Here - 1000 BiT

Here - 1000 BiT Here - 1000 BiT


stack 135statement 24,38,87,88,90-93,119,136,154string 35, 40, 44, 45, 47, 54, 60-63, 67, 70, 90, 94,107,133,146-149,151-154,170,171string constant 35, 38, 59string variable 40-42,45,116structured programming 135subroutine 87,135-138,151,156,158,162,179,185,186subscript 169,170subtraction 59syntax error 15,66,115,131tape 50, 71, 79-81, 83-87,120,164tone 111,112top down 135true 55,91,140-144truncating 74typing 14,52,115,119user friendly 131,184-186value 44, 45, 61, 98,140,151,152,154,190,193variables 24, 35, 40, 42, 44, 60, 62, 78, 89, 98,107,115,117,133,152,162,170,171,185,190,193variable, loop 98,101variable names 40, 59, 88,115,142variable, numerical 134,140,142,170VIC chip 176,177,179,182whole numbers, see integers 76zero 17,112,134238



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