Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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concentration; in the 4th: equanimity (upekkhá) and concentration" (Vis.M. IV).The 4 absorptions of the immaterial sphere (s. above 5-8) still belong, properly speaking, to the 4thabsorption as they possess the same two constituents. The 4th fine-material absorption is also the base orstarting point (pádaka-jhána, q.v.) for the attaining of the higher spiritual powers (abhiññá, q.v.).In the Abhidhamma, generally a fivefold instead of a fourfold division of the fine-material absorptions isused: the 2nd absorption has still the constituent 'discursive thinking' (but without thought-conception), whilethe 3rd, 4th and 5th correspond to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, respectively, of the fourfold division (s. Tab. I, 9- 13). This fivefold division is based on sutta texts like A . VIII, 63 .For the 8 absorptions as objects for the development of insight (vipassaná), see samatha-vipassaná. - Fulldetails in Vis.M. IV-X.Jhána in its widest sense (e.g. as one of the 24 conditions; s. paccaya 17), denotes any, even momentary orweak absorption of mind, when directed on a single object.jhánanga: 'constituents (or factors) of absorption'; s. prec.jhána-paccaya, is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya, q.v.).jíva: life, vital principle, individual soul. 'Soul (life) and body are identical' and 'Soul and body are different',these two frequently quoted wrong views fall under the 2 kinds of personality-belief (sakkáya-ditthi; s.ditthi), i.e. the first one under the annihilation-belief (uccheda-ditthi) and the second under the eternity-belief(sassata-ditthi)."Verily, if one holds the view that the soul (life) is identical with the body, in that case a holy life is notpossible; or if one holds the view that the soul (life) is something quite different, also in that case a holy lifeis impossible. Both these extremes the Perfect One has avoided and shown the Middle Doctrine, which says:'On ignorance depend the karma-formations, on the karma-formations depends consciousness', etc." (S. XII.35).jívita and jívitindriya: 'Life, vitality', may be either physical (rúpa-jívitindriya) or mental(náma-jívitindriya). The latter is one of the mental factors inseparably associated with all consciousness; cf.náma, cetaná, phassa.jívita-navaka-kalápa: ninefold vital group; s. rúpa-kalápa.joy: somanassa (q.v.). - Altruistic j. = muditá (s. brahma-vihára).A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

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