon orthc human urlct% ILIrlltnlt\a~c mil li$~rn\of d~rcriminalton agalnrl womrn artd \lr~\c lo ilphold llir prrnr~lpln 1iicri1ml1tv.fdom ud justice lor womcn on par ullh mn all urAs crf l~fc Womrnconnltutlnu early half of the human pnpulrtlnn arc ml~tlrd to cqi~rl~lv andequal opportunity in dl avocattons (11'life \V~imr:i'r r~pht\ arc ncrl 111 kviolated All abuses, nploitallon and wolmcc comm~llcd agnlntl womrn in anvfan dk in plbl~c or ~n pnvatc are rnjulred to be eradlulid inltnl~atc.l\ Itnhall be the rspondhillty of hi~msn cornmunl:\ to crrate a tuntan urircvwhew one liw pcaccfullv cnjonng haw huma~r rt~Ii~$ ad frredirntrto l i mth dipiw ud wthaut fwI,,& ,,,igmJ 1- of the llnited S&llun.c ad uroclatlnu w~lh4 bdm a, hurun n#nr luc rmW~ed ~th-lplm II~ humn rtgh~n

a h Mlty, jwlicc ud lihm the conat~tution itdl Wick 14. 15(3).21 avirrgn the right to qwl~ty. protective dlrcrinumt~on In liwr of wornud chidm ud right to bb and liberty includ~nm the n8l11 lo Ilve w~th hunundignity ud without fur u mforcuhle fundunentd nghts yrtnsr tla state udpriwte pawns Every Indian is given I fundamentd duty to honour the dlgn~tyof ~0men d ddcnouncc any practlcc or dqrdlng won~anhawl I'he Ulrectlvrprindpkc of state policies unda Chpa . IV of the convltutlon hu b mguiding the slate a d Ihc j~dl~laiv 111 b~lnytng wl m~inl rrfons and ly~dat~vcinnamlions throulJI welfare lcg~lrin~uns uJ ckt~vcjudrul dwlunns tofunha quality d rdcqurtc naanc ufiqal prottirlon III wtirncnWomen In lndu aa wch uc grlntnl "l,qurl~~y Lkpte" lhtouyhconnitutiod giiuantm and lep~drl~ve ~nnovrt~rinr Uul In real I~l'e rvcwIndian womm still sufTrxs 1nrqor11ty In ncr) lield nuwe npn~dl) In nullerrdating to thnr penonrl life 11 homeThe V.dltm.culture UY] rclt(pon evolved nortnr tht bind familymanbar rclprktc thnr rcllwtlcs In wc11 r wry thar lrbwr Ir Jlunhuled, dultnue &@ t~ tkpmr IS resewed In only OW, the d c k ~ cf d lhe funllyMWhy a the accepted vxd norm ud POYM) who dtv~ated from ruehn m W ohlam Unfmunuely. s uwn f mlm evm womm lngmp.mrrdul nknr ud In turn utlllr thar pmr ud p~tcc~, OWothery~gswomn~thefrmly

interpenonJ &tionshipa m q the mmkn of thc funilv acch rs&ape,dim. adoption. custody and ~urrdiuuhtp of children udt d n f ~ ~ n lal ~ led ~ by p n J law3 or ~~III(IOUS cwim i ~f tIw partlcsReligions uemdc d 11s nonns ue deripncd to fit Into the conwlmaof the male uni* MOrip t ~ts of dim In due mrx. due to m~aldisionions crated customs md m r m wtwh wnrt to ttle dtvdvantaw ofwarmnhaod Womm arc rdod u (iaddns but thor ml prtlon 1smaintained low than that cif thc dam Rcilglonc whlch are Mdr for thespiritual upliRment of htnunk~nd IS inlrrpretcd to man that womrn arc tuJand dnnm and are unfit for ulvat~onIn this social bcldrop. thc appllutmn of prrwnrl lawr lo mrttnsregulating family rclstlons muld not mdoru prlnnpler of qualltv md ~urticcAll pmal lam contain provtslorls whlch are dlmrnlnrlm nn the barn ofsex and thercfm has to hc stnlck ultn nrcr irf thc conrtltuclon Ili~wcvn thejudicid interprelrtlnn of mlclc I Iof the cona~tutw~n dralln~ wlth thecwutthltionrl mm of thc lawr har excluded perronrl lrwr wlltlln 11s prfwrw7he S u m Court In aof uwr from artc of Dwnbry Vs Nurm AppMdi (1952) upto Ahmedahd umn rtm group Vs limn of Indlr (lW7)hr hdd tha k@ain refam, In pnavl Irw ue to he brought out only bytk kgnlrtm d tppropale llmtngn md tk prkiuy annot lntcrfuc wthIcgiM~ d m in bnngq wt uch dam The Id of pdttrul wll u

