Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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Home | Library | <strong>Dictionary</strong> indexBUDDHIST DICTIONARY-Ccága:'liberality', is one of the 'blessings' (s. sampadá), 'foundations' (s. adhitthána), 'recollections' (s.anussati), 'treasures' (s. dhana).cakka: 'wheel', is one of the seven 'precious possessions' (ratana) of a righteous World Emperor (cakkavatti:'He who owns the Wheel,' cf. D. 26), and symbolizes conquering progress and expanding sovereignty. Fromthat derives the figurative expression dhamma-cakkam pavatteti, 'he sets rolling the Wheel of the Law' andthe name of the Buddha's first sermon, Dhamma-cakkappavattana Sutta (s. dhamma-cakka).Another figurative meaning of C. is 'blessing'. There are 4 such 'auspicious wheels' or 'blessings': living in asuitable locality, company of good people, meritorious acts done in the past, right inclinations (A. IV, 31).Bhava-cakka, 'wheel of existence', or of life, is a name for 'dependent origination' (s. paticca-samuppáda).See The <strong>Buddhist</strong> Wheel Symbol, by T. B. Karunaratne (WHEEL 137/138); The Wheel of Birthand Death, by Bhikkhu Khantipalo (WHEEL 147/149)cakkh' áyatana: 'the base "visual organ" ' (s. áyatana).cakkhu: 'eye' s. áyatana. - The foll. 5 kinds of 'eyes' are mentioned and explained in CNid. (PTS, p. 235; thefirst 3 also in It. 52): 1. the physical eye (mamsa cakkhu), 2. the divine eye (dibba-cakkhu; s. abhiññá), 3. theeye of wisdom (paññá-cakkhu), 4 the eye of a Buddha (Buddha-c.), 5. the eye of all-round knowledge(samanta-c.; a frequent appellation of the Buddha).cakkhu-dhátu: 'the element "visual organ" '(s. dhátu).cakkhu-viññána: 'eye-consciousness' (s. viññána).cankers: s. ásava.carana: s. vijjá-carana.carita: 'nature, character'. In Vis.M. III there are explained six types of men: the greedy-natured(rága-carita), the hate-natured (dosa-carita), the stupid or dull-natured (moha-carita), the faithful-natured(saddhá-carita), the intelligent-natured (buddhi-carita), the ruminating-natured (vitakka-carita). - (App.).cáritta- and váritta-síla: 'morality consisting in performance and morality consisting in avoidance,' means"the performance of those moral rules which the Blessed one has ordained to be followed, and the avoidanceof those things that the Blessed One has rejected as not to be followed" (Vis.M. III). - (App.).catu-dhátu-vavatthána: 'analysis of the four elements'; s. dhátu-vavatthána.catu-mahárájika-deva a class of heavenly beings of the sensuous sphere; s. deva.catu-párisuddhi-síla: s. síla.catu-vokára-bhava: 'four-group existence', is the existence in the immaterial world (arúpa-loka; s. loka),since only the four mental groups (feeling, perception, mental formations, consciousness, s. khandha) arefound there, the corporeality group being absent. Cf. pañca-vokára-bhava, eka-vokára-bhava. (App.:vokára).

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