Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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sensuality (subj. & obj.): káma (q.v.).sensuous clinging: kámúpádána; s. upádána.sensuous craving: káma-tanhá (-rága), is one of the 10 fetters (samyojana, q.v.), and one ofthe 3 kinds of craving (tanhá, q.v.).sensuous sphere (-world): s. avacara, loka.serenity: s. samatha.seven rebirths at the utmost: s. sotápanna.sex: s. bháva.sexual intercourse, unlawful: s. kámesu micchácára.shame: hiri (q.v.).shamelessness: ahirika (q.v.).signless (animitta): s. ceto-vimutti, vimokkha, vipassaná.sikkhá: the 'training', which the Buddha's disciple has to undergo, is 3-fold: training inhigher morality (adhisíla-sikkhá), in higher mentality (adhicitta-sikkhá), and in higher wisdom(adhipaññá-sikkhá). This 3-fold training refers to the 3-fold division of the the 8-fold Path(magga, q.v.) in morality, concentration and wisdom (síla, samádhi, paññá). In D. 16 and A.IV,1it is said:"It is through not understanding, not penetrating noble morality ... noble concentration ...noble wisdom ... noble deliverance that I, as well as you, have had for such a long time to passthrough this round of rebirths.''"This then is morality, this concentration, this wisdom, this deliverance. Being endowed withmorality, concentration brings high fruit and blessing. Being endowed with concentration,wisdom hrings high fruit and blessing. Being endowed with wisdom, the mind becomes freedfrom all cankers (ásava q.v.) namely, from the sensuous canker (kámásava), from the cankerof existence (bhavasava) from the canker of opinions (ditthisava) from the canker ofignorance (avijjásava).sikkhápada: 'steps of training', moral rules.The 5 moral rules, also called pañca-síla which are binding on all <strong>Buddhist</strong> laymen, are: (1)abstaining from killing any living being, (2) from stealing, (3) from unlawful sexualintercourse, (4) from lying, (5) from the use of intoxicants.(s. surámeraya etc.)The 10 rules (dasa-síla) are binding on all novices and monks, namely: (1) abstaining fromkilling, (2) from stealing, (3) from unchastity, (4) from lying, (5) from the use of intoxicants,(6) from eating after midday, (7) from dancing, singing, music and shows, (8) from garlands,scents, cosmetics and adornments, etc., (9) from luxurious beds, (10) from accepting gold and

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