Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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vippayutta-paccaya: 'dissociation', is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya, q.v.).virága: 'fading away', detachment; absence of lust, dispassionateness. Appears frequently together withnirodha, 'cessation' (1) as a name for Nibbána, (2) in the contemplations (a) forming the 4th tetrad in theexercises in mindfulness of breathing (s. ánápánasati 14), (b) of the 18 principal insights (No. 5); s.vipassaná.According to Com., it may mean (1) the momentary destruction of phenomena, or (2) the ultimate 'fadingaway', i.e. Nibbána. In the aforementioned two contemplations, it means the understanding of both, and thepath attained by such understanding.virágánupassaná: s. prec.virati: the 3 'abstentions' or abstinences, are: abstention from wrong speech, wrong (bodily) action andwrong livelihood; corresponding to right speech, action and livelihood of the 8-fold Path (s. magga, 3-5). Byabstention is not simply meant the non-occurrence of the evil things in question, but the deliberate abstainingtherefrom, whenever occasion arises. They belong to the 'secondary' (not constant) mental concomitantsobtaining in lofty consciousness (s. Tab. II). Cf. síla.virility: s. bháva.viriya: 'energy', lit. 'virility', 'manliness' or 'heroism' (from víra, man, hero; Lat. vir; cf. virtus), is one of the 5spiritual faculties and powers (s. bala), one of the 7 factors of enlightenment (s. bojjhanga) and identical withright effort of the 8-fold Path (s. magga). For further explanations, s. padhána.viriya-sambojjhanga: 'energy as factor of enlightenment', is one of the 7 factors of enlightenment(bojjhanga, q.v.).virtue: s. síla.visesa-bhágiya-síla: (-samádhi, -paññá): morality (concentration, wisdom) connected with progress'. Fordetails, s. hánabhágiya-síla.visible object: s. áyatana.visuddhi: 'purification', purity. The '7 stages of purification' (satta-visuddhi) form the substructure ofUpatissa's Vimutti-Magga (The Path To Freedom), preserved only in Chinese, as well as of Buddhaghosa'smonumental work, Visuddhi-Magga (The Path of Purification), based on the former work.The only place in the Canon where these 7 kinds of purification are mentioned is M. 24, "The Simile of theStage-coach" (s. 'Path', §64), wherein their purpose and goal are illustrated. There it is said that the real andultimate goal does not consist in purification of morality, or of mind, or of view, etc., but in total deliveranceand extinction. Now, just as one mounts the first coach and travels to the second coach, then mounts thesecond coach and travels with it to the third coach, etc., in exactly the same way the goal of (I) thepurification of morality (sila-visuddhi) is (II) the purification of mind (citta-visuddhi); its goal: (III) thepurification of view (ditthi-visuddhi); its goal: (IV) the purification by overcoming doubt(kankhávitarana-visuddhi); its goal: (V) the purification by knowledge and vision of what is path andnot-path (maggámagga-ñánadassana-visuddhi); its goal: (VI) the purification by knowledge and vision ofthe path-progress (patipadá-ñánadassana-visuddhi); its goal: (VII) the purification of knowledge and vision(ñánadassana-visuddhi); but the goal of this purification is deliverance freed from all clinging.(I) "Purification of morality (síla-visuddhi) consists of the 4-fold purity of morality (catu-párisuddhi-síla),namely: restraint with regard to the Disciplinary Code (pátimokkhasamvara-síla), sense-restraint(indriysamvara-síla), purity of livelihood (ájívapárisuddhi-síla), morality with regard to the 4 requisites(paccaya-sannissita-síla)" (Vis.M. XVIII). On these 4 terms, s. síla. - In the case of a layman, it entails theobservance of whatever moral rules (5 or more) he has taken upon himself.

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