Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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2. Right thought (sammá-sankappa)3. Right speech (sammá-vácá)4. Right action (sammá-kammanta)I. Morality (síla)5. Right livelihood (sammd-djiva)6. Right effort (sammá-váyáma)7. Right mindfulness (sammá-sati)II. Concentration (samádhi)8. Right concentration (sammá-samádhi)1. "What now, o monks, is right view (or right understanding)? It is the understanding ofsuffering, of the origin of suffering, of the extinction of suffering, and of the path leadingto the extinction of suffering.2. "What now, o monks, is right thought? It is a mind free from sensual lust, ill-will andcruelty.3. "What now, o monks, is right speech? Abstaining from lying, tale-bearing, harsh words, andfoolish babble (cf. tiracchánakathá).4. "What now, o monks, is right action? Abstaining from injuring living beings, from stealingand from unlawful sexual intercourse (s. kámesu micchácára).5. "What now, o monks, is right livelihood? If the noble disciple rejects a wrong living, andgains his living by means of right livelihood (s. magga, 5).6. "What now, o monks, is right effort? If the disciple rouses his will to avoid the arising ofevil, demeritorious things that have not yet arisen; ... if he rouses his will to overcome theevil, demeritorious things that have already arisen; ... if he rouses his will to producemeritorious things that have not yet arisen; ... if he rouses his will to maintain themeritorious things that have already arisen and not to let them disappear, but to bring themto growth, to maturity and to the full perfection of development; he thus makes effort, stirsup his energy, exerts his mind and strives (s. padhána).7. "What now, o monks is right mindfulness? If the disciple dwells in contemplation ofcorporeality ... of feeling ... of mind ... of the mind-objects, ardent, clearly conscious, andmindful after putting away worldly greed and grief (s. satipatthána).8. "What now, o monks, is right concentration? If the disciple is detached from sensualobjects, detached from unwholesome things, and enters into the first absorption ... thesecond absorption ... the third absorption ... the fourth absorption" (s. jhána).In the Buddha's first sermon, the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, it is said that the firsttruth (suffering) is to be fully understood; the second truth (craving) to be abandoned; the

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