Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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voidness, boundless d. etc., s. ceto-vimutti. - Desire for d., s. visuddhi (VI, 6). - D. through wisdom;paññá-vimutti (q.v.). - 3 doors of d. (or gateways of liberation) s. visuddhi (VI, 8).deluded consciousness: s. Tab. I. 32, 33.deluded-natured: moha-carita; s. carita.delusion: s. moha, avijjá.demons' realm: asura-nikáya; s. apáya.departed, the spirits of the: peta (q.v.).dependent origination: paticca samuppáda (q.v.).derived corporeality: upádá-rúpa (q.v.); further s. khandha (I. B.).desaná: 'exposition' of the doctrine, may be either an exposition true in the highest sense(paramattha-desaná); or it may not be true in the highest, but only in the conventional sense(vohára-desaná). See paramattha.desire for deliverance: s. visuddhi (VI, 6).desireless deliverance: s. vimokkha (1).desirelessness, contemplation on: s. vipassaná (12).destiny, evil views with fixed d.: niyata-micchá-ditthi (q.v.). Men with fixed d.: niyata-puggala (q.v.). Seegati.destruction: overcoming, or liberation from, evil things through their d.; samuccheda-pahána orsamuccheda-vimutti; s. pahána.destructive karma: upaghátaka-kamma; s. karma.detachment: viveka (q.v.).determination: s. adhimokkha, adhitthána.determining: votthapana (s. viññána-kicca).determining the reality: s. vavatthána.deva (lit: the Radiant Ones; related to Lat. deus): heavenly beings, deities, celestials, are beings who live inhappy worlds, and who, as a rule, are invisible to the human eye. They are subject, however, just like allhuman and other beings, to ever-repeated rebirth, old age and death, and thus are not freed from the cycle ofexistence and from misery. There are many classes of heavenly beings.I. The 6 classes of heavenly beings of the sensuous sphere (kámávacara or káma-loka; s. avacara loka), areCátumahárájika-deva, Távatimsa, Yáma, Tusita (s. Bodhisatta), Nimmána-rati, Paranimmita-vasavatti. Cf.anussati. (6).II. The heavenly beings of the fine-material sphere (rúpávacara or rúpaloka) are:1. Brahma-párisajja, Brahma-purohita, Mahá-brahmáno (s. brahma-káyika-deva). Amongstthese 3 classes will be reborn those with a weak, medium or full experience of the 1st absorption(jhána, q.v.).

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