Here - 1000 BiT

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CHARACTERSLook at these PRINT statements:10 PRINT "JOE"10 PRINT "#D47%%*%"10 PRINT "19"10 PRINT "3.14159265"10 PRINT TM 14"Letters, numbers and punctuation marks are called "characters."Even a blank space is a character. Look at this:10 PRINT""All the little "drawings" on the front of the keys are characters too. They are called"graphics characters."STRING CONSTANTSCharacters in a row make a "string."The letters are stretched out like beads on a string.A string between quotation marks is called a "string constant."It is a string because it is made of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and graphicscharacters in a row.It is a constant because it stays the same. It doesn't change as the program runs.38

Assignment 5:1- Write a program which asks for the name of a musical group and one of their tunes,Then using just one PRINT command, print the group name and the tune name, withthe word "plays" in between.2. Do the same, but use three PRINT commands to print on one line.3. Write a program which asks the user for three words. (Use three INPUT statements.)Then print them on one line with spaces between them. (Use PRINT with commas.)39

Assignment 5:1- Write a program which asks for the name of a musical group and one of their tunes,Then using just one PRINT command, print the group name and the tune name, withthe word "plays" in between.2. Do the same, but use three PRINT commands to print on one line.3. Write a program which asks the user for three words. (Use three INPUT statements.)Then print them on one line with spaces between them. (Use PRINT with commas.)39

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