Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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2. Parittábha, Appamánábha, Ábhassara. Here will be reborn those with experience of the 2ndabsorption.3. Paritta-subha, Appamána-subha, Subha-kinna (or kinha). Here will be reborn those withexperience of the 3rd absorption.4. Vehapphala, Asañña-satta (q.v.), Suddhávása (q.v.; further s. Anágámi). Amongst the first 2classes will be reborn those with experience of the 4th absorption, but amongst the 3rd class onlyAnágámis (q.v.).III. The 4 grades of heavenly beings of the immaterial sphere (arúpávacara or arúpa-loka) are: the heavenlybeings of the sphere of unbounded space (ákásánañcáyatanúpaga-devá), of unbounded consciousness(viññánañcáyatanúpaga-deva), of nothingness (ákiñcaññáyatanúpaga devá), of neither-perception-nornon-perception(nevasaññá-násaññáyatanúpaga-devá). Here will be reborn those with experience of the 4immaterial spheres (arúpáyatana; s. jhána 5-8).See Gods and the Universe by Francis Story (WHEEL 180/181).deva-dúta: 'divine messengers', is a symbolic name for old age, disease and death, since these three thingsremind man of his future and rouse him to earnest striving. In A. III, 35, it is said:"Did you, o man, never see in the world a man or a woman eighty, ninety or a hundred years old, frail,crooked as a gable-roof, bent down, resting on crutches, with tottering steps, infirm, youth long since fled,with broken teeth, grey and scanty hair, or baldheaded, wrinkled, with blotched limbs? And did it never occurto you that you also are subject to old age, that you also cannot escape it?"Did you never see in the world a man or a woman, who being sick, afflicted and grievously ill, andwallowing in their own filth, was lifted up by some people, and put down by others? And did it never occurto you that you also are subject to disease, that you also cannot escape it?"Did you never see in the world the corpse of a man or a woman, one or two or three days after death,swollen up, blue-black in colour, and full of corruption? And did it never occur to you that you also aresubject to death, that you also cannot escape it?" - See M. 130.devatánussati: 'recollection of the heavenly beings'; s. anussati.development (mental): bhávaná (q.v.). - Effort to develop, s. padhána. - Wisdom based on d. s. paññá. -Gradual d. of the Eightfold Path in the 'progress of the disciple' (q.v.).deviation: (from morality and understanding): vipatti (q.v.).devotee: upásaka (q.v.) .dhamma: lit. the 'bearer', constitution (or nature of a thing), norm, law (jus), doctrine; justice, righteousness;quality; thing, object of mind (s. áyatana) 'phenomenon'. In all these meanings the word 'dhamma' is to bemet with in the texts. The Com. to D. instances 4 applications of this term guna (quality, virtue), desaná(instruction), pariyatti (text), nijjívatá (soullessness, e.g. "all dhammá, phenomena, are impersonal," etc.).The Com. to Dhs. has hetu (condition) instead of desaná. Thus, the analytical knowledge of the law (s.patisambhidá) is explained in Vis.M. XIV. and in Vibh. as hetumhi-ñána, knowledge of the conditions.The Dhamma, as the liberating law discovered and proclaimed by the Buddha, is summed up in the 4 NobleTruths (s. sacca). It forms one of the 3 Gems (ti-ratana, q.v.) and one of the 10 recollections (anussati q.v.).Dhamma, as object of mind (dhammáyatana, s. áyatana) may be anything past, present or future, corporealor mental, conditioned or not (cf. sankhára, 4), real or imaginary.dhamma-cakka: The 'Wheel (realm) of the Law', is a name for the doctrine 'set rolling' (established) by the

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