Black fungal extremes - CBS

Black fungal extremes - CBS

Black fungal extremes - CBS


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Ce l l u l a r r e s p o n s e s t o d e s i c c at i o nA3000slow desiccation (SD) (SD)S500Aslow desiccation (SD)S µg/g dw2500200015001000500PCPE400300200100PC, PE µg/g dw0K D 24h0Bfast fast desiccation (FD) (FD)Bfast desiccation (FD)3000500S µg/g dw2500200015001000500400300200100PC, PE µg/g dw0KD 24hFig. 5. Neutral (storage) lipids in colonies o microcolonial strain A95 subjected toFigure Fig. 4. Membrane 4. Membrane lipids in lipids colonies in colonies of microcolonial of microcolonial strain A95 subjected strain A95 to slow subjected (A) to slow slow (A) and fast (B) desiccation. The time axis is not to scale - the distance between(A) and and fast (B) fast desiccation. (B) desiccation. The time The axis time is not axis to is scale, not to as scale, the distance as the between distance K between K and K D equals 8 wk of desiccation, while 24 h represents 24 hs after re-hydration.and D equals 8 8 wks weeks of desiccation, of desiccation, while 24 while h is 24 24 hs h after is 24 water hours was after added water to the was added K = to control, D = after 8 wk of desiccation; 24 h = re-hydrated colony after 24 h. TAGthe desiccated desiccated colonies. colonies. K = control K (stationary – control phase (stationary colony, before phase being colony, transferred before being = triacylglycerol; DAG = diacylglycerol, SE = sterol esters.transferred to a desiccator), D a = desiccator), after 8 wk of D desiccation; – after 824 weeks h = re-hydrated of desiccation; colony 2424h h later. – re-hydratedcolony 24 h later. S – sterols, PC – phosphatidylcholine, PE –S = sterols, PC = phosphatidylcholine, PE = phosphatidylethanolamine.phosphatidylethanolamine.were practically absent in SD colonies (Fig. 4A, 24 h), while FDcolonies showed a steady increase in both phosphatidylcholine andphosphatidylethanolamine levels (Fig. 4B).Desiccated cells contained high amounts of neutral lipids liketriacylglycerol (TAG) and diacylglycerol (DAG). Storage lipidsalso displayed significantly diverse dynamics between slow- andfast-dehydrated mycelia. Neutral lipids decreased during thedehydration when the process was slow (Fig. 5A), while a slightincrease occurred when desiccation was fast. TAG levels of SDcells were reduced by 50 % as compared to controls (Fig 5A),while FD cells contained 1,4-fold higher amounts of TAG (Fig.5B). After rehydration, the constant levels of neutral lipids liketriacylglycerols and sterol ethers suggest a stable metabolicstate that was not significantly influenced by desiccation stress(Fig. 5B). The proportion of rapidly and slowly oxidised lipids incell membranes and intracellular inclusions was checked in A95following the desiccation challenge. The proportion of unsaturatedfatty acids was always relatively high. In control cells, 81 % of allfatty acids were unsaturated. After 8 wk of anhydrobiosis the ratioof unsaturated fatty acids in SD and FD cells equalled respectively80 and 67 % of the total fatty acids. In desiccated cells after 24 h ofrehydration the values reached 86 % in SD cells, while rehydratedFD cells had equal proportions of saturated and unsaturated fattyacids (50:50 %).As shown by biochemical methods, intra-cellular structures infast desiccated cells were largely preserved and their biochemical0status (synthesis of carotenoids and phospholipids) supportedthese observations (Figs 4B, 5B, 6B). In contrast, SD colonies (Figs4A, 5A, 6A), were less viable although some cells in a colony werestill capable of re-growth. Decreased levels of triglycerols and sterolesters suggested lower levels of storage lipids in SD cells. Onlytrace amounts of phospholipids were found following rehydration,confirming the complete loss of membrane structure in SD colonies.Under TEM, these cells looked like vials filled with lipid droplets,confirming the decay of intracellular membrane structures.Pigment analysisAs expected (Gorbushina et al. 1993, Butler & Day 1997) melaninwas obvious under TEM (Figs 1, 2) and no further characterisationof this pigment group was carried out. Pigments found in A95absorbed radiation in UV- and visible-wavelengths. Both redcarotenoids and colourless UV-absorbing carotenoids as well asmycosporines were present. Five different carotenoid pigmentswere identified in A95: ß-carotene, ζ-carotene, phytoene, toruleneand torularhodin. Mycosporines included mycosporine-glutaminol,mycosporine-glutaminol-glucoside, mycosporine-glutamicol, andmycosporine-glutamicol-glucoside (Volkmann & Gorbushina 2006).Carotenoid contents also varied during desiccation / rehydrationstress (Fig. 6). Levels of phytoene, a colourless precursor ofcarotenoid synthesis were particularly sensitive to stresses, butthe amounts of red carotenoids decreased under SD (Fig. 6A) orremained unchanged in conditions of FD (Fig. 6B).www.studiesinmycology.org95

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