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OH, OH! I'M IN TROUBLE, KIDS!How can I tell you to press CTRL and a color key in a PRINT command?I can't use just dots because you will not know what color I mean.I know! I will use "little letters" for color keys.Look:meansgives20 PRINT "cyn"20 PRINT " hold CTRL press CYN "20 PRINTM E" on the screen.But20 PRINT "CYN"means type the three letters C, Y and N inside the quotation marks.A SHORT CUTPut the color key characters in the same PRINT statements as the words. The program lookslike this:in the book on the screen10 REM RAINBOW 10 REM RAINBOW20 PRINT"grn POT" 20 PRINT" OPOT"30 PRINT "yel OF GOLD" 30 PRINT " 13 OF GOLD"(Remember:"grn" means "hold down CTRL key and press GRN key.")MORE RAINBOWSRun:10 REM LUCKY20PRINT"redHI"30 PRINT'grn SALLY" (Use your own name.)Run:10 REM LEPRECHAUN30 PRINT'red P cyn I pur X grn I blu E yel S"I put spaces in line 30 so you can read it easily. You should not put in the spaces. Withoutspaces it looks like this:30PRINT"redPcynlpurXgrnlbluEyelS"Aren't you glad I put in the spaces?How does line 30 look on the screen?22

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