Here - 1000 BiT

Here - 1000 BiT Here - 1000 BiT


statementThe smallest complete section of a program. It starts with a command. The commandmay have expressions in it.storeTo put information into memory or to save it onto tape.stringA type of data in BASIC. It consists of a row of characters. See number.subroutineA section of a program which starts with a line called from a GOSUB command and endswith a RETURN command. It may be called from more than one place in the program.subscriptA number in the parentheses of an array. It tells which member of the array is beingused. See index.syntaxMeans the way a statement in BASIC is spelled. A syntax error means the spelling of acommand or variable name is wrong, the punctuation is wrong or the order of parts inthe line is wrong.timing loopA loop which does nothing except use up a certain amount of time. See delay loop.titleThe name of a program or subroutine. Put it into a REM statement.TRUEHas the value -1. See logic, FALSE, assertion.truncateTo cut off the decimal part of a number, leaving an integer. The INT() function does thisfor positive numbers.typingPressing keys on the computer. It is different from entering. See enter.valueThe value of a variable is the number or string stored in the memory box belonging tothe variable. See variable.204

variableA name given to a box in memory. The box holds a value. When the computer sees avariable name in an expression, it goes to the box, takes a copy of what is in the boxback to the expression, puts it where the variable name was, and continues to evaluatethe expression. See variable name.variable nameA variable is either a string variable or a numeric variable. The name tells which. Stringvariables have names ending in a "$" sign. Numeric variables do not. The variable namecan have any number of characters but only the first are kept by the computer whenmaking its variable table. The first character must be a letter, the rest may be letters ora numbers.variable, arraySee array.variable, simpleSee simple variable.205

variableA name given to a box in memory. The box holds a value. When the computer sees avariable name in an expression, it goes to the box, takes a copy of what is in the boxback to the expression, puts it where the variable name was, and continues to evaluatethe expression. See variable name.variable nameA variable is either a string variable or a numeric variable. The name tells which. Stringvariables have names ending in a "$" sign. Numeric variables do not. The variable namecan have any number of characters but only the first are kept by the computer whenmaking its variable table. The first character must be a letter, the rest may be letters ora numbers.variable, arraySee array.variable, simpleSee simple variable.205

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