Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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signifying 'rebirth', e.g. in A. VI, 61; X, 65.Cf., in the 2nd Truth, the adj. ponobhavika, 'leading to renewed existence'.See A. III, 76; Sn. 163, 273, 514, 733; S. VII, 12; X, 3.puñña: merit, meritorious, is a popular term for karmically wholesome (kusala) action.Opposite terms: apuñña, 'demerit'; pápa, 'bad', 'evil', The value of meritorious action isoften stressed, e.g., in the Treasure Store Sutta (s. Khp. Tr.), Dhp 18, 118, 122. - TheCommunity of Holy Monks (ariya-sangha), the third Refuge (s. ti-sarana), is said to be "theincomparable field of merit in the world" (anuttaram puññakkhettam lokassa); s. anussati 3.The Arahats, however, having transcended all life-affirming and rebirth-producing actions,are said to be "beyond merit and demerit"; see Sn. 520, 547, 636, 790. - See foll. 3 articles.puññábhisankhára: 'meritorious karma-formations' of the sensuous and fine-materialsphere; s. sankhára I. 1.puññá-dhárá: 'streams of merit'. It is said that one produces 4 streams of merit byoffering the 4 requisites (robes, almsfood, dwelling, medicine) to a monk who has reachedthe conditionless deliverance of mind; further by being filled with unshakable faith in theBuddha, his doctrine and community of disciples, and by being perfect in morality (A. IV, 51,52). A. VIII, 39 describes 4 further streams of merit.puñña-kiriya-vatthu: 'bases of meritorious action'. In the suttas, 3 are mentionedconsisting of giving (liberality; dána-maya-p.), of morality (síla-maya-p.) and of mentaldevelopment (meditation; bhávaná-maya-p.). See D. 33; It. 60; expl. in A. VIII, 36.Commentaries have a list of ten (dasa p.) which is very popular in <strong>Buddhist</strong> countries: (1)-(3)as above, (4) reverence (apaciti), (5) service (veyyávacca), (6) transference of merit(pattánuppadána), (7) rejoicing in others' merit (abbhánumodana), (8) expounding theDoctrine (desaná), (9) listening to the Doctrine (savana), (10) straightening one's right views(rectification of views; ditthujukamma). - Expl. in Atthasálini Tr. 209ff.See 'The Advantages of Merit', by Bhikkhu Khantipalo (BODHI LEAVES B. 38).pure abodes: suddhávása (q.v.).purejáta-paccaya: 'pre-nascence', is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya, q.v.).purification, the 7 stages of; s. visuddhi.purisindriya: 'Virility'; s. bháva, khandha.purity, the elements of the effort for: párisuddhipadhániyanga (q.v.).puthujjana: lit.: 'one of the many folk', 'worldling', ordinary man, is any layman or monk whois still possessed of all the 10 fetters (samyojana, q.v.) binding to the round of rebirths, andtherefore has not yet reached any of the 4 stages of holiness (s. ariya-puggala)."Whoso is neither freed from the 3 fetters (personality-belief, sceptical doubt, attachment

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