
Monika-FoodService Monika-FoodService

FoodApplicationsTemperature monitoringfor food production

Simple temperature complianceBrand protection for your businessThe simple way to keep temperatures safeWhat are my food safety obligations?<strong>Monika</strong>’s paper free solutions are designed to simplify the temperature monitoring components of a HACCP(‘Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points’) plan. HACCP is a systematic approach to identifying andmanaging critical areas of risk in food production, storage, distribution and service. HACCP forms thebasis of recognised standards such as ISO 22000 and the BRC Global Food Standard. Accreditation tothese standards is respected and frequently required by many large food retailers, tour operators andgovernment agencies. HACCP is also the basis of compliance legislation and regulations in many areas ofthe world including the European Union. Applying the principles of HACCP diligently in accordance withthese regulations generally forms a robust ‘due diligence’ defence against prosecution by governmentagencies.Do my manual records really serve my needs?Do your manual temperature recording routines take up too much time and paper? Do they sometimes getskimped or neglected? Do they show what action you took in response to an out of range temperature?Could they leave you vulnerable? <strong>Monika</strong>’s automated solutions make due diligence simple, eliminate paperrecords and allow you time to focus fully on what you do best – producing food.<strong>Monika</strong>’s paper free solutions cover all your productionand storage risks<strong>Monika</strong>’s simple to use wireless solutions cover your temperature risks from back door to delivery. Theyensure your food is received, processed, served or delivered at the right temperature. They ensure your foodis stored or held at the right temperature. They allow you to relax and focus on what you do best - producequality food.Focus on production with peace of mindPut one or more <strong>Monika</strong> modules together and get a single set of comprehensive records suited to the sizeand scope of your operation. All data is time and date stamped, and all out of limit alerts are logged withteam member name and corrective action. Get on with running your facility, secure in the knowledge that<strong>Monika</strong> is protecting you and your customers. No more worries about forgotten or fudged hand writtenrecords.3 4Save paper, time and moneyThe simple way to keep temperatures safe

1wireless hand probingWireless Hand Reader & Docking CradleTemperature data is downloaded daily to <strong>Monika</strong> PC software via a special<strong>Monika</strong> Recharge Docking Cradle.<strong>Monika</strong> Wireless Hand ProbingSaves food, time and money with handheld data collectionHow it worksWith the <strong>Monika</strong> Wireless Hand Probing Module you can probe your food at critical points such as goodsin, prime cooking, chilling, re-heating, serving and delivery. You use a <strong>Monika</strong> Wireless Hand Reader inconjunction with a <strong>Monika</strong> Wireless Spike Insertion Probe. You can also routinely check food samples orsimulant in fridges or freezers and coldrooms.Saving valuable timeData entry is minimal and limited to scrolling through a limited number of food items. Each team memberhas a user tag for logging on to the Hand Reader. Each probe is assigned to a specific location and hencespecific food items with set temperature limits. You save time and paper writing up charts by logging time,date, team member, location and food item as you log your temperature.Reliability and cleanlinessThe <strong>Monika</strong> Hand Reader and probe is fully robust and easy to clean. The <strong>Monika</strong> Docking Cradle rechargesthe unit whenever it is docked. Wireless technology avoids the use of unhygienic coiled cables withfault prone cable connections found on traditional logging thermometers.Protecting your brand and your reputation<strong>Monika</strong>’s Wireless Hand Probing Module integrates with the other <strong>Monika</strong> modules to form a singletemperature reporting system. Out of range probed temperatures are reported in the alert log. The alertlog becomes a focus for pro-active action. If you eliminate alerts through effective maintenance and stafftraining you will be guaranteed to have safe food. <strong>Monika</strong> reports are encrypted. Once generated theycannot be altered, and represent real evidence of due diligence. Could you fully rely on your manual recordsin a Court of Law?“Our <strong>Monika</strong> System helps us protect our brandreputation - that’s very important to usDarren Deadman, Executive Head ChefLeith’s at Excel Centre, London ”Wireless Insertion ProbeRobust and fully sealed, the insertion probeuses wireless technology to send temperaturereadings to the Hand Reader. Wirelesstechnology means no unhygienic coiled cablesto get snagged or trap dirt.Wireless Hand ReaderPurpose made for use in demanding kitchenenvironments, the <strong>Monika</strong> Hand Reader is robustand easy to use.Preset with your menu items, the <strong>Monika</strong> HandReader will record which product is being sampledalong with time/date, user, location, any correctiveaction taken and of course, temperature.5 6Save paper, time and moneyThe simple way to keep temperatures safe

