Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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upatthambhaka-kamma: 'supportive karma'; s. karma.upavicára: s. manopavicára.upekkhá: 'equanimity', also called tatra-majjhattatá (q.v.), is an ethical quality belonging to thesankhára-group (s. khandha) and should therefore not be confounded with indifferent feeling(adukkha-m-asukhá vedaná) which sometimes also is called upekkhá (s. vedaná).upekkhá is one of the 4 sublime abodes (brahma-vihára, q.v.), and of the factors of enlightenment(bojjhanga, q.v.). See Vis.M. IV, 156ff.upekkhá-ñána = sankhárupekkhá-ñána (q.v.).upekkhá-sambojjhanga: 'equanimity as factor of enlightenment'; s. bojjhanga.upekkhá-sukha: 'equanimous happiness,' is the feeling of happiness accompanied by a high degree ofequanimity (upekkhá) as, e.g. in the 3rd absorption (jhána q.v.).upekkhá-vedaná: s. vedaná.upekkhindriya: the 'faculty of indifference', is one of the 5 elements of feeling (M. 115) and therefore not tobe confounded with the ethical quality 'equanimity', also called upekkhá (q.v.).upekkhopavicára: 'indulging in indifference'; s. manopavicára.uposatha: lit. 'fasting', i.e. 'fasting day', is the full-moon day, the new-moon day, and the two days of the firstand last moonquarters. On full-moon and new-moon days, the Disciplinary Code, the Pátimokkha, is readbefore the assembled community of monks (bhikkhu), while on the mentioned 4 moon-days many of thefaithful lay devotees go to visit the monasteries, and there take upon themselves the observance of the 8 rules(attha-síla; sikkhápada). See A. VIII, 41ff.uprightness: ujukatá q.v.upstream to the highest gods, passing: s. anágámí.usages, the 4 noble: ariya-vamsa (q.v.).utu: temperature, heat, is identical with the heat-element (tejodhátu, q.v.).utu-samutthána (- utuja)-rúpa: 'corporeality produced by temperature'; s. samutthána.A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

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