Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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picked-up rags, wearing robes made from: s. dhutanga.pindapátik'anga: The 'practice of going for alms', is one of the 13 asceticpurification-exercises (s. dhutanga).píta-kasina: 'yellow-kasina', is one of the kasina-exercises; s. kasina.píti: rapture, enthusiasm (rendered also by joy, happiness); interest it is one of the mentalfactors or concomitants (cetasika) and belongs to the group of mental formations(sankhára-kkhandha). As, in sutta texts, it is often linked in a compound word. with 'gladness'(pámojja) or 'happiness' (sukha), some Western translations have wrongly taken it as asynonym of these two terms. Píti, however, is not a feeling or a sensation, and hence does notbelong to the feeling-group (vedaná-kkhandha), but may be described psychologically as'joyful interest'. As such it may be associated with wholesome as well as with unwholesomeand neutral states of consciousness.A high degree of rapture is characteristic of certain stages in meditative concentration, ininsight practice (vipassaná) as well as in the first two absorptions (jhána, q.v.). In the latterit appears as one of the factors of absorption (jhánanga; s. jhána) and is strongest in the 2ndabsorption. Five degrees of intensity in meditative rapture are described in Vis.M. IV. 94ff.It is one of the factors of enlightenment (bojjhanga, q.v.).planes of existence, the 3: s. avacara.pleasantness, idea of: s. vipallása, subhanimitta.pondering: s. vímamsá.post-nascence: pacchájáta-paccaya, one of the 24 conditions (paccaya, q.v.).postures, the 4 bodily: iriyápatha (q.v.).powers, the 5 spiritual: s. bala. - For the 6 higher p., s. abhiññna. For the 10 p. of a Buddha,s. dasabala. - For the 4 roads to p., s. iddhipáda. For magical p., s. iddhi.practice: For theory, practice and realization, s. pariyatti.predominance and pre-nascence: adhipati, purejáta, are 2 of the 24 conditions (paccaya,q.v.).preparatory concentration (and preparatory image, etc.): s. samádhi, javana.prescribed moral rules: paññatti-síla (q.v.).proclivities: s. anusaya.produced corporeality: nipphanna-rúpa (q.v.).productive (or regenerative) karma; s. karma.proficiency (of mental factors and consciousness): páguññatá (q.v.)

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