2product simulation logging<strong>Monika</strong> Product Simulation LoggingSaves food, time and money with handheld data collectionWireless Hand Reader & Docking CradleTemperature data is downloaded daily to <strong>Monika</strong> PC software via a special<strong>Monika</strong> Recharge Docking Cradle.How it worksWith <strong>Monika</strong> Product Simulation Logging you collect data from your cold rooms, cabinets and appliancesrather than network them back to your PC. A <strong>Monika</strong> Product Simulation Logger is mounted in each oneand is ‘launched’ using a <strong>Monika</strong> Wireless Hand Reader. It will then log temperatures at pre-set intervals.You collect your data each day simply by pointing the Hand Reader at the Logger. When all data is collectedyou download it to your PC via a <strong>Monika</strong> Docking Cradle.When to use <strong>Monika</strong> Data Logging<strong>Monika</strong> data logging is best where you have a small facility with a limited number of units and a limitedbudget. Loggers may also be used on larger sites for holding cabinets, cabinets used for low risk foods andremote cabinets not worth networking.Saving valuable timeLoggers avoid the need to manually record potentially misleading air temperatures shown by dials anddisplays at a single point of time. Visits to cabinets can be reduced to once a day and downloading datais quick and simple. While doing this you can complete your routine stock check of use by dates, correctstorage and cleanliness.Saving food costsAlerts are displayed locally on the logger. In a smaller facility where you can keep an eye on air temperaturedisplays you can quickly check your simulated product temperature on the logger and if necessary you canthen move the food to a safe location. Alerts are generated retrospectively on the PC for entry of correctiveaction, and repetitive alerts can soon be spotted.Protecting your brand and your reputation<strong>Monika</strong>’s Product Simulation Loggers give you fully encrypted temperature history and alert log reports.Once generated they cannot be altered, and represent real evidence of due diligence. Could you fully rely onyour manual records in a Court of Law?Product Simulation LoggerA <strong>Monika</strong> Product Simulation Logger is mountedinto each appliance and will log temperatures atpre-set intervals. You collect your data each daysimply by pointing the Hand Reader at the Logger<strong>Monika</strong> keeps our records all in one place,and at the touch of a button”Gordon Vaughan, General Catering Manager7“Autograph Foodservice 8Save paper, time and moneyThe simple way to keep temperatures safe

3continuous monitoring<strong>Monika</strong> Pathfinder RF Wireless Continuous MonitoringSaves time and money with automatic data collection while protecting your food with real time alertsNetwork Master UnitHot and cold storage units are linked by <strong>Monika</strong>’s WirelessPathfinder RF technology to your network master unit(NMU). Readings are stored in your NMU before beingsent to your PC. This ensures the security and reliability ofreadings during PC down-time.How it works<strong>Monika</strong> Pathfinder RF Wireless Continuous Monitoring networks your cold rooms, refrigerators, hotcupboards and other food storage appliances. A wall mounted Product Simulation Sensor wired to a <strong>Monika</strong>slave transmitter sends temperatures continuously to a <strong>Monika</strong> Network Master Unit (NMU) where theyare continuously logged and downloaded to your PC or server. For larger sites such as hotels and hospitalswith foodservice facilities acorss a numbers of floors, data is brought back from a wireless network in eacharea across the LAN network. A <strong>Monika</strong> LAN converter is mounted in each area to enable this, creatingone system building wide.Saving valuable timeManually recording air temperatures shown by dials and displays can be completely erroneous, particularlyif cabinets are overloaded. Best manual practice involves visiting each storage unit up to 3 times a day andhand probing a food sample or simulant gel. How much time does this take if done correctly?Saving food costsTemperature alerts are highlighted on your PC as they occur, and where these are critical they can berelayed by text message or email to nominated team members. Reacting promptly means food can be savedby moving it elsewhere or by using it immediately. What is the value of the food you are storing?Saving money with <strong>Monika</strong> diagnosticsYou can collect and graph additional data that helps you save money. For example you can monitorcompressor or valve activity. Identifying and fixing constantly running plant saves energy and possiblecostly breakdowns. Door monitoring also highlights wasted energy from doors left open, as well as out ofhours access, indicative of pilfering. Do you know what plant and staff problems are really costing you?Protecting your brand and your reputation<strong>Monika</strong>’s Pathfinder RF Module gives you fully encrypted temperature history and alert log reports. Oncegenerated they cannot be altered, and represent real evidence of due diligence. Could you fully rely on yourmanual records in a Court of Law?“Self-repairing Wireless NetworkProvides a robust and flexible network that can adapt tochanging conditions. Should a ‘black spot’ develop in yourkitchen, the wireless network will simply reroute the signalvia an alternative path.Continuous Monitoring PointA wall mounted Product Simulation Sensor wired to a<strong>Monika</strong> slave transmitter sends temperatures continuously...accurate, reliable and pain-free HACCPto a <strong>Monika</strong> Network Master Unit (NMU).traceability - all in one neat package”Graham Bleakley, Kitchen ManagerHonourable Society of Lincolns Inn9 10Save paper, time and moneyThe simple way to keep temperatures safe

