Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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According to the Com. to A., the beings of the Pure Abodes (suddhávása, q.v.) are notmentioned here, for the reason that they exist only in those world-periods in which Buddhasappear. Cf. viññána-tthiti.sa-upádisesa-nibbána: s. nibbána, upádi.sávaka: 'hearer', i.e. 'disciple', refers, in a restricted sense (then mostly ariya-sávaka,'nohle disciple'), only to the 8 kinds of noble disciples (ariya-puggala, q.v.).sávaka-bodhi: 'enlightenment of the disciple', designates the holiness of the disciple, asdistinguished from the holiness of the Pacceka-Buddha (q.v.) and the Sammá-sambuddha(q.v.).sceptical doubt: vicikicchá (q.v.). Cf. kankhá.scruples: kukkucca (q.v.).sekha: a 'noble learner', a disciple in higher training, i.e. one who pursues the 3 kinds oftraining (sikkhá, q.v.), is one of those 7 kinds of noble disciples who have reached one of the4 supermundane paths or the 3 lower fruitions (s. ariya-puggala), while the one possessed ofthe 4th fruition, or Arahatta-phala, is called 'one beyond training' (asekha, lit. 'no morelearner'). The worldling (puthujjana, q.v.) is called 'neither a noble learner, nor perfected inlearning' (n'eva-sekha-násekha). Cf. Pug. 23-25.self: attá (q.v.).self-annihilation, craving for: vibhava-tanhá (s. tanhá).self-confidence: vesárajja (q.v.).self-mortification: atta-kilamatha (q.v.).senásana: 'dwelling place', is one of the 4 requisites of the monk's life (s. síla 4). To besuitable for spiritual training, it should possess 5 advantages. As it is said (A. X, 11): "Buthow, o monks, does the dwelling place possess 5 advantages? Such a dwelling place is not toofar, nor too near (to the village), is suitable for going (on almsround) and returning. In thedaytime it is not much crowded, and at night without noise and bustle. One is not muchmolested there by gadflies, mosquitoes, wind, sun and creeping things. While living there, themonk without difficulty obtains robes, almsfood, dwelling, and the necessary medicines.There are elder monks living there, with great learning, well versed in the Message, mastersof the Law (dhamma), of the Discipline (vinaya) and of the Tables of Contents (i.e. either thetwofold Abhidhamma Matrix, or the Bhikkhu and Bhikkhuni Pátimokkha; s. pátimokkha). Andhe approaches them from time to time, questions them, asks them for explanations, etc.sense-organs and objects: s. áyatana, dhátu.sense-stimuli, corporeality responding to: s. áyatana.sensitive corporeality: pasáda-rúpa (q.v.).

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