theof km of polltlal support From nl~gmus mlnonty mp hrvc heldbelr the lelprlrtm m ptng towards rcfonnt m pmonrl Irm umng rtW~Y gcndn Just=fherrfon dl guarantee of nyhlr md frrrdoms m favour of womennap a~ the frcm~ door ofthnr nutnmonlrl homesWithn the four walls of Ik hrnllv, under thc corn of famllv pnvacvwomen ue denled tkr nphts Abum cxplo~tat~on rrd wolencc ecwnmlttedagalnsl women go unreported U'omm prefn lo rufTet In ulcncc than lo rpcrhan thar problans ud hnng d~qrrce to ~k frmlly IAW enf~clnp ruthnnlvavo~d ~nterfenng In dom~~cd~sput~The m n ohjecl~vc of the pmcnt ths 1s In Uudy ~hc prwdmc ofdomestic wolm rpunst mmcd women In ~hc WIUV md to find 1x11 ~hcu~lm and edccls of mch w h c 'Ihr eflrttnR hrl pfrmaon, dcalmq~ wthdomn~c violence agwnrt mmed women ue anrlvrd to hnn~ out tkkrophoks6.2 Inlrremcew r dThe nudv revealed that dcmmt~c nolaw against marnrd wcmmin familks whnc huhud nh~b~~cd dumnrtwn ovm h~r w~lb, whmhc w ~ e to d mtllfy hs pcrs~d nrrd thmub mother w m ud the whwed to tIw wad mnu@s. when the wife muld not utlsfy !he w*uJ aotk paraul mats oilhe husband duc to thed~hmcc or ucknen ofthe

fdaed tncrprbk of contrrump, on the m m d homeWnmonul cruelty occurred In f mlm whar the husband ud mfe wnefra fmilm of IW d l w l 8 The w ud pa-mdtty dash m~GUJIMthefor mrny tnudmtr of vmkncc In the upper antr of the muv, whenof df mpecl or self dtgnlty owpkd rnth low morality ud pvmytlmdns of rbur awlnu wva by drnnk.cn hurhrndr In thc lowerstrmtl of the wely In the dm urcav whrn women take up employmentout&thar hw, the nard soc~allul~on 01 wch wrk~n~ wmn m~h rmiccolkylue, m thnr plrcc of emplovmmt mv arnplcKm In the ml~wl IThuhnds nsult~ng In manta1 dlrord ud ntJmcc Ihe mnrl tmpnnmt lvpc ol~hcnolcna thr 18 relaled to dowry ISrepuncd In nnvrprps and ~cwnulnexpose tht hunun pcd lor d l h ~nd quick mHvy I he drc~dcd urs ol thcSupreme Court on down rclatcd crRmu n p x s ~hc ~rhunun wavs ol lunurcud crudty to the ywn# brldn fur IWW). rld prclirn) iudlr~~ to wl~ldeb arulmurk Apul from thcv cun, there uc funllln vkc huhds heat tlnrW V JU ~to show thnr dom~nrtlon ud controi ud Ihq take pr~dc In do~n~P6JLpW,The ~ISIIW mmld JUSICCnuun pnultrcn vn~lmx m the lcnm oloffmcahum body In BanJ ud In munmmtal