4multi-site solutions<strong>Monika</strong>’s Enterprise SystemBrand protection for your business with instant access to your multi-site operations“At each of our 750 stores, <strong>Monika</strong>’s Enterprisesystem provides fully automated temperaturemonitoring, with instant access from our HeadOffice..”Dave Gartside - Building Services ManagerIceland Foods LimitedHow it worksWith <strong>Monika</strong>’s Enterprise system, multiple departments or sites featuring Networked Monitoring, DataLogging or Hand Probing modules are linked to a central database for instant access from anywherein the World. At the heart of The Enterprise System is the ability to automate temperature monitoringirrespective of distance, location and environment. Sensors automatically record temperatures withouthuman intervention, monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.Head OfficeLive temperature readings from your multiplesites are fed directly to your central PC.Quickly search for a particular site by nameor reference number. Remote auditing andmonitoring made easy with simple traffic lightstyle dashboard and report wizards.Solutions tailored to you<strong>Monika</strong>’s Enterprise System is customisable to your exact requirements and existing IT infrastructurewhether you use a local PC or thin client networks. With a host of industry standard options to choose from,configuring your multi-site system has become child’s play.Remote auditing made easy<strong>Monika</strong>’s Enterprise System is aimed at organisations with multiple department facilities or sites locatedregionally, nationally, even internationally. While being a fully featured centralised solution, localmanagement and reporting can stay under the control of the local department operators, with a secureconnection to the central enterprise database. Remote auditing and reporting is quick and simple, andfingertip access to live temperature records will help you monitor your operations at the click of a button.Records and graphical charts can be easily locked into PDF format for emailing to clients and stakeholders.Take swift actionIn the event that a temperature alarm occurs, the Enterprise System automatically notifies the localoperator for immediate action to be taken. Email and text message alerts can be sent to the local operatoras well as escalated to central nominees. Enterprise level users have fingertip access to the secure databasefrom their own PC, allowing quick and simple auditing of their due diligence obligations.Site OneYour IntranetSite Two11Protecting your brand and your reputation<strong>Monika</strong>’s Enterprise system gives you fully encrypted temperature history and alert log reports at thetouch of a button, from anywhere in the World. Once generated, records and history cannot be altered,and represent real evidence of due diligence. Live access to your multi-site operations offers peace of mindknowing that your policies on temperature compliance are being met. No more surprises or last minuteworries when it’s time for the annual audit.Site ThreeSite FourOperational siteWith the option of having each system underthe control of the local operator, traceability andaccountability for alert conditions stay withthe staff best placed to action them.12Save paper, time and moneyThe simple way to keep temperatures safe

summary of system modulesCombine these modules to suit yoursize of operation1 Wirelesshandprobing23 ContinuousmonitoringProductsimulationloggingWireless hand probing onlyStorage and holding: Hand Reader temperature probing ofsimulant gel stored amongst food.Goods in, production and serving: Hand Reader temperatureprobing of food samples.Wireless hand probing & productsimulation loggingStorage and holding: Hand Reader download of continuouslylogged simulated food temperatures and alertsGoods in, production and serving: Hand Reader temperatureprobing of food samples.Wireless hand probing & wirelesscontinuous monitoringStorage and holding: Continuous simulated food temperaturemonitoring with local PC display and real time alerts.Goods in, production and serving: Hand Reader temperatureprobing of food samples.11 21 3Multiple areas on one siteStorage and holding: Continuous simulated food temperaturemonitoring with local PC display and real time alerts in areaslinked across the LAN where justified; Hand Reader downloadedcontinuously logged simulated food temperatures and alerts wherenetworking not warranted (e.g. floor pantries).Goods in, production and serving: Hand Reader temperatureprobing of food samples.1 2 34Multi-sitesolutionsMulti-site operationStorage and holding: Continuous simulated food temperaturemonitoring with local PC display and real time alerts in areas wherejustified; Hand Reader downloaded continuously logged simulatedfood temperatures and alerts where networking not warranted (e.g.floor pantries).Goods in, production and serving: Hand Reader temperatureprobing of food samples.1 2 3 413Fully detailed product speficications avaiable via our website<strong>Monika</strong> follows a program of continual development and therefore reserves the right to change specifications from those published without notice andassumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may appear in this document.14Save paper, time and moneyThe simple way to keep temperatures safe

<strong>Monika</strong>UK10 Brook ParkGaddesby LaneRearsbyLeicesterLE7 4ZBUKt. +44 (0) 1664 420 022f. +44 (0) 1664 420 033e. info@monika.comw.<strong>Monika</strong> is a division of Gamtol Ltd. Registeredin England and Wales. Company No.1359288Registered Office: 10, Brook Park, GaddesbyLane, Rearsby, Leicester, LE7 4ZB. UK<strong>Monika</strong>AustraliaLevel 41013 Whitehorse RoadBox HillVIC 3128Australiat. +61 1300 857 025f. +61 1300 857 015e.<strong>Monika</strong>Middle EastTCL Dubai Regional OfficeP.O Box 94988DubaiUAEt. +971 4267 5820f. +971 4267 5830e. info@monikagcc.comw.

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