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COLORED SCREENSYou know how to color the screen background black or white:Black: 10 POKE 53281,0White: 10 POKE 53281,1Choose another color by picking another number instead of 0 or 1. Any number from 0 to15 can be used.Enter10 REM RED FLASH20 PRINT "wht HI THERE"30 POKE 53281,2(Do you remember what to do when you see "wht" ?)Assignment 4:1. Try making different colored screens and different colors of letters on each screen.Which combinations look best?2. Practice using the DEL and the CRSR keys. Type and fix these lines:10 REM CAAAAAT (fix to "CAT")10 REM TTIIGGEEERRR (fix to "TIGER")3. Draw a "smiley face" on a colored screen.4. Draw a valentine. Use lots of different graphics symbols.34

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