When the p d In* plmahea the pptntwr olndmce, the tnalT ad wnh conmuon and pl~&hn!efIl In the form 01 lmpnsonnlent d fineThe avil hw wan under mrlnmnud lrws oondemns ~da*rbaween the WOU!~ aid pmwdn rmdrv u 8 pund for the judlurlKplnhon or d~arolut~m of nurrupc Jlowlng the pvtm to bqtln I new k.f of118 through nmvnrgcSpstd statue such u Duq Prirhth~t~on Act Inn rcrmt unmdmentr.pnullsm the hsbrnd ud grccdv prrntn-ln-hw heavll) whmm then. lammplunts lbout the demand ordowv or crrumncc LII doww dcathrThe runlly (ouns undn ctclu*tvc lurlld~ctlon 10 deal wt~h pwumallaw m t m ~nclud~ne mqn and mtnmcm~rl crirw, dlmc at protatmp thelmegnty of the fmly fir* than to slppon thc ~nd~wd~trl rfcllnpb of the pan!-In this kpl ut up, I! wnwld he wen that cnmlnnl prnrnullnn rndrdrone mvpe lbout the roctrl condrmnnl~on 01 nolm 8g11na Ihc rpnlwdtvorrx laws dwlved (k numaye md hmds up tJw ram~I+ and Jltwrvpmtlon bw p umh the grdv hulh.nd and pareno-~n-law In caw ofdowy dsuL wth (he sole &lea oiautln(c damencc to others when there ISI cornplum but the demud foc Qwcy U the t~mc of nuw cnt!,ny*nnt.(he rcr M push tk plwr but tn rally, lhae ue very few nc~lrgMc&~camp(~ruIIIEMd.narmuchar*nrmlumbrrJ.upofmrmr(e -ludf

A~viaimdddiviokncc~.nklpllvnr* ~lndaanyofthac situations but the rcsuh WMhe in ravour of the husband in ailWow ud dl tk J~udvrntqa ue mRned by the wfc addme inarlt to theinjury she hesu&nd already Thm IS no low of dcmud in tlw nurnrWe m ~kctformm whar marriage is cancelled or dissolved or evm who IS pmmtcdand convicted for the olTencc of douq dm~h of h~s w~fe or mvn Pamtr ofmarria~erblt dw~htm uc ready to ~ i thnr w daughters om altn the 0th tothese mm and therefore men arc In mow advm~apmc pontlon ~rthelr womenhrah up thtir mamapn and ~o awayRut tk positlun of wumcn In th nme rltuatloll ISdlITrrcnl I'orwtutem hu hap* tk woman 1s h i d and even ~l'the huhnd brhcveras r brute, the woman is hluned AS a person of b.d luck A wnun who*marriage is d l c d or dlswlvcd 1s no1 ncully .cccptadlie put~onbeanms wont thn thrl of a mdtrw T'hcrciorc lhr svrilml IS no1 hulled lo IIUmd cad~ttons ad a chnge Ir rqu~dSecadly, what would happen IT a mmm chon*to prncd lrwllvmd fila I dtvorce pr&lnpyLunU the hulbudl You tbl all matnmonlalmncnbrought undn the tamllv (t~uns Aa, the lunl~v ( (Nns tho!cawdl~ng rraau hold the worn prlllonm For tk rnpnubll~~y ova thnr&h ud funrly The officm who uc ~rd~t~nulII> tkr wlkxk and w~thtk obpcpvc ofrk Aa to unve f a the unry of the fmlv wtnk~ wc IO h ln~

