JUDICIaL EDUCaTIon PrograM - Law & Economics Center

JUDICIaL EDUCaTIon PrograM - Law & Economics Center

JUDICIaL EDUCaTIon PrograM - Law & Economics Center


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<strong>JUDICIaL</strong><strong>EDUCaTIon</strong><strong>PrograM</strong>2013 CoUrsEs

“I know those who are new to the LEC felt their time waswell spent and are anxious to participate in future LECprograms. As always, the program was of the highestquality and certainly serves to broaden our perspectives asjudicial officers.”- JAMeS J. RoWeCiRCUit CoURt, WeSt ViRGiniA

2013 JEP <strong>PrograM</strong>stHE MasON JudIcIal EducatION PROgRaM (JEP), a dIvIsION OFtHE laW & EcONOMIcs cENtER at gEORgE MasON uNIvERsItyscHOOl OF laW, Is OFFERINg a lINE-uP OF balaNcEd aNdtIMEly JudIcIal EducatION PROgRaMs FOR JudgEs IN tHEbasIc dIscIPlINEs OF EcONOMIcs, FINaNcE, statIstIcs aNdscIENtIFIc MEtHOd.2013 CoUrsEs InCLUDE:• economics institutes for Judges• Antitrust law & economics institute– Co-sponsored by the ABA Sectionof Antitrust law• eighth Annual Judicial Symposiumon Civil Justice issues

EcONOMIcs INstItutE FOR JudgEs, WEEK ONEWeek One of the <strong>Economics</strong> Institute for Judges addresses fundamental issues thatoften are at the heart of legal disputes. Over a full week of intensive classroomlectures and discussions, judges are given a solid grounding in economics, financeand statistics. the practical relevance of these disciplines is emphasized through theanalysis of numerous cases.}• FEbRuaRy 10 – FEbRuaRy 15, 2013• aPRIl 7 – aPRIl 12, 2013at tHE gEORgE MasON• sEPtEMbER 22 – sEPtEMbER 27, 2013uNIvERsIty scHOOl OF• OctObER 20 – OctObER 25, 2013laWEcONOMIcs INstItutE FOR JudgEs, WEEK tWOWeek two of the <strong>Economics</strong> Institute will build on the concepts learnedduring Week One, providing more in-depth coverage of advanced topicssuch as accounting, finance, environmental economics, scientificmethodology, entrepreneurship, and the financialcrisis and its aftermath.• MaRcH 9 – MaRcH 15, 2013cHaPMaN uNIvERsIty | ORaNgE, calIFORNIa• • dEcEMbER 8 – dEcEMbER 13, 2013• HaWKs cay | ducK KEy, FlORIda• FlORIda

aNtItRust laW &EcONOMIcs INstItutEcO-sPONsOREd by tHE abasEctION OF aNtItRust laWthe Judicial Education Program has teamed withthe american bar association section of antitrustlaw to offer an intensive program on “antitrust law &<strong>Economics</strong> for Judges.” the curriculum is designed by acommittee of distinguished practitioners and scholars selectedby the chair of the antitrust section. the course ends with amock trial and debrief for practical application and discussion ofkey concepts.• OctObER 6 – OctObER 9, 2013gEORgE MasON uNIvERsIty scHOOl OF laW“The exchange of information between the judges was worth theprice of my time attending the conference. The judges were engagingin both the subject matter in the classroom and topics of mutualconcern to the judiciary.”– DeAn ColVinSUpeRioR CoURt oF inDiAnAATTENDED ECONOMICS INSTITUTE FOR JUDGES

EIgHtH aNNual JudIcIal syMPOsIuMON cIvIl JustIcE IssuEsthe civil justice system in the united states is in a constant state of flux.changes occur at both the state and federal levels, through legislative andjudicial actions. at the same time, judges face a constant barrage of newand innovative legal theories and procedural maneuvers. the goal of theannual symposium is to provide a platform that gives judges a systematicreview and critique of the most important civil justice issues of the day.• NOvEMbER 17 – NOvEMbER 19, 2013gEORgE MasON uNIvERsIty“The speakers are excellent and addressvery current and cutting edge issues.”– CARloS VillACoUnty CoURt, teXASATTENDED THE SEVENTH ANNUALJUDICIAL SYMPOSIUM ONCIVIL JUSTICE ISSUES

MORE INFO. . .Program Eligibility RequirementsJudges must serve on general jurisdiction courts orhigher. Judges from courts of limited jurisdiction (e.g.,criminal courts or family courts) should not apply. Judges fromcertain specialized courts (e.g., tax, bankruptcy or business courts)are welcome to apply. Judges must plan to stay on the bench for atleast three years following completion of the program.No Tuition, Travel Reimbursement and Lodging IncludedMason JEP Programs are offered with no tuition; reading materials, hotelrooms, and group meals are included. Travel expenses are reimbursed100% up to $300 plus 50% of the amount exceeding $300 with a maximumreimbursement of $500. Those traveling from Alaska and Hawaii arereimbursed 100% up to $1000 plus 50% of additional reimbursable“expenses.For more information, please contact:Jennifer Gregg, Coordinator, Mason Judicial Education ProgramMasonJEP@gmu.edu, 703.993.8008Apply online at www.MasonJEP.org”

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