Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary

Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary


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faculties are sharp in him, and by reason thereof he reaches quickly the immediacyto the cessation of all cankers ....See A. IV, 162, 163, 166-169; Dhs. 176ff; Atthasálini Tr. I, 243; 11, 291, 317.patipadá-ñánadassana-visuddhi: 'purification by knowledge and vision of the path-progress'forms the 6th stage of purification (visuddhi, q.v.).patipannaka: 'path-attainer', is he who had reached one of the 4 supermundane paths ofholiness (s. ariya-puggala). - (App.)patipatti: practice, or 'pursuance' of the teaching, as distinguished from the meretheoretical knowledge of its wording (pariyatti, q.v.).patipassaddhi-pahána: 'overcoming (of defilements) by tranquillization' (s. pahána).patisambhidá: 'analytical knowledge' or 'discrimination', is of 4 kinds: analytical knowledgeof the true meaning (attha-patisambhidá), of the law (dhamma-patisambhidá), of language(nirutti-patisambhidá), of ready wit (patibhána-patisambhidá).As an alternative rendering of the fourth term (patibhána), Bhikkhu Ñánamoli proposes:perspicuity (in expression and knowledge).1. The analytical knowledge of the meaning (attha-p.) is the knowledge with regardto the sense.2. The analytical knowledge of the law (dhamma-p.) is the knowledge with regardto the law.3. The analytical knowledge of language (nirutti-p.) is the knowledge of thelanguage with regard to those former 2 things.4. The analytical knowledge of ready-wit (patibhána-p.) is the knowledge about the(former 3) kinds of knowledge" (Vibh. XV)."(1) attha (Sanskrit artha, √ ar, to reach; result, meaning, purpose, true substance)designates, in short, the fruit (phala) of a cause (hetu); for since the fruit of a cause resultsfrom adhering to the cause, and is reached and effected thereby, therefore it is calledresult (attha). In particular, however, 5 things are considered as attha, namely: everythingdependent on conditions, Nibbána, the meaning of words, karma-result, and functionalconsciousness. When anyone reflects on that meaning any knowledge of his, falling within thecategory concerned with meaning (or result), is the 'analytical knowledge' of meaning."(2) dhamma (Sanskrit dharma, √ dhar, to bear; bearer, condition, law, phenomenon, thing) is,in short, a name for condition (paccaya).... In particular, however, 5 things are considered asdhamma, namely: every cause (hetu) producing a result, the noble path, the spoken word, thekarmically wholesome, the karmically unwholesome. When anyone reflects on that law, anyknowledge of his, falling within the category concerned with law (or cause), is the 'analyticalknowledge' of the law.

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