Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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viveka: 'detachment', seclusion, is according to Niddesa, of 3 kinds: (1) bodily detachment (káya-viveka), i.e.abiding in solitude free from alluring sensuous objects; (2) mental detachment (citta-viveka), i.e. the innerdetachment from sensuous things; (3) detachment from the substrata of existence (upadhi-viveka).In the description of the 1st absorption, the words "detached from sensuous things" (vivicc' eva kámehi) refer,according to Vis.M. IV, to 'bodily detachment'; the words "detached from karmically unwholesome things"(vivicca akusalehi dhammehi) refer to 'mental detachment'; the words "born of detachment" (vivekaja), to theabsence of the 5 hindrances.viveka-sukha: 'happiness of detachment', or aloofness (s. prec). "Whoso is addicted to society and worldlybustle, he will not partake of the happiness of renunciation, detachment, peace and enlightenment" (A. VII,86).vodána: 'cleansing', may refer either to (1) morality (síla), or (2) concentration (samádhi), or (3) wisdom(paññá).(1) "Cleansing of morality takes place in 2 ways: by understanding the misery of moral deviation(síla-vipatti; s. vipatti) and by understanding the blessing of moral perfection (síla-sampatti)" (s.Vis.M. I).(2) Cleansing of concentration is concentration connected with progress(visesa-bhágiya-samádhi; s. hána-bhágiya). If, for example, one has entered the 1st absorption,and sensuous perceptions and reflections arise, in that case there is concentration connected withdecline ... If, however, perceptions and reflections free from thought-conception and discursivethinking (2nd jhána; q.v.) arise, in that case there is concentration connected with progress.(3) Cleansing, with reference to wisdom, is identical with the 'insight leading to the (path) ascent'(vutthána-gáminí-vipassaná, q.v.), which arises at the stage of 'purification by knowledge andvision of the path-progress' (s. visuddhi VI), and is followed immediately by the maturitymoment and the entrance into the supermundane paths.vohára-desaná: 'conventional exposition', as distinguished from an explanation true in the highest sense(paramattha-desaná, q.v.). It is also called sammuti-sacca (in Sanskrit samvrti). (App.).void-deliverance; s. ceto-vimutti.vokára: s. pañca-vokára-bhava.volition: cetaná (q.v.).votthapana-citta: 'determining consciousness', is that mindelement (functioning independently of karma; s.Tab. I, 70). which in the process of sense-perception performs the function of determining the sense-object. Itis one of the 14 functions of consciousness (viññána-kicca, q.v.).vutthána-gáminí-vipassaná: 'insight leading to (path) ascent'. It is also called 'cleansing' (vodána, q.v.), andaccording to Pts.M. II, 64, it is a name for 3 kinds of insight-knowledge, namely: knowledge consisting in thedesire for deliverance (muccitu-kamyatá-ñána; s. visuddhi VI 6); reflecting-contemplation-knowledge(patisankhánupassaná-ñána; ib. VI, 7); and knowledge consisting in equanimity regarding all formations(sankhárupekkhá-ñána; s. visuddhi VI, 8).It arises at the stage of 'purification by knowledge and vision of the path-progress' (s. visuddhi VI), and isfollowed immediately by the maturity moment and the entrance into the supermundane paths." 'Ascent' (vutthána) is the supermundane path (s. ariya-puggala) since it rises above the object forming theexternal foundation (of insight; i.e. the external 5 groups of existence), in which object one's mind wasabsorbed, and also rises above one's own continuity (one's own 5 groups of existence, or khandha, q.v.)

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