1- puua thmrgh ~mprwnue or mutwl ordm Ths would rrvulthat women uc ~dluenccd if not mpclicd at thc anlnselli~ rnrrons to adjustwith the d*nudlng num of ther hurbuds roc the mke ofthe fmulyThenfore th IW r rld In this nudy IS whriher r woman. who 15 aim1 hum^ Lkc mM. who hr m lndlvdud ell lndlndurl Idln&% and vmlun h cto compronusc dl her II~UI~C, ail her lntcrcstr includinl( her Interest to IIMwtht bng rbud or exploited by otks for tlu wkc of other$, whetherthey he thar husband, or fannl) or chiidrm' IT fml~l$ and mrrna$t tqulrcskfh the man md the uomn lkcn uliv om ir lo pin In all sltuallonr ard thcother to loose?A worn IPrespcctd a$ mtkr. ICCC~IC~ a\ utlc md lo\d wdau~hter but nevec acknowledged u m lndlvldual In lur own wonh Thereforett 19 humbly submtt~d that, tlr timc tur conic 111 chn~e !he iwl fntrrlc uhlchIS st111 mllucnccd hy he patrurchl lduiaDomert~c vlolence awn*l wr~d women In ~lwir mnatr~irx~n~ul tn\nrr ~rto k d l ) ad kl)rll.i wndnnncd IIM~C~IUC steps IC10 hC 1men ti)tl~htm the loopholec In the cxtsllnp lcpal %\am1 and nolke m pollc~ea loendwe domac~~ ndarc6.4 S~ggatmaThe fdbwlng ruggcmron5 ue mde

1 ~ ~ k r f o r n ~ n f o d e r r l r t ~ n g ~ o . ~ ~ dmcludtng probiuons ddrng with domcsllc vldnwr yunu w m2 The keJ pmnwnr derltng wth rrutnmwuJ cruelty ud domar vlolmcehve to grw r cluf md ~nduaw defimt~on of the terms cruci~y uddornts~ nolmct In ~u wars forms3 Domest~c nolmcc cues can he mqrcpkd as m~ldn bl~ckurnp as wwklk understood as n o d hppm~nps 111 the fmnllv ad sentus ~vpm ofoffences ~nclud~ng Injury to phpuul, mmtrl, cnlol~onri facul~~cc of thehuman p Mn4 Offendm ur to k catrgorld I\ first oflrmlerr. uho Lnll he prrdonni on-tlngplcc bondr md trtfcndac *ho hvr n~ilrlcd lrrcc bonds ~ ndvc rcqu~rcd lo be truted sppropnrrrlv5 In wturtlonr of domntlc nula~e Wnsi wow In the frm~ly, h~lIowlnl(optm un k canc~vd by the w~fcr) S k In typs of mrldn wn. we for wmpmvt~on aplnsl herhurhnd wthout golnb for nth I crlmrnj wmplrrn~ kn drvorwP&~Wb) In lypr of mws olf*res. Ihe un p d wlltl tilrny b ctlfnld~omplunl bpng her hyb.nd mth cnmlnd lubll~tyC) sk ~.n JK, p r d wth I dlvoroc pulrron In I Fmly ((run Jkpw

6 In 0f'aml~I mplrrms, the adc hu to nuke provlwnc flealvcmgh to pro* trf* ud ptochon to the wcllms hv prondlng Jhonrtry ham The proteaton hr to m~nw 1111 the comph of thecnmd pmd~ngs Tho would hdp the wlms to mpentr wth theprmcutmn to complae the tnd7 V~nlms of domntlc waltncc arc broken up md ur drmqcd cmntto~ll,and aruuunllv To help them to ovncome the pncholng~erl hmrpc. t kcode hu lo pronde lor IIU vnlcm of rnelal worker\, phvwlarn andpychutncs Wow Ire to bc I~clpeJ to overcanit 11% rtrnr and 51ra1n andare to be mcwrapcd lo rtari a nm Ilfe8 Awvmeu popmmcr ~nd camprlpnr to npnr Ihc nllr of ulle ahuwue to be ~mnpxi wth the ctrlrd~nr~~on of ronlmunllc lurd \~~hrnlrcrcand ~ o m m ~ n orpanlutlon.c t r l worklnp on women cntpowmnt9 Mmrge laws spmk rtwl the mr~r~mn~rl nph~r uK1 dutrcl of the pantc*to the nunugc The quenmn of u fm and prolecl~on of chrldrm uc n>thghl~ghted ex-under prowpons rerrtlnu to custodv and puardlanhp ofCIUI~IWIIt IS r well w e d phenomenon tht mpnw of the pvnulcdelmqws rn from broken lurulrn a d therdmc parents lo@k nwramponrhktv towards the dl k.lq of thar ctuMrm wtw, cnmm~tK, o w mn t h 10 havt horn lo them The comprehen~cve cnlc will

