Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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cittass'ekaggatá: 'one-pointedness of mind', is a synonym of concentration, or samádhi (q.v.)citta-vipallása: 'perversion of mind'; s. vipallása.citta-visuddhi: 'purification of mind', is the 2nd of the 7 stages of purification (visuddhi, II,. q.v.).citta-víthi: 'process of consciousness'; s. viññána-kicca.citt'ekaggatá = cittass'ekaggatá (q.v.).clarity of consciousness: sampajañña (q.v.).clinging, the 4 kinds of: upádána (q.v.).cognitive series: s. viññána-kicca.companionship: Influence of good and bad° = samseva (q.v.) .compassion: karuná; s. brahma-vihára.comprehension: clear c.: s. sampajañña. - c. in insight, s. sammasana. - As an alternative tr. for fullunderstanding, s. pariññá.co-nascence: sahajáta-paccaya, is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya, q.v.) .conceit: mána (q.v.); further s. samyojana.concentration: samádhi (q.v.) - right°, s. sacca (IV. 8), magga (8). - wrong°, s. micchá-magga (8).conception 1. thought-c°: cf. vitakka-vicára.conception 2. (in the mother's womb): okkanti (q.v.).conditions, the 24: paccaya (q.v.).conditions of existence, deliverance from the: see ceto-vimutti; vimokkha.confidence: s. saddhá.consciousness: viññána (s. khandha), citta (q.v.), mano (q v ) - Moment of °: citta-kkhana (q.v.).Contemplation of °: cittánupassaná: s. satipatthána - Corporeality produced by °: citta-ja-rúpa, s.samutthána - Abodes or supports of °: cf. viññánatthiti (q.v.) Functions of °: viññána-kicca (q.v.).contemplation: s. anupassaná.contentedness (with whatever robe, etc.) belongs to the noble usages: ariya-vamsa (q.v.).contentment: appicchatá, is one of the ascetic virtues. Cf. A. X, 181-90.contiguity: samanantara-paccaya, is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya, q.v.).continuity (of body, subconsciousness, consciousness or groups of existence): santána (q.v.).control, effort of: s. padhána.conventional (expression or truth): s. desaná.corporeality: produced through consciousness, karma, etc.; s. samutthána. - Sensitive c.: pasáda-rúpa.

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