Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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knowledge of the origin of suffering dispels the annihilation-view (uccheda-ditthi, s. ditthi);the knowledge of extinction of suffering, the eternity-view (sassata-ditthi, s. ditthi); theknowledge of the path, the view of inefficacy of action (akiriya-ditthi, s. ditthi)" (Vis.M. XVI,85).saccánulomika-ñána: anuloma-ñána (q.v.), puthujjana.sacchikaraníyá dhammá: 'things to be realized'. Recollection of former states of existenceis to be realized through remembrance (abhiññá 4; q.v.). The vanishing and reappearing ofbeings is to be realized through the divine eye (abhiññá 5; q.v.). The 8 deliverances(vimokkha, q.v.) are to be realized through the mental group (káya, here feeling, perception,mental formations; s. káya). The extinction of cankers is to be realized through insight(vipassaná).saddhá: faith, confidence. A <strong>Buddhist</strong> is said to have faith if "he believes in the PerfectOne's (the Buddha's) Enlightenment" (M 53; A.V, 2), or in the Three Jewels (s. ti-ratana), bytaking his refuge in them (s. ti-sarana). His faith, however, should be "reasoned and rooted inunderstanding" (ákáravatá saddhá dassanamúlika; M. 47), and he is asked to investigate andtest the object of his faith (M. 47, 95). A <strong>Buddhist</strong>'s faith is not in conflict with the spiritof inquiry, and "doubt about dubitable things" (A. II, 65; S. XLII, 13) is admitted and inquiryinto them is encouraged. The 'faculty of faith' (saddhindriya) should be balanced with thatof wisdom (paññindriya; s. indriya-samatta). It is said: "A monk who has understanding,establishes his faith in accordance with that understanding" (S. XLVIII, 45). Throughwisdom and understanding, faith becomes an inner certainty and firm conviction based onone's own experience.Faith is called the seed (Sn. v. 77) of all wholesome states because, according tocommentarial explanations, it inspires the mind with confidence (okappana, pasáda) anddetermination (adhimokkha), for 'launching out' (pakkhandhana; s. M. 122) to cross the floodof samsára.Unshakable faith is attained on reaching the first stage of holiness, 'stream-entry'(sotápatti, s. ariyapuggala), when the fetter of sceptical doubt (vicikicchá; s. samyojana) iseliminated. Unshakable confidence (avecca-pasáda) in the Three Jewels is one of thecharacteristic qualities of the Stream-winner (sotápannassa angáni, q.v.).Faith is a mental concomitant, present in all karmically wholesome, and its correspondingneutral, consciousness (s. Tab. II). It is one of the 4 streams of merit (puññadhárá, q.v.), oneof the 5 spiritual faculties (indriya, q.v.), spiritual powers (bala, q.v.), elements of exertion(padhániyanga, q.v.) and one of the 7 treasures (dhana, q.v.).See Faith in the Buddha's Teaching, by Soma Thera (WHEEL 262). "DoesSaddhá mean Faith?'' by Ñánamoli Thera (in WHEEL 52/53).saddhánusári and saddhá-vimutta: the 'faith-devoted and the 'faith-liberated', are two ofthe 7 kinds of noble disciples (s. ariya-puggala, B.).sagga: 'heaven'; s. deva (heavenly heings).

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