Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal ... - Bilkent University

Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal ... - Bilkent University Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal ... - Bilkent University
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CHAPTER 6. WILDFIRE DETECTION 85each incoming sample x. If the number is positive (negative), then the individualalgorithm decides that there is (not) smoke due to forest fire in the viewing rangeof the camera. Output values of decision functions express the confidence levelof each sub-algorithm. Higher the value, the more confident the algorithm.6.2.1 Detection of Slow Moving ObjectsVideo objects at far distances to the camera seem to move slower (px/sec) incomparison to the nearby objects moving at the same speed. Assuming thecamera is fixed, two background images, B fast (x, n) and B slow (x, n) correspondingto the scene with different update rates are estimated [9], [65], where x is thelocation of the pixel at frame number n.In [19] a background image B(x, n + 1) at time instant n + 1 is recursivelyestimated from the image frame I(x, n) and the background image B(x, n) of thevideo as follows:B(x, n + 1) =B(x, n){aB(x, n) + (1 − a)I(x, n) if x is stationaryif x is a moving pixel(6.1)where I(x, n) represent the intensity value of the pixel at location x in the n thvideo frame I, and a is a parameter between 0 and 1. Initially, B fast (x, 0) andB slow (x, 0) can be taken as I(x, 0). Stationary and moving pixel definitions aregiven in [19]. Background images B fast (x, n) and B slow (x, n) are updated as inEq. 6.1 with different update rates. In our implementation, B fast (x, n) is updatedat every frame and B slow (x, n) is updated once in a second with a = 0.7 and 0.9,respectively.Slow moving objects within the viewing range of the camera are detected bycomparing background images, B fast and B slow [83], [9], [65]. If there exists asubstantial difference between the two images for some period of time, then analarm for slow moving region is raised, and the region is marked.The decision value indicating the confidence level of the first sub-algorithm isdetermined by the difference between background images. The decision function

CHAPTER 6. WILDFIRE DETECTION 86D 1 (x, n) is defined as:⎧⎪⎨−1if |B fast (x, n)−B slow (x, n)|≤T lowD 1 (x, n) = 2 |Bfast (x,n)−B slow (x,n)|−T lowT high −T low−1 if T low ≤|B fast (x, n)−B slow (x, n)|≤T high⎪⎩1 if T high ≤|B fast (x, n)−B slow (x, n)|(6.2)where 0 < T low < T high are experimentally determined threshold values. In ourimplementation, T low (T high ) is taken as 10 (30) on the luminance (Y) componentof video.Confidence value is 1 (−1), if the difference |B fast (x, n)−B slow (x, n)| is higher(lower) than threshold T high (T low ).The decision function D 1 (x, n) takes realvalues in the range [-1,1] if the difference is in between the two threshold values.Smoke due to forest fires at further distances (> 5km) to the camera seemto move even slower. Therefore, smoke regions at these distances appear neitherin B fast nor B slow images. This results in lower difference values between backgroundimages B slow and B fast . In order to have substantial difference values anddetect smoke at distances further than 5km to the camera, B fast terms in Eq. 6.2are replaced by the current image I.6.2.2 Detection of Smoke-Colored RegionsWhenever a slow moving region is detected, its color content is analyzed. Smokedue to forest fires is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, water vapor, carbonmonoxide, particulate matter, hydrocarbons and other organic chemicals, nitrogenoxides, trace minerals and some other compounds [2]. The grayish color ofthe rising plume is primarily due to water vapor and carbon particles in the outputfire composition. Such regions can be identified by setting thresholds in theYUV color space. Also, luminance value of smoke regions should be high especiallyat the initial phases of a wildfire, as shown in Fig. 6.1. On the other hand,the chrominance values should be very low in a smoke region. Confidence valuecorresponding to this sub-algorithm should account for these characteristics.

CHAPTER 6. WILDFIRE DETECTION 86D 1 (x, n) is defined as:⎧⎪⎨−1if |B fast (x, n)−B slow (x, n)|≤T lowD 1 (x, n) = 2 |Bfast (x,n)−B slow (x,n)|−T lowT high −T low−1 if T low ≤|B fast (x, n)−B slow (x, n)|≤T high⎪⎩1 if T high ≤|B fast (x, n)−B slow (x, n)|(6.2)where 0 < T low < T high are experimentally determined threshold values. In ourimplementation, T low (T high ) is taken as 10 (30) on the luminance (Y) componentof video.Confidence value is 1 (−1), if the difference |B fast (x, n)−B slow (x, n)| is higher(lower) than threshold T high (T low ).The decision function D 1 (x, n) takes realvalues in the range [-1,1] if the difference is in between the two threshold values.Smoke due to forest fires at further distances (> 5km) to the camera seemto move even slower. Therefore, smoke regions at these distances appear neitherin B fast nor B slow images. This results in lower difference values between backgroundimages B slow and B fast . In order to have substantial difference values anddetect smoke at distances further than 5km to the camera, B fast terms in Eq. 6.2are replaced by the current image I.6.2.2 <strong>Detection</strong> of Smoke-Colored RegionsWhenever a slow moving region is detected, its color content is analyzed. Smokedue to forest fires is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, water vapor, carbonmonoxide, particulate matter, hydrocarbons and other organic chemicals, nitrogenoxides, trace minerals and some other compounds [2]. The grayish color ofthe rising plume is primarily due to water vapor and carbon particles in the outputfire composition. Such regions can be identified by setting thresholds in theYUV color space. Also, luminance value of smoke regions should be high especiallyat the initial phases of a wildfire, as shown in Fig. 6.1. On the other hand,the chrominance values should be very low in a smoke region. Confidence valuecorresponding to this sub-algorithm should account for these characteristics.

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