Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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counterpart samathayánika.tadárammana-citta: s. citta-víthi.tathatá: This term, with the meaning in question, occurs perhaps only once in the Canon, namely in Kath. (s.Guide 83). Whether it is found also somewhere in the Com. , I am unable to say.tatramajjhattatá: occurs probably for the first time in the Abh. Canon (e.g. Patth.; cf. Guide 110).theraváda: This term was already used by the Buddha himself in speaking of the doctrine of Álára-Káláma(s. M. 26). As a name for the Buddha's doctrine it belongs to the commentarial literature.ujukatá: s. lahutá.upacaya: is an Abh. term but already alluded to in the old sutta texts, e.g. M. 149: 'áyatimpañcúpádánakkhandhá upacayam gacchanti', or in D.2: 'Ayam káyo ... odana-kummás' upacayo'.upádá-rúpa: is, as such, an Abh. term, but it is used with the same meaning in the sutta texts, c.g. in M. 9:'catunnañ ca mahábhútánam upádáyn rúpam'. Upádá is an abbreviation of upádáya (gerund).váritta-síla: s. cáritta.vasí: The 5 kinds of vasí are probably found first in the Vis.M.vatthu: as a general term for the 5 sense-organs (cakkhu-vatthu, etc ) is frequent in the Com., and often usedtogether with árammana (object). This usage, however, is already indicated in the Abh. Canon: 'Cakkhump'etam... vatthum p'etam' (Dhs. § 597; Vibh., p.71, PTS): 'cakkhuviññánassa vatthu' (Dhs. §§ 679ff.).vimokkha: The 3, i.e. suññatá-, animitta-, appanihita-: are for the first time described and enumerated inPts.M. II, 351. As suññatásamádhi, etc., however, they are already given at D. 33.viññatti: káya- and vací-v., seem to occur for the first time in Dhs. (§§ 665,718) of the Abh. Canon.vipassaná: is frequently found in the older sutta texts (e.g. A. II, 32; S. XLV, 159), also together withsamatha. The 9 and 18 insight-knowledges (vipassaná-ñána and mahá-vipassaná), however, occur in theSutta Pitaka only in the Pts.M., Ñánakathá, where they are enumerated and explained, though without anygroup name being attached to them.vipassanúpakkilesa: The group of 10 is mentioned for the first time in Pts.M. II, 102, and it is said that themind may become defiled thereby (kilissati), but the above term is not used for the 10. This is probably donefor the first time in Vis.M. XX.vivatta: as a name for Nibbána, seems to be found only in the Com.vivattanánupassaná: is already mentioned in Pts.M., together with the remaining 17 kinds of vipassaná. Inthe old texts it is not found.vohára-sacca: etc. The terms paramattha-, vohára-, sammuti-: etc., belong as such to the commentarialliterature, but their significance is clearly shown in the old sutta texts, e.g. D. 9: 'loka-sámaññá, loka-vohára';further(D 33): 'sammuti-ñána', etc.

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