Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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Home | Library | <strong>Dictionary</strong> indexBUDDHIST DICTIONARYAppendixAttempt at a chronological fixing of terms not found, or not found in this form or meaning, in the oldest partsof the Sutta Pitaka.akusala-sádhárana-cetasika: This term is probably used for the first time in Abh. S., though already inVis.M. XIV the 4 cetasika in question are mentioned amongst the mental factors associated with each of the12 akusala-cittas (Tab. I, 22-33), while in the Abhidhamma Pitaka (Dhs. §§ 365-429) uddhacca is foundonly in the last of the 12 cittas, missing in all the remaining 11 cittas.ánantarika-kamma: This term seems to be used for the first time in Kath. (190) of the Abh. Canon; the 5crimes mentioned, however, are already enumerated and explained in the old Sutta texts (e.g. A.V, 129), as isto be seen from the main part of this work.árammana: s. paccaya, 2.avacara: kámávacara is already met with in the oldest sutta texts (e.g. D. 1). Rúpávacara and arúpávacara,however, occur probably for the first time in Pts.M. (I. 83ff.), while in the Abhidhamma Canon and the Com.all the 3 terms are frequently mentioned and explained.ávajjana: s. citta-víthi.avyákata: This term in the sense of 'amoral' or 'karmically neutral', does not occur in the old sutta texts,while it is found in Pts.M. (e.g. I, 79ff). It plays an important role in the Abh. Canon (e.g. Dhs.) and thephilosophical commentaries.áyúhana: probably met with for the first time in Pts.M. (I . 10f.).bhava: The 2-fold division, kamma and upapatti, is probably found for the first time in Vibh. of the Abh.Canon, but it expresses throughout the genuine teaching of the suttas.bháva: as an isolated word, signifying-the physical nature or faculties of sex, probably occurs only in theCom. The expression itthibháva and purisabháva, with the meaning of 'being a man', or 'being a woman', orafter ñatvá, etc., as for instance tassá itthibhávam ñatvá: 'knowing her to be a woman': such expressions areoften found in the oldest sutta texts.bhavanga-sotá, -citta: These 2 compound terms belong exclusively to the exegetical literature, while theterm bhavanga is several times, briefly and unexplained, mentioned in the Patth. of the Abh. Canon, asthough already known at that time.carita: rága-c., dosa-c., buddhi-c., etc., are only to be met with in the Com. and Vis.M.cáritta- and váritta-sila: are only found in the Com., as Vis.M. 1, etc., but the teaching indicated by it isfrequently mentioned in the old sutta texts as karaníya and akaraníya (e.g. A. II, 16).cetasika: This term oceurs often in the old sutta texts, but only as adj. (e.g. cetasikam sukham, etc.) or, attimes, used as a sing. neut. noun (e.g. D. 1; p. 213, PTS). As a designation for mental factors, orconcomitants of consciousness (citta-sampayuttá dhammá), it is frequently met with in Dhs. (§ 1189, 1512)

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