Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal ... - Bilkent University

Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal ... - Bilkent University Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal ... - Bilkent University
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CHAPTER 5. FLAME DETECTION USING PIR SENSORS 77Figure 5.6 shows a typical plot of the dissimilarity function D(T 1, T 2). It canbe seen from this figure that the cost function D is multi-modal and and nondifferentiable.Therefore, we solve this maximization problem using a GeneticAlgorithm (GA) having the objective function D(T 1, T 2).12108D(T1,T2)642005102025303540T2T1Figure 5.6: A typical plot of the dissimilarity function D(T1,T2)x10 −4 .multi-modal and non-differentiable.It isFor the training of the HMMs, the state transition probabilities for humanmotion and flame are estimated from 250 consecutive wavelet coefficients coveringa time frame of 10 seconds.During the classification phase a state history signal consisting of 50 consecutivewavelet coefficients are computed from the received sensor signal. This statesequence is fed to fire and non-fire models in running windows. The model yieldinghighest probability is determined as the result of the analysis of PIR sensordata.

CHAPTER 5. FLAME DETECTION USING PIR SENSORS 78For flame sequences, the transition probabilities a ′ s should be high and closeto each other due to random nature of uncontrolled fire. On the other hand,transition probabilities should be small in constant temperature moving bodieslike a walking person because there is no change or little change in PIR signalvalues. Hence we expect a higher probability for b 00 than any other b value inthe non-fire model which corresponds to higher probability of being in S1. Thestate S2 provides hysteresis and it prevents sudden transitions from S1 to S3 orvice versa.5.3 Experimental ResultsThe analog output signal is sampled with a sampling frequency of 50 Hz andquantized at 8 bits. Real-time analysis and classification methods are implementedwith C++ running on a PC. Digitized output signal is fed to the PC viaRS-232 serial port.The detection range of a PIR sensor based system is 5 meters but this isenough to cover most rooms with high ceilings. In our experiments we recordfire and non-fire sequences at a distance of 5m to the sensor, as well. For firesequences, we burn paper and alcohol, and record the output signals. For thenon-fire sequences, we record walking and running person sequences. The personwithin the viewing range of the PIR sensor walks or runs on a straight line whichis tangent to the circle with a radius of 5m and the sensor being at the center.The training set consists of 90 fire and 90 non-fire recordings with durationsvarying between three to four seconds. The test set for fire class is 198 and that ofnon-fire set is 558. Our method successfully detects fire for 195 of the sequencesin the fire test set. It does not trigger fire alarm for any of the sequences in thenon-fire test set. This is presented in Table 5.3.The false negative alarms, 3 out of 198 fire test sequences, are issued for therecordings where a man was also within the viewing range of the sensor along witha fire close to diminish inside a waste-bin. The test setting where false alarms

CHAPTER 5. FLAME DETECTION USING PIR SENSORS 77Figure 5.6 shows a typical plot of the dissimilarity function D(T 1, T 2). It canbe seen from this figure that the cost function D is multi-modal and and nondifferentiable.Therefore, we solve this maximization problem using a GeneticAlgorithm (GA) having the objective function D(T 1, T 2).12108D(T1,T2)642005102025303540T2T1Figure 5.6: A typical plot of the dissimilarity function D(T1,T2)x10 −4 .multi-modal and non-differentiable.It isFor the training of the HMMs, the state transition probabilities for humanmotion and flame are estimated from 250 consecutive wavelet coefficients coveringa time frame of 10 seconds.During the classification phase a state history signal consisting of 50 consecutivewavelet coefficients are computed from the received sensor signal. This statesequence is fed to fire and non-fire models in running windows. The model yieldinghighest probability is determined as the result of the analysis of PIR sensordata.

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