Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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image, mental: s. nimitta, samádhi, kasina.immaterial sphere: arúpávacara: cf. avacara, jhána (5-8); Tab. I.immaterial world: arúpa-loka; s. loka.immediacy: an alternative rendering for contiguity-condition, samanatara-paccaya, which is one of the 24conditions (paccaya, q.v.)immediate, the: ánantariya (q.v.).immortality: s. amata.imperfections: s. upakkilesa.impermanence: anicca (q.v.). - Contemplation of i., cf. vipassaná (1).impersonality of existence: s. anattá. - Contemplation of: s. vipassaná (3).imperturbable karma-formations: áneñjábhisankhára; s. sankhára.impression, sensorial or mental: phassa (q.v.).impulsion: javana (q.v.).impurities: s. upakkilesa.impurity of the body, contemplation of the: s. asubha, sívathiká.inclinations: s. anusaya.independently enlightened: Pacceka-Buddha (q.v.).indifferent feeling cf. vedaná, upekkhá.individual: puggala (q.v.).indriya: 'faculties', is a name for 22, partly physical, partly mental, phenomena often treated in the Suttas aswell as in the Abhidhamma. They are:6 Bases (áyatana, q.v.):1. eye: cakkhu2. ear: sota3. nose: ghána4. tongue: jivhá5. body: káya6. mind: manoSex (bhava, q.v.):7. femininity: itthi

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