Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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sotápanna: the 'Stream-winner', is the lowest of the 8 noble disciples (s. ariya-puggala).Three kinds are to be distinguished: the one 'with 7 rebirths at the utmost'(sattakkhattu-parama), the one 'passing from one noble family to another' (kolankola), theone 'germinating only once more' (eka-bíjí). As it is said (e.g. Pug. 37-39; A. III, 87):(1) "If a man, after the disappearance of the 3 fetters (personality-belief,skeptical doubt, attachment to rules and ritual; s. samyojana), has entered thestream (to Nibbána), he is no more subject to rebirth in lower worlds, is firmlyestablished, destined to full enlightenment. After having passed amongst theheavenly and human beings only seven times more through the round of rebirths,he puts an end to suffering. Such a man is called 'one with 7 births at the utmost'(sattakkhattu-parama).(2) "If a man, after the disappearance of the 3 fetters.... is destined to fullenlightenment, he, after having passed among noble families two or three timesthrough the round of rebirths, puts an end to suffering. Such a man is called 'onepassing from one noble family to another' (kolankola).(3) "If a man, after the disappearance of the 3 fetters.... is destined to fullenlightenment, he, after having only once more returned to human existence, putsan end to suffering. Such a man is called 'one germinating only once more'(eka-bíjí). See Sotápatti-Samyutta (S. LV).sotápannassa angáni: the 'characteristic qualities of a Stream-winner' are 4: unshakablefaith towards the Enlightened One, unshakable faith towards the Doctrine, unshakable faithtowards the Order, and perfect morality. Explained in S. LV, I, D. 33, in S. XLVII, 8 and inNetti-ppakarana these 4 qualities are called sotápattiyanga (q.v.).sotápatti: 'Stream-entry'; s. sotápanna; s. -magga, -phala, 'path and fruition ofStream-entry'; s. ariyapuggala.sotápattiyanga: the 4 (preliminary) 'conditions to Stream-entry' are: companionship withgood persons, hearing the Good Law, wise reflection, living in conformity with the Law (S. LV,5; D. 33). Cf. sotápannassa angáni.space: s. ákása.spheres (of existence): avacara (q.v.). - The 4 immaterial spheres (áyatana): s. jhána (5-8).spiritual faculties: s. indriya (15-19), indriya-samatta, bala.spontaneously born beings: opapátika (q.v.).stains, the 3: mala (q.v.).standstill (of morality etc.): s. hána-bhágiya-síla. S. of existence: vivatta (q.v.).stinginess: macchariya (q.v.); cf. Tab. II.stored-up karma: katattá; s. karma.

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