Here - 1000 BiT

Here - 1000 BiT

Here - 1000 BiT


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NOT OUTPUT FILEYou opened a file for input but tried to PRINT to it.uOUT OF DATAYou tried to READ after you had already read all the data in the DATAstatements in the program.OUT OF MEMORYUsually it means you have nested too many FOR...NEXT loops or too manysubroutines inside each other, or an expression has too many parentheses.OVERFLOWYou did a calculation which had a very large answer, too big for the computerto handle.REDIM'D ARRAYYou made one of these errors:wYou used an array before you did the DIM command for it. like:LETA(3)$=7:DIM A(20]or you did DIM twice for the same array, like going through the DIM line twice.2010 DIM B$(7]REDO FROM STARTOn an INPUT command, the computer found letters or punctuation when itexpected only numbers. Start entering data again from the beginning of theINPUT list.RETURN WITHOUT GOSUBYou let the computer reach a RETURN command before it went through aGOSUB... command. This usually happens when the program accidently runsinto a subroutine at the end.STRING TOO LONGIYou used concatenation to make a string longer than 255 characters.208

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