Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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upádi: lit. 'something which one grasps, to which one clings, i.e. the 5 groups of existence (khandha, q.v.). Inthe suttas, the word is mostly used in such expressions as "One of the 2 fruits may be expected: either perfectwisdom or, if the groups are still remaining (sati upádi-sese, 'if there is a remainder of groups ),Anágámíship" (D. 22). Further (A. IV. 118): "Here the Perfect One has passed into the Nibbána-element inwhich no more groups are remaining (anupádi-sesa)." Cf. nibbána. upádinna-rúpa: 'karmically acquiredcorporeality', or 'matter clung-to (by karma)', is identical with karma-produced corporeality (kammaja-rúpa;s. samutthána). In Vis.M. XIV it is said: "That corporcality which, later on, we shall refer to as'karma-produced' (kammaja), is, for its being dependent on previous (pre-natal) karma, called 'karmicallyacquired'. '' The term (upádinna) occurs so in the suttas, e.g. M. 28 (WHEEL 101), 62, 140. See Dhs. §990;Khandha Vibh.upaghátaka-kamma: 'destructive karma'; s. karma.upahacca-parinibbáyí: 'one who reaches Nibbána within the first half of life', is one of the 5 kinds ofAnágámí (q.v.).upakkilesa: 'impurities', corruptions, imperfections (a frequent rendering by 'defilements' is better reservedfor kilesa, q.v.).A list of 16 moral 'impurities of the mind' (cittassa upakkilesa) is mentioned and explained in M. 7 & 8(WHEEI. 61/62): 1. covetousness and unrighteous greed (abhijjhá-visamalobha), 2. ill will (vyápáda), 3.anger (kodha), 4. hostility (upanáha), 5. denigration (makkha), 6. domineering (palása), 7. envy (issá), 8.stinginess (macchariya), 9. hypocrisy (máyá), 10. fraud (sátheyya), 11. obstinacy (thambha), 12. presumption(sárambha), 13. conceit (mána), 14. arrogance (atimána), 15. vanity (mada), 16. negligence (pamáda).There are 3 groups of upakkilesa pertaining to meditation:(a) 9 mental imperfections occurring in 'one devoted to higher mental training' (adhicitta); 3coarse ones - evil conduct in deeds, words and thoughts; 3 medium - thoughts of sensual desire,ill will and cruelty; 3 subtle - thoughts about one's relatives, one's country and one's reputation(A. III, 100).(b) 18 imperfections in the practice of mindfulness of breathing (ánápána-sati, q.v.), mentionedin Pts.M., Ánápána-kathá (tr. in Mindfulness of Breathing, by Ñánamoli Thera (p. 60; BPS).(c) 10 'imperfections of insight' (-meditation, vipassanúpakkilesa); s. visuddhi V.upanissaya-paccaya: 'decisive support' or 'inducement', is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya, q.v.).upapajja-vedaníya-kamma: 'karma ripening in the next birth'; s. karma.upapatti-bhava: 'rebirth-process'; s. bhava.upapílaka-kamma: 'suppressive kamma'; s. karma.upásaka: lit. 'sitting close by', i.e. a 'lay adherent', is any lay follower who is filled with faith and has takenrefuge in the Buddha, his doctrine and his community of noble disciples (A. VIII, 25). His virtue is regardedas pure if he observes the 5 Precepts (pañca-síla; s. sikkhápada). He should avoid the following wrong waysof livelihood: trading in arms, in living beings, meat, alcohol and poison (A. V, 177). See also A. VIII, 75.upasamánussati: 'recollection of the peace of Nibbána', is the last of the 10 recollections (anussati, q.v.)."Whatsoever, o monks, there are of things, as highest of them is considered detachment (virága), i.e. thecrushing of conceit, the stilling of thirst, the uprooting of clinging, the breaking through the round of rebirths,cessation of craving, detachment, extinction, Nibbána" (A. IV, 34).upásiká: 'female adherent'; s. upásaka.

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