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nACKNOWLEDGEMENTS^My sincere thanks go to Paul Sheldon Foote for suggesting I write a book for teachingBASIC to children.This book is sixth in a series that started with KIDS AND THE APPLE. Each book has^ been written to fit the strengths of the computer in question and modified in response towhat I have learned about teaching children as time goes by.nI helped prepare and teach in "The Computer Camp" summer camp at Michigan State^* University for these last three summers. I am deeply grateful to my fellow staff members^ at the summer camp: Mark Lardie, Mary Winter, John Forsyth and Marc Van Wormer,r*)each of whom shared their experiences with me and helped provide insight into theminds of the children.O Mary Winter's vast knowledge of all things Commodore and skill in presenting computing^topics to children has been especially helpful to me on many occasions.^ Several families have used the Apple version of this book in their homes and offeredsuggestions for improvement. I especially wish to thank George Campbell and hisf**) youngsters Andrew and Sarah; Beth O'Malia and Scott, John and Matt; Chris Clark andnChris Jr., Tryn, Daniel and Vicky; and Paul Foote and David.It is a pleasure to acknowledge the contributions of Dave Gordon, a remarkable publisher~ and valued friend. I thank all of his staff at DATAMOST, especially Arlon Dorman, who^guides the books to rapid completion and Marcia Carrozzo who guided each word andcartoon lovingly to its place on the pages of the last four books.Paul Trap shares the title page honors with me. His drawings are an essential part of thebook's teaching method. I am grateful to Paul for his lively ideas, cheerful competenceand quick work which make him an ideal work mate.My children have worked on this book in many ways, from typing and testing programs toproofreading and indexing. In addition they attempted to help the "bald headed one"to properly express juvenile taste. I thank Karen, Brian and Minda for their essentialhelp.My final and heartfelt thanks go to my wife, Louise. As absorbed in professional dutiesas I, she nevertheless took on an increased share of family duties as the book absorbedmy free time. Without her support I could not have finished the work.nnn

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