Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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honti, "these things (the mental factors) were determined by him (i.e. Sáriputta) successively" (s. Abh. St., p.54). In Vis.M. XX, 130, it is said: 'The determining of the truth of suffering is effected with the determiningof mind-and-body in the purification of view (s. visuddhi III). The determining of the truth of origination iseffected with the discerning of conditions in the purification by transcending doubt (s. visuddhi IV). Thedetermining of the truth of the path is effected by emphasis on the right path in the purification by knowledgeand vision of what is path and not-path (s. visuddhi V). Thus the determining of the 3 truths (suffering,origin, path) has been first effected by means of mundane (lokiya, q.v.) knowledge only." - See sammasana,visuddhi.For the determining of the 4 physical elements, s. dhátuvavatthána.vayánupassaná: 'contemplation of vanishing', is one of the 18 chief kinds of insight (vipassaná, q.v.).váyo-dhátu: 'wind-element'; s. dhátu.váyo-kasina 'wind-kasina', is one of the kasina exercises (kasina, q.v.).vedaná: 'feeling', sensation, is the 2nd of the 5 groups of existence (s. khandha II). According to its nature, itmay be divided into 5 classes: (1) bodily agreeable feeling (káyiká sukhá-vedaná = sukha); (2) bodilydisagreeable feeling (káyiká dukkhá-vedaná = dukkhá); (3) mentally agreeable feeling (cetasikásukhá-vedaná = somanassa); (4) mentally disagreeable feeling (cetasiká dukkhá-vedaná = domanassa); (5)indifferent or neutral (adukkha-m-asukhá vedaná = upekkhá, q.v.).With regard to the 6 senses, one distinguishes 6 kinds of feeling: feeling associated with seeing, hearing,smelling, tasting, bodily impression and mental impression. The textual wording of it is 'feeling arisenthrough visual contact' (cakkhu-samphassajá vedaná; S. XXII, 55; D. 22), etc.Feeling is one of the 7 mental factors inseparably associated with all consciousness whatever, s. náma. In theformula of the dependent origination (paticcasamuppáda, q.v.), feeling is the condition for the arising ofcraving (tanhá). The above-mentioned 5 kinds of feeling are enumerated amongst the 22 faculties (indriya,q.v.). - See M. 59; Contemplation of Feeling (Vedaná Samyutta), by Nyanaponika Thera (WHEEL 303/304).vedanánupassaná: 'contemplation of feeling', is one of the 4 foundations of mindfulness (satipatthána q.v.).vehapphala is the name of a class of heavenly beings in the fine-material world; s. deva.verbal action: vací-kamma; s. karma.verbal functions of mind: vací-sankhára; s. sankhára.vesárajja: 'self-confidence' of a Buddha is fourfold. He is confident: 1. to have attained to a perfectEnlightenment of which it cannot be said that it omits anything essential to it; 2. to have destroyed all cankers(ásava), leaving none that can be said to be undestroyed by him; 3. that what were declared by him asobstacles to liberation are undeniably such; 4. that his teaching fulfils its purpose of actually leading to finalliberation from suffering. See A. IV, 8; VII, 58; M. 12.vibhajja-váda: 'analytical or discriminating doctrine' is an early name for the original Buddha doctrine,called Theraváda. - The term vibhajja-vádí occurs in M. 99 and A. X, 94, though not in the sense of aseparate school, but as a characteristic of the Buddha himself: "Now, by blaming what is blamable andpraising what is praiseworthy, the Blessed One is a 'discriminating teacher' (vibhajja-vadí) and is notone-sided in his teaching" (A. X, 94).Buddhaghosa, in the introduction to his Com. on the Kathávatthu, says that in Asoka's time, when the Sanghaprospered, many heretics took ordination as <strong>Buddhist</strong> monks but continued to spread their wrong doctrines.For purifying the Sangha, Asoka, together with the venerable Moggaliputtatissa, summoned assembly of thebhikkhus. When each of the assembled was individually questioned by the king about what the Buddha

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