Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal ... - Bilkent University

Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal ... - Bilkent University Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal ... - Bilkent University
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CHAPTER 3. FLAME DETECTION IN INFRA-RED (IR) VIDEO 45Similar to the discussions in Chapter 2, flame flicker process in IR video ischaracterized by a random Markov model. As in the previous chapter, threestateMarkov models are trained off-line for both flame and non-flame pixels torepresent the temporal behavior (cf. Fig. 4.3). These models are trained using afeature signal which is defined as follows: Let I k (n) be the intensity value of thek − th pixel at frame n. The wavelet coefficients of I k are obtained by the samestructure shown in Fig. 4.2, but filtering is implemented temporally.Figure 3.7: Three-state Markov models for a) flame and b) non-flame movingpixels.The states of HMMs are defined as follows: at time n, if |w(n)| < T 1 , thestate is in S1; if T 1 < |w(n)| < T 2 , the state is S2; else if |w(n)| > T 2 , the stateS3 is attained. For the pixels of regular hot objects like walking people, engineof a moving car, etc., no rapid changes take place in the pixel values. When thewavelet coefficients fluctuate between values above the higher threshold T 2 andbelow the lower threshold T 1 in a frequent manner this indicates the existence offlames in the viewing range of the IR camera.The transition probabilities between states for a pixel are estimated during apre-determined period of time around flame boundaries. During the recognitionphase, the HMM based analysis is carried out in pixels near the contour boundariesof bright moving regions whose ρ values exceed ρ T . The state sequence of

CHAPTER 3. FLAME DETECTION IN INFRA-RED (IR) VIDEO 46length 20 image frames is determined for these candidate pixels and fed to theflame and non-flame pixel models. The model yielding higher probability is determinedas the result of the analysis for each of the candidate pixel. A pixel iscalled as a flame or a non-flame pixel according to the result of this analysis. Afire mask composing of flame pixels is formed as the output of the method.3.3 Experimental ResultsThe proposed method was implemented in a personal computer with an AMDAthlonXP 2000+ 1.66GHz processor. The HMMs used in the temporal analysisstep were trained using outdoor IR video clips with fire and ordinary movingbright objects like people and cars. Video clips have 236577 image frames with160 by 120 pixel resolution. All of the clips are captured at 10 fps using a cooledlong-wave IR camera with a spectral range of 8-12 µm. This camera has a longerrange than 30 meters up to which distance the proposed algorithm is developedfor. We cannot detect a starting fire in longer distances using the proposedalgorithm, because flame flicker cannot be observed in long distances.There are moving cars and walking people in most of the test video clips.Image frames from some of the clips are shown in Figs. 3.8 and 3.9. To increasethe number of videos in experimental studies, black and white video clips are alsoused.We used some of our clips for training the Markov models. The fire model wastrained with fire videos and the other model was trained with ordinary movingbright objects. The remaining 48 video clips were used for test purposes. Ourmethod yields no false positives in any of the IR test clips.A modified version of a recent method by Guillemant and Vicente [36] forreal-time identification of smoke in black and white video is implemented forcomparison. This method is developed for forest fire detection from watch towers.In a forest fire, smoke rises first, therefore, the method was tuned for smokedetection. Guillemant and Vicente based their method on the observation that

CHAPTER 3. FLAME DETECTION IN INFRA-RED (IR) VIDEO 46length 20 image frames is determined for these candidate pixels and fed to theflame and non-flame pixel models. The model yielding higher probability is determinedas the result of the analysis for each of the candidate pixel. A pixel iscalled as a flame or a non-flame pixel according to the result of this analysis. Afire mask composing of flame pixels is formed as the output of the method.3.3 Experimental ResultsThe proposed method was implemented in a personal computer with an AMDAthlonXP 2000+ 1.66GHz processor. The HMMs used in the temporal analysisstep were trained using outdoor IR video clips with fire and ordinary movingbright objects like people and cars. Video clips have 236577 image frames with160 by 120 pixel resolution. All of the clips are captured at 10 fps using a cooledlong-wave IR camera with a spectral range of 8-12 µm. This camera has a longerrange than 30 meters up to which distance the proposed algorithm is developedfor. We cannot detect a starting fire in longer distances using the proposedalgorithm, because flame flicker cannot be observed in long distances.There are moving cars and walking people in most of the test video clips.Image frames from some of the clips are shown in Figs. 3.8 and 3.9. To increasethe number of videos in experimental studies, black and white video clips are alsoused.We used some of our clips for training the Markov models. The fire model wastrained with fire videos and the other model was trained with ordinary movingbright objects. The remaining 48 video clips were used for test purposes. Ourmethod yields no false positives in any of the IR test clips.A modified version of a recent method by Guillemant and Vicente [36] forreal-time identification of smoke in black and white video is implemented forcomparison. This method is developed for forest fire detection from watch towers.In a forest fire, smoke rises first, therefore, the method was tuned for smokedetection. Guillemant and Vicente based their method on the observation that

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