Construction Management Plan - Southwark Council Planning Pages

Construction Management Plan - Southwark Council Planning Pages

Construction Management Plan - Southwark Council Planning Pages

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8 Work Force8.1 Employment and <strong>Management</strong> Workforce• Catering and other essential welfare facilities will be provided on Site.• An employment strategy will be deliveredd via an Employment Centre in partnership with Lend Lease,BeOnSite, <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, local agencies, training providers and Contractors. The Contractorsshall engage withthe Employment Centree service to encourage local residents to apply tomeet theemployment requirements off construction.8.1.1 ContractorsWorking Agreement– Union Involvement• The Contractor will endeavour to ensure that all appropriate measures necessary are taken tomaintain good industrial relations in connection with the Development.• The Contractor will notify Trade Unions of the schemee and estimated timetable. A list of contractorstogether with, where applicable, the National Joint <strong>Council</strong> for thee Building Industry (NJCBI) registernumber and/or reference with the Building and Civil EngineeringHoliday Scheme <strong>Management</strong> or itsequivalent will also be supplied.• The contractor/sub contractors (Building Trades) appointed must abide by thee terms of NationalWorking Rule Agreements as appropriate. Contractors outside Building Trades are to abide by theirnational agreements as appropriate.• An Equal Opportunities Policywill be adopted and contractors (and their sub‐‐ minority contractors) mustadopt a positive approach to the employment and training of ethnic groups.8.2 Working Hours• Prescribed hours of work would be agreed with <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>. Due to the proximity ofresidential dwellings and commercial activities to the Site, it is likely that the standard hours of workwould be prescribed as follows: 08:00 to 18:000 hours Monday to Friday; 08:00 to 13:000 hours Saturday; and Noundertaking of noisy works on Sundays, Bank Holidays or Public Holidays.• In order to maintain the above working hours, the Principal Contractor may require at certain times aperiod of up to one hour before and afterr normal working hours to t start and close down activities(this will not include works that are likely to exceed agreed maximum construction noise levels). lSpecialist construction operations and deliveries may also be required to be carried out side thesecore hours in agreement with<strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.• Although night‐time, out‐of‐hours or weekend working would nott normally bee permitted, , it isconceivable that certain specialist construction operations and deliveries mayy have to be undertakenduring these periods. If necessary, the hours of operation for such works would be subject to prioragreement and reasonable notice with <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, exceptt in emergency conditions.• Works will take place outside these hourss but will mostly be within noise limits set by <strong>Southwark</strong><strong>Council</strong>. Consultation with <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will be required prior to noisy activities taking placeoutside normal hours of operation, with the exception of emergency work which may need to takeplaceas required.8.3 Local Training andEmployment Opportunities• The Developmentis committed to meeting the needsof local people wherever possible and to thisend pro‐actively encourages the t employment of locall residents and the use off local businesses andSt Mary’s Residential Detailed <strong>Plan</strong>ning Application May 201234

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