Construction Management Plan - Southwark Council Planning Pages

Construction Management Plan - Southwark Council Planning Pages

Construction Management Plan - Southwark Council Planning Pages

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7.9.2 Operational ControlThe strategy for controlling and mitigating potential adverse environmental or health and safety effectsduring constructionwill include the t following, as appropriate;• Identification andassessmentt of the potential for previously unidentified andd residual groundcontamination tobe presented prior to the start of any piling or excavation e construction work;• Minimisation of potential risks to Site workers as required by the <strong>Construction</strong>n (Design and<strong>Management</strong>) Regulations 2007;• Sampling and testing of excavated spoil and piling arising, in order to assess the suitabilityofmaterials for re‐use on Site against Site‐specific criteria;• Use of piling systems designed to minimise impacts on the groundwater;• Dust suppression from any contaminatedd soils by the regular use of water sprays during any dryconditions, sheeting of haulage vehicle loads, use of wheel washers;• Stockpiling of contaminated materials will be avoidedd whenever possible. p If this is necessary,stockpiles will be located on areas of hardd standing orplastic sheeting to prevent contaminantsinfiltrating into the underlyingground;• Stockpiles will be treated to prevent windblown dust;• Adequate drainage will be designed and installed during construction work too manage surface waterrunoff and prevent any contaminated water from entering watercourses, either directly as surfacerun‐off, or indirectly via the surface waterr drainage systems;• The flow of trafficacross the Site, speed restrictions, the siting of wheel wash facilities and sheetinggantries will be designed to take account of the potential presence of contaminated ground duringconstruction activities in certain areas andd the minimisation of associated potential safety, healthand environmental risks;• Any arising containing remnants of invasive/noxious weed‐type materials m will be treated ascontrolled waste and disposed of off‐Site at a landfill Site that is licensed to receive such material.Disposal of any invasive weed‐type material will followthe disposal recommendation referred towithin the relevant Environmental Agencyy code of practice;• The handling andstorage of any potentially hazardous liquids on Site, S e.g. fuels and chemicals, will becontrolled and best practice guidance such as that published by the Environment Agency, will befollowed. Storage tank/container facilities will be appropriate secured within designated areas andSited as far as possible from any watercourse or surface drain;• If hazardous liquids escape, remedial action will be taken as soon as possible; and• Where unforeseen contamination is identified duringthe course of o the work specific investigationswill be carried out in the areas in questionn and appropriate Healthh & Safety procedures will beimplemented during decontamination or removal of material.A strategy will also be prepared to t identify, analyse, segregate and control existing contaminated soilson this Site. <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and the Environment Agency will be consulted on the strategy prior tocommencement of earthworks.Procedures will be drawn up to control c all potentially contaminatingmaterials brought on Site.Should soil contamination occur as a result of a pollutionincident on Site, reference will be made to thematerial COSHH data, and the soil will be decontaminated as recommended therein.St Mary’s Residential Detailed <strong>Plan</strong>ning Application May 201228

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