Here - 1000 BiT

Here - 1000 BiT Here - 1000 BiT


THE INSERT KEYINST stands for "insert" which means "put in."When you hold down SHIFT and press INST, the computer sticks in a space to the left ofthe cursor, then moves the cursor onto it. Try this:20 PRINT "WHICH UP?"Now use the CRSR arrows to move the cursor onto the U. Then press the SHIFT INSTkeys four times. Then type WAY.INST is the opposite of DEL. After you have inserted a space, you may type a letterinto it.If you hold down the SHIFT and INST keys, the cursor whizzes along, inserting a lotof spaces.THE INSERT KEY GOES CRAZYAfter inserting spaces in a line, you may type letters, numbers, punctuation and graphicsinto the spaces and they will appear on the screen OK. But if you press the CRSR, CLR,HOME, DEL or color keys, you will see funny characters on the screen.52

Assignment 8:1. Just for practice in understanding the GOTO command, draw the road map for thisspaghetti program:10REM >>>FORKED TONGUE >>>20 GOTO 4030 PRINT "N"31 GOTO 6040 PRINT "S"41 GOTO 3050 PRINT "E"51 GOTO 9960 PRINT "A"90 PRINT "K"91 GOTO 5099 PRINT "BITE"2. Write a program which prints "TEEN POWER" over and over.3. How do you stop your program?»4. Write another which prints your name on one line, then a friend's name on the next,over and over. Print each name in a different color. Stop the program with theSTOP key.5. Write a program which uses each of these commands: PRINT, INPUT, LET, GOTO. Italso should glue two strings together and use two colors of letters.53

Assignment 8:1. Just for practice in understanding the GOTO command, draw the road map for thisspaghetti program:10REM >>>FORKED TONGUE >>>20 GOTO 4030 PRINT "N"31 GOTO 6040 PRINT "S"41 GOTO 3050 PRINT "E"51 GOTO 9960 PRINT "A"90 PRINT "K"91 GOTO 5099 PRINT "BITE"2. Write a program which prints "TEEN POWER" over and over.3. How do you stop your program?»4. Write another which prints your name on one line, then a friend's name on the next,over and over. Print each name in a different color. Stop the program with theSTOP key.5. Write a program which uses each of these commands: PRINT, INPUT, LET, GOTO. Italso should glue two strings together and use two colors of letters.53

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