pronde ~~ffidml rifils lo the children of the hrokm funills to divorcetheir puatr without brig thnr right of nuintawm10 The code will dal hut the cmcpl of nutrimonirl propny. aCch wouldinclude the propatin acquired by the spouses aAaIn v~ua~~onsof domestic violmce, the court un orda the vlolmt husband lo nay awryfrom the residential home ~rrespmlvc of who holds tk t~tic ovcr Ihcpperly Thc ri&t of pswmon or wrn n~hl lo dl the nutnmnn~rlproperty in cues of mccss~lv are to he prov~dnl In thc cdrI I In dl ~tr~rnonial dirputes mm1n8 Irforr thc linlllv colln.r, lkrr can AIhe compulsory mcdlal~on whcncvcr ll~c dl\pulc 15 (111 111c prcnlnd of crucllvFamily coun rynn should mwrr that /C#I IPTVICC'~ arc dcl~verd cqurllvvd fa~rly to both the parilesI2 Prevention is bdta than cure la~iy Intencnllon In conll~cr uluatlonn In 1family un prwent Ihc nccunrncc of v~olcncr 1111b rtr(ulfi? ~vlillcrwlmu rbout the prohlrn~ of domnt~c nolrncc Awarnwsc ~ ~ I L I I 1twworth of worn and her contrlbu~~on to !he frrnllv ad to the comrnunllvh, 10 k a d through nudv nuln~aiv In Ihc rmwi currlwrlum Schcxllcvd colleges hr~ngmlal rclencc a$ facult~n un ~rrludr thc nure of ~rSclru home m the currwlum law whcmls CUI* Irwteach uwu\ In domeu~c

13 To mnclude. it L the humble suggwion of the rrvuchrr lhl snfefyon fouls an not be achii unlns sn*in home is yurnnlrd Thedom&vidcnce in whtmr way pnctid qama women lowers thestatus of h u m lowerer ttwi that or t l ba\ls ~ As hums wc must rawup to live to thc standards of human laws where more than phvwldstrength. the divine conwmcc would speak of

k I un working on the topic of Dbmeslic Viokm mng muricd women inPadichary far my Daeronl thesir. I requa yo0 10 kindly lnrwar theguatiom ukd in the questionnaireI Agalklmrd-2 Rmdlnlnt3 Rdlgan4 E m -( Wrn6 Momhhlnean7 NrmtcdrmmogI Nmrc d lk frmllrPrn2.9 HWrnlluh10 HdmndhahmwJPlrc 3.I I You m hrucd In !w muncd 11IcI) Fad tbth~ng and -ry.Y m ~ hb, Socul~aum mthtn tk rrmlh ym8hC) NerddlrnrnRl~ Ye)lHOd) lopid t r d p ulth mnmarYeciNoC) In- tread KW wlh ~nwll YolNon lnju* IW you nwh fault Rdng Ynl*o

