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ells and whistlesA phrase going back to the early days of hobby computing. It means the personalcomputer was hooked up to do some interesting or spectacular things, like flash lights orplay music.blankThe character which is a space.bootMeans to start up the computer from scratch. An easy thing to do with modern computerswhich have start up programs stored permanently in ROM memory. It was an involvedprocedure in the early days. Now it usually means to read in the disk operating systemprograms (DOS) from a disk.branchA point in a program where there is a choice of which statement to execute next. An IFstatement is a branch. So is an ON...GOTO statement. A branch is not the same as ajump where there is no choice. See jump.bufferA storage area in memory for temporary storage of information being input or outputfrom the computer.callUsing a GOSUB calls the subroutine. Putting a function into a statement calls thefunction. Call means the computer does the commands in the subroutine or does thecalculation for the function, then returns to the calling spot.carriage returnOn a typewriter, you push the lever which moves the carriage carrying the paper so anew line can begin. In computing, it means the cursor is moved to the start of the line,but not down to the next line. See line feed, CRLF.characterLetters, digits, punctuation marks and the space are characters. So are the graphicscharacters you see as pictures on some keys.clearMeans erase. Used in "clear the screen" and "clear memory."columnThings arranged vertically. See row.commandIn BASIC a command makes the computer do some action, such as erase the screen andmemory by the NEW command. See statement, expression. Some commands needexpressions to be complete. Example:SAVE "doggie"197

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