I. Nmedhd Women Adion Gtwp md 0th Vs Union of lndirI997 (2) Suk 3812 Arhdc Kumu Vs Stale of hjasthm. AIR 1090 SC 21344 Bu Thin Vs Ali Husw F~dulr Chothla. AIR 1070 SC 1025 B w Vs B ~ I 1994 . (I) SCC 3376 Bhapnn Singh Vs Commrwoncr ofPol~ce. AIR IQR3 SC 8267 Bhupindir Singh Vs State of Punjab. AIR lqR8 ST 101 18 Birhnu Chrran Molunti Vs l'nlon of lndik AIR lW3 Cn 1769 Birtnnt Du Vs Maya Du. AIR 1974 NOC 356 Calcutta10 Brij Ld Vs Pmnchrnd and mthn. AIR 198'3 SC 1661I1 Fnncis Cuolie Mulla Vs Unron Ternlory of klh. AIR 1-1746SC12 GuwrhWVsStateofM.huulHra. 1992(3)SCC'IO(I13 bvinda Vs Slue Una Rdah, AIR 1973 SC 137814 Gufchrm Slngh Vs Smt U'uyun Kaur. AIR 1 W Punjab 42215 Hvvinda K.ur Vs Hununda SI@ Choudhry. AIR IPM DcUu66

18 Kwr Vs State ofPunjab. AIR loA7 SC 136819 Kharak Singh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh. AIR 1063 SC 129320 Kridnu Singh Vs Mathum Ahtr. AIR la80 SC 707?I L.ichmm k vi Vs Slale of Ralaslhnn. 41R IQRR SC 17RS22 Maharishi Avadah Vs llnion of India. 1994 Supp I SCC 71 323 Mlneka Gandht Vs llnlon ol'lndta. AIR 1078 SC 50724 Mukunda Martland Chatlnts VY Madhun. AIR 1092 S(' IRM:$ \lulnLh Raj ct VI Sall%h hun~a~ ad ~RIwrs. AIR l(F)? S(' 117526 N G Daslnte Vs S Dason~c. AIR I975 SC 151427 Rcmond Rajanlanl and anlrthcr \ s I n~crri of' Ind~a. I'M2 (2) FCC47428 Revathi Vs t:n~on orlndta. AIR I9(lR SC R1529 Rukman Kanta Vs Faqutr Chand L~hhu Ram. AIR lot10 Punlab4933 1 Sarojini Vs State of Madva Pradesh. I(rJ? (1) Scale 7012 Shoha Ran1 VE Madhuknr Redd~. AIR I'JYR SC' I2133 Sivud~ Vs State of Madras. 1 W6 Cn I J 446334 Smt Kulshrlya VI WlsaLh~ Ram Uohan 121. AIR I1hl Punlrh52135 Sn Mahadcb JKW VI I3 R Sen. AIR 1951 ('rlcuttr 56136 Stue (Ddh Acjnumararm) Vs I ~ x Kumu. m AIR 1986 SC 250

38. Slue of Hi& Rrdesh Vs Llmed Run S hmu AIR 1986 SC84739 State of bmlaka Vs Dc H A Runrswunv and 0 t h 19% CriL J 262840 Sute of Punjab Vs Amrjin Singh. AIR 1988 SC 201 341. State of lrttu Pradesh Vs Dr Ravindn Pntah. 1992 (3) KC'30042 State Vs Rcpulagadda Ananda Rao. IWt Cn I. J 450143 Unni Krishnan Vs State of Andhra Pradcsh. AIR 1093 SC44 Virbbn Singh Vs State oflrttar Pndesh. AIR 19R1 SC 106345 Wuirchuxl and another Vs State of llaryana. AIR IQRQ SC 37RQ

GLOSSARYMvnnrRi~ceousmr. duty, sacred lawDhtun SedGtatunhshnnaSeed of a po~sonour plantStage of life of a husehnldnThe ceremony of the gifl of the bnde tothe bndepoom h? the father of the bnde atthe time of mamrgeMmj J neerarbha dmguPubeny ccremonv ofa eirlThe wav of I~fe foll(?wed hv a vlrtous wfcdevoted to ha husbandWhat is when performed mkn awbstance fit Tor %)me purposeSldhantaSvstem of phllomphvSudnMember ofthe fourth Vrmr

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